
AOL News – 14th November, 2012 – Make Way For The New!

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgmental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to be open to a new beginning.



“Happiness is when what think, what you say, and what you do are all in harmony.”

……..Mahatma Ghandi  ghandi


FYI – Cleaning Out The “Cupboards”… The Universe Gives Us a Hand!

We wanted to share with you this information that was uploaded by Universal Life Tools yesterday about the Eclipse today.

universal-life-toolsSolar Eclipse – Wednesday 14 November 2012

During tomorrow’s new moon (see details below) we will experience a Solar Eclipse…. where the moon moves between the Earth and Sun, obscuring Earth’s view of the Sun.
The energy of a Solar Eclipse ‘obscures’ the now or potential future, and allows one to reflect on the past.  Not to drag up old energy, or relive painful events or experiences, but rather to positively reassess where you have been and use this knowledge to re-adjust your path moving forward.  Solar Eclipse’s create the potential for huge personal and hence planetary transformations.
It is a time to release the egoic need of power struggles, destruction of life and pain and suffering.   It represents a return of the feminine, in order to balance the male and female polarity in humanity and foster oneness.  Oneness in our hearts and minds, oneness in our physical and spiritual selves, and oneness of our selves with all creation.
The eclipse providing a doorway for each and everyone of us to rebirth into the collective consciousness the power of the Divine Feminine within.   We each have the potential to ‘Dream the Dream’ of the Goddess, and create harmony and loving union of the Masculine and Feminine breath of LOVE.


drumvelo-melchizedekThe Mayan Ouroboros – December21, 2012, 11:11 PM (Chitzen Itza, Mexico)

The old male cycle ends. At that moment, the Earth, the Sun and the Center of our galaxy are in a straight line, and it will not happen again for 25,625 years.  Spiritually know that the Heart of the Earth, the Heart of the Sun and the Heart of our Galaxy, as living beings, are intimately connected.

Birth is inevitable.  December 22, 2012, 12/22/2012, 2222.  A new female cycle begins and a new humanity is born.

The Mayan Prophecy – The Window Of Global Change Is Now Opening…
What a fantastic time to be alive on planet Earth!!!
Watch out for Drumvelos new book – The Mayan Ouroboros, The Cosmic Cycles Come Full Circle, The True Positive Mayan Prophecy is Revealed


elizabeth-peruThe final Eclipse Season in 2012 is here.  The Release and Clear Out is upon us!

When the eclipses come, there is a two to three week period before and after they occur, when every human is being asked to RELEASE.
Thus, rather than being frustrated with THE RELEASE of what no longer serves you, use the next 8 weeks or so to have a good CLEAN OUT OF YOUR LIFE ON ALL LEVELS!
Read this article in full now! It has come from a newsletter by Elizabeth Peru – – at the end of last month and is a great reminder of where our focus needs to be now!


annette-mccoyRosemary is on radio today with Annette McCoy.  She will be leading a meditation and sharing with the world the magic of the Shungite crystal.  To listen go to


AFFIRMATION – say everyday.

“I am strong in myself. I am complete in myself.
The joy and perfection of the universe await discovery within my inner being.”

………………J. Donald Walters j-donald-walters


HEALTH TIP – Health Benefits of Grapes

grapesThe health benefits of grapes include its ablity to treat constipation, indigestion, fatigue, kidney disorders, macular degeneration and prevention of cataract. Grapes, one of the most delicious fruits, are rich sources of vitamins A, C, B6 and folate in addition to essential minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium.
Grapes contain flavonoids that are very powerful antioxidants, which can reduce the damage caused by free radicals and slacken ageing.
Grapes, owing to their high nutrient content, play an important role in ensuring a healthy and robust life.

