
AOL News – 12th September, 2012 – Achieving Happiness

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgmental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to smile.



baby-laughingA baby smiles without judging who is worthy without judging who is worthy of its smiles and who is not.  We, too, can learn again to smile without first judging…..Stephanie Dowrick

May you live today with hope that is as certain as the sun, strength that is as steadfast as the mountains, and love that is as true as the angels…..Angel Reflections.



michelle-bowenMichelle Bowen will be back at The Academy in Neutral Bay on the 24th Sept. If you want a private reading/session with her please contact the Academy office on 99674425 as soon as possible as there are limited spaces on the 24th and 25th Sept.  See Michelle’s ad below.


Following on from the Newsletter of the 29th August where we had the brilliant talk on TED by Pam Warhurst (if you missed it you can still see the link on our enewsletter 29th August ) where she talked about Incredible Edible’s and how the town has become a loving community growing vegetables and now is getting tourists from all over the world, we have put in what Judith Schultz of Circles of Learning are doing in Sydney.  Read on…….

circles-of-learning-logoCircles of Learning’s Edible Garden Program for Parents & Children

The purpose is to introduce children to nature at an early age, so they discover the joys of growing their own food, tasting and having a fun experience.  The activities are designed for young children to establish good habits and develop confidence and help offset learning difficulties.  Parents receive about healthy tips to improve the children’s overall wellbeing.   This program runs in Bondi Junction every Tuesday morning and Woollahra every Wednesday morning.

We welcome enquiries about each of the programs (some of which are sponsored).  And we invite people to call who have access to Community Gardens, and who could give an hour and a half of their time every week to run the Parents & Children’s program.


Affirmation – say every day.

“I give thanks for this perfect, wondrous day, I smile happily as I greet this day.
I smile happily at all I meet.  I work efficiently with joy.”


HEALTH TIP -Achieving Happiness

Mental health is not just the absence of mental health problems. It is a state of wellbeing in which an individual realises his/her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.

It is our responsibility to look after ourselves.  Positive psychology can teach you to live a happy, meaningful and fulfilled life.  It is unrealistic to expect to be happy 100% of the time,but learning to be happier, bouncing back from challenges and building resilience are important building blocks to achieving greater positivity, at all times, not just when you are feeling good.  Learning from your experiences and becoming responsive rather than reactive is a goal worth striving for.  We should remember that:-

1.  All of us strive to be happy, but naturally as humans we constantly experience a range of emotions both positive and negative.

2.  Happiness is not dependent on wealth or success, but rather on how you decide to live your life.

3.  HAPPINESS IS A PROCESS, NOT AN OUTCOME.  You can learn to improve the quality of your life in the here and NOW and not just in the hope of being happier in the future.  REFRAIN FROM LABELING EVENTS AS GOOD OR BAD.

4.  Positive emotions help draw us into the future and think about outcomes, and not just push ourselves out of our past.  You can learn to build on these positive emotions so that you cope better and function well (learning to look at what’s right rather than at what’s wrong – which is usually what YOU don’t like about the situation – maybe there is nothing wrong with it at all).

P.S.  A TIP TO REMEMBER.  Buddha says,  “What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow.” laughting-buddha


In and Around The Academy


With Rosemary Butterworth.

The Academy gets a number of calls from people in need, sometimes lonely people.   A man rang and told me a little story.  While he was crossing a big intersection at the lights, he noticed the driver of one of the cars waiting to go was a woman and she was looking straight at him.  He looked back, into her eyes and she greeted him with a big smile.  He shared with me what a difference that smile made to his day.

We need to remember that not everyone is surrounded by family and friends.  Many people live solitary lives.  A smile costs nothing but can certainly change the colour of someone’s day.  Have you smiled at someone you don’t know today?


