
AOL News – 11th September, 2013 – Expand, Be the Universe!

"Newsletter" buttonAcademy of Light Incorporated-Supporting Your Souls Journey

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to be aware of who You are!

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FYI –  Stop, Pause & Listen

nicole-tooheyHow do I best serve?

Achieve a Fulfilled and a meaningful life.  Every step, takes you on a journey of your life’s purpose. There is not one single purpose…other than to shine your light and share your love, wisdom and power with others. If you feel confused or frustrated about your sense of purpose, meaning and wellbeing, please stop and pause.
Ask yourself, how do I best serve?  Feel these words upon your being (not just in the mind).These words are a gift from your divine presence/will…have trust, faith and embrace where you are now. Surrender to these words like a mantra….be mindful, patient, and present to what you hear, see and feel, as you are about to come in contact with the answer.
It will literally land in your lap – so give it time with your open heart & open mind. As soon you receive your answer – proactive and co-creative action is the essential next step!
TIP! Your mind does not always know the answer of how you best be of service – but your soul does!  Nicole Toohey, Woman of Essence…


Embrace Life logoEmbrace Life, Live Life Expo Northern Beaches

A date for your diary!  Sunday, 13th October.  Come to the Mind, Body and Soul  Expo Harbord Diggers’ Club and look for the Academy’s table.  We have a niche market in books, CD’s, Oils, Sprays and Essences.  Our niche market are products that mainly came from our Guest Presenters, products which we thought were amazingly healing and helpful.   For instance we have John Levine’s CD’s for sale.   John Levine’s music has been tested and proven to take the mind into a state of Alpha hence he gave it the name, Alpha Music. In the range there are many CD’s for various purposes. Silence if Peace is extremely helpful to calm anxiety, detach you from your busy mind and bring you such peace.  Great for those studying!  Costs $23.

For more information about the Expo see the advertisement.


Mooji Your Mind Wants to be a Star but you are the Universe.

“Has your mind become your Guru?”  Mooji asks.  Do you believe everything it tells you and try to obey it?  In this 7 minute video Mooji reminds us that the mind is only a tenant in our body and not the landlord.  Listen to Mooji as he explains to a young man the need to take his power back from the mind in residence.  Click here to see YouTube.



BE HERE NOW – It connects you to the moment – the moment is the only reality we have – all the rest is illusion.  When you notice your head is busy, say these words aloud and it will connect you to your Light Body and your mind will feel expanded and filled with Light 

…………Rosemary Butterworth  Rosemary-Lets-Have-Fun


Affirmation – say daily…

“I love the light of who I am
I shine my light for all to see.
It lifts up my heart with Joy and Gladness
Which I consciously share with everyone
As well as with me.”

……..from Accidentally Overweight by Dr. Libby Weaver  Libby Weaver


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls Journey

With Peggy Stevens

On Monday night we had a high energy experience with Practitioners and students of Kosmic Fusion and all present received a healing. It was a powerful night for everyone as a special meditation was sent from Kaveeta, founder of Kosmic Fusion (Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse) just for those present on the evening to “activate people’s Navel Chakra to anchor their Light and Purpose to incarnate”. As we were following the meditation instructions I felt the energy raise my arms all by themselves! This was a very different meditation indeed!!!

At the end of the evening with Q & A people discussed what had happened for them with this healing. Adam Khedoori, (a practitioner but not of Kosmic Fusion) who will be presenting at the Academy in October was there. Adam is Clairvoyant and he told us how he was seeing energies leaving the bodies of those receiving the Kosmic Fusion energy and his own experience was very powerful with dark energy suddenly leaving his energy body. Needless to say we all left a lot lighter!


HEALTH – Salty Massage

BathRun a warm bath.  Sit on the edge and mix together a handful of sea salt and enough bath water to make a paste.

Massage the paste all over your body from the neck down to the soles of your feet, using small circular movements. Then soak in the bath for fifteen minutes.

Note: Used externally, salt increases circulation, exfoliates the skin and is stimulating to the body. It is a fantastic detoxifier and can be a great way to stop an oncoming cold or flu in its tracks. If you suffer from haemorrhoids or varicose veins, add another cup of salt to the bath water before you soak as it will help to contract the veins. If you suffer from high or low blood pressure, any heart conditions or have any broken skin, do not use this bathing technique.   

…..Julie Maree Wood from her book 60-Second Secrets.

OR you might like to go The Salt Spot, Salt Room Therapy at Neutral Bay.  9953 1110


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


    MONDAY, 16th September, 2013


Adrian Anteros & Jax Goldhawk

Pureheart Aura Mists


Come along to celebrate SPRING with a Flower Ceremony through Sound, Fragrance and JOY.

