
AOL News – 14th March, 2012 – Connections

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgemental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to stand in your power.


Thought of the Week

Remember a dream you had as a child.  Can you make it come true?

………60-Second Secrets, Jullie Maree Wood60-second-secrets


F.Y.I. – It’s All About Space

This week we had a great YouTube sent through to us which showed an amazing crop circle in Italy.  It is worth your time to view it!  Here’s the link for your viewing:

venusThis months article is from Gerry Taylor-Wood on ‘Venus and You’:

Every 243 years there is a cycle of aspects between Venus and the Sun.  One such cycle occurs on 6th June, 2012, when Venus stands between the sun and the earth.  What does this powerful eclipse mean to us humans? (Click here to read more)


Health tips – Red

soul-colour-redThe energy of Red in your Aura directly influences issues in your physical body and material world.

A Red Tip – use Red if your energy is stuck. Red is useful in balancing negative energies. Red is a good detoxifer, it brings old blocked and toxic energy to the surface for change and transformation.

Red is a protective agent. The conscious use of Red works to alleviate emotional and physical pain and hurts. Use a Red energy spray if you find you feel drained of energy at work, in shopping malls or around negative people.

The correct balance of Red in your Aura assists to maintain a healthy and strong base chakra, which is a critical factor for good health, a long life and youthful appearance.

…Excerpt from March 2012 Soul Colour Newsletter, Narelle Green

N.B. Narelle will be speaking with Rosemary at Neutral Bay on 2nd April.  A night with a difference – everyone will find out their Soul Colour.


Affirmation – say every day.

Take three deep breaths and relax.  Say:

“I bless my anxiety and am grateful for the opportunity to learn more about myself and to expand my confidence and intuition.  I thank God for all the blessings in my life and know that I am perfect, whole and complete.  I am grateful for the opportunity to release my fears, to stand in my power and be more present in my life in all that I do.”

…..Blessings of Gratitude, Laurie Leah Levine blessings-of-gratitude


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

A big thank you to everyone who has come to the Academy Meetings – we have had large numbers recently – many of the people that have come used to come years ago and are reconnecting.  They have grown in the Light and are bringing back with them such wonderful energy.  It is like we are always connected in the Light to each other whether they can physically come or not.   It is such a wonderful community of Light and together we are making a difference.  Each week when we light our candle and send Love and Light to situations and people and Mother Earth we are doing such a great service.

See if you can come next Monday Night as Mark Anthony (Theta Healing) will be giving us some wonderful ‘downloads’ for our cells after removing negative ones.  As I said last Monday Night, we are being blessed with so many new ‘tools’ that are being presented and ‘Home support’ that will help us release and let go of old beliefs and thought patterns that mostly we aren’t aware of and have been limited with.

To increase the community  connection even further why not forward The Academy newsletter to your friends and family in Australia and Overseas.  Lets spread the Light!


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.

In the last few weeks Rosemary has been guided to give messages to those with sick friends and family.  The candles are then placed in the centre for Love and Light to manifest for all.


MONDAY, 19th March, 2012

mark-anthony-2012Mark Anthony

Spiritual Harmony

MARK ANTHONY,  is Australia’s leading Spiritual teacher in the world famous healing technique “Thetahealing.” Mark is incredibly passionate about empowering people to create the life they choose to live. He dedicates his time enriching lives with this amazing technique.  At our next meeting Mark will share with you this amazing technique and how you can use it to achieve ” Spiritual Harmony” Imagine beginning your day with the feeling  of “Spiritual Harmony” at the very deep core of your being, where you are living each moment of the day in conscious harmony, engaging the soul in the present and living each moment with purpose and full awareness. or
Living in Spiritual harmony does not mean you are neglecting your responsibilities. To live in our society can be physically and emotionally demanding. As a result more and more people suffer from  stress, anxiety, and physical tension.
At this evening you will:
* Gain a deeper insight in to what it means to be “Living in Spiritual Harmony”,
* discuss the key spiritual virtues required to achieve “Spiritual Harmony”
* Learn a powerful yet simple exercise you can use on a daily basis so you can move towards living in “Spiritual Harmony” with ease and grace.
At the end of the evening Mark will guide you through a meditation into the Theta state where you will  receive incredible downloads* channelled by Mark Anthony so “Living in harmony” will come naturally.
We look forward to seeing you there!

*Downloads: “A download is a process by which we can reprogram  the subconscious mind “directly” with positive beliefs and feelings via accessing a Theta brain wave state. The Theta brain wave state  is the state in which we create our reality based on our beliefs and feelings. By downloading positive thoughts and feelings via the theta brain wave we can recreate the reality we desire.(ie success, happiness, joy etc)
The process of downloading positive beliefs and feelings “directly” to the subconscious mind means it is effectively quicker and faster than  reprogramming the subconscious mind via the conscious mind with time consuming and repetitive affirmations.
A download can also teach the body new feelings or beliefs directly to the cells. This is done by opening new receptors in the trillions of cells inside your body. You may have heard that happiness is inside you and not outside of you but if you don’t have the receptor (or ability ) to recognise the happiness then it creates frustration. When we download the ability to feel happiness and recognise it by opening these receptors then you are able to experience that feeling.”


