
AOL News – 15th May, 2013 – Live Longer, Live Lighter!

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us that we can create!

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FYI – It’s All About Miracles

Anne Hartley

When Miracles Happen

 Anne Hartley ( is one of our favourites here at the Academy.  She is an accomplished Life Coach and Author and much much more.  Her latest blog WHEN PREPARATION MEETS OPPORTUNITY MIRACLES HAPPEN is a must read and we recommend you use preparation in your own life to make miracles happen.  The following is an excerpt of her blog click here to see the full article.

There is an old saying that ‘luck happens when preparation meets opportunity’. My experience has been that miracles occur when you prepare for what you want.

I first read about this principle many years ago in Catherine Ponder’s book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. Catherine said and I’m paraphrasing here, ‘You have to create a void so that there is a space for what you want to come into’.

The moment I set any goal I start preparing to receive it. It’s a habit I established early on in life and it’s one that has served me well. When I wanted to find my perfect work I would walk around the city of Sydney in my lunch break and pick out the buildings I wanted to work in. I thought about the type of people I wanted to work with. I decided on the type of clothes I wanted to wear to work and I wrote every choice down. Keeping a list of what I wanted enabled me to focus my attention on what I wanted to create rather than the frustration I experienced working for a company full of office politics.

Keeping a list also meant that whenever a job opportunity came along I had a checklist to compare it against. The next job I took changed my life and matched every item on my list except one, it wasn’t my own business. However, within six months I was offered the opportunity to carry on that business under a franchise type agreement, so ultimately that choice matched every item on my list.


Miracles of a Farmers Diet

This YouTube 101-year-old Fauja Singh Runs the London Marathon is an excerpt of a documentary by Horizon for the BBC – Eat, Fast and Live Longer by Michael Moseley.  In the YouTube Michael talks to Fauja through an interpreter about how he has managed to stay so healthy and fit – no surgury – no medication.  Can we extend our own lives and improve the quality?  What would you do to change yours?


the-little-book-of-everyday-miraclesEverybody loves miracles!

We all know that we can create them but HOW?  Sharon Snir (, the wonderful speaker that we have coming to Neutral bay on Monday night, began collecting stories of miracles some time ago.  Before long she realised that miracles were taking place every day in peoples lives.  By writing about them she is bringing to the forefront of our consciousness that we too, not only have miracles in our lives but that we can create them!

The Little Book of Everyday Miracles by Sharon Snir

Sydney based psychotherapist, Sharon Snir, says everyday miracles reveal themselves when we choose to notice. The more present we are the more frequently these moments occur, leaving us delighted and hopeful every time.

The little book of everyday miracles is full of upbeat and inspiring true stories. Ordinary people share extraordinary moments of unexpected courage and kindness, chance meetings and remarkable coincidences. In this book, the impossible suddenly becomes possible by changing our outlook we change what we think…….it’s that simple.

The perfect book for anyone wanting to experience a little of life’s magic.                                                       ……………Review by Ann Castle

About the author

Sydney psychotherapist, Sharon Snir has her own practice, regularly sharing her wisdom and knowledge in lecturers both in Australia and overseas. In 2010, Sharon wrote an inspirational memoir Looking for Lionel, about the hidden gifts she and her family experienced through her mother’s dementia.

RRP.$17.99  EBOOK. Yes  PUBLISHER: Allen and Unwin


Thought of the Day

If you are depressed, you are living in the past.

If you are anxious, you are living in the future.

If you are at peace, you are living in the present.

Lao Tzu.  lao-tzu


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls JourneyWith Rosemary Butterworth

Monday Night was fabulous again.  A Sound evening with the gongs and meditation is proving to be so uplifting and empowering.   After the session finished, while we returned to ourselves, we sat around in the circle and spoke about what we had experienced.  Jax went off into the Galaxy and brought that energy back as she spoke about it.  Tamara felt the Presence of Sai Baba very strongly, felt that He was pleased with what we were doing – releasing our attachments and expanding our minds.  At the beginning Mark de Berrardinis led an introductory meditation to the gonging asking us to think of a moment of Joy and take that moment with us on a journey as we listened.  He also recorded the gonging and meditation.  He said he would make a recording of it and we hope that it will be able to put an extract from the gonging onto John’s website, – he also hoped that the full recording would be able to be sold through the Academy.

