
AOL News – 12th October, 2011 – World Connections

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this newsletter is to inspire, inform and bring you current events.

Inside this week you will find attached a special article by Dolores Cannon – The Coming New Earth.

Thought of the Week

“All my changes are easy to make.”
In order to change my life outside, I must change inside.
The moment I am willing to change, it is amazing how
the Universe begins to help me.
It brings me what I need.
…Louise L Haylouise-l-hay



In recent months we have quoted some affirmations from ‘Self-love Cards’ created by Michelle McGrath.  sacred-selfWe are pleased to say that we now have them in stock and they will be added to our ‘shop’ on the website shortly.  If you would like to access them before that happens email us on or call us in the office on 02 9967 4425.  They are $22/box.

We have just received Jennifer Starlight’s book ‘Joy’ joysmall2back in stock and with that came some copies of the Min channelling at the Academy on 26th September.  If you would like a copy of the CD please contact us  – they are $10 plus $5 postage.  CD’s are not on the website.

valerie-barrowVal Barrow was amazing on Monday night telling us all about Star People which she has written about in her book – Alcheringa.  It also came out on the night that her 1st book ‘A Book of Love’ was blessed by Sai Baba and some people have had healing/other worldly experiences whilst reading it.  Both books are available from the Academy.


Health tip

accidentally-overweightFROM ACCIDENTALLY OVERWEIGHT by Dr. Libby Weaver.

Do your best to change your thinking to see life as an adventure, a journey and a gift,full of opportunity, a process through which we can contribute.  Think about it.  A belief in the permanence of doom is dangerous for every hormonal signal in our body.


*  Schedule and commit to regular breathing exercises.  Practice yoga, Pilates, tai chi or qigong.  It can literally change your life.

*  Spend five minutes daily focusing on and giving voice to all the aspects of your life for which you are grateful; you can’t be stressed when you feel grateful.

* With the guidance of a herbalist, take some adrenal support herbs.  These adrenal herbs, the majority of them adaptogens – meaning they help the body adapt to stress by fine-tuning the stress response – include:

* Withania, for the worriers

*  Rhodiola, for the drama queens or occasionally for the worriers

*  Siberian ginseng, for the fatigues feminine

*  Panex ginseng, for the utterly fatigued and for short-term use only’

*  Licorice, especially if your blood pressure is at the low end of normal

*  Dandelion leaves, especially if you retain fluid.

NOTE from The Academy.  This is one of the most important books we have had.  It explains what is happening to your body due to the stresses of today in the simplest of terms.   You can purchase a copy on our website


Affirmation – say every day.

Connect to The Southern Cross Academy of Light and then call in your Teachers and Guides and begin your day by saying:-

Every cell in my body is singing the sound of creation.  The sound of love. …….Narelle Green –


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

Let us grow together – let us be the change!

Spring at Jacaranda Haven. jacaranda-haven-2011-front-view Spring is a wonderful time of new beginnings.  There is a need to focus on the new beginnings not on what is wrong with the world.  We are going through a transformation, everything that doesn’t work is being demolished in one way or another to make way for a new beginning.  Watch for the new beginnings that are springing up everywhere.

We are hearing stories from around the world of what people are doing.  Shanna Hayden is living and working with children in Cambodia in a school just outside Siem Reapand.   Shanna says “Bringing hope, love and education to the beautiful village children here in Cambodia is not only a wonderful thing to do, but Cambodia itself is a great learning experience in ‘getting real’.  No money equals the sense of upliftment and joy one receives by giving and loving.
It is Love in Action, to participate somewhere and somehow in making a difference and to ‘Become the Change’ that heralds a truly peaceful, God loving, new Earth.

Also Mark Wentworth and troupe are now in Chittagong and we are expecting some nice pictures of them with the children.

AT FOREST LODGE – BULAHDELAH forest-lodge-farm-stay-bulahdelah

The plan to set up a not-for-profit organisation called GROWING TOGETHER SUSTAINABLY –  Living The Future,
to bring disadvantaged people, jobseekers and of course any one who is interested together at Forest Lodge FarmStay to gain skills in sustainable living, such as:
Food growth      personal growth     and community growth. Topics currently being covered: Permaculture    boat building    animal husbandry    farm maintenance    hospitability.
Areas they hope to develop soon are: Personal growth through art therapy, music therapy.Self-esteem workshops for individuals and families.
Their plan is to secure funding from local job search agencies to enclose the barn as an educational centre for workshops; equipment to run workshops and two nearby composting toilets.  This funding will also pay the facilitators of work placement training in sustainability, covering the above-mentioned topics. They hope to touch as many people as possible from a broad spectrum, to brighten their lives through sustainable living.
There will be day sessions during the week and weekend stays, where they can take up to 6 families at once or 24 individuals.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.



Mark Sanat Kumara – A Universal Religion – the Unselfish Love Of Self.

mark_kumara Mark is a spiritual teacher from England who now lives in Denmark, Western Australia, where he runs a meditation centre.  Sanat Kumara made himself known to him in a vision, informing him he was a member of the Earth Council and telling him to call himself Kumara.

Mark Sanat Kumara says, “There is the Self, then there is the Conditioned Self which believes itself to be separate, living in its own bubble of purposeful awareness.  Love, of course, embraces everything including both the Self and the Conditioned Self. The Conditioned Self actually needs to be rather selfish in order to maintain its creative validity in this purposefully created illusion which we call duality.  However, a middle path between being selfish and unselfish is required at this level of awareness until supreme unselfishness –  or selflessness  – is attained through your natural spiritual advancement toward at-onement with the One Self.  In that great final moment there comes the realisation that there is only one supremely unselfish loving Self which is none other than The-All-That-Is.  Though you can if you wish still use your personality as if it were still a separate self.   In brief, it is like having your cake and eating it!”

