
AOL News – 19th October, 2011 – Joy, Joy, Joy!!!

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Namaste ,

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The aim of this newsletter is to remind us to be JOYFUL.  Laughter is the end of Karma!

Thought of the Week

“When the doors of perception are cleansed, man will see things as they truly are, infinite.”

…………. Ruth Rendely, seraphim-blueprint-ruth-rendleySeraphim Blueprint quoting Blake.


F.Y.I. – Spiralling

spirallling-shellIn a channelling sessions with Rosemary Butterworth The Masters gave us the following information.

“Be aware of the changes in the world taking place now.  Some actions or situations have a deep downward spiral.  As we live in a world of duality there is always the opposite effect.  This means there is a positive upward spiral of light of equal force to the downward spiral.”

SO observe these spirals and realise you have a choice.  Do you want to be caught up in all the negativity of the downward spiral or choose to connect to the upward spiral of light.  This upward spiralling creates new doorways into new levels of knowledge, intuition and understanding that we all can tune into.  Be open, the doors open quickly and expand your mind to go into a higher frequency.  Be aware of the consciousness in each spiral and observe what is the agenda and where will it lead.  Do you buy into the fear?


In Val Barrows book ‘The Book of Love’  Alcheringa speaks.  Here is an excerpt “For your understanding Alcheringa is an aspect of Sanat Kumara and it is really Sanat Kumara that speaks with you at this time.  I am part of the Council of Light.”  You may remember that Val spoke at The Academy meeting at Neutral Bay on the 10th October followed by Mark Sanat Kumara last Monday, the 17th! Isn’t the Universe wonderful!!!

Spiritual Movie Night & Healing Circle on again this Friday 21st at 89 Chandos St, St Leonards.

This event is by donation only – no obligation and all proceeds will go to a nominated Charity of your choice – please email me if you have any suggestions for a charity before Friday to

By attending this event your support and involvement will help raise funds to support any worthwhile community incentive that needs our help.

SPIRITUAL MOVIE NIGHT:  I look forward to sharing with you the movie,”The SHIFT” from Ambition to meaning by Dr Wayne W. Dyer.  This movie really puts things into perspective. “The Shift” explores the spiritual Journey in finding your life purpose – Transcending the ego and embracing your authentic self so you can experience life in a precious and magical way.

HEALING CIRCLE:  If you have a healing request or someone you know who is in desperate need of healing then this is a great opportunity to send healing to individuals or to humanity as a whole. When we gather our energy and send healing as a group it magnifies the power of the healings and can create physical change not just in our everyday lives but also in the wider community and our wonderful planet. These healing circles are incredibly powerful and many miraculous healings have been reported.

Last Month:  Thank you to those who attended our last month Spiritual Movie night and healing circle and giving so generously. We raised $300 and all proceeds were donated to a Ciara’s Cavalry


Health tip

Glandular Fever – a treatment using Young Living Oils – a note from Artemis.

Kathleen writes: My just-turned-18 son, Matthew, was diagnosed with glandular fever one week ago. He had a pussy throat, lots of pain, and his liver enzymes were way above normal. He was terribly unwell (a fitness freak and healthy eater). I have been hitting him hard with: Thieves, Frankincense, and Roman chamomile on his feet (twice a day), RC and Raven on his chest and throat (twice a day), Panaway on his throat (twice a day), and Palo Santo (a touch of magic I feel) orally twice a day. Then I have done a few drops each of Basil and Oregano with vegetable oil in a vege cap once a day, and Peace and Calming at night to help him settle.

It took 4 days for him to “turn around”. He is now a new person. He started playing his music again, and has hit the books for study, revising past exams! I have bought two copies of the “explain to your Dr. about essential oil” book – one for his GP, and one for my husband (the doubting Dr.). I am looking forward to seeing his repeat liver enzymes.

This is cute – he hated the taste of the Thieves spray in his throat – he hid under the blankets. But then he sat up like a dog begging! That is how well it works.

young-living-joyYoung Living Oils also have a wonderful oil called JOY!!!  (email The Academy if you would like some more information)


Affirmation – say every day.

Connect to The Southern Cross Academy of Light and then call in your Teachers and Guides and begin your day by saying:-

I choose not to compare myself with others.  I am me and I will accept the fullness of who I am.

sacred-selfMichelle McGrath, Self-Love Cards,

The Self-Love Cards are now available from The Academy.


