
AOL Neutral Bay Update – June 18th, 2012 – A night of Celebration!!!!

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Namaste ,

Due to a late cancellation Sonobird Rose Truth will NOT be speaking on Monday so we have a change of format…..

Come and join us for a night of celebration!!!!!

John will be treating us to a Sound Bath with gongs and other instruments.  Louise Terry-Clark will be singing (Louise spoke earlier in the month and finished off her talk by singing and WOW!!!  It turns out that she used to sing at ‘THE’ Raffles Hotel in Singapore.)  Rosemary will be leading us to the ‘Island of Regeneration’ through meditation.  OH!  Did we mention there will be cake?  One of our own has a big ‘O’ celebration this week and so we will all be singing Happy Birthday of course!

We would love to see you!  The more the merrier!!!!


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