
AOL News – 22nd May, 2013 – Big Changes Are Afoot!

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us stay centred!

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FYI – Change can be positive!


Buddha’s Birthday

It’s wesak this week on the full moon, celebrating Buddha’s birthday and start of the spiritual new year, – great time to set your spiritual intent for the next year and do a gratitude meditation on it connecting in to the wesak energy.

A great time to set this focus with these rising energy levels.   ….Julia Smith, Inner Tranquillity


Eclipse Doorway

Two emails that came into us this week both spoke of the Eclipse Doorway and what that means to us.  We have taken snipetts from both.  We encourage you to look at the links and find out more.

With the last Lunar Eclipse in THE THREE ECLIPSE DOORWAY coming up on Saturday the affects of the eclipse energies and with the solar flares in their latest peak on 16th May has been powerful and not over yet.

For those who have chosen to awaken and unify at this point in the shift it has and is obviously quite intense and full on. Some could be experiencing a lot of pain, just remember all pain whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual is simply separation from the source within.  …  Soluntra King

Eclipses act as a reset button. Think of obscuring the light of the moon or sun. There’s an on/off motion, and the energy remains erratic for a day or two. It’s useful to visualize stability, wait before responding to others, and rest for a day or two after the eclipse.  …. Julia Griffin, One True Self


Two Soul Mates Walking Through Time and HistoryTwo Soul Mates Walking Through Time and History by Valerie Barrow

A chronicle of events both spiritual and physical, there travels to sacred places around the world, and the unearthing of the hidden aspects of the story of Magdalene and Jesus, the Pyramids the Sacred Alcheringa Stone and its role in the story of the first human, with the aid of the star people.  Available in PDF, Kindle, Epub, Mobi, Sony Reader and Palm Reader formats. You may obtain this on Smashwords for US$3.99.

Val has two other books – The Book of Love and Alcheringa both available through The Academy.


Thought of the Day

Yes, I know we have heard this so many time before, about the present moment, but the shift from understanding to embodying is the crucial shift. Embodying is felt; understanding is not. If we don’t feel it, we don’t heal it.  

What we feel is what we bring into manifestation. What are you feeling right now? Are you in your heart? What are you bringing into your life right now?

…….. Sky Shayne Innes  sky-shayne-innes
(Sydney Sessions:  19th -23rd June. +  0417 288 642 Mobile)


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls JourneyWith Rosemary Butterworth

The Academy’s role and work is to support people on their journey.  What does this mean?  It means to me that if you have doubt, or worry about how you are going to get your work out there, the Academy is here to validate who you are, fill you with confidence because it recognises your integrity, your passion, your love of service.   This is what it has done over the last 15 or more years.  Now in these uncertain times with higher energies coming onto the planet, you at home can help by doing ‘spiritual marketing’,  by ‘seeing’ people who need assistance connect with the Academy in your meditation.  By sending the Academy, Love and Light.

I was told by Spirit last Friday that there would be a tremendous earth shift soon and people in America would be killed.  We were told that the elements were out of balance and so there would be huge winds,  seas,  fires and earthquakes.   We already knew there would be solar flares but what would that effect?  We had the biggest tornado that America has ever seen.

This morning Spirit said that we  (the Academy) need to hold ceremony to create and assist the elements come into balance.

So with this important event in mind we are organising, as soon as possible, probably in June, a ceremony in which as many people as we can fit into the hall, can take part.  We will let you know the date in the next Newsletter. 

Remember that we are made up of the elements so therefore what is happening on the outside can be a reflection of what we are feeling within.


AFFIRMATION – say throughout the day…

“I accept the changes that are taking place in my life.”

……Rosemary Butterworth , Michael’s Messenger Rosemary-Lets-Have-Fun


HEALTH – TURMERIC – Good for Almost Everything

turmericTurmeric (Curcuma domestica syn Curcuma longa) is a member of the ginger family, native to the tropical forests of south east Asia.  It comprises 25% of most curry powders.  Turmeric has a wide range of health benefits, and should be used regularly by everyone.  Some of its benefits include:

  • natural antiseptic and antibacterial
  • anti-inflammatory/beneficial for arthritis/natural pain-killer
  • natural liver detoxifier
  • lowers risk of childhood leukemia
  • may lower risk of melanoma and causes existing melanoma cells to die
  • combined with cauliflower, helps prevent prostate cancer and stop the progression of existing prostate cancer
  • prevented breast cancer in mice spreading to the lungs
  • shows promise in slowing Multiple Sclerosis in mice
  • may be effective against pancreatic cancer and multiple myeloma
  • helps wound healing and skin conditions including psoriasis
  • removes amyloaid plaque buildup in the brain, thus helping against dementia

Turmeric should be avoided by people with gallstones or bile obstruction, and pregnant women should consult their doctor as it can act as a uterine stimulant.

Turmeric can be added to many dishes.  It has a fairly mild flavour and will not dominate.  It can be used in the powered form, or purchased as fresh roots.  Grate a fresh root into stir fries, spaghetti sauces, stews etc. and juice a small root along with vegetables and fruits.

By Linda Macerniene and John Bradshaw from Biodynamic Growing Magazine No. 14


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 27th May, 2013

“My Journey Of Discovery With Crystal Skulls”

liz-hamiltonLIZ HAMILTON

Liz Hamilton will share her journey of discovery with crystal skulls. Liz will also explain why the skull form is a sacred formation and why it can accelerate consciousness when carved in crystal. Liz will tell how this is connected to a collective cosmic consciousness and our human evolution of development on this planet.