The loveliest comment that came back to me was,  “there was such a feeling of community as we sat in the circle”.
So…..we have decided to have a Sound Healing Night with the Gongs and meditation every month.  Probably the third Monday of each month.


AFFIRMATION – say throughout the day…

“I Am supported by the Universe.”

                                                                                                                                              …..Rosemary Butterworth  Rosemary-Lets-Have-Fun


HEALTH – Could Sugar Cause Wrinkles & Speed Up Aging?

Think the only way to stay wrinkle-free is to avoid the sun and moisturize faithfully?  Well don’t discount the effect of a little white refined substance that’s in nearly everything you eat.  New research points directly to your sweet tooth and prepackaged foods; studies have now proven that sugar causes wrinkles.  The more you indulge in sweets and overly processed foods containing sugar the quicker you’ll lose your healthy “glow.”  Check out these top 3 tips to reverse the effects of wrinkles caused by sugar.

Skin Science and Sugar  raw sugar
A process called glycation, in which a sugar attaches to and damages proteins in your blood, makes you more vulnerable to skin damage and premature wrinkles. The more sugar you consume, the more damage you inflict on your skin by exposing it to glycation end products (AGEs), which eventually damage not just the proteins they are attached to but the proteins nearby as well. Which in turns proves the point that sugar causes wrinkles.

Collagen and elastin are the most important proteins for skin health.  They are the two building blocks essential to keeping your skin smooth and flexible.  The British Journal of Dermatology explains, “Dryness and lack of elasticity occurs when these proteins become damaged.” 

Your skin is your body’s largest organ and collagen its most abundant protein.

Collagen production steeply declines every year after your mid-thirties and a diet high in sugar damages your remaining collagen reserves.  Diabetics are especially prone to wrinkles caused by sugar since their condition can go undetected for years.

Reversing The Wrinkle Damage Caused by Sugar
Retinoids – found in beauty lotions and skin serums – help collagen remain supple and prevent glycation from further damaging your skin.

Scaling back the amount of sugar you eat is crucial to skin health.  Sugar has some of the worst effects on your total body health – especially fructose which has been proven in countless studies to be highly inflammatory.  Fructose is found in many everyday foods, such as cereal crackers and spaghetti sauce.

Curbing your intake of sweets affects far more than your skin, of course.  Too much sugar promotes fat cell growth, increases your risk for insulin resistance and puts you at higher risk for obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

From:  Underground Health Reporter.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 20th May, 2013

“What’s love got to do with everyday Miracles?” 



• Through a beautiful interactive exercise we will have the opportunity to create, offer and receive some extraordinary everyday miracles together.

• Hear about small morsels of magic from her latest book, The Little Book of Everyday Miracles whilst exploring the intersection of love and miracles.

• From The Course of Miracles it is written, “Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle.”

In a world where turmoil and disaster appear daily in the news, we would be forgiven for thinking our beautiful world has reached a point of no return. In fact, there is a silent revolution turning a tidal wave of chaos into an ocean of miracles. Ordinary people are reaching out and connecting to each other in numbers never before seen. Those who work towards freedom and liberation of all humanity are quietly transforming the world. One person’s random act of kindness becomes another person’s miracle.

True appreciation is simply remembering that life is a gift. The joy of taking a deep breath cannot be taken for granted, especially when you have seen someone take their last. The gratitude that fills your heart when your child succeeds in getting a dream job, or your grandchild says ‘I love you’ cannot be underestimated. The peace we experience when we befriend an old enemy is possibly the greatest miracle imaginable. The willingness to let go of complaining, let go of being a victim, let go of our addictions to drama, brings into our lives a world of everyday miracles.

