
AOL News – 11th January, 2012 – Welcome to 2012!

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us that the lifestyle choice is ours!


Thought of the Week

The enlightenment you are seeking is already embracing you,suffusing you.  It is shining as your Self.

When all ideas and concepts about it fall away, what remains is pure, unobscured awareness…enlightenment itself.

You are that.

………………”Freedom Is”, Brandon Bays brandon-bays


F.Y.I.  –  Reshaping

reshaping-universe2012 is a year for reshaping.  We are not just talking about on a physical level although of course when you do that your mental and emotional ideas and feelings are modified.  Inevitably your spiritual body is reshaped as you progress.  Towards the end of 2011 we saw (and continue to see) businesses and countries reshaped, reprogrammed.  Globally this has had and will continue to have ramifications.  Some will go into fear about these happenings however it is important to remind yourself that the only constant in life is change and so the key is to be open to  what comes.

Everything that is ‘not working’ must go.  Look around.  If there is something not working in your life then why are you hanging on to it?  Change your life and see the ripple move out and effect greater change.

Think about how you can be of service to yourself, your immediate environment, the world and of course the Universe.


Health tip –  Crepe Myrtle Flower Essence

This flower essence is for joyful, ONEness, creativity and moving forward in your life.  crepemyrtle

(The Crepe Myrtle speaks) “I move forward, clearing a path before me whereever I go.  I gather strength and courage as I go.  As a rolling snowball gathers snow, I gather what I need.  I now trust that knowledge and insight are available to me, and I no longer look back allowing fear and doubt to get in my way.”


* Balancing masculine/feminine within

* Strength, courage and joyful ONEness

* Creativity and urge to move forward in life

* This essence provides a clearing and strengthening of the spine and nervous system.  It induces clarity of mind and increased energy.  Crepe Myrtle has a balancing and strengthening influence on the adrenal glands and gonads, as well as on the solar plexus and crown chakras.

This essence is made for with Smoky Quartz Crystal.

….Solara Zwaneveld,


Affirmation – say every day.

When you come to a red light or are stuck in traffic “see it as a bell of mindfullness, reminding us to return to the present moment.” Say:

“Breathing in, I calm my body.  Breathing out, I smile.”

This situation has now “become a friend, helping us to remember that it is only in the present moment that we can live our lives”

…….’Peace Is Every Step’, Thich Nhat Hanh peace-is-every-step


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

2012 is the year we have all been waiting for.  It is the year of change and growing.  It is the year to find your purpose and live it.  It is the year of stepping into the unknown.  Facing your fears with courage and coming out exhilarated.  The Southern Cross Academy of Light is here to not only supply you with information but support you at all times.  Together we will walk into the unknown with Joy and Laughter in our hearts ready to be of service to those who need it.

It is imperative to keep your energy high.  We have a wonderful line up of speakers at Neutral Bay who will keep you buzzing.  Come and join us as often as you can because the evening will sustain you and keep you connected.  We are community, we are family.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.





Come and hear this amazing speaker who has touched the Supreme Love that permeates the whole creation . This is the Love that we are all after. The Love that will heal you and the Love that will balance your life and this Monday Night Anatole shares his experiences of Supreme Love and explains how to live the reality of Love in 2012.

After a lifelong study, disciplines, practices and devotion in an Ashram, Anatole has just completed and published a major life work, a soul experience – The Soft Diamond Light – which includes his new book and sacred music CD which he has composed and performed. This inspiring and uplifting, creative work introduces the vision of Soft Diamond Light to create a world of peace and prosperity for everyone around the world.

Tonight Anatole will speak about the vision of Soft Diamond Light,which is the energy of our Higher Self; about how we can overcome our “Egoference” (moving into fear) and start “Breaking the Mind Barrier” so we can live our lives from our innate inspired intuitive intelligence. A powerful state from where we can all start raising the consciousness of humanity!

Says Anatole:

“We can choose to be driven by fear or to bring universal limitless love into our lives by connecting to the Soft Diamond Light within every one of us!”

Anatole is an author, composer, film-maker, entrepreneur and inventor. He has been involved with humanitarian and environmental projects since the 70’s. In the 90’s he produced a number of documentaries in this area with the international singer, John Denver and the international best selling author, Robert Kiyosaki. Over the last 13 years his private company, Earthsupport Technologies Pty Ltd has been developing new technologies. He founded the company, Global Valve Technology Limited, which has launched an energy-saving technology into the US market with the support of the Australian Government.

Just recently, Anatole was the closing speaker on a panel experts for the final session of the Conference, “BIG Issues: Inspirational Thinking” in Melbourne, Australia for one of the most powerful business networks in the world, the World’s President’s Organisation and Young President’s Organisation. A past Prime Minister, Paul Keating was a guest speaker during the conference amongst other experts speaking on a range of global and national topics.

Anatole’s latest book & CD  ‘Soft Diamond Light: only love matters’ is available through Adyar Bookshop. soft-diamond-light



Find Your Purpose and Fly Free

rosemary-recent-picture-1105With Rosemary Butterworth

Join Rosemary on Wednesday nights between 7 & 8.30pm starting 8th February running through to 28th March 2012 and discover your purpose .  During the 8 weeks there will be a focus on a happy healthy & stress free life through the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies and how to clear them, amoungst other things, using a pendulum.

The aim is to create awareness, clarity and expanded energy.  This course will help you move forward.  Become aware of how to make a new lifestyle choice!

For more information phone on 02 9967 4425 or email on


Community Announcements

The Rainbow Children – A New Theta Healing Course  theta-healing-logo

From 22nd-25th January 2012.  Time: 9.30-5pm  Investment: $850.  Pre-requisite: Basic Theta Healing Course

Come and super charge your intuition and healing abilities and activate your clairvoyant and psychic skills.  There are exercises such as crystal journeys, telepathy connecting with your totem animal ans moving a flame with your mind aplus many more. this is also a great course for anyone who would like to reconnect with their own inner child and gain deeper insight on how to work and help rainbow children in a unique and precious way.

We welcome your enquiries via phone or email,

Love & Laughter, Mark Anthony & The ThetaHealingTM team

Phone: (+612) 98850285

Click to,



A community announcement costs $30.  To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75.

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.  To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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