
AOL News – 24th July, 2013 – Sound Magic

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us of the possibilities.

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FYI – A Must Read

 Rose Meditation

Jacaranda Haven RoseThomas Moore takes us through a wonderful meditation on YouTube called ‘How to Open Your Heart Chakra – Guided Heart Chakra Meditation’.  The video is under 6 minutes and the aim is to help open the back of your heart chakra.  Thomas believes if we open the back of the heart chakra it will help us to ease pain and suffering and achieve happiness.  Click here to see YouTube.


New Intergalactic Matrix

Intergalactic Matrix Sandy Stevenson is a light worker of immense proportions.  She has sent through a new article titled “New Intergalactic Matrix”.  She tells us How You Can Help Now and on 10/10/13.  For some time now a wonderful new intergalactic matrix spanning many dimensions, has been in a state of creation. This matrix will link the Earth with all its galactic neighbours. The intention is to create a huge new interplanetary network which can be used by many planets and their populations. This will also assist Earth’s Lightworkers speed everything up.  

Sandy is reknowned for her invocations.  The following example from the above article is extremely powerful for clearing spaces.  “Through the Christed Light of God, I Am One with Divine Creation and through this Presence, I Invoke the Sacred Violet Flame to transmute anything within my space that is not in alignment with the Highest Source of All Creation and the Divine Plan for Earth.” (say three times)  Read the attached article for more information or go to her website to find out more about Sandy


More on Sound – Solfeggio Harmonics – 528 HZ

Solfeggio Harmonics

There is an incredible amount of information on the internet on Solfeggio Harmonics and we wanted to increase your awareness of what the wonderful effect of listening to them can be.

Glenn Harrold says “Each note in this scale has specific healing properties and this recording uses the third note, which resonates to a frequency of 528hz. This frequency works to heal broken DNA, healing on all levels, emotional, mental, spiritual and physical, bringing relief from anxiety, fatigue, control issues and helps to release negative thinking. Consistent use of this recording will help you to create miracles in your life.”

Glenn Harrold’s skilled vocal delivery and guided meditation combined with Ali Calderwood’s deep and moving soundscapes tuned to 417hz combine to create an amazingly powerful meditation recording that has the potential to clear away blocks on a cellular level.  Click here to hear a recording of MI 528hz Frequency Solfeggio Healing Meditation HD – Transformation, DNA Repair & Miracles.

On the Attuned Vibrations site Dr Leonard Horowitz believes the 528 Hz frequency has the ability to heal damaged DNA.   There’s also a great Miracle Meditation by Source Vibrations on YouTube.  Click Here.



We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy.   The amount of work is the same.  big-smile

…………Carlos Castenada


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls JourneyWith Rosemary Butterworth

Are you happy?  Are you feeling that you want your life to be different?  Do you want to change your partner or  your career?   Do you want to feel loved?  These are the questions that are arising from people’s needs at the moment.   People seem to want to change their life in some way so they can have a better one!!!  It would seem that the 2013 energies are bringing up ‘discontent’,  empowering the collective consciousness thought, ‘I am not happy, not abundant, not healthy and not loved’.   These stronger energies are bringing up from people’s subconscious a feeling of lack and a feeling that we have a right to be happy.

Happiness is a quality you are born with.  It is within all of us.  Nothing outside of ourselves can make us happy.  Perhaps it can bring momentary pleasure but true happiness is already there, it simply gets covered up.  Remove the coverings and you will feel happy instantly.   I have seen children playing in the streets of India, smiling, laughing so happily and they have so little.   If you are looking for love, first you have to find the love in yourself, for yourself, for everyone and everything else.

The secret to removing the coverings and moving forward with your life is acceptance.  First accept what is happening in your life with all its warts, for it is there, now.  Do not resist it.  Remember the old adage, ‘what you resist persists’  so by acknowledging it, you will be able to see it for what it is and then consciously act.  Now is the time to use the tools you have collected over the years in particular, meditation and gratitude.

Make sure you aren’t putting out there – “I’ll be happy when……….”

Speaking about “I’ll be happy”…we were all very happy when John and Jessica finished the sound evening – white crystal bowls and gongs which took us into a higher state of consciousness.  (From Terri – not to mention a wonderful meditation from Rosemary!)  It’s all been recorded and we will let you know when it is available.


Affirmation – say daily…

“I am safe. Here in this moment of time I am loved by the Universe and am safe.” 

……Rosemary Butterworth, Micheal’s Messenger,  Rosemary-Lets-Have-Fun


HEALTHBecoming Liquid Light

One of the easiest ways to maintain a clearer vibration is to think of ourselves as Liquid Light. Remember, water does not stop its movement or flow. Even when faced with a boulder in the river, water goes over or around the obstacle without hesitation. As Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research has proven, our thoughts, emotions, feelings, or ideas have a resultant effect on the structure of water.

Our bodies are 70-80% water. We are actually more liquid than solid. As we are really a liquid vibration, our multidimensional cells are directly affected by our thoughts, emotions, feelings and ideas. Liquid Light is the same feeling that one feels when they connect with Spirit.

First, we experience ourselves as Liquid Light, fluid and adaptable.

Then we can add a color to that light, (a color that represents our essence).

