
AOL Bulletin – 9th November, 2016 – Be The Light

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to talk to our cells.

F.Y.I. –  You Can Make a Difference

Your Cells Are Listening

legs-musclesWhen the time is right for new information to be given to the masses, it is amazing to me, how many forms that takes.  When I first did Divine Healing Hands which is Master and Dr. Sha’s work, I learnt that he teaches that every cell has a Soul, Mind and Body and when communicating to it for example, you say ‘Hullo” and “I love you”  and  Soul, Mind and Body of my Message Centre (Heart Chakra and Heart) you have the power to heal yourself.  I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and when it was very painful, I used to say to the cells of my knees how much I loved them and that they had the power to heal themselves.  And together with the help of NutriKane, I no longer have to have a knee replacement.

So I am urging you to read the article below and try it. She mentions that it is necessary for healing, to change your brainwave pattern to Alpha or Theta during meditation. If you have trouble getting your brainwave pattern to change to Alpha simply put on one of John Levine’s CD’s.  His music has been scientifically tested to change the brain wave from Beta to Alpha.  So play his CD (the Academy sells them) and meditate and talk to your body’s cells.  They will respond…….Rosemary

Therese Wade shares in her article entitled – Your Cells Are Listening: How Talking To Your Body Can Help You Heal on Antara Healing Arts her findings and her process that allowed her to help her body heal.  She starts with: “Every part of your body has its own consciousness or its own soul.”  These transformative words, spoken by indigenous medicine women, began my journey within to discover the extraordinary healing capacity of the human body. Click here to read.

Note:  The Academy has a full range of John Levine’s CDs online – click here.

5 Minute Mini Meditation

mini-meditationEven those with a very busy life style can manage 5 minutes, night and morning to meditate.  This is an excellent meditation to still your busy mind and bring relaxation and joy to the cells of your body.  It is in our best interest to meditate now as often as we can for our body’s sake and the world’s.  Click here.

I’m Enough

kim-kath-possibility-projectA Blog written by Kim Pearce for Huffington Post- an inspiring read – see what happens when two women get together believing they can make a difference. It is quite remarkable….Rosemary

We have ‘habituated’ the thought that as an individual or even as small groups we cannot make a difference, but in truth, the time, tools and technology has never made it easier to create change. I know this from my own personal experience of being a fairly ordinary person – mother, wife, friend, teacher – yet I have been connected to one thought that has transformed so much for myself and others. My individual choices make a difference! I co-created the social enterprise The Possibility Project with fellow school mum and we have built a life enhancing model from this one belief, “I can make a difference’.  Click here to read the article.

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite), Concession for Pensioners or Students: $10.00 Includes light refreshments. Finish time is 9.30pm.


MONDAY, 14th November, 2016


the-golden-card-wendy-athornWendy Athorn

The Gold Card: Eternal Peace, Prosperity, Abundance and the God Supply of All Good Things.

Wendy will share with us her journey of Mother Mary’s Gift and to bring to us Mother Mary’s Role in our evolution.

Mother Mary’s story is of utmost beauty and love and I am privileged to be Her voice of the moment…Wendy


The Gift – it seems such a small title for showing the great love of Mother Mary for Her Children of God but that is Her way – simple, loving and unconditional. As I read an email from Patricia Cota-Robels sharing this information with the world I began to see many levels within the gifts that were promised. I saw a great beauty, a great opportunity that allows us to see and follow not only the pathway to the Fifth Dimension but how it would be when we reach this wonderful realm. I saw also an enormous compassion and love for us in our troubled world. The beautiful artwork by Peter Harvoe is a response to Mary’s request to accompany Her Precious Gift.

The Gifts essential for our New Home are explained and displayed in the associated artwork in the form of cards together with a CD to guide a meditation during which our sincere request to take our rightful place in the Universe will be responded to as of NOW and PERMANENTLY.

Mary’s Gift of the Twelve Solar Rays through our life-giving sun match with our new Twelve Chakras and is designed to give us NOW and PERMANENTLY the essential attributes which will lift us up from our Third dimension into the consciousness of the Fifth Dimension. This most beautiful Gift is overseen by Father/Mother God through a dispensation to Mother Mary who then, aided by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth, channelled the necessary prayers through Patrica Cota-Robels to share with Her Children of God. I have put these prayers into card form to denote this gift and in Peter’s words –

These paintings are the physical representation of the energetic human structure. Each colour is specific to the human form and contains specific energy language encoded into the surrounding pyramids.

These Divine Colours of Light are coming from and through the very Heart of God.

