
AOL Bulletin : 9th December 2020 – A Special Season

*Sponsored Announcement*
Join us for Australia’s most respected Consciousness event at Uluru this December, the fourth annual Cosmic Consciousness Conference. This is set to be THE most potent of conferences yet!
Please see Community Announcements below for more details.

Update Regarding the Outcome of AGM 30th November 2020

Since last year’s AGM in 2019 our Committee was comprised of 6 members.
This was a comfortable amount of people to run our events at the Academy. 
During the year three people have moved away and are not able to continue their duties for the Committee and one person has stepped out. We have one new member join the Committee which makes the total: three Committee members which is not enough to nominate members to form a new Committee. Legally we need a minimum of 5 people to continue!
If you would like the Academy to continue bringing interesting speakers to your doorstep, please consider helping out on the night or joining the Committee.
We need at least 6 people who can help regularly setting up and packing up at the event. At the moment we have 4 people, most of whom can’t commit to helping out at every event. This is a too narrow base to continue to operate on. We do need more people to be able to help out if we want to continue to organise two events per month. 
If you are enjoying our events and want to support a growing spiritual community and get to know more like-minded people, please think about joining us in whatever way possible. Joining the Committee can mean as little as showing up on most events to help out, to doing special tasks that fit your experience and interest. Requirements are minimal, it’s mostly being enthusiastic about the Academy and wanting to support it to keep it going!
We understand that at the moment there is so much going on in the world (on every level), making it maybe more difficult to commit at this time. That’s why we would like to postpone choosing a new committee until the beginning of next year. Please don’t let this hold you back from expressing your interest in helping out! We’d love to hear from you!
If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact me at

Previous Event :
Sacred Sound Night with Paulien Gort

This time no review of the event but only a few comments from people after the sounds.
“I’m still floating a bit but it was really good. It was very relaxing. I was definitively feeling like I was floating away somewhere, thank you.”

“It was really amazing, some of the sounds you made take you to a different place. It was like I was floating and my body was tingling, it was just beautiful.” 

“It was beautiful. I had lots of visions of things. Lot’s of relaxation, definitively dropping down to different levels. I have heard also some words.” 

“It was absolutely beautiful. You have some extraordinary instruments and you have a beautiful voice.” 
“It was lovely, I drifted off to sleep. It felt like I was getting a really solid, deep sleep. I felt anxiety release.” Paulien Gort is a Sound Healer who offers one-on-one Sound Healing sessions and regular Sound Baths Online and in North Narrabeen. ,

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: 2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 14th December November 2020
Energy Update and Activation with Nancy Valentine-Smith

Nancy Valentine Smith is a Medicine Woman, a Shaman, an Alchemist, a Healer and Sacred Technician. She comes from a lineage of Medicine men and women who were also Seers.
As a child Nancy was taught to go into the Ancient Records to read the books of knowledge of the Stars and of the Earth until she was ready to access the memory within her. One of her purposes is to assist others to access their own knowledge and wisdom. Your life without a doubt will change as you open to the Great Work. 
Over two decades, Nancy has mentored and empowered many people by helping them change their state of being to see and  experience who they truly are.  Through her transformational live event, gatherings and audio programs, Nancy continues to experience her Ancient Beloved Teachings, to co-create a life from the Heart with her modern take on ancient wisdom.
Join us on the 14th of December, as Nancy shares more of her great wisdom with us with powerful activations and energy transformations.

*** Please note :  This event is both at the Mosman Art Gallery and on Zoom.  Preference is to book on Eventbrite, however tickets will be available at the door.  Nancy will be on Zoom ***

Monday 22nd March 2021
Energy Update and Activation with Nancy Valentine-Smith

We will be opening the Academy a little later this year to give everyone time to settle into the new year. 
We also want to have more time for people to come forward to help out during the events so we can make sure we are able to continue organising events.
We will be opening with the lovely Nancy Valentine-Smith. She will bring us an energy update on what is happening on the planet. By that time we will have experienced two powerful portals on 21st December and 21st March. The world might look very different by that time!
More details of the content of her talk will be provided in the new year. 

