
AOL News – 1st August, 2012 – Lets Laugh and Play Together!

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgmental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us that it is important to live one day at a time.



The point of creating a non-ordinary day involves the movement into a higher spiritual state with new perceptions and greater joy.

Begin with connection. Express gratitude for the marvelous feeling of life (even if you don’t feel this way)…..

One True Self Newsletterone-true-self ***************************************************************************************************************************************************

FYI – Let’s collaborate together…

We have spoken about creating the change we want to see in the world. It is about community not individuality.  Let’s work and play together.

shinelogoShine is about creating a movement. A revolution that will help people to do jobs they love to do.
They want to showcase people who are doing inspirational work -so that you may be inspired to do what you are passionate about. That is what the launch event is about.
In future events, we will be showcasing leaders of businesses who care about their people and about their community, and who are not driven only by profit. We want to change the way business is done.

Visit to join and subscribe for free.
Please share and help create the quiet revolution.


We would like to share with you this month a wonderful article “Awakening to Mindfulness” by Anne Peckham.  The need to slow down or to pause has become an urgent one because the stress is creating anxiety and panic.  Take time out of your day to read this excellent article.


Affirmation – say every day.

podjoy1“Joy, joy, joy,
I lovingly allow joy to flow through my heart, mind and body every day.”

…………………………..Anon ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************


Resentment is an emotion that can cause dis-ease in the body leading to serious illness even cancer. This is what Inna Segal says in her body The Secret Language of Your Body.


Resentment is a deep hurt that is suppressed and unexpressed, which becomes anger.  Often resentment is directed toward a family member or someone close to you.  Resentment frequently comes about when you feel that you have been treated unfairly, or taken advantage of.

Commonly when a person carries resentment they hold onto it through feelings of righteousness.  They have an “I”m right, they’re wrong.’ attitude and they choose to hold onto this feeling.  You may feel resentment gives you the power to hurt someone else but in reality, it hurts you more and produces dis-ease and discomfort in your body.  Long-term resentment can lead to tumours, syphilis, osteoporosis, lupus, back pain etc.

Releasing Resentment.

Place your hands on the part of the body where you feel resentment most intensely.  Breathe into that area for a few moments, and allow any emotion to rise to the surface with little resistance. Then relax your hands.

Say:  “Divine Healing Intelligence, using the orange-red flame of purification, please dissolve all resentment, suppressed anger, hurt, injustice, distrust and feelings of righteousness from mu cellular memories, emotions, mind and energy field.  Free me from all resentment from my cellular memories, emotions, mind and energy field.  Free me from all resentment I carry towards ……(fill in the name)…….and release any resentment or animosity they carry towards me.  I ask that all negative and heavy energy associated with resentment now dissipate and vanish from my life.  Thank you.  Repeat the word ‘CLEAR’ several times until you feel lighter.

Observe the orange-red flame move through your body, mind, emotions and energy field and begin to dissolve all negative thoughts, words, feelings, memories and images associated with a particular person, place or experience that has bound you.  If you feel you are ready to forgive this person, then do the “Forgiveness” process.

The Academy sells The Secret Language of The Body and many of Inna’s other products.  the-secret-language-of-your-body


In and Around The Academy


With Rosemary Butterworth

About Michelle Bowen.

We had never met Michelle Bowen before last Monday Night.  What an amazing person she is.  She is a Master Theta Healer and perhaps the best psychic I have ever met.  She has the ability to look inside your body and talk to your cells, your bones and tell you what is going on.  Not only that she sees very clearly why you have that illness or job or relationship. I had a private session with her yesterday and  she told me that I have fear of the unknown fear of the future because I left the planet I was living on with my ‘family’ without the ‘families approval’ to go on a mission that was to come to earth to help at this time.   My biggest fear she said was that I wouldn’t complete my mission.   Without completion, I felt I couldn’t go home and I want to do so badly.

I laughed because that was so accurate.  How many people fear that they haven’t found their purpose and what that means?  She was able to clear a lot of my stuff from previous lives and today I feel happy, even joyous to live today and just be present and allow the day to be what it is.

The Academy will bring her back, probably in September.  Watch out for her.  I will ask her to do private sessions from our place in Willoughby when she is next here.  So let me know if you are interested and I will put your name down.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 6th August, 2012


alkehela-christina-christouChristina Christou

Christina only arrived back last week..  She brings with her the excitement, knowledge and energy from the Amazon.

Christina Says “A group of 6 Australians, a survival guide, and 4 indigenous guides went into the the Amazon for 10 days camping Indian style learning about the master trees.  Some trees were about 900 years old and we were learning about their medicines, doing ceremony, tracking jaguars. We camped where no humans go with anacondas, alligators, monkeys etc learning survival skills.

I will also speak about my Amazon adventure with a shaman and his wife who is Shipibo ( But indigenous from Iquitos Peru). It was truly an adventure of a lifetime testing me both spiritually, physically and mentally. I will touch on Ayawoscha. Such powerful medicine that needs to be respected.”

