
AOL News – 1st May, 2013 – Divine Understanding

"Newsletter" buttonAcademy of Light Incorporated-Supporting Your Souls Journey

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us not to believe our thoughts

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FYI – Connect, Release and Let Go

alkehela-christina-christouThe following words are from the Alkehela April newsletter.  We thought they were so beuatiful we wanted to share them.  Christina was at a gathering of Indigenous Elders at Flinders Rangers and this is her divine undestanding.

We can make a difference.

As I sat under a thousand stars staring into space, I realised how a little kindness and a little understanding can inspire incredible change in how we think and act. When we take out the belief that it’s me, myself and I than we are able to transform not only the lives of others but most importantly our own. The gathering at Flinders Rangers showed me that no matter the colour of your skin or your cultural differences we can come together. We can make peace and we can learn to live together. I saw the incredible connection we can all have with the earth and if we don’t start respecting her we will cease to exist. In my lifetime I’ve had many push their perception of what God is and is not. Whether God exists. It’s actually quite simple God is love. That is something we all have inside of us and that is what is going to heal our world and help us to take back our power.


Flower of LifeA few weeks ago we mentioned Earthing and the need for our skin to be in contact with the Earth and Drunvalo Melchiezedek mentions the importance of this in Evolution & Shift of Consciousness  : making the internal change affecting the entire Universe.  Part 3/3 of an interview done on Lilou Mace Web TV.  He talks about the Mayans understanding of ascention and much much more.



An email arrived today which said:-

“I swear Sai Baba has come to Cuba and many people have seen Him walking on the main streets of Havana,” said one while another said that Baba was a frequent visitor to Sao Paulo in Brazil.

sai-baba-2Sai Baba left this mortal coil physically on Easter 2011 but he remains with us.  It is such a comfort.


Thought of the Day

Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.

……Ralph Waldo Emersonralph-waldo-emerson


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls JourneyWith Rosemary Butterworth

KaVeeTa delighted us all.   We managed to squeeze into the hall – it was marvelous to see everyone.   She got us to feel the grid that was holding us back;  to feel it around our body and where it hurt, pressed on us and then expand it out to release its effect.  What was also appreciated was that her students (plus KaVeeTa) went around the room, and giving energy (healing) to each of us.   One lady came up to me afterwards and said she had been suffering from depression for a few weeks, she had felt dreadful when she arrived, and now she felt like a new person.  She couldn’t believe that in such a short time she could feel so different.  Thank you KaVeeTa.

In putting together the Diary of Events for the next 6 months Peggy and I were wondering what your interests are.  Is it Sound, or is it Healing?  What about clearing cities or sending lost souls to the Light.  We haven’t done that for a long time.

We would appreciate it if you could take 5 minutes out of your busy day and send us a quick email of what you would like to hear or see at the Academy on a Monday Night.

I believe the Academy of Light has a new role to play globally and that is to assist in taking off the coverings that we have picked up this lifetime to reveal our real self – our shining Soul.


AFFIRMATION – say throughout the day…

“I Am even minded and cheerful at all times, I know the joy is not outside me but within.”

joyful-1True Joy is not an emotional state.  It is not that which one feels when one desire is satisfied or when everything at last goes well.  It is ‘inward’; it is of the Soul.

It can be developed, first, by not reacting emotionally to outward things.

Don’t be tossed on alternating waves of success and failure.  Don’t join, in their excitement, the buyers and sellers in the market place of this world.  Be calm in yourself, even minded and cheerful through the gains and losses of life.  Then, in calm deep meditation, feel the joy of the Soul.  Hold onto that joy through all activities.  Don’t confine it but try ever to expand it, until your little Joy becomes the Joy of God……….J. Donald Walters.


HEALTH – Nervous Tension and Anxiety.

The new energy is feminine with abundant waves of energy.  The energy brings heightened awareness and increased intuition along with nervousness or anxiety, which sometimes accompanies increased light.  Light brings the need for understanding and discernment – as in knowing when to take to action, rest or contemplate life.  …..Julia Griffin.

AnxiousAnxiety produces thoughts akin to not being, or feeling safe.  So if you notice increase anxiety in your body notice too, how your mind will go immediately to tasks that need completing today, or relationships that are strained and it will be filled with copious thoughts of how to fix these.    The more anxiety levels rise in your body, the more unsafe you will feel; the more unsafe you feel, the more unsupported and more unloved.  BUT IT IS NOT TRUE.  It is only that your body is now operating from the Sympathetic Nervous System – that is the flight and fright mechanism and producing too much adrenalin.

Your body is now out of balance.

How to rebalance your body.
1.  The first thing to do is to acknowledge the anxiety and notice how it is making you feel.
2.  Acknowledge that your body is now out of balance – too much adrenalin.
3.  Notice the thoughts and if they are making you panic a little.
4.  Don’t believe or listen to them – the thoughts  are being produced by your feelings.
5.  Send your mind up to a star and bring the Light down into your brain and ask it to balance the chemicals there.
6.  As you watch the Light ask it to switch your body back to the Parasympathetic nervous system
7.  Having given your mind something to focus on other than your thoughts, now turn your attention to your breathing and practice conscious breathing.