Wendy’s Journey: About 15 years ago I was asked by Mother Mary to attend a seminar in Queensland with Patricia Cota-Robels, the result being that I wrote a book with information from the Being of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth regarding our beginning and telling of the movement of our Planet to the Higher Realms. It was within this information that it was Mother Mary who was going to lead us into this great evolutionary event. I found the proof of these words as I researched Mother’s Apparitions and Prophecies as She has appeared in many many countries with words of wisdom and love.
Mother has expressed (through the channel of Soltec, Newcastle) that it is time to prepare for this great movement and has asked me to be the mechanism to give Her Gifts to the world. You can imagine what a privilege this is to a aged lady who has herself no special gifts but has always promoted others who are dedicated to help Mother attain Peace and Love for Her Children of God.
I have much to express regarding the events in my life that always brought me back to Mother Mary’s belief in myself and have skirted around the physics of the Universe through the wisdom of the Arcturians, going over to Mount Shasta in California to be at the scene where the codes from our Father/Mother God are brought into our Planet.
Mother has stressed the beauty of our souls is so appreciated by the Divine and it is for us to understand this and live to our highest dreams.
Being a very inquisitive person I was instrumental in starting an Arcturian Group of Forty in Australia, meeting monthly and connecting by phone with other groups around the world.
Curiosity again, I went to see Sai Baba in India and was given the Grace to do what I came to this earth to do which of course at that stage I had no idea how I was to be involved in such a huge movement for humanity.

Connect with Wendy by email:

Eventbrite - “MOTHER MARY’S GIFT TO HUMANITY” - with Wendy Athorn

Note: As I read Wendy’s blurb, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was as if she was speaking about myself. In recent times I am constantly overlighted by Mother Mary, and I have for many years promoted others who are dedicated to help Mother attain Peace in the world and raise the consciousness. So it was no surprise that when I gazed upon the picture of the ‘OPAL’ Gift I felt an Opalescent Light flow through my whole body and saw an immense light issue forth from my heart and arms and hands.

Now I know that these cards are ‘the real thing’ as they carry the power and love of Mother Mary. I would like to share with you what Mother Mary told me this week.

“In 2017 the Light must outweigh the dark.” ……Rosemary

*Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.

**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to event.

MONDAY, 21st November, 2016

Master Robyn Rice “Opening Your Heart”
with Master Robyn     

The spiritual journey is a journey of opening the heart.
Love melts all blockages and transforms all life.

Forgiveness brings inner peace and inner joy... Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha

 Learn a new technique that you can practise daily

  • Open your heart to see your true self – the Divine and Tao qualities within you.
  • You will learn what blockages of the heart are and how to transform them.
  • Receive blessings from Master Robyn to activate and accelerate the opening of your heart and more.

Many of us have experienced deep pain in our hearts through experiences in this lifetime and so many begin to close their hearts to protect themselves from further hurts.

The greatest joy and happiness comes from helping others to become happier and healthier. Unconditional love includes service to others.  It brings out our souls talents and abilities by fully opening our hearts.

Many Masters teach about loving and forgiving unconditionally is the Way to heal the World and up to now it has been hard to put into practise in 3D reality.

Everyone is welcome to join Master Robyn for this profound session…

Master Robyn Rice Contacts:

Eventbrite - Opening Your Heart - With Master Robyn

*Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.

**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to event.

In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light LogoWith Rosemary Butterworth and Terri Hills

“The Powerhub of Earth’s Energies in Scotland”

with Julia Smith

With the bush fires raging and the Pacific Highway closed it meant that John and I couldn’t return from Jacaranda Haven until Monday and so we were unable to make the Academy meeting.  Having said that we hear that we missed a very good night but the good news is that it was filmed and if possible we will put it on our website and make it available…….Rosemary

We are so blessed to have the wonderful staff at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre supporting us.  The Divine Emily set up the computer, projector and screen for Julia’s talk on Monday night and the Universe wanted to play.  The screen could be seen,  however everything was in pink!  I laughed and said to Emily “Perfect, Julia was planning on doing a meditation tonight with the energy of pink.”  Emily smiled and replied “The Universe knows before we do.” and then proceeded to get us back to ‘normal’ viewing.

Julia shared with us many amazing images of Scotland.  Portals, Standing stones, sacred geometry all included.  Her personal journey was supported not just by her guides but also her husband who went with her to all of the out-of-the way places she felt guided to include on their tour.  The energy in some places was quite dense and it took determination to spend the time to help those areas. Other areas where filled with Light.  Angelic sounds, Light filled monents where all shared.

She had her Selenite Swords with her and at the end of the evening she gave people a taste of their amazing energy.

Julia is hoping to bring like minded people together to go on more of these energy journey’s.  Connect with her if you are intereseted on  ….Terri

Special Note.