By thinking of ourselves as Liquid Light combined with our chosen spiritual color, we can change how we perceive ourselves and the ways in which others also perceive us. In this way, we can begin unconditional acceptance of ourselves which becomes the unconditional love needed for true healing and pure creative vulnerability. Experience this for yourself. 

ken-page-150-112Ken Page is a Master Teacher and the Academy hosted him a few years ago.  We thought that the above information from his website needed to be shared right now.  We can all benefit from seeing our ‘bodies’ being made up of Liquid Light and colour.  The more light, the more colour, the higher our vibration, the easier it is to be aware (to be able to see what needs to be done for the higher good of all) in our everyday lives.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


 MONDAY, 29th July, 2013


Rosemary Butterworth & Narelle Green

with guest Julia Smith

Learn How To Move Forward using the vibrational healing tool of colour. Colour as a healing vibration is often over looked and misunderstood, taken for granted as it is so much part of our world and daily lives. Colour is a powerful healing modality and medicine for the Now. In the book the Keys of Enoch refers to colour (and sound) as ‘…the most important energy structures for the imprint embodiment of the soul form...’

Aura PhotoOn the night Julia Smith from Inner Tranquility will assist by taking photos of your Aura, before and after using colour, to show you the change that consciously using colour can easily make to the vibrations of colour and sound in your Aura.

As we know from the Law of Attraction, to attract to yourself what you desire your vibration must match that which you wish to attract, or to transmit an illness your energy field must be vibrating at a higher frequency than the vibration of the disease. Come and find out on the night what vibrational colour you need to more forward in your life.

Rosemary will be available for personal signings of her new book – ‘How To Move Forward, Leave Your Thoughts Behind’.  She will bring through an Angelic message for each book.

For more about:Rosemary – website: Michael’s Messenger or email her on
Narelle – website: Soul Colour or email her on


 MONDAY, 5th August, 2013

”ENGAGING YOUR VOICE – Your Unique Sound”

Tim NoonanTim Noonan

Did you know, like your unique fingerprint, so is your voice?

Every voice contains not only your pain, your trials, but also your talents.

Tim has been blind from birth and due to this his listening skills have been heightened to an extraordinary extent.

On the night Tim will explain:
• The human voice, it’s magic and mystery
• Sound activities to awaken our vocal consciousness, release stress and soften our hearts
• Tim will demonstrate by choosing someone from the audience, some of their hidden talents

During the evening Tim will guide us through one or two simple sound activities to awaken our vocal consciousness, release stress and soften our hearts. He will explain what a Voice Reading is, how it works and how he can interpret the subtle nuances of your voice to give you a unique insight into yourself.

Tim Noonan is a voice and sound consultant, inspirational speaker and the founder of Vocal Branding Australia. A lifelong student, Tim’s formal studies include a degree in Psychology and Education, a Diploma of Remedial Massage, a Certificate in Relaxation Hypnosis and extensive studies in energetic & sound healing.

Tim’s talks about his Voice Readings: “You will be heard compassionately, at a heart and soul level. I attentively listen to your voice, your words and your totally unique sound. I then explain to you in words and ways that make sense to you, what your voice says about you. For example, I can explain what other people unconsciously hear and feel when they hear you speak, and I will also remind you about some of your unique qualities, values and talents which I hear in your voice.”

Contacts: M: 0419 779 669 E:  Readings: Facebook:  Vocal Toning Course:




Revelations of the Sacred Feminine

Treasury of Light

Nancy Valentine Smith

Sunday 18th August 2013 – 9:30am – 4:30pm

Workshop $177 – Early bird special of $145 until August 5th 

Mary Mackillop Place 7-11 Mount St., North Sydney

 Nancy Valentine Smith is a messenger, a facilitator, works with Sacred song’s, a seer and, an Oracle.

 ‘I hold workshops, seminars, bringing people together and co-creating changes in their lives.

 I also facilitate energy work on a one to one basis as a Sacred technician, clearing data from people’s cells.

 I have always seen, heard and had a tangible connection to the Spirit world in all dimensions.

The day of the workshop is an experience of receiving high frequencies, channeled throughout the whole day.’

Click here for more information

Love and Blessings, Nancy Valentine Smith.

To book: or mobile: 0426885189


Transformational Workshops

Series of 7

Renalda-Moon portrait

I’m an Aura-Soma and Light Pen practitioner with a background in Transpersonal therapy, offering a series of seven workshops on “The Journey Of The Self” to promote self-love, strengthen one’s inner resources and enhance self-awareness and joy. It will be a multi-dimensional experience and the participants will be invited to use the Aura-Soma essences to clear, protect and nourish their auric fields; creating an opportunity for transformation. Each journey opens a doorway into a world of new possibilites in prime areas of challenge and are designed to develop people’s skills to utilize their own wisdom and unique talents to create more joyful lives.

Each workshop will be the fourth Sunday of the month commencing July 28th.
Click here to see flyer

Colour Harmony By The Sea
Renalda  0414 526 211


Community Announcements

Blossom Goodchild:

A Soul-Inspiring Sunday Afternoon with White Cloud and the Federation of Light

 Blossom Goodchild event1.00pm – Sunday, August 18

The Co-Creation Centre

Level 1, 59 Hume Street

Crows Nest, SYDNEY

Book Now

Tickets: $70.00 AUD per person (non-refundable). Includes tea and coffee break.

For further information contact:  Stephen Cook 9410 2313



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



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Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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