A very wonderful spiritual teacher.  Don’t miss this opportunity of being in his energy.

Mark was with us earlier in the year and after his talk one of the audience asked him one to one what his next project was and his reply was “Talking to you in this moment.”  Her heart was filled with JOY and an understanding of who she was talking to.

For more information about Mark go to



walter-masonWalter Mason – Angkor Wat:

The Beauty and Spiritual Significance of Cambodia’s Great Forgotten City

“Forgotten for centuries in the jungles of Cambodia, Angkor Wat was once the world’s greatest and most sophisticated city. Re-discovered by French explorers in the nineteenth century, this massive stone structure was both a political and a religious centre, built to illustrate the creation myths of Hinduism, and later accommodating many of the schools of Buddhism. In this fascinating talk Walter will take us through the stories, history and meanings of the great temple of Angkor Wat.”

“Walter Mason is a travel writer, and a wonderful speaker whose book on Vietnam, “Destination Saigon,” was named by the Sydney Morning Herald as one of the 10 best travel books of 2010.
Walter is currently at work on his next book, a spiritual journey through Cambodia. He is also in the final stages of writing his doctoral dissertation at the University of Western Sydney’s Writing & Society Research Group, where he is writing a history of self-help literature in Australia.”

For more about Walter go to



dolores-new-earth-banner-2011Spend and Evening with Dolores Cannon

Dolores Cannon is a past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist who specialises in the recovery and cataloging of lost knowledge.  She has been specialising in past-life therapy since 1979. She is the author of 15 books and has done over 1000 radio appearances.  She travels all over the world teaching her unique technique of hypnosis and bringing the message of the coming New Earth.

There have been many prophecies and visions of our future and the evolution of consciousness of our world.  Dolores Cannon has been at the forefront of this investigation.

Dolores is coming in November to Adelaide on 3rd, Melbourne on 4th, Gold Coast on 7th and Sydney on 9th.

There is a workshop on in Geelong where Dolores is also teaching her popular method of past-life regression therapy and contacting the subconscious to facilitate healing and closure. The Quantum Healing Technique can provide instantaneous self-healing of physical, mental and emotional conditions. This is a technique that all energy healers should learn, the results are truly exceptional.

Click here to see where and when her talks are on plus a video of Dolores.


Starts Tonight!!!!!   The Path to Love with Rosemary Butterworth

This eight week course is a practical hands on course to bring conscious awareness of your physical, mental and spiritual bodies.  Tonight Rosemary has a special guest speaker Lilo Kunz who is a Body Talk practitioner, Remedial masseuse who will give us a some simple basic steps for maintenance of the body.

Wednesday evenings: 12th October – 30th November, 7pm to 8.30pm
Cost: $200 for the 8 week course in Level 1, 89 Chandos St, St Leonards.
($30 per night)
The path to LOVE is to have a healthy Body, Mind and Soul… This course will show you how to achieve this.
Come along and have fun together as we go into high energy and clear our physical, emotion and mental bodies.

Suggested reading for the course is Accidentally Overweight by Dr. Libby Weaver.  This book can be purchased at you local bookshop or through the Academy

BOOKINGS: Phone Rosemary on 9967 4425 or email
To see more click here.

The wisdom and the teaching Rosemary is given comes from the Angelic Kingdom. archangel-michael


Community Announcements

Metamorphic Techinique Free Talks, Demos and Workshops

dominique-meeroffDominique Meeroff from the UK will be here in October in Byron Bay and Sydney.  For dates see attached flyer.

Metamorphic Technique is a wonderful modality for mothers, pregnancy, gestation, kids, elderly, autism, personal development, couples, therapists, basically for anyone.
Metamorphic Technique is very simple to learn and use. No special abilities or background are needed. Many people take workshops so they can use the Technique with family and friends, or as a first step towards becoming a practitioner. Workshops on the Metamorphic Technique include both theory and practice. The principles behind the work are expansive and life affirming and participants are taught the method, which they then practice on each other.

Contact Mirko 0422 442 447


11-11-11 Celebration in Sydney!!!!

Are You Ready to Create the Golden Age??

Transform Your Human Self into Your Divine Self.

Join the Higher Realms as a Creator God/Goddess!

Click here for more information or phone Virginia on 0433 829 605.


vianna-stibal-disease-and-disorderVianna Stibal is coming to Sydney in October!

Vianna Stibal, the founder of ThetaHealingTM, an energy healing technique that is rapidly transforming the lives of thousands of people across the globe is coming to Sydney, Australia.Are you looking for powerful new ways to improve or heal your life?

Don’t miss out on the following events open to everyone THETAHEALING Day – Special one day event that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE  on 29TH OCTOBER, 2011 PLUS SOULMATE DAY – Are you ready for True Love? on 6th NOVEMBER.

For further information on what you can experience with Vianna click here.

Avoid disappointment – Register now for any of the above events at or call us on (02) 9613 0712.


UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY – Come and experience the Shakti circle.

This fortnightly meditation circle is open to all; beginners are welcome.

shakti-circleAlana Fairchild’s unique meditation group for healing with divine energy

Grow spiritually and experience real results in your life! The divine energy bathing each gathering changes and we never really know what to expect except that it will be beautiful. Come along, even bring a friend. Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome.

Alternate Thursday evenings 7.15pm – 9pm. The Fuller Room, Crows Nest Centre, 2 Ernest Place, Crows Nest. Follow the wafting incense and you’ll find us! Each meeting $25 or by donation. We meet October 13 & 27, November 10 & 24, December 8.

More at





A community announcement costs $30.  To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75.

Please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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