Did you know that “Sacred communion with nature gives you accelerated access to your most pristine Whole Being”?

Connect to your Relevance and Reverence in the Fusion of Nature.

What is PureHeart Essence: These essences bring you Plant Spirit Wisdom of Flower Angel Frequencies bound into Alchemical water through Sound, Light and Love.

Essences are geometrically balanced and adorned in synergistic oils.

The elegance of the blends allows for ease of entrainment into your electromagnetic field ~ this enhances your functionality in daily life and also connects You to Your Soul Purpose Expression

Adrian Anterös is a Plant Priest, carefully communing with Blueprint Intelligence; the Doctrine of Signatures; Cosmic Projections and Morphology of Flowers ~ having acquired an inherent knowledge of the Land through farming. Adrian has spent Soultime, time with Shamans and Plant-Medicine Lovers of Nature all around the world. He carries an intimate understanding of their Potency and Powers, combining Geometry and Flower Forms to assist human archetypical Emotions and elevate Conscious Evolution of Our Luminous Selves.

Jax Goldhäwk is a poet, philosopher, facilitator & explorer of the Symphony of Life in Nature. Her travels allow for experience of the Living Legends of Sacred Spaces and communion with Indigenous Wisdom Keepers – African Sangomas, Incan Shamans, Aboriginal Elders, a Japanese Avatar & Key Influencers like Ian White, Jeremy Ball and Adrian Antëros.

Jax honours the Ancients by bringing Ceremony to celebrate the profound Power, the Beauty & Sheer Magic of Nature and Our Place in it.

Contacts: email:


MONDAY, 23rd September, 2013


Matt OmoMatt Omo & John ButterworthJohn Butterworth

Monthly Sound Night – join us!

John and Matt unite as a team and take you to heights that you may not have experienced before. Get ready! Be prepared to take a leap into another reality and experience unity consciousness, joy and laughter.

Didjeridoo, gongs and exotic musical instruments that will embrace your whole spiritual being.  Come along and see what spirit has install for us.

To find out more about:
Matt Omo: and
John Butterworth: and email:



Embrace Life, Live Life Expo

Embrace Life Live Life

at Harbord Diggers in the Northern Beaches

Sunday, October 13th   10am – 5pm

A day not to be missed!!!

Every Expo that Embrace Life put on is different and this one is no different.  See you there.

Click here for the Half Price Tickets when you and a friend come together.



Jacaranda Haven Spring No  3 2012

SPECIAL GUESTS. TIM NOONAN – Voice Readings & JULIA SMITH.with her Kirlian Camera and Sound Bed.

We have a very special day organised. In the morning Tim will amaze you as he explains how your voice still holds your talents and purpose underneath all the coverings from life.

After lunch Julia will explain how sound and colour affect your energy field by putting some lucky person on her sound massage table and using her Kirlian camera showing the difference in their energy before and after.

Please note this change of date: it is on Sunday 6th October 10.00am to 4.00pm.  Don’t forget day light saving starts Sunday!!!

Click here for more info. and directions.

Looking forward to seeiug you all.  Love John and Rosemary Butterworth.


Community Announcements

Want space to listen to your true self?

Inner Transitions Workshop 22nd September 2013

Despina Nikolakakos

With Despina Nikolakakos

We create life inside out whether we are aware of it or not, and often until we take stock and listen deeply we don’t realize how much of the old we still carry around, or indeed how much we have already evolved.

Through deep stillness, meditation, ceremony and more, connect to your truth and access your inner visionary as begin to create a new foundation to live your life from.
Close the gap between who you think you are and who you really are, now.

Sunday 22nd September   10am -4pm   Cost: $150  

RSVP to Despina by 18th September to confirm place.  Spaces limited
Venue: Yoga To Go Studio: 106-108 Crystal St Petersham Ph: 0478 785432

click here for more information


GrandmothersGrandmothers Circle The Earth Foundation

October 7th through to November 18th at the invitation of a number of Elders and Nunkurri (traditional Originie medicine people) from the central desert region, Australia will play host to 8 traditional Grandmothers and Grandfathers from various tribes of Turtle Island, (USA and Canada).  

Residential 2 days in Sydney $365.00 per person.
2 days of non-residential workshop in Byron Bay $100.00 per person.

For more information about all of the events and the Grandmothers and Grandfathers click here.



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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– © Copyright 2013 – Academy of Light Inc.  ABN: 26680515199