
AOL News – 19th June, 2013 – Upwards & Onwards

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us we are part of the big picture.

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FYI – Looking at the Whole

Clarity on Spirit Science

spirit-science-logoBecause we are a part of the collective consciousness we each must do our bit to help the group grow in light.  We are a cell in the body of humanity.   Acknowledging we are part of the whole allows us to realise that we each have an important role to play.  In this video the cartoon character Patchman starts out by debunking some myths that surround Spirit Science and ends in how we are planting seeds for the new world.  So the garden will only be as beautiful as the work we put in to it.  The video is 10 minutes long – just enough time for a cup of tea!  Here’s the link:


Leave Your Thoughts Behind!

Rosemary Butterworth’s book, How to Move Forward, Leave Your Thoughts Behind arrived this week, hot off the press.  It is now available through the Academy (See Community Announcements).

peace heartIf you are looking for a relaxing short meditation, Rosemary led one last Wednesday on Angel Heart Radio.  Here is the link.  Rosemary was on at 11.00am and the meditation comes on during the final 15 minutes, i.e. about 11.45.


Thought of the Day

Whispering powers of fear will destroy our right to success.  Faith will open the dreaming of ourselves to build what success can form for us with no problems to curse the results. 

…….Elaine Croker,  founder of Prime Tuning of Cells elaine-croker-cell5



In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls JourneyWith Rosemary Butterworth

What a fantastic night we had with our healing circle last Monday Night.  This time we invited Kosmic Fusion practitioners to come.  Would you believe 10 practitioners came which brought our numbers up to 36 and they worked on us individually – each giving us 5 or more minutes of this incredible healing energy.  I asked one of the practitioners how she has benefited by Kosmic Fusion and she said that whilst doing the workshop she felt this dark energy inside her lift, she knew it was very old energy that had kept her limited, and since then she had felt lighter and freer.  I looked at her shining face and agreed.  We have invited the Kosmic Fusion Practitioners to come back to give us more healings in September.

An email came in from one of people who received the energy to say: It was a wonderful experience last night and when I got home, the energy continued to run. I had a session of crystal light therapy with Ann Joel late this morning.  This complemented the Kosmic ‘In’Fusion.  and the energy started off again when I was on the bed. …..Marilyn

We will continue to focus on healing nights the 2nd Monday of the Month with sound nights the 4th Monday.  It is working well.  We are all looking forward to this coming Monday Night as Matt Omo is joining John.  He will be bringing his gong and didjeridoo so we will have three gongs playing on Monday Night.  What a sound night this will be.


AFFIRMATION – say throughout the day…

“I listen, I look, I see. I touch, I feel.    I connect to all my senses similtaneously.  I live in the Now.”

…….Rosemary Butterworth  Rosemary-Lets-Have-Fun



power-of-the-gongSound healing is an effective therapy that uses the vibration of sound as a healing tool.  The atoms, molecules, cells, glands and organs of our bodies all have a vibrational frequency, so that sounds from outside our bodies can stimulate sympathetic vibration in these cells resulting in healing.  Sound restores order to organs that are malfunctioning.  An analogy is an orchestra with one or two musical instruments off key.  This negatively impacts on the entire orchestra and makes the music sound discordant, but the conductor (analogy healing frequencies) can restore order and harmony.   If we think of the people of the world as one body of humanity, and each one of us as cells in this body, we can use sound as the conductor to bring this large orchestra(the world) into tune and harmony will be restored.  Edgar Case suggests that sound will be the medicine of the future.

In his book “The Mozart Effect” Don Campbell shows how music, particularly Mozart’s has all kinds of beneficial effects on human health.  It is suggested that listening to Mozart helps us to improve our powers of concentration and enhances our intuitive ability by organising a structured firing pattern of neurones in the cerebral cortex.  A hospital in America used to give every new mother a CD of Mozart to play to their baby.  They said it increased the baby’s intellect.

………………..Jane Goodsell


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 24th June, 2013


john-butterworthJohn Butterworth & Matt Omo Matt Omo

For all those people who love to bliss out with sound, John and Matt join together and create magic.  There will be two gong players, both men are masters of sound.  Matt will bring his didjeridoo and between them there will  Tibetan bowls and bells and many other instruments.  What a wonderful collection of sound for you to enjoy.

Rosemary will be leading the meditation and there will be the Lighting of Candles ceremony.

If you choose to lie down, do bring a warm rug to lie on, or you may like to sit in the chair. 

John: and email to



MONDAY, 1st July, 2013

“7 BLOCKS HOLDING YOU BACK FROM SUCCESS – and how to dissolve them”

Miriam AmprimoMirium Amprimo

Come along to learn ….

