
AOL News – 24th October, 2012 – Moving Forward Eagerly!

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgmental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us there is always choice.



choicesThe longer you leave a task to do the harder it is to start.

……………………………….Rosemary Butterworth



omGerry Taylor Wood tells us that in London about 500 people meet every Friday night to chant AUM .   Can you imagine the energy that is released going out to Mother Earth and humanity.

Grail Haven follow a format of two circles, one inner and one outer, with everyone getting the benefit of being in the energy of the AUM.  Look at Community Announcement for the next event or consider holding an event yourself –  we really can make a difference.



Michelle Bowen is on her way back to Sydney.  Let us know if you want to be placed on the list to see her. We will have dates next week.


jacaranda3The Open Day at Jacaranda Haven on the 28th October has been postponed. We will let you know when it has been rescheduled.


Affirmation – say every day.

Butterfly“I am willing, able and ready to transform.”

……………………………….Rosemary Butterworth



from “Secrets of Aboriginal Healing” – Winner of Nautilus Book Award

A true story of a quadriplegic Scientist’s healing journey with a remote Australian  Aboriginal Tribe.  It is an extract from the book and  a conversation between the woman who was helping him heal and Gary.  He arrived in Australia in a wheelchair but only a few weeks later was able to walk back onto the plane.

Garry had to learn 5 things in order to heal.  Willingness, Awareness, Acceptance, Empowerment and Focus.


“There are no such things as problems Gary, only chances to learn.”

“So how do I get better at acceptance?”

“Acknowledgement is the key.  Begin by acknowledging everything you have done.  When you do this, its an opportunity for you to feel pride in and appreciate your accomplishments.  You can even make a list of them.  When you learn to acknowledge what you have done, you don’t have to seek approval from anyone else because you have learned to give  yourself praise and encouragement. So catch yourself doing things right and give yourself praise.  Use this as a tool to help you focus on what is working in your life, rather than what is not working.

“If you have people in your life that are giving you a really hard time, acknowledge that they can teach you something, ask yourself what can you learn from them.  It’s better than saying ‘so and so is a pain in the ass’.  Sometimes people teach you things by being opposite to what you want in your life, by being full of fear and hate.  Negative as these people may seem, they help you by clearly showing you what you don’t want to become.”

“Another way to increase Acceptance is to practice gratitude.  There are two parts to this.  First give thanks for all the good in your life right now.  Second when you look at the parts in your life that seem to be negative, understand that they have the potential to be transformed into incredible positive energy.”

“If you feel gratitude for everything you have, you will live your life in continual affirmation.”

“So I should be grateful for the good and bad?”

“Yes.  You can begin by being grateful to your body, regardless of what is happening to it.  Take time to notice how you feel.  Then you thank your body for hurting.”

“When you have problems in your body, it is actually your body sending you messages to change your actions.  If your best friend was giving you some advice, wouldn’t you thank him?  Your body is also your best friend.  Thank it for sending you a message that causes you to experience a change of consciousness in your entire body.”

secrets-of-aboriginal-healingThis book can be purchased through the Academy shop online $18 plus $5 postage.


In and Around The Academy


With Rosemary Butterworth.

We all love magic.  Some call it Serendipity, but whatever it is called, when Spirit wants you to know something,  to experience something or to receive something it happens. I wrote last week about Shaman Blue Star’s talk and what took place with the water.  How the water increased in vibration, actually more than doubled its frequency when it was sitting in the circle where we meditated.  I also mentioned that Blue Star had purchased a black crystal from Russia and put in a bottle of water and how this crystal contained carbon and was very good for healing.

Last Thursday, while  at Forest Way Shopping Centre, in the centre isle there were some stalls – one of them was a crystal stall which had never been there before.  Yes, and you have guessed it, at this stall they had the black crystal. It is called Shungite and it comes from Russia, so I purchased three.  We purchased another 10 on Thursday and then on Saturday having sold all of those we went back for 20 more.  We put it in water and found that the frequency of the water went up from 140 (tap water) to 700.   When we put the glass of water in the centre of our meditation circle it increased to well over 2,000. So we are having fun experimenting with it and of course, dowsing as to whether or not it is for our highest good to drink it and how many glasses we can drink of it each day.

SHUNGITE – A hard, black, amorphous, coal-like material composed of more than 98% carbon.  Regarded as a “Wonder Stone” it is said to kill and absorb everything that does harm to people and to concentrate and restore everything that is useful.

P.S. Send us an email is you would like a Shungite crystal.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 29th October, 2012


Tonight is a must for all those who want to increase their capacity to hold higher frequencies in their body.

lilo-kunzLILO KUNZ

Topic:  “The Glands”

Tonight Lilo will be offering us some insights into our Brain Power ….

  • Lilo will be sharing with us some knowledge about the hidden talents of our Brain Glands – so when meditating and bringing in the light into the Brain you can do it more consciously.
  • Her particular focus tonight will be on the roles that our Pituitary and Pineal glands as well the Thalamus and Hypothalamus play on a physiological as well as the consciousness level in our wellbeing, spirituality and thought pattern creation.

