
AOL News, 22.6.2011 – It’s All About…

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this newsletter is to inspire, inform and bring you current events.

Inside you will find:

1. Thought of the Week
2. F.Y.I.
3. Health Tip
4. Affirmation
5. In and Around The Academy
6. Neutral Bay, Monday Gatherings
7. Whats On
8. Advertising/Community Announcements

Thought of the Week


country-roadHabit does not take you to new places.  You cannot arrive at a new destination following a known path.  Somewhere along the way you must take a new direction.  It takes courage and commitment to step into the unknown.



It is all about financial success in your business.  abundanceangel337Dr. Galen Loven from Ireland has come here to share with you known ways to make your spiritual business successful.  He is only in Australia for a short time so don’t miss him this Monday Night at The Academy Meeting, St. John’s Church Hall, cnr. Yeo and Barry Streets, Neutral Bay at 7.30pm.  (See more info below).


Health tip


magnesiumMagnesium is needed for strong bones, teeth, steady nerves and brain activity, lung tissue, blood fluidity, flexible joints and healthy glandular activity.

Magnesium foods are nerve-calming, sleep inducing, pain reducing (if concentration is the cause).  laxative (if tenseness causes constipation) and fighters of body gases, acids and auto-intoxication.

Sometimes children with high and racing magnesium levels are called hyperactive.  Very often all that is needed is a lot more mental and physical activity during the day and a calming cup of valerian or chamomile tea at night to balance out the magnesium levels.

SOURCES:  Lettuce, garlic, tomatoes, potatoes, bananas raisins, almonds, kelp, cashews, soya beans, dates most whole grains, sesame seeds, raw unsalted nuts, wheatgerm, unprocessed bran, spinach, parsley, dandelion greens, peas, brussel sprouts, celery.


Affirmation – say every day.

Connect to The Southern Cross Academy Community and then call in the Guardian Angel of Abundance and say:-

Divine Spirit, open the well of abundance in my heart and attract continuous blessings into my life.pot-of-gold

(Put a gold coin in each of your palms. Focus on the feeling of gratitude for the abundance you already have.)

………………………Inna Segal, Visionary Intuitive Healing.

(Let us create an energy grid – ask your friends in Australia and around the world to say this daily too).


In and Around The Academy

from Rosemary Butterworth.

flowerlotusanimatedI was rung and asked a couple of weeks ago, whether I would like to have 5 Archangels visit me.   It was about an email going around saying that Archangel Metatron, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael if invited, would come for 5 days to your home.  My first thought was, having worked with Angels for years, that they are already here but then I thought, no, I call them in to work with me when doing a healing session that then release them when finished.  I haven’t actually invoked and invited  them to  stay.  So I said Yes!  They came at 10.30pm on a Saturday Night and  welcomed them in; I was given instructions of what to put on my altar.

It was the most wonderful experience.  The whole house was filled with the most divine energy – it was like being in  Sai Baba’s ashram again.  As you leave the candle burning. everytime you walk passed the altar you are aware of them and Peace fills your body.  They guided me with whispered messages – one of which I will share with you.

“Although you have had many spiritual experiences; many ‘aha’ moments at workshops and reading books over the last couple of decades – and  have shared these wonderful experiences, you need now to embody the energy of them – for it is this energy that will take you to the next level.”

I think that applies to most of us – we remember the moment for a while and then let it lie dormant somewhere in our memory banks.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm. Entry Fee: $15, concession $10.

Light refreshments are served.



dr-galen-lovenSUCCESS IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD by Dr. Galen Loven.   (In Australia for 8 weeks).

Who is Dr Galen Loven? Come and find out how you can make your spiritual business a success.

Dr Loven ( Ph.D in Business Management) has spent years in regional and international corporate sectors.  In addition to planning and development work, he was personal coach to the CEOs of companies in the doldrums (or dire straits), helping guide the return to growth and liquidity.

He has spent a lifetime experiencing and exploring metaphysical and inner worlds, offering healing, insight and counseling to those who find him.

Now weaving together his pragmatic, effective business strategies and his profound knowledge of the human condition and our spiritual paths, he offers a unique insight into soul resonance in business, its importance in your success, and the sabotaging effects of being out of integrity.

His work is deeply spiritual, soul based and immediately applicable in the tangible world of your business or practice. This is content and energetically rich work. Intimate group sizes allow flexibility of content and individual energetic and conceptual keys to be transferred during workshops and dialogues with him.