Liz discovered that the crystal skull is actually not about the head, but opens us up to a new kind of “heart seeing”.

What the old mysteries of initiation had to do with overcoming the fear of death through trials of pain and courage. The new mysteries are about opening oneself through love. Crystal skulls can only be accessed through love and are wonderful assistants on the spiritual path.

Crystal skulls open a line of communication to your higher self. They will teach you about who you are.

Liz will tell of some of her experiences that she was shown through the crystal skulls of the early temples in Lemuria and the codes of creation with the Elohim, the Atlantean temples of the Ascension Rays and Sacred Flames, the Andean shaman healing in the highlands of Peru, the Shamballa communities in Tibet and Himalayas and the messages she has received. She will bring along a few crystal skulls as examples, including some very old starbeing skulls from 500 BC. Her latest book, ” Collective Cosmic Consciousness of the Crystal Skulls: Experiences of the Mysteries of Initiation” will also be available for sale.

 Following the talk, her husband Patrick can open to questions from the group to channel answers from the starbeings.

 Liz Hamilton is an energy, crystal and sound healer and teacher of metaphysical subjects and meditation at her healing centre in the Blue Mountains in Leura called “Alasenmat” which is a Native American word from her husband, Patrick’s heritage meaning, “Walk Around With Light.” She developed a healing modality called Cosmic Radiance. Her website


MONDAY, 3rd June, 2013

“Rekindle Your Spirit and Soul – Open Heart & Healing Meditation”

nicole-tooheyNICOLE TOOHEY

This is a night of rest, rest for the Mind (hence the lying down) so the connection can be rekindled because, as you are aware it’s all the thinking that breaks the connection. Come along and receive the frequency of unconditional love as you develop your capacity to self-heal through the portal of your heart.

There is nothing else for you to do but simply be and receive! This angelic healing meditation empowers you to renew your connection with your beloved self and all your relationships.

EVERYONE is welcome – if you prefer to receive this meditation lying down please bring a mat or rug and cushion (something warm as the floor is very cold).

IF YOU ARE FEELING STRESSED, DON’T MISS THIS NIGHT.  It may heal any anxiety in your body.

Nicole works with adults, business leaders and children to awaken and heal their spirit.   After working at PwC, Deloitte, and The Boston Consulting Group, Nicole has her own boutique business offering coaching, healing, workshops and retreats.
Nicole’s certified gifts in meditation, kinesiology, leadership and coaching enables everyone to reconnect with their essence and integrate this into their every day lives.
Contacts: 0438.265 650 and



The Divine University Presents

Lelama Banner Divine#B344E2


Lelama Jyumaali Sjamar

A series of 6 one-day Sacred Sound workshops
1 June – 31 November 2013, in Crow’s Nest

Igniting your Divine Voice awakens the power you hold to co-create your reality as you love and envision it, dream it to be. This work supports you to open to freely and lovingly express yourself in the true language of your heart, mind, soul, spirit, so you will begin to see the magic this world holds for you. Naturally your sound, your words will create a resonance in your energy body that draws to you all you need to be happy, inspired and empowered in your daily life. Words of wisdom flow with ease, joy bubbles up and inspiration is your daily juice, when you open the door of your heart, mind and body. Give your Voice over to the original essence of life within you and allow the universe to respond to you!

Come and join us for one day or the whole series.  Click here for more information.
Contact Jenarah: / 0402 092 500 or Lelama: / 0411 219 308


Don’t miss out!!!  This weekend Friday 24 – Sunday 26 May.

Andrew HarveyAndrew Harvey Australian Tour 2013

Radical Passion – Revolution of the Sacred Feminine

To see flyer on full Andrew Harvey Tour Details click here.


Healing, Meditation and Spiritual Circles with Gerry Crow

Spirit Circle

This Saturday, 25th May in Summer Hill!

A very special healing meditation and circle where you will

connect with your spiritual presence

Balance your chakras and align your spiritual chanel and much more

Gerry will give FREE psychometry readings too!

For further details click here or phone Gerry on 0449 865 473 or email


Community Announcements

peace heartIs It Time?

To explore and Create Inner peace.
May I Invite you to a Women’s Meditation Evening.
To Experience a Deeper aspect of yourself.

CONTACT: LAURETTA  0414843440   or  02-96868402
Baulkham Hills (30 mins from Neutral Bay)-Wednesday 29th May and 12th June.
7 PM.-8.30PM. $15.00   Refreshments.


woman of essence

Rekindle your spirit…

Join Nicole Toohey for an experience of meditation, visualisation, sacred sound, colour therapy and art expression. 
This is an opportunity to give to yourself, and discover new tools and techniquies to manage yourself better on a daily basis.
This is a gathering of like-minded femmes – a scred circle of wisdom, laughter and presence.

Sunday May 26th at One Health & Wellness, Suite 4, cnr Gilbert Rd & Ridgecrop Dr, Castle Hill.
Be there @ 9.45 for 10am start – finish 2pm.  $100 for the day.

Phone Nicole on 0438 265 650 or email


houseAdvert for Housing

Hi my name is Gerry Crow and I am looking for shared accommodation on the North Shore.
I am a woman in my mid fifties and work as a Spiritual Counsellor and Teacher, through a number of different modalities. I would like to share with one other woman, who shares similar spiritual values and is a non-smoker; I need a large unfurnished room and a relatively peaceful environment. I would be available to move in after the 19th July.
If you are looking for a flatmate and like the sound of me or would like to have more information please contact me on 0449 865 473.



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light at St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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– © Copyright 2013 – Academy of Light Inc.  ABN: 26680515199