Having tried and practiced the above I vouch that it works and it will restore your body back to balance,  harmony, peace and wellness ……..Rosemary


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 6th May, 2013

Intuitive Healing for the Heart


We all at different times have suffered heartache, heartbreak, trauma, fear. Strong emotional experiences such as changes in relationships, death, our experiences with and as children and even friends, friendships…loss, abuse, neglect and misunderstanding. .
Do you really understand how this affects us….how it can translate to the body, the experiences and how they are held in the cells of the body, the DNA, the mind, the subconscious and the heart itself, and the health issues it can cause?
Do you understand how this can become defense mechanisms that make us reactive and cloud, limit and negatively affect our experience of life?
Did you know that hereditary heart disease can come from events in our ancestors experience of a similar nature?
Did you know that our past life experiences can affect how we live now?
Do you wonder why your relationships do not work, no matter how hard we try?
Would you like to understand how hearts can heal…. in many ways? and how this can affect every part of our experience of life?

Come along to share Michelle’s experiences over many years, both personal and in working with thousands of people in healing, resolving, growing and moving forward with deep healing for matters of the heart.  Michelle will lead us through a group healing and we will receive downloads to allow healing and resolution for our often deep accumulations of experiences, beliefs and programs that have been affecting us, our lives, relationships and health

Find out more: or  email:

MICHELLE BOWEN IS AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE HEALING SESSIONS 4th – 8th MAY.  Please phone to book.  Mobile – 0415 250 198


MONDAY, 13th May, 2013

Ascension Through Sound & Meditations

john-butterworthJOHN (With his Gongs)  & ROSEMARY BUTTERWORTH Rosemary-Lets-Have-Fun

John and Rosemary once again, unite as a team and take you to heights that you may not have experienced before.  Get ready!  Be prepared to take a leap into another reality and experience unity consciousness, joy and laughter.

While Rosemary leads you through a deep meditation that will invite you to release your past memories, pain and attachments and clear your chakras,  John will be guided what to play that will assist you.

Last time John amazed us with two gong sessions which were quite different.  Come along and see what spirit has install for us.

To find out more about:Rosemary:  Michael’s and email to
John: and email to



Radical Passion – Revolution of the Sacred Feminine
Andrew Harvey Australian Tour 2013

Andrew Harvey

SYDNEY 24-26 May

Dear Friends

In a few days Andrew Harvey will be arriving in Australia from India, his heart roaring with passion and love, ready to meet each of you. Andrew’s work is an outpouring of the Divine Feminine.

Andrew is touring Australia, he will teach 32 separate events, coincidentally the same number of books he has published, on subjects as diverse as Rumi, Sacred Activism, Love in Action, Sacred Masculine, Sacred Feminine, and the Dark Feminine. I know many of my friends who attended Andrew’s events last year, had their lives deeply touched and their spiritual journey and service to the world has significantly enriched. It was a strong destiny that had me meet Andrew in 2011, and his presence in my life has had a profound effect, sorting out the grain from the chaff of my spiritual practice and experiences, helping me get to the core of what is real and lasting; genuine service to others and the Christ-ing of the soul. I am dedicated to bringing Andrew Harvey to Australian shores again and again so that the bright comet that is his spirit, ignites the passion of compassion in each of us…..Jeremy Ball, Transformational Tours.


Andrew has written a wonderful article on Rumi and the Transformation of Consciousness in April NOVA magazine, read it to get a taste of what’s to come:

To see flyer on full Andrew Harvey Tour Details click here.


Community Announcements

Soul Colour Circle tomorrow night…

RED is the Colour for the month of MAY.

Red is a good protective agent and can be used to protect your energy field against negative energy.
If you feel drained of energy in shopping malls, crowds or around negative people Red gives extract fortification.
Red connects to the spiritual warrior giving you the courage, foresight and determination to stand up and defeat suppressive forces, no matter how big or small.
Red inspires courage, bravery and fearlessness.

Join Narelle Green on Thursday 7.30-9.30pm, 2nd May.  Email Narelle for further details & to confirm on



It was agreed at our last meeting that we would rendezvous at a beautiful spot beside the Milsons Point Ferry terminal by the Harbour, looking out across the water towards the Opera House and the city skyline.

There we can undertake an extensive clearing and re-balancing of the many important institutions represented in the CBD and environs.

Access to the area is good – by train, bus and ferry. If it rains, we can still work and find a dry spot under the freeway, or adjourn to one of the nearby cafes.

This is a really valuable service we can offer at this time of change, and therefore of stress and anxiety for many. I look forward to seeing you there.

 For more information contact Noel Jordan on



Private sessions in Sydney with Michelle from 4th – 8th May 2013


Practicing and Teaching Worldwide
• Psychic Readings
• Private Healing Sessions and Theta Classes
• Skype sessions
• Workshops and Retreats
• Kinesiology & Life Coaching
• Astrologal Natal Charts
• “Colour Cotton Therapy”-Books, Cards & Workshops

Michelle is a gifted Psychic & Healer, born into a psychic & healing family, with profound abilities which she has developed over many years. She is a mother & grandmother, artist, with interests in creative building, landscaping, gardening, nature, craft & textiles. She works in community projects.

Connect with Michelle on (email)

or contact Michelle on Mobile – 0415 250 198



4TH MAY 2013 – 7.00PM in Forster

jessica-sound-etcAfter 10 minutes of toning John Butterworth will lead you into your journey with a Gong Bath. Come lie down and enjoy professional musicians and healers utilize spontaneous voices, percussion, singing bowls, crystal bowls, didgeridoo, violin, mandolin and guitar weave their magic.

Venue: Masonic Hall, Lakes Rd., Forster – $10



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light at St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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– © Copyright 2013 – Academy of Light Inc.  ABN: 26680515199