Benefits: Some of the health benefits of grapes include the following:

Asthma: Due to its eminent therapeutic value, grapes can be used for cure of asthma. In addition to it, the assimilatory power of grapes is also higher. It increases the moisture present in lungs.
Heart diseases: Grapes increase the nitric oxide levels in the blood, which prevents blood clots thereby reducing the chances of heart attacks. In addition the antioxidant present in grapes prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which blocks the blood vessels.
Migraine : Ripe grape juice is an important home remedy for curing migraine. It should be taken early in the morning, without mixing additional water
Constipation: Grapes are very effective in overcoming constipation. They are considered as a laxative food, as they contain organic acid, sugar and cellulose. They also relieve chronic constipation by toning up intestine and stomach.
Indigestion: Grapes play an important role in dyspepsia. They relieve heat and cure indigestion and irritation of the stomach. They are also preferred as they constitute a light food.
Fatigue: Light and white grape juice replenishes the iron content present in the body and prevents fatigue. Though, the dark grape juice might not give an iron boost and on the other hand, decrease the iron levels. Drinking grape juice also provides you with instant energy. The anti-oxidants present in grapes also provide the needed boost to your immune system.
Kidney disorders : Grapes can substantially reduce the acidity of the uric acid and helps in the elimination of the acid from the system, thereby reducing the work pressure of kidneys.
Breast cancer: Through a latest study, it has been discovered that purple colored Concord grape juice helps in preventing breast cancer. Significant reduction in mammary tumor mass of laboratory rats was seen after they were fed the grape juice on the experimental basis.
Alzheimer’s disease: Resveratrol, a beneficial polyphenol present in grapes reduces the levels of amyloidal-beta peptides in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Studies suggest that grapes can enhance brain health and stall the onset of neurodegenerative diseases.
Macular degeneration: Grapes can prevent the age related loss of vision or macular degeneration. Three servings of grapes a day can reduce the risks of macular degeneration by over 36 %.
Prevents cataract : Flavonoids present in grapes have antioxidants, which can reduce and fight the damage caused by free radicals such as cataract apart from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and age related problems.
Blood cholesterol: Grapes contain a compound called pterostilbene, which has the capacity to bring down cholesterol level. Saponins present in grape skin can also prevent the absorption of cholesterol by binding with it.
Antibacterial activity : Red grapes have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties and can protect you from infections. They have a strong antiviral property against poliovirus and herpes simplex virus.
Anticancer properties : Grapes are found to have strong anti cancer properties due to the anti-inflammatory effect of resveratrol present in grapes. It is particularly effective in colorectal cancer and breast cancer. Anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins present in grapes have properties of an anti-proliferate and can inhibit the growth of cancer causing agents. Grape juice not just prevents the risk of cancer but also suppresses the growth and propagation of cancer cells. The pigments contained in grapes enhance the overall immunity of the body.

(If this link does not take you through to the blog on grapes then just search for benefits of grapes.)!/2011/07/health-benefits-of-grapes.html


In and Around The Academy


With Rosemary Butterworth.

As Saturday, the 22nd December is reported to be the first day of the New Era (according to Drunvalo Melchizedek) how are we going to spend it?  If you would like the Academy to hire a hall for all to do ceremony, sing and ???? email us and let us know.  It is a very exciting time to be alive – the time of transition is coming to an end with the current age finishing on the 21st December.  It is a powerful time, and it would be wonderful to begin the new age in the manner in which we want to live it.  So do let us know if you would like to spend that evening together in meditation or celebration of some kind.

We feel it is important to clear as many old patterns and thoughtforms as possible because we don’t want to take them with us.  So keep your energy as high as you can and rid yourself of the temptation to judge and be negative.  Be kind to yourself and everyone – a daily  practice for the new age.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 19th November, 2012

“Mysteries of the Stone Star Being Crystal Skulls”

liz-hamiltonLIZ HAMILTON

There are only 11 of these Stone Star Being Skulls known (so far) in the world although more are emerging.

Tonight Liz Hamilton speak about …
* Her group of five mysterious Stone Star Being Skulls carved in 500 BC and how they are connected to a spiritual, Shangrila type of community in the mountains of Tibet. These skulls are heavy like Shiva lingam stones and are possibly a composite of meteorite. Star glyphs appear on the back of their head when you work with them.
* Intruduce us to these Star Being Skulls named “The Regent Acalmo”, “The Watcher Atlan”,
“The Singer Olmah”, “The Seer Alcoo”, and “The Comet Arkan” and tell us about their healing and sacred knowledge.
* The functions of the Tibetian Community and their sacred objects, rituals, initiations and life of the holy men, the spiritual community and their connection to Sirius, Pleiades and further Galactic star knowledge.
* Caves that were created to be like the human head and their altar represented the pineal gland. This was then activated with tremendous vibrating sound.
There will be a Q&A time with Liz and her husband Patrick McDonald at the end of the talk.