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 17th September, 2012

Where The Psychic Meets The Psychological

elizabeth-robinsonElizabeth Robinson

  • Elizabeth will share details of her own personal spiritual awakening, offering insights into what she sees as the new paradigm for health and healing – where the psychic meets the psychological
  • A live demonstration of her intuitive and multi-sensory abilities and techniques, ‘tuning in’ and providing guidance to personal questions and offering fascinating individual energy treatments on various audience members.
  • As well, Elizabeth will give us a unique mass healing, channelling an immensely powerful energy into the room through her hands, working throughout the entire audience en masse.
  • Talk about her new book “There are No Goodbyes” – about afterlife communications.

For almost thirty years, Professional Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Intuitive Consultant Elizabeth Robinson has dedicated herself to awakening others to the hidden factors that hold them back from living their greatness. Through an extraordinary story of her own spiritual awakening spanning three continents and involving the tragic deaths and afterlife communications from two young teenage girls and close friend and mentor Harvard Psychiatric Professor Dr John Mack, Elizabeth now offers the remarkable details as a soon-to-be-released book, entitled ‘There are No Goodbyes.’

“I do what I do because I Passionately believe in people’s infinite Potential to live their Greatness. And because I Passionately believe that the world will be a better place, once we embody our Greatest Potential.”

Elizabeth Robinson BSW AASW, Psychotherapist, Author, Professional Counsellor , Intuitive Consultant, email:


MONDAY, 24th September, 2012

Tools of the Trade

mystique-thetahealing-michell-bowen-2Michelle Bowen

“I have been blessed to be invited to talk for the Academy at St Johns Church Neutral Bay firstly in July on My Lifes Journey in Healing and now again on the 24th September where I will discuss “Tools of the Trade”.

I will include various techniques and tools used in healing, how I have learned to use them in my Healing journey and to assist others with their own Journey. How others may utilise old and new skills for a comprehensive expansion in their personal experience or that of their clients.”

When we heard Michelle speak last time we were entertained and enlightened.  We are certain “Tools of the Trade” will be just as illuminating!

For more information on Michelle go to or to email her



Signature Cell Healing in Sydney –  This weekend!

Master Healer

Kahu Fred Sterling

in Sydney,  14-18 September

signature-cell-heallingLearn Signature Cell Healing….
Complete both levels and gain Practitioner Certification.
Check out the attached flyer.

Are you a practitioner wondering how you would use SCH with your existing modalities?

Kahu says, “Do the SCH OPENING SEQUENCE and then use appropriate tools & strategies from SCH and/or other modalities and then finish with the SCH CLOSING SEQUENCE”.  It’s a really simple integration & manifestation of healing energy.

The Opening & Closing Sequences (level 1 workshop) raise the vibration for both client & practitioner, bringing in the purest light & love energy to amplify the creator energy within.  The sequences: *Activate the pineal gland – the centre of all that you do between spirit & physical,  *Activate healing in the blood, the bones, the meridians,  *Balance the left hemisphere & right hemisphere of the brain,  *Integrate the Omni brain  *Alchemy

PLUS Uluru Hook Release  ULURU 2012 AD 2

Key dates are  Sat 22 Sept and Sun 23 Sept at Uluru.

Click on the links:  What is a Hook Release?

Join us at Signature Cell Healing for Webinar replays
Replay of the June webinar: Q and A format
Replay of the July webinar: Q and A format
Replay of the August webinar: Distance healing. Must see !
Follow this link to some inspiring interviews:  with Cynde Meyer, Guy Spiro & Lee Carroll on Signature Cell Healing


blue-star-4Shaman Blue Star

In October Shaman Blue Star will return to Australia for the fourth time to share her teachings in Native American Indian spirituality.

Blue Star has been working with Chief Dancing Thunder of the Susquehannock Tribe of Florida for 18 years and is initiated as a clan mother of the Pan American Indian Association. She works as a transpersonal healer and is a clear medium using a shaman’s drum and her voice. In her workshops she combines shamanic journeys with channeled messages from spirit and teachings of ancient knowledge. Blue Star teaches with a warm heart, great empathy and a lot of humor.

