
AOL News – 20th February, 2013 – It Takes Everyone

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to BUILD A BEAUTIFUL WORLD TOGETHER


FYI – It is all in the stars.


A delightful way to spend five minutes and to get everything in perspective. – a wonderful, short youtube on humility by Carl Sagan – 4.56 mins.



Are you feeling out of sorts, more tired and unmotivated lately.  It could be because of the following:

The energies grow stronger as the season slips toward Spring (Autumn in the southern hemisphere), and we approach the bridge between the Piscean and Aquarian Age. When we are between two ages, there is a great deal of light and less physical energy due to the oscillation between the two worlds.
It’s said there’s an opening between ages, which causes light and illumination to pour into the earth. With the alteration taking place in only 2 months, our bodies are not accustomed to the changing energies so we may feel tired or lack energy periodically.
Several planets in Pisces make the world feel like it’s moving backwards, with the sensation of energy working in the old way or a feeling of wanting to move forward by using our old skills, which work for a day or two before becoming exhausting. (Notice how energy level picks up when you listen to the higher self.) We’re moving forward into change, whether we want it or not. So it’s best to check in with the heart (often and deeply.)
The upcoming retrograde with Mercury will cause the usual re-examination of particular areas of life, and it brings chaos to travel, electronics and communications in general. Saturn’s retrograde, which ends in June, causes re-examination of old structures (personal and global.) It points to the parts of life that need changing and generally gives the discipline to move through the task.
The current aspects explain the odd sensation of not feeling settled or exactly sure about the future. There’s no question about it – we’ll definitely see big changes in economics, philosophy, science, religion and politics in the next few years. (How will it change? My guess is: we’re creating it as we go. Plan to envision what feels and looks wonderful for everyone!)
Undoubtedly, the world stays intense and unsettled for a while. There’s no question about this so it’s important to understand one of the basic laws of metaphysics. Even when our world is going crazy, we still have a choice.
By staying connected to love, holding visualizations and seeing a positive outcome, we can create it. (It’s best to stay focused on our personal worlds. When we feel better, we radiate the energy outwardly.) And it’s part of the big message: we are co-creators and it’s time to use our power.
Let’s create a beautiful world together.

From Julia Griffin, One True Self …  18 February 2013  


STAR NEWS from Simone Mathews.

This information has come from Universal Life Tools Newsletter.  Simone is talking about 18th and 19th February.  It is still relevant even though it is now the 20th – as the frequencies are still current.

Currently Cygnus X-3 is aligned  with our Earth & Sun… transmitting Cosmic, Gamma & Ultra-Violiet Rays.
Cygnus X-3 is a microquasar within the Swan Constellation (Cygnus), known as the Northern Cross, and represents the World Tree of Life in the Mayan Culture.
These high-frequency Cosmic ray emissions have the potential to quantum leap our DNA and accelerate human evolution.
I have updated my ‘Energy of 2013’ Article with more information about Cygnus X-3.  I have also now included a link to NASA for more info about Cygnus X-3,  as well as a short video showing the eliptical rotation of Cygnus X-3… quite stunning !!! 

Read full article.

(Simone is going to be speaking at the Academy on 15th April – mark it in your diary!)



Congratulations to Emily Simpson.  She has reached her target to build the Labyrinth.  She has been able to raise $500,000.  What an achievement!  What a gift to the peoples of Sydney.   Thank you for all your hard work and focus. 

Emily says:

While there will be no more public events, the labyrinth which is painted onto the field in the park will be maintained until construction of the sandstone labyrinth begins. So you can visit anytime and experience it for yourself. Location details available on the project website



In a world of pure thoughts, there are no boundaries, hence no limits. 

……Dr. Wayne Dyer



When you have a problem and feel worried and you are thinking of it 24×7, your mind is trapped, limited and your world small.  Your problem has become a prison.  The key to unlock the door of this prison cell is meditation.

Set your mind free at least once a day.  You could do a walking meditation simply listening to all the sounds around you and training your mind to feel your feet take every step.

