
AOL News – 15th February, 2012 – Watch the Heavens

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Namaste ,

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to be grounded and breathe.


Thought of the Week

Life is like photography – we develop from the negative.

Cliche quoted by Hank Wesselman Ph D, ‘The Bowl of Light’the-bowl-of-light


F.Y.I.  – Watch the Heavens.

Last week we mentioned the increased energy coming in on the 22nd Feb.  Think of it as a wave that is cresting as  Neptune goes into Pisces.  The Sun will conjunct with Neptune in Pisces around the 22nd.

In the surf, if you go through and under the wave, you are not effected by it but if you try and ride it out you might be buffeted or get dumped.   So stay positive, centred and grounded, remember to breathe, to use this energy productively.   There is nothing wrong!

When Gerry Taylor-Wood spoke at The Academy on Monday night she confirmed the 22nd was a big day and also went on to mention two other interesting planetary happenings to look out for.  The first was in June.  Venus and the Sun will be in alignment in the first and second week.  Gerry said she felt an outbreak of peace coming on!  It is very powerful energy, think of it as the Sun is in the Heart.  Every day will be Valentines Day!!!  roses-heartThe second period to look out for is the beginning of November.  There will be a total eclipse of the Sun.  For anyone wanting a good view – head to Cairns.

For something completely different – this week we received links to Shirley Humphries Batties new YouTube video.  Talking about a simple smile being the way to start your new way of being and be kind………..we had to smile as this is what we wrote about in the previous two email.   Do take time out to watch her videos.

Lastly, but by no means least!!!!  On Monday nights at Neutral Bay we light candles after the meditation and send the light to individuals or places in need.  We were asked by one of our community who is not able to attend on Monday’s to put her son in the centre.  He was in immense pain with six protruding discs in his spine and unable to walk with out the use of a cane.

Rosemary advised him to say “I am totally supported at all times.”.  So with the Light sent and affirmation being said, we were thrilled to hear that there had been a change in his pain level and he was finding it much easier to walk.  We sent the Light to this wonderful being on Monday once again and hope that it will continue to support his recovery.  This service is available to anyone in need so please let us know if we can assist by sending the Light your way!!!!


Health tips – CHOLESTEROL


One of the most successful ways to reduce your blood level of cholesterol is to take extra good care of your liver.

Also….instead of cholesterol being converted into sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone and testosterone), it accumulates in the blood as cholesterol.  There are two problems here.

One is that too much blood cholesterol may pose a health problem (although the jury is still out on whether this is actually true with regard to heart disease), and the other is that you now have reduced levels of sex hormones being produced.  When you have optimal levels of and balanced sex hormones you feel amazing.

For cholesterol to be converted into sex hormones, you must have optimal zinc levels, and essential fatty acids are also important.  Our best source of the omega 3 fats are the oils in fish, flaxseeds, (linseeds), walnuts and pecans, while evening primrose oil and borage oil are good sources of the essential fats of the omega 6 type.  The richest food source of zinc is oysters.

FROM ACCIDENTALLY OVERWEIGHT by Dr. Libby Weaver available on  the Academy’s website.


Affirmation – say every day.

Take three deep breaths and relax.  Say:

“I conceive and create all things from my heart.  I am a creator.  I trust my process and give thanks for the gift of my conception.”

rose-of-raphaelKalina Raphael Rose,


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

I am aware that I keep plugging Accidentally Overweight.  I do this because I believe that it is a book that every household should have on their shelf.  It is not about being overweight – it is about how your body functions; the damage that poor eating does, and the strain on the major organs of the body – all caused by what we put in our mouth, what stress we put the body under and the effect of emotions and all emotions come from what we think!  I believe we can stay healthy as we get older.

I have learnt so much from it – and am still cleaning up my act so to speak – and at present I have more energy that most women my age or even younger than myself.

It is the work of the Academy to help us  restore Peace in our bodies because Peace in the World starts with us and how can we be peaceful when we are stressed, anxious and in pain.  Our human body is a gift and has been given to us and if we  look after it, we will automatically look after Mother Earth.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 20th February, 2012

bernie-priorBernie Prior

The Unlimited Real You  –  Creating a new Self – Evolving a New Humanity

Deeply engage the Heart with Bernie Prior, contemporary Spiritual Teacher and Evolutionary Visionary.   Join Bernie for an evening of profound dialogue and discovery at the Academy of Light!

“The whole point of existence is to bring in the Real You; who you really are, deeply and utterly, as eternal Being, Becoming. “

Bernie Prior is a passionate and utterly engaging teacher, who challenges the deepest myths of our humanness with uncompromising Truth. Through compassion, humour and profound honesty, he invites every individual to their highest potential through their deepest knowing, and the actualisation of that in their life now. Bernie brings an integral evolutionary context to the experience of all human life. His very presence ignites the connection with one’s true self.

In the course of the evening Bernie will introduce ‘moments’ of The Form Reality PracticeTM, giving participants an opportunity to directly experience this powerful transformational practice.

The Form Reality PracticeTM is a profound evolutionary movement practice to realise and embody the Authentic Self in everyday life. It is a sequence of five structured movements in ever increasing frequencies that can be practiced alone or given to another. ‘The Form’ is a dynamic instrument of conscious transformation for these radically changing times, an instrument of AWAKENING, evolving consciousness for you, for life, for all.

Watch a brief clip about ‘The Form’.

Powerfully shift your awareness-consciousness and engage life as Authentic Self.  For further information contact: Karen 0414 876 561

See the ‘Calendar of Events’ on the website for other events with Bernie in Australia, including talks and workshops in Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.


MONDAY, 27th February, 2012


Dr Judy Moss

Life Coach Your Way to Success!

Dr Judy Moss is an accredited master life coach, as well as a medical doctor & multi-disciplinary complementary & bio-energetic practitioner for over 30 years. She combines the principles of brain based science research & quantum physics to energise your success & happiness.

Judy will share three easy-to-learn, simple steps that support you to create abundance in every area of your life – finances, relationships, health, business, careers & all the rest.

Join us for a fun evening. You are guaranteed to laugh as you learn & leave the evening inspired, empowered & uplifted.

Note:  One of ShiningBRIGHT’s most popular articles was by Dr Judy Moss titled “What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?”.  To read the article click here.

To find out more about Judy and her wonderful work go to



grail-haven-symbolGrail Haven presents the 20th overseas Sacred Sites Tour

Gerry Taylor-Wood and Richard De Welles will lead ‘The Journey of the Alchemists’ in May 2012 for 21days travelling from Paris to Prague.  For more information email:, phone: 07 5545 3650 or 0424 080 391 or go to


Community Announcements

Heal The Past & Awaken Your Soul

michelle-darby-fay1With Michelle Darby-Fay, Energetic Healer, Channeler & Intuitive Life Coach.

Experience powerful self-realisations and deep nurturing healing.

For more details Call Michelle on 0401 551 581,  email or click


light-displayYou are invited …….”SPIRITUAL DISCUSSION






Connect with Sono whilst she is here in person.

Sono Rose Truth (USA) at is offering distance energy sessions for shifting your energetic field, so you can move forward now.  Gaining a different perspective, receiving energy and expanding your consciousness are possible outcomes of a session.  Sono uses her intuition and sound, drawing and dancing to assist you in making changes to your energy field.  Sessions are offered on a gift basis.

Click here to hear the free sound downloads on Sono’s website.



A community announcement costs $30.  To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75.

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.  To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



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