She will run workshops in Sydney (Beyond Trance Dance), Southern Highlands (Water Rituals & Self Healing) and Melbourne (Shamanic Intensive) in October and November.
For bookings and information contact Paulien: or 0420 751 255.  Click here for more detail.

Blue Star will offer a shamanic journey with golden healing light on 15 October at The Academy at Neutral Bay.  Watch Diary of Events for further details.



Practicing and Teaching Worldwide

  • Theta Classes and Private Healing Sessions
  • Skype sessions
  • Workshops and Retreats
  • Kinesiology & Life Coach
  • Psychic Readings
  • Astrologal Natal Charts
  • “Colour Cotton Therapy”-Books, Cards & Workshops

Gift Vouchers for all services

Please feel free to look at all my Bartercard listings and all my products, classes, services on my website. All products and services are available on full Bartercard Trade except ThetaHealing books and deposits for classes which are cash.
Look for my specials each month!
Payment plans are available for cash customers on classes and seminars.

Michelle is a gifted Psychic & Healer, born  into a psychic & healing family, with profound abilities which she has developed over many years. She is a mother & grandmother, artist, with interests in creative building, landscaping, gardening, nature, craft & textiles. She works in community projects.

Connect with Michelle on (email)







Sessions  Sunday’s 10.00 am Sydney Australia time. For maximum healing it is recommended that you have a session once a week.

Further dates to be announced. For more information click here to see flyer.

Robyn Welch is a Diagnostic Medical Intuitive and Natural Practitioner. Her highly developed skills covering 18 years Robyn can diagnose and treat  clients without physical contact . All work is conducted by landline phone only. Quantum Physics and positive energy. The Quantum Zone is the highest Zone humans can attune to, its here that all things are positive, atoms and molecules can be changed to promote healing
Your session with Robyn will commence by having your energy field cleared of negative frequencies. Robyn will then verbally visit all major body parts, using positive energy similar to a laser ray.  Collective Healing Sessions will be super powerful as all concerned will be vibrating on Quantum energy, as a whole . Positive and negative electronic components in the human energy field are connected to body parts, therefore if any of these components weaken from lack of positive heart energy or outside influences, such as radiation frequencies, which are negative to the human system, body parts will weaken, therefore creating illness.



“The Past Should Never Be Allowed To

Determine Your Future”

Michelle Darby-Fay


Michelle will take you on a powerfully healing and spiritual journey of awakening and self-realisation as she shines a light on the true causes of any emotional blocks, relationship issues, feelings of disconnection, fears and anxieties you are experiencing in your life.

She runs a busy healing practice in the Lower North Shore area of Sydney, where she specialises in transforming limiting belief systems, past life healing, dream interpretation, energy rebalancing, Soul retrieval (bringing back the missing pieces of your Soul), as well as spiritual activations to assist your spiritual development and expansion.

Bookings Essential/Contact Details:
SOUL SANCTUARY, 4/139 Military Road, Neutral Bay, NSW, 2089
Mobile: 0401 551 581 / Email:
Sessions: 1 Hour / $95 / For more details visit:


Pure Energy with Ann Joel

There have been some amazing healings in the Casa with John of God and now I’m back in Sydney!
Come and experience a session on the Crystal Bed.
Sign up for my Energy Medicine Course…limited to 4 people, 21st, 22nd & 23rd of September.
Click here to see more or email Ann on


Lauren Artress is coming to Brisbane and Perth!

Don’t miss this opportunity!

lauren-artressLauren Artress is the ‘grandmother’ of the labyrinth movement in the US. She’s a wonderful speaker and an inspiring teacher and will be holding facilitator training workshops in Brisbane and Perth. I am on the board of the non-profit organization, Veriditas, which she founded in 1995, which is dedicated to teaching people about the labyrinth experience.
For more information Email:



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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– © Copyright 2009 – The South Cross Academy of Light