* The top 7 blocks that stop you from bringing in more money, being more successful and enjoying it all.

* How to surface the INVISIBLE blocks inside of you.

* A simple 5-step process to dissolve blocks permanently.

Miriam Amprimo, creator of the Fill Your Healing Practice System™ has a feminine, heart-based approach and a results-based process for dissolving the unconscious blocks that stop you from implementing the results you desire. Miriam teaches healers, practitioners, coaches, transformational entrepreneurs and heart-based service providers how to attract all the clients they want and create profitable, leveraged businesses so they can help more people and significantly increase their income without burnout.

She also incorporates specialised techniques in her programs to dissolve any internal blocks to success (doubts, fears, damaging ‘money stories’ and other self-blocking patterns) so clients can get unconventional results in record time.

This is an opportunity that should not be missed … spread the word!




 Fill your healing practice

and double or triple your income

(without sacrificing your health, family or integrity)

Miriam Amprimo



7 Secrets To Creating A Profitable Practice And Becoming

A Practitioner Of Influence, Income And Inspiration.


You will receive notice of free upcoming teleseminars

and events. Example topic:

3 Steps To Standing Out From The Crowd,

Attracting All The Clients You Want And

Charging What You’re Worth and Getting It

 To receive your Toolkit, go to


Community Announcements

Embrace Life logo

Be a Volunteer at the Embrace Life, Live Life Expo at Crows Nest!

Anyone would like to be part of the volunteer team on the 7th July then I would love to have a chat.

What they would need to do:
1. Wear a turquoise top and black pants on the day, and arrive at 8.30 am to 5.30 pm
2. Be part of our volunteer meeting on 2nd July, 6pm (if time permits) to connect with whole volunteer team, and assist us to pack the gift bags
3. Be happy, optimistic and willing to work as a team on the roles we have to cover

As part of the volunteer team, we do like to share 10% of the net profit after all expenses paid ( this is in the form of gift vouchers), this is nominal way to “thank” everyone and provide a balance between giving and receiving, most people do not come for the payment but to be part of something that is promoting an industry we love.

We also have an opportunity for them to get involved in a PR stunt we are organising, this will be held on 29th June and will be done in front of the Crows Nest Community Centre, lunchtime ( time to be confirmed), this will entail them handing out marketing flyers to the lunch time crowd about the following week’s expo, and should be a lot of fun – we have drummers, fire dancers, musicians and an oriental fan dancer, it will be filmed for our online marketing and will give a sense of arrival of ELLL to the Crows Nest community.

If you have anyone that may want to be involved, please let them know to contact me and we can have a chat, Deb xx

Deborah Shepherd,  Co-Host & Founder Embrace Life, Live Life.  0457 826 648

Come and visit us at one of our Mind, Body and Soul EXPOS

  • Crows Nest Community Centre, 7th July 2013

  • Thornleigh Community Centre, 3rd August 2013

  • Northern Beaches – Harbord Diggers, 13th October 2013


Monks, Millionaires and Money

Shine - Monks Millionaires and MoneyThis Weekend – Saturday 22 June 2013

Monks, Millionaires and Money is a three-part event series set to change the way you think about creating money, wealth and abundance in your life.

Sydney is giving inspiration to hundreds of people to a new way of creating money and wealth at their upcoming event, Monks, Millionaires and Money, to be held at the Art Gallery of New South Wales on 22 June 2013.

With the founding theme of “ordinary people doing extraordinary things”, Shine Sydney has brought together an enviable list of entrepreneurs (“millionaires”) and “monks” to share their insights into creating a more wealthier and abundant life while doing what you love.

To learn more –


Cover_How to move forward

“How to Move Forward, Leave Your Thoughts Behind” is here!

Hurrah! How to Move Forward, Leave Your Thoughts Behind by Rosemary Butterworth is finally in print.

Here is a testimonial from one man who was given the manuscript to read before it was edited.  He was very sick with cancer.

After 30 years of attending numerous Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Motivational and Self Development courses within Australia and Overseas the search is finally over. For those who have struggled with negative thoughts and finding true happiness in their lifes, “How to move Forward” is more than a book to read. It is the first day of your new life and a Gracious Gift to cherish and enjoy the rest of your natural life. My sincere thanks to Rosemary Butterworth for sharing her inspirational thoughts and words of wisdom in “How to move Forward, Leave your Thoughts Behind”……..Graham

 Rosemary’s Book is available for $19.95.  For all the enewsletter readers $15.  Postage to be added to both.  Email to purchase.



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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– © Copyright 2013 – Academy of Light Inc.  ABN: 26680515199