To find out more about Christina view her website.


MONDAY, 13th August, 2012


consciousness-1Julian Noel & Gisele Gambi

Maori born Julian Noel of the Ngapuhi, Ngati Whatua tribes is the founder and instigator of SHINE. Julian has spent many years living in Meditation Ashrams in Australia, India and several other countries around the world. He has a passion for meditation, contemplation and self enquiry.  He has experienced the profound intelligence that connects us all.

Tonight he and Gisele will lead you to the inner depths of your own knowing.

Julian says “For the past 4-5 years Gisele and I have been developing and exploring a process called Illumined Conversations. Where people are able to connect to their innate and deepest divine intelligence, and bring it alive in their actions and life.”

Gisele Gambi on of Sydney’s leading Intuitive Coaches, comes from a successsful corporate background, after working for many years in HR she struck out on a new direction personal and spiritual development.

She has spent many years studying teaching and working wth indiduals and businesses and assisting them to develop their own intuitive capacities, integrating these into their practical lives.

She is also a mum, wife, and daughter, interested in bringing people to life through connecting them to their own shining centre. She is a brilliant meditation instructor, and a silky-smooth facilitator.

She says, “Whenever Julian and I conduct an Illumined Conversaton we never know where we are going to go. But it is always astounding, profound and deeply rewarding for all participants.”

We explore:
what is life asking of you right now
what divinely inspired resources do you have at your disposal.
what was your soul’s promise.
what is your life purpose.

Answering these questions put you in the flow of your own mastery.



Signature Cell Healing – A Transformational 4 Body Healing Modality

– working with the LOVE vibration.

kahu-fred-sterlingKahu Fred Sterling founder of SCH, Master Medium, Healer and Author, is coming to Sydney to teach SCH in September, 2012.  This is a non-invasive touch-healing modality, with its focal point on the “Signature Cell” or “God Cell” inside the pineal gland, for it holds the memory of our cellular perfection and original life blueprints.

Level 1 & Level 2 Workshops: 14 – 18 September, 2012.  See attached flyer with early bird discounts.

Plus  *F R E E* live webinar  10.00 am Saturday Sydney time: 18 August 2012. Listen to previous SCH webinars.

To experience this magical, healing modality please contact Suzanne 0414 320 659.
For more info: , ring Suzanne 0414 320 659, Kerry 0402 280 815, or email:



RaiseYour Vibration !

michelle-darby-fay1With Michelle Darby-Fay, MBus,

Reiki Master Practitioner, Past Life Healer, Serenity Vibration & Enlightenment Healer, Theta Healer, Channeler, Teacher and Intuitive Life Coach
Healing Sessions Include:
* Spiritual Activations to Raise Your Vibration
* Current & Past Life Trauma Release & Healing
* Belief System Healing
* Soul Retrieval (Bringing back the missing parts of your Soul)
* Connecting into physical ailments to uncover what they are trying to tell you!
* Energy Cleanse, Rebalance and Realignment

Appointments Essential/Contact Details:
Mobile: 0401 551 581  Email:
Address: 4, 139 Military Road, Neutral Bay, NSW, 2089
For more details visit:


north-shore-remedial-massageJOB OFFER FOR MASSAGE THERPIST

Great opportunity for a Remedial Massage Therapist (with Diploma) to work some/all shifts SATURDAY and/or SUNDAY

Are you reliable and have a good professional attitude on the phone and with clients? Would you like to be part of a great team of 6 massage therapists and work in a lovely, caring environment then call me.

Lilo Kunz, NORTHSHORE REMEDIAL MASSAGE                         232A Miller Street, North Sydney                                             Tel. 0400 88 74 07 or 99 59 57 88
Northshore Remedial Massage would love to hear from you :). Pays $45 per hour massage + min. guaranteed



sacred-geometry-mandalaJoin us at 6pm on Sunday, 5th August at the Mosman Art Gallery, to walk a canvas replica of the medieval Chartres labyrinth.  This event will be very special as we will be joined by Elizabeth Grace who will talk about sacred geometry and the labyrinth and you will have the opportunity to walk the labyrinth while contemplating a card from the set of 99 sacred geometry mandalas that Elizabeth has created.

Elizabeth taught mathematics for 20 years before becoming a psychotherapist, which she has practised for the last 25 years.  Her search for meaning over her lifetime has led her to profound studies of Christian Mysticism, Buddhism, Taoism and Sufism. She has been passionate about sacred geometry since she was a child and has actively used the 99 Names of the Divine from the Sufi tradition as a part of her meditative practice for many years.  These sacred geometric mandalas support personal transformation by igniting your insight and intuition.   For more information go to

Time:    6pm
Date:    Sunday, 5th August
Place:  Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre (Cnr Art Gallery Way & Myahgah Rd, Mosman)
Cost:    Suggested donation of $10 – $20 to help cover venue hire



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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