MONDAY, 26th March, 2012

valerie-barrowValerie Barrow

A Group Regression

Valerie has just returned from a Past Life Regression Workshop held at Coolum Beach Resort, in Queensland, with Dr. Brian Weiss – Psychiatrist – USA – best selling author.  She will be sharing information as well as her own experiences with Regression and Past Life Therapy.

She would also like to hold an introductory group regression on the night. **So please bring a cushion and blanket to lay on the floor.**

Valerie Barrow is a psychic medium who gives her gifts, writings and teachings in service as an instrument of the spiritual source of all life.  She spreads the sacred history of the Planet Earth with help from Alcheringa and other guides.

Take a peek at this Youtube video as Valerie talks about her channeling of Alcheringa.

If you would like to see a video of her original channeling on 10.10.1995 of Alcharinga, click here.


What’s On

ann-joelA Blissful Evening of Divine Healing with Rev.Ann Christine

Next Thursday evening, March 22nd.Starts at 7.30pm sharp

Are you ready to be blissed out !! as Ann brings through the purest healing energy from her divine spirit doctors.

Ann and friends will bring us an Evening of Divine Healing, arrive at 7.15pm and find a comfortable seat, doors shut at 7.30pm for the start.

Ann is well known for these events and loves to bring in this fine yet powerful energy force for all to experience.  She is an international energy medicine practitioner, counsellor, medium and spiritual teacher…join us!! but be prepared for a big night of energy as it washes over you.

Date: Thursday evening – 22nd March 2012

Place: Awareness Institute, 20 Clarke St ,(off Willoughby St)Crows Nest.

Wear: Casual loose clothing – white/light if possible

Time: Starts 7.30pm sharp (doors shut)

Donation $25.00 includes refreshments.

Private healings with Ann are available until 30th March, when she leaves to take a special person to John of God in Brazil. Book by calling – mobile 0418 917 420 or email: –  website:


Community Announcements


Crystal  Shop in Lane Cove.
Tools to help individuals ascend.

High Vibrational Crystals & Crystal Jewellery, Spiritual books, CDs, Dream catchers,
Egyptian  & Angel figurines, Sage, Incense , Essential oils & Australian Bush Flowers.
Intuitive readings & Astrology Charts. Reiki Healing & Theta Healing TM.

Shop 15, 115-121 Longueville Rd, Lane Cove. (02) 9427 9665  Rear of first arcade.
Love & Light, Gratitude & Blessings,
Kim & Glenn


Centennial Park Labyrinth Project

chatres-labyrinthThis is a special event being held at the Mosman Art Gallery on Sunday 1st April, to help raise funds for the Centennial Park Labyrinth Project. Robert Ferre is an expert on labyrinths and I am very pleased to offer you the opportunity to hear him speak about Sacred Geometry and the Chartres Labyrinth.

Topic: Chartres Cathedral, France – “Its relevance, yesterday and today”Presenter: Robert Ferré was a founder of the Labyrinth Society and is a leading figure in the construction of labyrinths in the USA. He is in Australia to build a labyrinth in the Children’s Hospital in Westmead – the first hospital in Australia to have a labyrinth. Over a period of 47 years he has visited Chartres more than 50 times, and for many years, led groups to France on pilgrimage. His website provides all you need to know about building labyrinths.

Robert’s talk will cover Divine Creation, number and proportion, and the quality of numbers as exemplified in Chartres Cathedral and its elegant labyrinth.  “Sacred geometry is a spiritual exercise that seeks to find eternal truths as displayed in the beauty of nature.”

Where: Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, (Cnr Art Gallery Way & Myahgah Rd, Mosman)  When: 3pm, Sunday 1st April    Cost: $20The talk will be followed by a labyrinth walk at 6pm on a canvas labyrinth produced by Robert’s Labyrinth Workshop in Missouri.

This event is brought to you by the Centennial Park Labyrinth Project  Booking essential – RSVP via to reserve your place Labyrinths and Sacred Geometry.

For an instant experience of the labyrinth download the iPause app:


FREE TALK –  7pm-9.30pm Friday: 16th March

Join us for an evening and meet Budawang man, Noel Butler.

Noel will be introducing his 16 day course ‘Indigenous Cultural Awareness”  at 1/25 Noble Street Cottage, Mosman

Learn from 40,000 years of earth-based knowledge.

Hear Noel speak about his 16 day course. This course which is spread across the year, in two 7 day Milton residentials and 2 days in Sydney, holds a clear invitation to immerse yourself into a consciousness which brings new meaning to unconditional love, family, belonging, ecological identity, responsibility, justice, unity, wholeness and right relationship to fauna, flora and the land.

Noel, a Budawang man and Traditional Custodian from the South Coast of NSW, teaches Cultural Awareness for all people to gain knowledge for their own healing, spirituality and connection to natural lifestyle.

If you would like to attend or would like more information phone Nicola 0433128 645 or email

secrets-of-aboriginal-healingAcademy Note: for anyone interested in Aboriginal Culture and Healing the Robbie Holtz book “The Secret Language of Aboriginal Healing” is a must read. Click here for more info.



A community announcement costs $30.  To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75.

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.  To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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