
AOL News – 13th March, 2013 – It’s About You!

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to unlock the door to Enlightenment

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FYI – Looking beyond what we think we know…

This week we received a newsletter from James Twyman – Peace Troubadour – alerting us to a Spiritual Breakthrough we need to know about.  Here is an exerpt from his newsletter:

Why is it that no matter how many workshops we take part in, retreats we attend, books we read and meditations we do…we don’t feel like we’re expressing the highest human capacities available to us? The ones we most need to really live our fullest potential, day in and day out?…A group of pioneers at the leading edge of consciousness research are uncovering the fundamental obstacle that stands between us and the inspired, awakened life we sense is possible.
And one of these pioneers has developed a simple, accessible breakthrough process to help us move beyond it.
That pioneer is spiritual teacher Craig Hamilton, and I’m excited to be writing today to invite you to a free global seminar he’ll be leading next week:
Click Here to Attend: Activating the Impulse of Evolution: The Simple and Radical Shift that Can Liberate You From the Patterns of the Past and Unlock the Door to an Authentic, Enlightened Life.
In this online seminar offered at no charge, Craig will share the missing piece that most modern spiritual approaches don’t address, and that holds the key to an enormous next step in our personal and cultural evolution.
In his work at the Academy for Evolutionaries, Craig has not only identified the fundamental obstacle to the spiritually inspired life we yearn for–he’s discovered how each of us can reliably break through and live beyond that persistent impediment–opening up access to capacities and perspectives that we’ve tried to cultivate but rarely feel like we can embody with ease and consistency.
To read the full newsletter from James’s click here.


Beyond Our Differences

There is a new movie out called Beyond Our Differences which can be purchased online.  It has an interesting range of religious leaders, politicians and luminaries that are giving their message of hope to empower through their own expressions of faith to show the impact positive change in their lives and the lives of others.  It is well worth while just to watch the trailer!

To find peace within and without we know that we must look beyond our differences.


Spirit Science 17 – Universal Geometry

We have shared with you before some of the amazing YouTubes coming from Spirit Science.  The information is sourced from a number of different areas (Drunvalo Melchizedek, Hassim Haramein to name just two) and is put together in such a manner that both the young and the old will not only be able to understand but will also be inspired!  Universal Geometry is a follow on from The Flower of Life Episode – #6 and is well worth seeing!  Click here to experience Universal Geometry!



You give but little when you give of your possessions.  It is when you give of your self that you truly give.

…..Kahil Gibrain


In and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

“When “light changes” come, the rules alter.  The paradigms take the shape of a new form.  We’re riding on the elevator of higher frequency.  On the new floor of consciousness, everything in the world looks the same but nothing works exactly right…..In truth it involves increased light frequency.  These changes are likely to pertain to light workers at this time.”….Julia Griffin,

I found this week, a woman had extreme pain in the region of her stomach.  She said, “I don’t know whatever is wrong with my body.”  As I can ‘see’ the energy body quite clearly, I looked and was surprised at what I could see.  She now has a 5th dimensional body, or a body that has been calibrated to a 5th dimensional sensitivity. So she can no longer digest food of a lower vibration or food that has been cooked by someone else who might be angry or in a negative mood.  Also if she finds herself having a cup of coffee with friends and the conversation becomes extremely negative, her energy body will begin to collect the negative energy to transform it unbeknown to her.  All that negative energy in her body will cause pain as it will cause blockages to the energy flow.

There is nothing ‘wrong’ with her body, it is simply doing ‘its job’.  What she came to earth to do.  To transform, transmute negativity into positivity.

It is very important for our health that we keep releasing, cleansing our energy field.  Last week we had Noel Jordan explain how we can use a pendulum to clear our kidneys, liver, chakras etc.  and more excitingly clear the energy of cities.  It is funny how we cleared Washington of 54 plus million entities and how the stockmarket reacted the following week.  It went UP.  I know Wall Street is in New York but we don’t know what influence the 54 million entities had.

We are going to be clearing entities from cities around the world each week as well as from our bodies after the meditation – come along and join the group and help.  The is real lightworker’s work.


AFFIRMATION – say everyday.

“I trust and have faith that everything in my life is exactly as it should be.   This is the way I learn and grow.”

….Rosemary Butterworth  



How long have you been tossing and turning?  Irritable, sleepy at work? How many thoughts are whizzing around at night?  The cure? Read the testimonial below.

‘After being on sleeping pills for eight years, I managed to free myself from them just by listening to your CD, Orange Grove Siesta for a couple of weeks. I have a bipolar disorder, which some also call ‘sleep disorder’, since it invariably affects the sleep of the patient. I was given the CD as a present and at first was reluctant to believe that it would do me a lot of good, however it transpired that it was a most welcome, great surprise that your CD was so effective. God bless you John Levine, and your team. Love,’  Elsa Cepeda from Portugal!