Breathe consciously as you walk or sit.  Take seven deep breaths, fill your lungs and feel the difference as new air, new life enters.  Say to yourself, this day, this moment, I can make a difference.  Know that you have come to the planet to do just that and that you are succeeding.

Drink plenty of clean, fresh water and ask the Angel of Water to wash away the thoughts that have been stressing you, with every mouthful.  Put your Shungite crystal in the glass of water before you drink and know that the Shungite is cleansing your body and absorbing everything that you agree to release making room for new light to fill the cells of your body.

If you can’t shake the feeling off of not being worthy, or not being loved, or unsafe, why not spray a Soul Colour Bottle.   Ask for assistance on a Monday Night to find the colour that would help you the most at the moment and when you spray say:  “Every cell in my body is filled with the song of Creation; the song of Love.”  It has been proven by Kirlian photography that Soul Colour changes your aura instantly, leaving you less stressed and being able to feel the love that you are.


AFFIRMATION – say everyday.

If you need to increase your income, know that the energy you put out is more important than specific schemes for earning.  Energy will attract opportunity…..

(So keep meditating and keep your energy high – Say everyday)

“The treasury of the Infinite is mine, for its wealth is energy and I AM ENERGY.”

…..J. Donald Walters.  Affirmations for Self-Healing                                                                


In and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

We all know the feeling of having a word on the tip of our tongue and not being able to remember it.  Well, I feel like that today.  I know that we all came here to make a difference – but what is that difference and how.  I was ‘downloaded’ with the words, bridge the gap yesterday and I knew it referred to the gap between spiritual people and the rest of the world.  So I asked the Academy meeting last night what is the proportion of spiritual people in Australia out of a population of 22 million.   The concensus was about 1 million.  So that is a huge gap to bridge.

The next question is therefore – what is the bridge made up of and who can build it?

I turn to the Keys of Enoch, Key 113 which I happened to read last Friday and I quote from page 125.

“the Jerusalem Command of the Order of Melchizedek will establish Academies of Light so as to prepare the vibratory fields of the spiritual body and mind for rapid changes so as not to be neutralized by the dying thought-forms of hatred.

The Academies of Light will train the mind to work with the Keys of Knowledge, using the seventh, eighth and ninth chakra triangulation to actualize a physical quantum leap beyond the imperfect karmic cycles of our solar spectrum known to the ancients as being influenced by the Solar Council.

These Academies of Light will be a global network of spiritual communities of the People of Light united and focused into one interplanetary government that will accept the Brotherhoods that serve the Office of the Christ.”

But first we need to train our mind,  to be present, grateful and have loving thoughts.   This then, will help bridge the gap and each one of us can make a difference.  I look forward to seeing you next week.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


    MONDAY, 25th February, 2013


“Facial Reflexology”

Tonight Gretel will enlighten you about the:-
* Zones on the face and what part of the body they represent;
* Show you various reflex points on the face, head and ears to manipulate for improving your health;
* Techniques and tools that you can use to give yourself a daily treatment.
* Notes will be provided.

Facial reflexology has been practiced by many ancient civilizations from South America to Vietnam. In Vietnam it is called Dien Cham, which translates to facial acupuncture with the implied meaning of facial reflexology. Facial reflexology is a series of therapeutic techniques in which simple massage is used to stimulate certain zones of the body.

Gretel is a holistic healer and metaphysician, trained in NLP, clinical reflexology, facial reflexology, cranio-sacral reflexology and remedial massage.
Gretel believes that happiness in our lives depends on the quality of our thoughts.  She recommends that you live a balanced life, develop resilience and take care of yourself”.

To contact Gretel Spiegel email


    MONDAY, 4th March, 2013


“Brains – How we utilise them.”

Michelle’s focus tonight is a new and extraordinary way to look at the workings of our brain.  How this new insight can help us to understand the complexity of our lives and how we now can move forward. 