This is a short version on how these glands represent the Microcosm in your brain.

For years Lilo has studied extensively and her passion is reading, learning and teaching ways to understand ourselves better and to promote self-healing through awareness.

Lilo is a Remedial Massage and Emmett Therapist, a Bodytalker practitioner and a BodyTalk Access Trainer.  Registered for Health Funds.
Tel:  9959.5788 – North Shore Remedial Massage –


victoria-bonelloVICTORIA BONELLO

“Yoga Beyond Mind”

Victoria will present to us how to:

  • Work with the flow of your body
  • Activate the breath to raise your energy
  • Still the mind with regular meditation

Victoria says “Yoga is my passion, and my lifeline”.

Victoria Bonello began ‘be beyond’ to draw together over 35 years of personal experience and over 15 years of professional experience in mind and body personal development.
When only nineteen, Victoria was involved in a serious car accident, sustaining serious back and skeleton injury.  Years of doctor and chiropractic treatments did little to alleviate the continuous pain. After many years of back pain, at the age of 40 Victoria was introduced to Yoga. Taught by the legendary teacher Swami Sarasvarti and encouraged to practice daily, she noticed major improvement in her pain levels as well as her health and well-being.
After many years practicing Yoga, Victoria trained in Yoga Instruction achieving the Yoga Teacher’s Association Diploma in 1996 covering both the theory and practice of Yoga. She then become a teacher under Swami and since then has taught thousands of people of the joys of Yoga as a physical activity, as well as the mental disciplines to achieve goals and succeed despite obvious injury.
Victoria’s workshops, developed due to demand in 2003, drew together the mental and physical elements learned through Yoga and years of personal development study into a practical and useful series of workshops for individual, corporate clients and high schools.

To Contact Victoria phone 0405. 505 182 or email


MONDAY, 5th November, 2012

“Teaching the Metamorphic”

dominique-meeroff11DOMINIQUE MEEROFF

Metamorphic Technique is loving touch along points of the feet, hands and head which correspond to our time in the womb. This is a formative time where we set up the blueprint for our life.

Mum’s stresses during this time are the start of patterns which may challenge us later on. This loving touch acts as a catalyst which allows the person to transform from within. This is a fantastic and user friendly technique which works well for mums, pregnant women, children, therapists and anyone who would like to move from where they are now to where they can be.

There will be a chance to try out the technique this evening. Come find out more about this gentle and loving approach to transformation.

Dominique Meeroff is a leading Metamorphic Technique teacher based in London. She travels and teaches all around the world and trained extensively with Gaston Saint-Pierre the founder of the work.

To find out more go to:





Ian Crane from the UK doing a tour of Australia and New Zealand.

October 27th – December 8th

Ian is very much a protagonist for the coming New age for humanity. He spoke in Sydney last year and he is back by popular demand. As far as promoting the kind of awareness needed to navigate through these times….Ian really nails it!

Primarily Ian focuses his attention and research on the geopolitical arena but has a deep personal interest in folklore, mythology and the cosmological belief systems of ancient and indigenous cultures. In fact, it is Ian’s research and understanding of these systems and beliefs which provides him with a unique insight into the unfolding global drama providing the catalyst for humanity’s evolution into a new plane of existence (Homo Luminous?).

To find out more about Ian go to and to see his tour flyer click here.


Silvana La PegnaSmile and Say Goodbye to Your Deep-seated Stress!

With Silvana La Pegna

I was introduced to StressAce Natural Stress Control over 1 year ago and after experiencing many sessions with Anca over that time my experience was so profound, I knew I had to share the news of this method with my clients and the SCAL community.

Infact, I have found the StressAce method to be one of the most powerful techniques for eliminating stress and increasing personal performance I know.

In an effort to enable as many people as possible to learn more about this self-help method, I’m organising a FREE introductory seminar in Sydney and I’ve asked Anca Ramsden, the StressAce founder as my guest speaker.  You’ll have the opportunity to hear all the facts, ask questions and learn about the upcoming workshop.

To learn more about the StressAce Natural Stress Control method click here to see the flyer and attend the FREE introductory seminar on Sunday, 4th November 2012 (2.30-3.45pm).  Space is limited so register early.  Register for the Seminar on my website: or call me on:  0408 2468 42


FROM GRAIL HAVEN.  303 Long St., Mt. Tambourine QLD

grail-haven-symbolThe next healing meditation will be this Sunday 28th October, at 3pm.

There are hundreds of AUM healing meditation groups happening all around the world.  In London around 500 people meet every Friday to chant the AUM for 45 minutes.

Here at Grail Haven we follow a format of creating two circles, one inner and one outer, everyone gets to the bathed in the sound and vibration of the sacred word AUM.

We also send absent healing to those in need.

Come join us for this important, empowering experience.

Ph:  (07) 5545 3650  Gerry Taylor Wood & Richard de Welles



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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