Sharon is the author of three highly acclaimed books, including ‘The 12 Levels of Being’, ‘Looking for Lionel’ and her latest book , ‘The Little Book of Everyday Miracles’ as well as a teacher, psychotherapist and healer.

For over 25 years I have worked with clients to support them in claiming their wisdom, stand in their truth and realise their purpose.

Contact Sharon on or view her website –


MONDAY, 27th May, 2013

“My Journey Of Discovery With Crystal Skulls”

liz-hamiltonLIZ HAMILTON

Liz Hamilton will share her journey of discovery with crystal skulls. Liz will also explain why the skull form is a sacred formation and why it can accelerate consciousness when carved in crystal. Liz will tell how this is connected to a collective cosmic consciousness and our human evolution of development on this planet.

Liz discovered that the crystal skull is actually not about the head, but opens us up to a new kind of “heart seeing”.

What the old mysteries of initiation had to do with overcoming the fear of death through trials of pain and courage. The new mysteries are about opening oneself through love. Crystal skulls can only be accessed through love and are wonderful assistants on the spiritual path.

Crystal skulls open a line of communication to your higher self. They will teach you about who you are.

Liz will tell of some of her experiences that she was shown through the crystal skulls of the early temples in Lemuria and the codes of creation with the Elohim, the Atlantean temples of the Ascension Rays and Sacred Flames, the Andean shaman healing in the highlands of Peru, the Shamballa communities in Tibet and Himalayas and the messages she has received. She will bring along a few crystal skulls as examples, including some very old starbeing skulls from 500 BC. Her latest book, ” Collective Cosmic Consciousness of the Crystal Skulls: Experiences of the Mysteries of Initiation” will also be available for sale.

 Following the talk, her husband Patrick can open to questions from the group to channel answers from the starbeings.

 Liz Hamilton is an energy, crystal and sound healer and teacher of metaphysical subjects and meditation at her healing centre in the Blue Mountains in Leura called “Alasenmat” which is a Native American word from her husband, Patrick’s heritage meaning, “Walk Around With Light.” She developed a healing modality called Cosmic Radiance. Her website



The Divine University Presents

Lelama Banner Divine#B3FEBB


Lelama Jyumaali Sjamar

A series of 6 one-day Sacred Sound workshops
1 June – 31 November 2013, in Crow’s Nest

Igniting your Divine Voice awakens the power you hold to co-create your reality as you love and envision it, dream it to be. This work supports you to open to freely and lovingly express yourself in the true language of your heart, mind, soul, spirit, so you will begin to see the magic this world holds for you. Naturally your sound, your words will create a resonance in your energy body that draws to you all you need to be happy, inspired and empowered in your daily life. Words of wisdom flow with ease, joy bubbles up and inspiration is your daily juice, when you open the door of your heart, mind and body. Give your Voice over to the original essence of life within you and allow the universe to respond to you!

Come and join us for one day or the whole series.  Click here for more information.
Contact Jenarah: / 0402 092 500 or Lelama: / 0411 219 308


Community Announcements

cosmos_of_ the_heart_Cosmos of the Heart with TAKELI on BLOG RADIO

May 20th…it is The Great Shift in Consciousness – Part B

All the shows are available on the archives, general link is

michelle-bowenBack in Sydney on Thursday this week…

I will be in Sydney Thursday this week for appointments for those people that live in the Sydney area.

I’m running courses during the year and here are the details of the Basic ThetaHealing® Course ,the first level of ThetaHealing® that I will be running on 24th, 25th, 26th May, 2013 in the Hunter Valley. I will also be running this course and many others in Sydney and Port Macquarie.  Find out more details about this course and many others by going to–Workshops–Programs.html.

To contact me phone 0415 250 198 or email



From Pasadena     Straight to Camera Streams

May 17 10:00 am – 6:00 pm PDT

May 20 10:00 am – 10:00 pm PDT

Live Event Streams

May 18-19 10:00 am – 6:00 pm PDT

Book through Just $3 per session and they will transfer the time to Australia Eastern Standard Time. Very easy!



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light at St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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– © Copyright 2013 – Academy of Light Inc.  ABN: 26680515199