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

It has happened again!  Another book arrived in the mail which contains just what we need to assist us with transformation. It is the story of Dr. Gary Holz who has MS and was told that he only had 2 years to live which was very hard to hear considering that he was only 43 at the time.    Coincidences started to happen.  He met a lady in America who told him that maybe the Aboriginees could help him.   With only the phone no. of an Aboriginal man,  and although he was wheelchair bound, he set off for Australia.  He was taken to the Outback where he stayed with an Aboriginal clan, most of whom had not seen a whiteman.

It is incredible to read of the ordeal he went through, one in getting there with no help and he being in a wheelchair and the wonderful processes that two Aboriginal people took him through that cured him.  Dr. Holz went back to America and lived for many years, helping people back to health.

A quote from the book as taught to Gary during his healing by the Aboriginal Healer.

“We are not a mechanical body that thinks.  We are thought and intelligence that creates this mechanical body.  Our mind is not confined to our brain.  It is not even confined to our physical being.  Our mind is our energy, our soul, and our universal presence in what  you might term the unified or no-local field.”

“Every time we experience an emotion, we not only affect every part of our body, we also affect everyone around us – the entire planet, the entire universe.”

We have ordered copies of the book.  It is called Secrets of Aboriginal Healing.

Mark Kumara’s message last Monday Night was JOY.  He said:  “Joy is the outward expression of Peace.  Peace is the inward expression of Joy.  Love is both of these and everything in between”.   Laughter, he said is the end of Karma.

Mark loves using  I.G.A. which he said stands for Infinite Goodness for All.  (He has a wonderful sense of humour).

It was wonderful being with such a Master.  mark_kumara


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.



walter-masonWalter Mason – Angkor Wat:

The Beauty and Spiritual Significance of Cambodia’s Great Forgotten City

“Forgotten for centuries in the jungles of Cambodia, Angkor Wat was once the world’s greatest and most sophisticated city. Re-discovered by French explorers in the nineteenth century, this massive stone structure was both a political and a religious centre, built to illustrate the creation myths of Hinduism, and later accommodating many of the schools of Buddhism. In this fascinating talk Walter will take us through the stories, history and meanings of the great temple of Angkor Wat.”

“Walter Mason is a travel writer, and a wonderful speaker whose book on Vietnam, “Destination Saigon,” was named by the Sydney Morning Herald as one of the 10 best travel books of 2010.
Walter is currently at work on his next book, a spiritual journey through Cambodia. He is also in the final stages of writing his doctoral dissertation at the University of Western Sydney’s Writing & Society Research Group, where he is writing a history of self-help literature in Australia.”

For more about Walter go to



faustGerry Taylor-Wood – The Alchemical Journey of Transformation

“When Balinas discovered the mumified body of Hermes holding the Emerald Tablet, the answer to his searching questions on existence were answered by the Tablet’s encoded writings.

Carl Jung the psychologist paralleled alchemical teachings to the quest in the human psyche which leads us from lead to gold, from saturn to the sun, from shadow to light.

Tonight, Gerry will take us on a journey outlining the history and work of the Alchemists of ancient times and how we can apply their knowledge to our quest for enlightenment today”.”Guided by a powerful vision at Chalice Well, Glastonbury, England, and a sequence of dreams, Geraldine and Richard set out from the British Isles on a ‘Grail Quest’- to find water with unique qualities.

After many years searching they purchased property at Mt Tambourine and now produce Grail Haven Water which has wonderful transformational qualities.  Gerry has also created a Flower Essence range from flowers grown on the property and they conduct Sacred Tours in the UK, Europe and beyond.

For more see



dolores-new-earth-banner-2011Dolores Cannon in Australia

Join with Dolores to discover fresh insights concerning the NEW EARTH.  This evening will include a group regression in which Dolores will put the entire audience into a light trance state and take them to a past life.  this should not be missed.  One of the most incredible delights you will ever experience.

Dolores Cannon is a past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist who specialises in the recovery and cataloging of lost knowledge.  She has been specialising in past-life therapy since 1979. She is the author of 15 books and has done over 1000 radio appearances.  She travels all over the world teaching her unique technique of hypnosis and bringing the message of the coming New Earth.

There have been many prophecies and visions of our future and the evolution of consciousness of our world.  Dolores Cannon has been at the forefront of this investigation.