FYI – 5 Minute Bell Meditation

This 5 minute mindfulness bell meditation is wonderful for whenever you want to clear your mind, relax and then get on with your day.
This calming sound is a wonderful focal point for meditation. Simply absorb your attention in the sound of the mindfulness bell. No mantra is required, no special breathing techniques are needed, just let your awareness be consumed by the sound of the bell.
Your mind will become clearer and more calm with each and every bell strike, and as the bells fade into silence, your mind is given the opportunity to experience a very natural state of stillness.
Click here. Just over 5 mins

Oprah Winfrey Talks to Thich Nhat Hanh 

Oprah talks with Thich Nhat Hahn author of Living Buddha, Living Christ and 100 other books.
So many pearls in this talk. Each segment has one that you can take to your heart. He says ‘everyone has good seeds and bad seeds, happiness grows out of suffering just as a lotus grows out of mud, it cannot grow out of marble.’
Click here to listen.  Just under 22 mins X

Thought of the Week

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

I wake up happy and excited every single day

Where Will You Be for the Great Conjunction and New Age of Aquarius?

Join us for Australia’s most respected Consciousness event at Uluru this December, the fourth annual Cosmic Consciousness Conference. This is set to be THE most potent of conferences yet! 
plexus of the world — the healing centre of the planet. And, not only will we be at this iconic sacred site, we’ll be there for the solstice on 21 December to witness a powerful, cosmological shift as we move into the Age of Aquarius and experience the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. This is a gateway that has massive potential for a new reality — a move into the Garden of Eden.  
The celestial events of 2020 began on 12 January, with around 250 lightworkers at the Conference ushering in this pivotal time. It was a profound and life-changing experience. The reset triggered by that event, despite knowing it was coming, has been challenging to say the least! 
However, these exciting times are the reason we incarnated together. We are the healers that have been here for millennia and we are here to assist with this upgrade. WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for. One can only imagine what it will be like coming together in December – it will be electrifying, uplifting and alchemical to say the least!  
amazing opportunity to sit shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart with some of the most AWAKENED people on the planet.  
Workshops, talks, meditations, sumptuous dining, and AMAZING connections are all part of the package, as well as personal and planetary healing and transformation. A Solstice Grand Conjunct ceremony will take place, and our famously successful skywatches. 
And that’s not all!!  
We have exclusive delegate-only tours to the Rock as well as Kata Tjuta – a place that many consider to be more magical and mystical than Uluru.  
If you have the time, stick around for a Soul-Family Christmas lunch at Sails in the Desert. Experience a truly unique Aussie Christmas, Uluru-style!  
Don’t miss out on being with us at Uluru to make history as the Age of Aquarius dawns – what will the Gateway reveal?  
Find out at the event of your life. Everything you have done has been preparing you for this. The Cosmic Consciousness Conference will be held at Ayers Rock Resort from 20-22 December 2020  

Link to Facebook Event :

The Uluru Prophecy : 21st December 2020

***  Apologies : Last week the incorrect date was stated for the Uluru Prophecy.  The correct date is the 21st December.  Apologies for any inconvenience caused ***
As described by Steven Strong on the Academy Event, the 21st of December 2020 will prove to be a very special day for the history of the earth.  Steven first learnt of the prophecy 3 years ago and was invited by an elder to participate in the Uluru ceremony.  
The elders have been preparing for this ceremony for the past nine years. There will be elders at Uluru on the outside and those inside the rock as well. Steven says we need over one hundred thousand souls in Australia who are pure of heart to help activate the crystals. “You don’t have to be at Uluru for the activation. As long as you face Uluru and send it your love.“ To understand and learn further about the prophecy and to see how you can participate (you do not have to be present in Uluru – just present in spirit).  

Click here for more information.

We urge all light workers to assist in this event.

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.