NOTE:  The Academy has always believed in John Levine’s Alpha music, as there has been so many people that have been helped with stress levels and many other problems.  The Orange Grove Siesta costs $25 and is available on Monday Night’s and on our website.   Have a good night’s sleep!

Remember the products that the Academy keeps are a niche market of products that can support and help you such as Grail Haven Water, Soul Colour Sprays, Books written by amazing people such as Robbie Holz’s, Secrets of Aboriginal Healing, Dr. Libby Weaver’s Accidentally Overweight, Alcheringa by Valerie Barrow, I Am She, by Ann Castle, Seraphim Blueprint by Ruth Rendley and Secret Language of Your Body by Inna Segal and many more.  Most of our books cannot be purchased in store and as they all come highly recommended we are delighted to carry them for your ease of access. 


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


    MONDAY, 18th March, 2013

BRACO Gazing

VIVEKA – Presents a DVD of Braco

* Viveka says  “Personally I have experienced miracles just through watching the DVDs and listening to Braco’s voice which also holds the imprint of the Divine”. 

* Braco is going to Perth and over  900 tickets have sold so far

* Braco has travelled and presented at venues in Hawaii and the USA  as well as countries in Europe where he has been in person to send that lovely Gift of Love.

* Braco is not that well known in Oz and my task is to introduce him via DVD to the eastern states

* By looking at the Braco site one can see there is the opportunity to livestream which is connecting into his Gazing on the computer. Quite amazing technology and experience!.

* For more information:  Braco in America – YouTube – Braco Streaming Gaze Global or see flyer attached.

Contact: Beverley/Viveka  []


MONDAY, 25th March, 2013

“Hands and feet – An introduction to psychosomatic therapy”


Do you consider you hands and feet very often?  Did you know that they were and extension of your heart?

 Read what Marie has to say about them and you will be amazed!  Read on …

Come along and learn more about your connection to the world with understanding of your connection through your hands and feet.

* Your hands are the extension of your heart. We see with our eyes, hear with our ears and touch the world through our heart. Everything that we need to know is at our fingertips – we use our hands to express our body-mind and bring our creations into the world. Does your left hand know what the right hand is doing? Are your hands tied or do you have the world in the palm of your hand? Remember – The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

* The feat of the feet is to provide you with a firm foothold from which to grow and develop. The sole’s sole purpose is to support the soul.  The feet are the foundations of your body-mind. Do you have your feet on the ground? Do you ever get cold feet? Do you keep both feet on the ground or have a tendency to jump in with both feet?

Marie Chandler is a holistic health practitioner and trainer in NLP and Psychosomatic Therapy.

As a holistic healer she calls upon a number of modalities in order to create change for clients, providing them the space and opportunity to learn and grow. Marie offers a range of services including Face and Body Reading, Psychosomatic Therapy, EFT, Hypnotherapy, NLP and Coaching.

Marie says: “My passion is to make a difference to people by empowering them to be the best that they can be”.  This can be achieved by increasing their self-awareness, and maintaining a body-mind balance.”

Marie’s next courses are:  Face Reading and Psychosomatic Therapy,  Level 1: (6 Days)  April 13 – 18, 2013  Level 2: (4 Days)   May 2 – 5, 2013

We have invited Marie’s to return to The Academy for another talk as we were so excited by all the knowledge she has on face and body reading in her last presentation.



 Mysteries of Damanhur Australian Tour

Melbourne  | Gold Coast | Sydney  *****   15-31 March, 2013

Voted “The Most Evolved Community on the Planet!”

Awarded by the United Nations as a model for a sustainable future.

Veritas magazine is bringing Crotalo Sesamo and the advanced teachings of Damanhur to Australia.

Evening Presentations $25 – Learn all about the incredibly mysterious Damanhur – an Italian eco-community voted “The most evolved community on the planet! 

Astral Travel Weekend Workshops $220 – Learn the techniques Damanhur have mastered and experience the phenomenon of astral travel for yourself!

Inner Harmonizing Evening Presentations $57 – The basic technique consists in combining deep and conscious breathing with chanting of the vowels and specific positions of the fingers. It helps to release tensions and create inner balance.

Selfica Healing Evening Presentations $57 – Selfica involves the concentrated direction of vital and intelligent energies throughout the body. Selfica involves structures based on the spiral and includes the use of metals, colours, inks and minerals that are able to host intelligent energies. 


If  you would like to attend ALL Damanhur events in your city, contact us on 1300 916 798 for a SPECIAL BOOKING PRICE.


Community Announcements




Ayurveda Body Types : Chi Kung class by river : Raw Vitality :  Lost Knowledge : Safe use of the practices and therapies you love – Herbal Medicine, Aromatherapy, Yoga Exercise and more….

Go to



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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