
AOL Bulletin : Wednesday 17th June 2020 – Finding Our Feet

Previous Event : Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening with Charlotte Foote

Charlotte Foot talked to Academy members about living with bipolar disorder and how her experiences helped to catapult her into a new career as a Counsellor and Life Coach. 
Charlotte experienced her first bout of psychosis when she was 21. It was triggered by a relationship that ended badly. After the birth of her son at the age of 35, her hormones triggered more psychotic episodes. 
Despite losing her job as a publicist, her son, her savings and dignity, she managed to survive – a testament to her strength of character and resilience. 
“Mental illness can shatter your confidence and diminish your sense of self. But I decided I wasn’t going to let it beat me.”
“People tend to shy away from the topic of mental illness, but it needs to be discussed openly.” 
Phil Borges, filmmaker and photographer, studied how indigenous cultures view psychosis differently. About 25 years ago, while doing a project in Tibet, he met the medium for the Dalia Lama. He learned that the medium began to hear voices at a young age and was nurtured by a monk to develop his gifts. 
In indigenous cultures, a psychological crisis is considered to be positive and is not stigmatised – as it is in western cultures. Hearing voices is an indicator of psychic potential. The person is mentored by an older shaman, who has been through a similar experience. They face the initiation, which is the death of the old self, and a rebirth, which leads to the expansion of their consciousness. After their spiritual awakening, their level of compassion increases and they become healers or priests for their community.
In western culture, if a person hears voices, they are stigmatised with the label of mental illness and are usually medicated to suppress their symptoms. 
Eleanor Longden, whose TED talk went viral a few years ago, was labelled as a schizophrenic after hearing voices when she was a college student. She was medicated to suppress the symptoms and her health spiralled downwards. She learned later that the voices were trying to help her resolve early childhood traumas of sexual abuse. Click here for Eleanor’s talk.

A growing number of professionals are beginning to look at psychosis as a spiritual emergency. Rather than stigmatise those suffering from mental illness, we need to support them. Many, like Charlotte, can recover from their illness with a higher level of awareness and raised consciousness.
Charlotte Foot is now serving as a mentor for our community– to support people battling mental illness. If you would like a more holistic and compassionate approach to dealing with your challenges, you can contact Charlotte at her website 

Written by Eva Burbury

** This will be continued after the Events below **

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: 2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 22nd June 2020
Manifesting in Isolation The 7 Steps – 7 Chakras with Anick Patry (taster)

In this period of Covid19 in isolation, your life has changed. You can’t be in a group, your movements are limited, restrictions are imposed. You might be feeling frustrated, trapped, upset at times. You are at home a lot. What if you can use this time to tap into your creative energy and your heart’s wisdom and discover how to manifest what you truly desire? What if this was an opportunity for you to go inward, to expand and learn new ways of creating?
Manifesting is what you do night and day, but what is very powerful is when you become aware of how you manifest and what you manifest! 
In this workshop, you will discover a practical and fun tool to help you manifesting intentionally where ever you are. You will be able to take it home and start to apply and play with the tool straight away! You will also gain more clarity, self-awareness and raise your vibration.
You will get to experience and feel in your nervous system which of your energetic center or chakra is blocked and how to bring you back into alignment in the flow of your creation via your heart’s resonance and your body intelligence. 
This is deep transformative work done in a playful manner!


I am Anick Patry, Empowerment Mentor & Speaker and voice healer.
I help highly sensitive successful women and men to build deeply loving relationships, experience pure joy and be accepted for who they truly are, so that they can manifest their deepest desires with ease.
As an Empowerment coach and TEDX Speaker with over 15 years experience teaching and facilitating workshops globally, I have enabled 100’s of men and women to create lives beyond their wildest dreams.
My clients come to me to learn how to live passionately so that they can open their hearts to others without fear, remain connected to their higher-selves and be the creator of their own lives.
To learn how to experience pure joy, be accepted for who you truly are and build deep loving relationships so that you can live a passionate life join us in the Highly Sensitive Empowered Leaders group here:
Highly Sensitive Empowered Leaders Facebook page.

Monday  6th July 2020
Creating a New Future with Rosemary Butterworth

We live in incredible times. COVID19 has changed not only our individual lives but each nation. It is the same for everyone. The world is experiencing so many different challenges . But out of this is emerging the potential for a new way of living. People have begun to care for each other. This is creating an opening for us to create a new beginning.
The energy coming onto the planet now is very high but to use this energy creatively, we must be empty. How can we possibly use this new high energy if we are full of memories and feelings from the past if we are still operating from old ideas and patterns that we’ve picked up and claimed as our own? All these must be released from the cells of our body which need to be empty for this abundant new energy to enter, for us to use to create a new world.
I intend to lead you into a meditation with angels at your side that will help take these old thoughts, patterns and feelings from your body cells as you meditate. This meditation was given to me by Archangel Haniel, who will assist the process. It is the most wonderful feeling to be empty and to know you have a new beginning to create the future you want. 
It is truly the dawning of a new world.

Born naturally clairvoyant,clairaudient and clairsentient, Rosemary Butterworth uses these talents to assist you to move forward and to connect to who you truly are. After an extraordinary  encounter with Archangel Michael in Hawaii in 1993, Rosemary and others founded The Southern Cross Academy of Light in 1996 which then became the Academy of Light in recent years. She is available for sessions either by phone or in person (0414) 941543; Email:

FYI – How to Live a Happy Life with Sadhguru

Speaking to a auditorium of college students in Chenaii India, Sadhguru answers a students question in how to maintain joy and happiness regardless of external influences.  Expained with humour and insight, Sadhguru shows how we can find joy in our lives always.
Click here to listen.  Just over 9 minutes

The Happiest Man on Earth: 99 year old Holocaust Survivor Shares His Story | Eddie Jaku

In this beautiful and moving talk, the self proclaimed “happiest man on earth”, Eddie Jaku shares his story of love and survival at TEDxSydney 2019. Eddie Jaku was a Jew living in Germany at the outbreak and throughout the duration of World War II. His story of survival spans 12 years, from Hitler’s rise to power in 1933 until liberation in 1945. He saw death every day throughout WWII, and because he survived, he made a vow to himself to smile every day. Click here to listen to lis
en this inspiring man as he relays his story of survival.  He is an inspiration to us all. 

Click here to listen.  Just over 12 mins.

Thought of the Week

Happiness is an inside job. Don’t assign anyone else that much power over your life. 
— Mandy Hale 

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

Every experience that I have is perfect for my growth.

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.