Michelle will be available for private sessions thsi week so email her for appointments on

Michelle is a Medical Intuitive, Kinesiologist, Reiki Master, ThetaHealing Master and teacher. She also work as a Psychic among other things.

Michelle Says “I am delighted to have been invited to speak at the Academy once again.

I have looked at many different modalities of healing. My psychic ability and a clear connection with Universal collective has always guided me. I have gradually drawn on my strength, learned how to utilise it, expand and refine my ability and how to best help others by what I have learned. I have developed powerful methods to assist people to clear deep issues and also how to teach them to heal and resolve issues and blocks for themselves.
I teach and heal from a place of experience, with love, compassion, and a true sense that anything is resolvable”




Join us TONIGHT for a screening of

The Solar REvolution

Does the sun have the power to transform humankind?

In SOLAR (R)EVOLUTION, world renowned biophysicist, Dieter Broers makes a compelling case, pointing to a wealth of scientific evidence that shows a remarkable correlation between increases in solar activity and advances in our creative, mental and spiritual abilities.

Where:  Star Cinema, Star Bar, 624 George St, Sydney

When:  20th February, 2013…7-9pm

$15 cash at door

(for more informationclick here)

Click here to see the Trailer for the movie on YouTube.


This week…FREE Talks in Sydney, Brisbane and Southport. 

by Dr. Mau of the Santus Germanus Foundation Canada 

You are cordially invited to a free public lecture entitled “The Lightbearer and the New Dawning”.

Sydney:  22nd February,  Website:  email: Brisbane 25th  and Southport 1st March

Dr. Mau has been given the privilege of bringing forth the ideas of the Masters of Wisdom of the Spiritual Hierarchy to a skeptical humanity in search of answers during a time of worldwide upheaval.  He has lectured throughout the world, informing people of the upcoming and current economic, environmental and geopolitical changes, and offering advice on how to navigate through the present turmoil and develop spiritual discernment to avoid being led off the path.

Dr. Mau is a native of Hawaii.  He has worked in the U.S. Foreign Service and as an international development and small business consultant to the United Nations, the U. S. Agency for International Development and the World Bank.  He later established several small businesses including an international trading concern in Asia.  He holds a Bachelors Degree from UCLA and a Master’s and Doctorate in International Relations from the University of Pennsylvania where he was the recipient of the prestigious Fulbright Graduate Fellowship.  He has lived and worked in Europe, Africa, Asia and North America and speaks four languages.


Community Announcements

The Artist’s Way – Unlock Your Creativity in 12 Weeks

Do you long to be more creative? Or maybe you’re an artist, musician, writer, or actor who has a number of creative successes, but now find yourself blocked? Or do you have a great idea, but are unable to bring it into being? Creativity is innate in every one of us.

The Artist’s Way course, based on Julia Cameron’s book of the same name, takes you on a powerful personal journey to help you move beyond your creative blocks. It is being run by Rosamund Burton, an author and freelance journalist who has also worked as an actress . Using practical tools tackle procrastination and self-doubt and allow your creativity to blossom.
Mon 4 Mar to Mon 27 May 2013, 5.45-7.45pm at Manly Library Manly NSW 2095  Cost $290, Concession $240.
To book or for more information email or phone 0412 818 470.


Personal Phone Readings

Understand your challenges and your pathway through 2013

For details and to book call or text Tamayra at Rainbow Sky Enlightenment 0438 559 366.
Tamayra is an International Clairvoyant, Medium a& Spiritual Counsellor with 45years experience.  
Her readings are Accurate, Insightful, Confidential & Wise.  All your questions answered.
Book Soon as 2013 Personal Phone readings are currently 20% discounted!
Click here to print out flyer.


Dr. Galen Dean Loven who has a Ph.D. in Management and has authored several books including Winning Without Selling, and, Managing For Effect requires inexpensive accommodation in Sydney for 6 weeks.  Is happy to housesit and look after animals.
For more information phone:  Lisa Dedden 0414 992 727)



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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