
AOL Bulletin : 9th September 2021 – Pausing The Academy Of Light

Message from the Committee:
It’s with a heavy heart that we have made the decision that in the current climate of continuing lockdowns without an end- date, we will pause the events of the Academy.

In this tumultuous time, many of us are going through a deep transformation. We are making checks and balances of our lives, looking deep within if we are still in alignment with our purpose or not. Many of the contacted presenters are in the same position. Their lives are in flux and often they prefer presenting at a later date. It hasn’t always been easy to find speakers since last year for this reason.
Also given the fact that Zoom attendance is quite low, I think it will be better to pause our events until we can get back together again in person and enjoy each others company live.
We are happy to receive any feedback you would like to give us on how we can make our events more attractive to you. And we love to hear from you if you have any suggestions for presenters, please write to:

Paulien Gort

Previous Event: Decoding Your Body’s Messages with Martine Negro

Energetic mentor and teacher Martine Negro taught us how to decode the messages of our bodies to facilitate deep healing. 
As an energetic mentor, Martine guides people to find out why they are ill and assists them to reconnect back to the wisdom of their bodies. 
Martine’s background in energy healing, acupuncture, and NLP has helped her gain a deep understanding of the body’s natural healing capacity. Martine co-founded the Energetic Health Diploma at Nature Care College and is the author of “Hacking the Wellbeing Code Through Energetic Intelligence.” 
“Your body is constantly giving you feedback. Symptoms are just your body’s way of telling you that you are off centre“. Yet, we often ignore the symptoms or mask them with drugs or addictions. 
“The healing process involves decoding the body’s messages and acting on them“. “The body will show you how to heal if you learn to tune in and trust its messages. The body is your doctor and primary teacher.”  
“People have a strong reliance on external treatments. Yet the treatments are only there to support you. You need to take responsibility for your health”.
When we don’t live in a state of awareness, our energy can become blocked and our body falls into dis-ease. Deep healing can only occur when you get to the source of the problem. Your capacity to be present in the moment helps you to tune into your inner wisdom. 
how certain foods affect you. Is your stomach churning after you have eaten? Which foods energise you? Which ones make you feel tired? “ 
Your external environment – the air you breathe or the toxins in your home or work environment – can have a major impact on your health. High exposure to electromagnetic frequencies can present symptoms, which may lead to serious health problems. 
Our inner world also contributes to our state of health. If negative thoughts and behaviours are running our lives, it can manifest in mental or physical symptoms. Sometimes, we get triggered by other people’s words or actions – not realising these are old emotional wounds that need healing. 
Trauma experienced a long time ago can become stored in your body for years. Trapped emotions can affect the natural flow of energy. When there is an emotional release, healing occurs and the energy flows freely again. Your body returns to its natural state of balance. 

“Your body’s purpose is to keep you authentic.” 

When your head and heart are aligned, your life flows naturally and you live without doubt or fear. If you continue to ignore your symptoms, they eventually become chronic. Even if you are receiving treatment, the healing doesn’t hold and the body creates more pain and suffering. 

“It is essential to learn to decode and process your body’s messages, so that your body can move from pain to peace.” 
One simple way to tune into your body is through meditation. Close your eyes and focus on the breath. Tune into any area of discomfort or pain in the body and notice the sensation, then explore any images or words that pop into your mind. 
Other ways to tune into your bodies’ messages include dream journaling, drawing, dancing, muscle testing, and dowsing.
One of Martine’s students was able to completely reverse multiple sclerosis within a year by working on herself. The disease was a gift to wake her up. 
Martine offers online consulting services as an energetic mentor via Skype sessions. During a session, she can empower you with a range of self-help tools to assist you to heal yourself. If you would like to contact Martine, you can visit her website at

Written by Eva Burbury

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

FYI – Born Without Arms

Born without arms, Alvin Law has learned to do everything hands do with his feet. The inspiring lessons he’s learned motivate people to be their authentic self and to fully accept themselves. He sat down with me at the National Speakers Association to share some of his life’s lessons and gifts with us. He and sat down with me at the National Speakers Association to share some of his life’s lessons and gifts with us. In our informal interview, he shared these inspiring messages. The first question that I always get is, “What happened to you?” The real answer that I know at 53 years old is, “Nothing.” Nothing happened to me but a lot has happened because I was born without arms.
Click here to be inspired. Less than 4 mins.

Inspirational Speech by Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs delivers an inspirational speech. Listen to the end for the most life changing quote of all-time. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you cannot achieve your dreams. You will be inspired and motivated to go out there and achieve your goals.
Click here to listen. Just over 10 mins.

Thought of the Week

Happiness is an inside job.  Don’t assign anyone else that much power over your life.

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

My future is glorious

Community Announcements

Would you like to see your advertisement here? This could be your spot! You can promote your event, new book, course, website or anything else that you like to share with a large group of like-minded people. See details below.

Hacking the Wellbeing Code by Martine Negro

Neglecting your emotional and physical health will result in easily foreseen problems. Usually, you become sick and end up being a burden to your family and community.

Click here to order the book now.

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.