Dolores is coming in November to Adelaide on 3rd, Melbourne on 4th, Gold Coast on 7th and Sydney on 9th for New Earth Evening talks.  She is also holding Quantum Healing Technique workshop Level 1 on 17th-19th November in Geelong.

The Quantum Healing Technique can provide instantaneous self-healing of physical, mental and emotional conditions. This is a technique that all energy healers should learn, the results are truly exceptional.

Click here to see where and when her talks are on plus a video of Dolores.



greek-columnsFor those who do not understand what the significance of the 11-11-11 is please read below an excerpt from Lord Metatron, the Archangel of Light through his channel James Tyberonn:

“What will occur on the 11-11-11 is the recoding of the crystalline aspect termed the Starseed Divine Feminine. The Emerald Crystal of Healing provided the initial reprogramming that is being brought in by the Emerald- Ray. The Platinum-Ray, also a Feminine energy aspect, provides the completion of the Feminine Crystalline into the DNA of the planet, and as such into those of humanity open to receive the sacred and requisite transformation. Their effects will be a lessening of the arc swing of polarity between that termed the masculine and feminine aspect. But also through the Platinum, there will be greater ease to enter into higher dimensional realms.

All of the Master Crystals are appropriately staged in their activation, achieving timed portions of their power each year until the 12-21-12. This is regulated by the Crystalline Masters of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance under the Galactic Federation.Were the crystals to be launched into full power too quickly, an energetic imbalance would occur.

The graduation of your Planet, that termed the Ascension, is in effect the critical mass conversion of this Earth’s receival capacity template from, (in your vernacular), analog to digital, black and white to colour. The Crystalline Conversion through the antennae of the 144-Crystalline Grid is vastly increasing your earth’s dimensional reception from 3d to 12d and beyond. It is akin to your television changing from the archaic antennae to satellite reception. It is the Crystalline Age.

For within these time-sequences, the 11-11-11 and 12-12-12, the 144-Crystalline Grid completes into full conscious projection, and that projection is indeed a tool of and for your own expansion. Such it is with the crystalline grid, you see; it too is a system that will allow your nurturing into a higher resonance, a higher more fulfilling expression.

For that you call the Ascension is upon you, and in but a wink of the cosmic eye”

Click here for more information or phone Virginia on 0433 829 605.


Community Announcements


We have less than two weeks left to go before the beginning of 9 Incredible days of Thetahealing not to be missed.

Beginning with our Thetahealing Day (29th October) where everyone has the opportunity to meet or reconnect with Vianna Stibal, the founder of Thetahealing.

For the first time in Sydney, Vianna will be doing the Teacher training certification so you can become certified, or it’s a good opportunity for you to recertify – enabling you to train others in our truly powerful healing modality.

Vianna is the only person who can certify teachers to teach the ThetaHealing technique and for your convenience this is a great opportunity for you to qualify as a ThetaHealing teacher here in Sydney in 2011. Vianna is also teaching her popular Soul Mate classes.

For further information on what you can experience with Vianna click here.

Avoid disappointment – YOU MUST BOOK, NO MONEY WILL BE TAKEN ON THE DAY – Register now for any of the above events at or call us on (02) 9613 0712.


UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY – Come and experience the Shakti circle.

This fortnightly meditation circle is open to all; beginners are welcome.

shakti-circleAlana Fairchild’s unique meditation group for healing with divine energy

Grow spiritually and experience real results in your life! The divine energy bathing each gathering changes and we never really know what to expect except that it will be beautiful. Come along, even bring a friend. Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome.

Alternate Thursday evenings 7.15pm – 9pm. The Fuller Room, Crows Nest Centre, 2 Ernest Place, Crows Nest. Follow the wafting incense and you’ll find us! Each meeting $25 or by donation. We meet October 13 & 27, November 10 & 24, December 8.

More at


rosemary-recent-picture-1105Did you know that Rosemary Butterworth does phone sessions?

Do you feel stuck?  Do you want to move forward?  Are you repeating patterns in your relationships, finances, health etc?  By using her physic abilities Rosemary can identify the thought patterns that are programming your life the way it is now.

A simple phone call is all it takes to change your life.  Phone 02  9967 4425 or email her for an appointment on (subject: Attn Rosemary).





A community announcement costs $30.  To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75.

Please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



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Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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