“Dr Loven will earn the right to ask you the tough questions, he will hold that space and listen. He will hold you accountable for answering the question you need answered and ensure you don’t deflect, detract or back away. I have never been heard in this way before. When Galen Loven listens, you speak your truth and you hear your true voice.”



visions-of-earth-beyond-2012Visions of Earth Beyond 2012 – Ruth Magan (In Sydney for 3days)

International guest speaker, Ruth Magan, author of Laughing With Angels, Visions of Earth Beyond 2012 and My Angel, My Friend (for children) will be with us apporpriately on American Independance Day.  In a way, our journey to 2012 is leading to another path of Independance.  Her lighthearted approach to spirituality will help to keep this talk uplifting and easy to understand.

What will it be like?  What do you need to do before we get there?  There are so many questions to be answered.  Come and hear Ruth tell us her perspective.



Kwan Yin and Dolphin Healing Workshop

patricia-dolphinTHIS WEEKEND!!! – 25th-26th June. The healing of Self and the Earth

2 Day Level 1 Workshop, Randwick,

10am-4pm cost $180

Facilitated by Patricia Athena and Jen Sedman

Kwan Yin and Dolphin healing through the glands and the endocrine system of the body. Some Sound healing and Sacred Sound will be learnt in this workshop.

Patricia and Jen are a powerful team that combine energy and sound to transform your reality.

Call: 0411559188 or for details or to register



ANYONE CAN DEVELOP HEALING SKILLS – Some people believe you must be born with a healing gift.  The truth is, anyone with the right guidance, can develop healing skills.

Whether you are new to healing, want more powerful and easier techniques, or you’re on a Spiritual Journey, Blueprint Healing has a useful, easily understandable and achievable platform to support you every step of the way…………….See attached flyer for more details.




Ruth will be taking you through a Golden Rose Meditation to help you access memories of your divine purpose and of your role in helping with the shift into the New Dimension.

Seminar at Crows Nest Community Centre – 7 – 9pm – Cost $35

Book Now. The Academy  9967 4425


2012 is just around the corner and I have the privilege of presenting a seminar at Crows Nest Community Centre on Wed. July 6th about 2012 and times coming. I am excited to be able to share some of the latest information about these amazing times we are in. What is going to happen is so mind-blowing and life altering that all who are on Earth to experience this shift, into a higher dimensional reality, will have a permanent symbol in their auric field that says I was there.

When Bobby Running Fox, a Native American Sharman, was handed a copy of Ruth’s latest book, Visions of Earth Beyond 2012 he immediately held it up to the group and said, “Pay attention to this-this is true. In 2012 a big old shift is going to happen. In fact, I have a friend who’s already ascended to another dimension of earth.”  To read about Ruth’s meeting with Bobby running Fox and more click here.

(see flyer for more details).



The Invisible College

Jennifer Starlight and Peter Harris are coming to Sydney!

If you want to experience some of the wonderful energy that they both have there are a number of opportunities to see them.  Click here for details.

Jennifer and Peter are presenting an exciting and powerful day for those who are ready to open themselves fully to the Spiritual Realms and their own Soul’s Divine Intelligence for workshop details click here to open flyer.

To see even more about Jennifer and The Invisible College click here to go to The Academy Website to see a YouTube with Jennifer speaking.


Community Announcements

Details for Forest Lodge Bulahdelah forest-lodge-farm-stay-bulahdelah

Don’t miss this if you want to know about permaculture!!!

June 25 – 26 – introduction to permaculture – $400 – includes accommodation food & course ($220 – own accommodation.)

Enquiries go to: or phone Danielle 02 4997 451



One Garden Divine Flower and Nature Essence,

Level 1 Workshop – Wyee, NSW Central Coast

9 & 10 July, 2011

Rainbow Reach Retreat, Wyee (near Wyong)

To assist our preparation for the workshop, please let us know 30TH June.

Workshop is free or by donation.  Accommodation is available with meals extra.

For further details click here, email or phone 07 4169 0955 or 0407928525.


Searching for a Meaning to Life?
Looking to find your role in life?
Your Dreams do have meaning
And relevance in your life


Soul/Spiritual Readings And Dream Interpretations By Ross Bishop Author of the book: A new Dreaming

Mob: 0428127737   Ph: (02) 6454 2506



A community announcement costs $30.

To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and

type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.


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