Liz Hamilton is an Energy, Crystal and Sound Healer and Teacher of Metaphysical subjects and Meditation at her healing centre in Leura, in the Blue Mountains, called “Alasenmat”.  “Alasenmat” is a Native American word from her husband, Patrick’s heritage meaning, “Walk Around With Light.”  Liz developed a healing modality called Cosmic Radiance  has also just written a book called “Collective Cosmic Consciousness of the Crystal Skulls; Experiences of the Mysteries of Initiation”.

For more information go to Website or Contact: Liz Hamilton – Phone: 4784.3898


MONDAY, 26th November, 2012

“2012 True Enigmas Of The Sun”

megan-hazelwoodMEGAN HEAZLEWOOD

Tonight Megan will be presenting information that is available and verifiable on the recent astonishing behaviours and imaging of our Sun. Not only the Sun in our Solar System but the Sun in the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy.

  • How the Sun’s behaviour has scientists stunned over unpredictable and unprecedented anomalies to the point where they are declaring that our whole understanding of space physics need to be revised. There are many satellites imaging the Sun in various spectrums, providing indelible.
  • What scientists and researchers predict about the evidence and the possible consequences for Earth evidence for things that our current understandings say shouldn’t exist.
  • What did the ancient indigenous cultures of the world understand about the Sun? Could this enhance our present understanding for the times we are in?
  • The many Crop Circles of an extremely relevant year drawing our attention to the Sun’s activities.

Megan says, “I can say that my perspective on matters which I have been fascinated with for much of my youth vastly expanded as a result of the intelligence of the Crop Circle makers.  Crop Circles are truth vibrations. They are here to uplift and enlighten humanity.”
Megan will also discuss:
The Mayans and their calendar “The Sunstone Calendar”, that demonstrates a much more sophisticated cosmology than we can easily comprehend.

The tremendous change we are rapidly undergoing in every sphere of influence, and on every scale, all according to the harmonic synchronisation of the Mayan Calendar, and the understanding of many ancient traditions.

Megan Heazlewood has been studying and researching Crop Circles and all related enigmas since the year 2,000.  She is an artist and has worked all her adult life as a registered nurse mostly in the operating theatres. The Crop Circle phenomenon is deeply activating for anyone paying attention, and in very personal ways as Megan will share with you from direct experiences she had in the UK Crop Circle seasons of 2006 and 2007.  “I look forward to meeting you on this journey.”
email:,  mobile: 0414.759 918



soiree-for-the-soulSoiree For The Soul – Thursday 15th November at 6.00pm

“Soiree for the Soul is a fun filled and relaxing evening amongst like minded people with plenty of laughs, great food and fabulous music,
its an evening that warms the soul and touches the heart. Don’t miss it!”
Anandanetti, Antoinette Sampson, Founding and Artistic Director, The Peace Angels

Only $55 for a talk, entertainment, meditation and dinner!
ICMS, Darley Road, Manly
To see the flyer click here and to book go to

There’s no time like the present...



Especially for all our friends in Perth!

blue-star-4Shaman Blue Star worshop this weekend!!!!!!


We had a lovely communication from Shamon Blue Star this week.  Please note that she is going to Perth.  Lucky W.A.   We heartily recommend her for her wisdom and humility.  If you can get to hear/see her do so.

“Dear Rosemary and the Academy of Light, May the Great Spirit bless you. I would like  to express my appreciation for your support on
behalf of my workshop Water Rituals in the Southern Highlands.

The evening at your place was a memorable event with the water spontaneously moving from 300 to 4000 circles with my divining rod.  A thing I had not experienced before, and this was due to the positive and lovely energy you all have. May you continue your beautiful work.

I am on my way to Perth now, and in case you have any of your members being interested in Perth, I send you my flyer (click here) for
brothers and sisters over there. My Shaman Intensive workshop will be November 17-18. To Book ph: Rev. Ann Joel. 0419 927 420″

with respect
we are all rlated
Blue Star


Come One, Come All, A  Masquerade Ball!

masquerade-maskLive Music, DJ’s
Exquisit Auction Items
All proceeds go towards our vision of building a hosptial, birthing centre and school in Guatemala
To view the event flyer – Click Here
For information on the project  Click Here
To purchase your tickets email –

Dream the dream, we can create our reality.



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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