I have noted an increase in headaches lately and perhaps other energy related disorders.  It is very important as we have been saying. to meditate more, change your diet perhaps and to make sure that you aren’t worrying about ‘yesterday’ or ‘tomorrow’.  Negative emotions in our body do not correspond with the New Light entering us and this causes discord.  To read more watch out for my new blog coming out tomorrow.

Thought Of The Week

If the purpose in our life is to expand our consciousness then everything we think, say and do can lead us into a life that is extraordinary.  …Terri Hills inspired by Master Behram Ghista

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it …

“I allow the day to flow without resistance”

Overflow waterfallRosemary Butterworth

HEALTH TIP – Skip the Pharmacy and Hit Your Farmacy

herbs-in-doc-bowl-200x200The most powerful tool you have to change your brain and your health is your fork. Food is not just calories or energy. Food contains information that talks to your genes, turning them on or off and affecting their function moment to moment.

Food is the fastest acting and most powerful medicine you can take to change your life. We call this nutrigenomics. Think of your genes as the software that runs everything in your body. Just like your computer software, your genes only do what you instruct them to do with the stroke of your keyboard.

Food is the most powerful medicine available to heal chronic disease, which will account for over 50 million deaths and cost the global economy $47 trillion by 2030. (10) That’s why we must change our perspective about food.

All you need to do is eat your medicine and think of your grocery store as your pharmacy. Here are 9 ways to do that. 

  1. Skip the labels. Whenever possible, do not buy foods with labels. Avoid foods in a box, package, or can.
  2. Keep it simple. If the food does have a label, it should have fewer than five ingredients. Beware of food with “health claims” on the label. Cola is “fat free.” That doesn’t make it healthy.
  3. Steer clear of the white menaces. Stay away from white sugar and white flour, which acts like sugar in your body. Learn the numerous disguises for sugar and get rid of any food that contains them.
  4. Dump this lethal sugar. Throw out any food with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) on the label. You already know it is not good for you, but just in case you need reminding, read this blog for the five reasons HFCS will kill you.
  5. Avoid this bad fat. Eliminate any food with the word “hydrogenated” on the label, which translates into trans fats.
  6. Stick to healthy oils. Throw out any highly refined cooking oils such as corn oil and soy oil. Choose olive oil and coconut oil instead.
  7. Recognize your ingredients. Throw out any food with ingredients you don’t recognize or can’t pronounce.
  8. Watch for these red flags. Toss foods with preservatives, additives, coloring, dyes, or “natural flavorings” like MSG.
  9. Ditch artificial sweeteners. Remember that food is information, not just calories. Diet sodas and other foods and drinks with artificial sweeteners are almost always calorie free, but they will still make you fat.

 When in Doubt, Stick with this One Rule

If it came from the earth or a farmer’s field and not a food chemist’s lab, then it is safe to eat. Like Michael Pollan, author of Food Rules says, “If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don’t.” It is really that simple

Click Here to read the whole article by Dr Mark Hyman.  Well worth it!



Your Wellbeing: Live the life you want


Saturday, 26 November 2016, 9:30am to 5:30pm, Balmain

Facilitated by Jude Tasker and Andrew O’Keeffe

Many people have things that hold them back from living the life they want.

In this wellbeing workshop, Jude and Andrew will guide you to:

  1. Identify the thoughts, beliefs and actions that hold you back from the wellbeing you desire.
  1. Understand human nature and how we can use this knowledge to maintain personal power and build effective relationships.
  1. Identify your goals and create an action plan to realise your aspirations.

This workshop is limited to 8 participants.
To find out more click to view workshop flyer.

Contact: Jude 0437303446,
or Andrew 0412616047,


Embracing Northern Beaches


Day/Date: Saturday, 26th November 2016
Time: 10.00am to 4.00pm
Venue: Dee Why RSL Club, 932 Pittwater Road, Dee Why

Need directions, click here

Exciting 6 Week Course…
Mediumship & Psychic Development

meditation-gmarksStarting Tomorrow, November 10th in Crows Nest.

If you’re interested in developing your Mediumship and Psychic skills then this highly experiential 6 week course is for you.

You will get plenty of opportunities to practice exercises and activities to grow and expand your sixth sense in a safe and comfortable environment with lovely like-minded people.

Time and dates: 7.15pm-9pm, each Thursday for 6 weeks starting November 10th.

No experience required. This course is open to everyone. It doesn’t matter whether you are a newbie, or more, you’re welcome.

Earlybird investment is $135 for the full 6 week course if paid before October 31st.
Bookings from November 1st are $150 for the full 6 week course.

GabrielMarksTo reserve your spot please contact Gabriel via:
Email: or phone: 0411 459 126 or visit Gabriel’s site


A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words – for $100 you will get this plus the event on our Community Events on the Website and we will share your FB Event with AOL followers. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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