
AOL Bulletin – 8th October 2014 – Heart Warming

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to open your Heart.

FYI –  Heart Felt

The Heart REmembers

Jacaranda Haven RoseAlzheimer’s is difficult for everyone involved so we thought we would share this heartening video with you all. This couple had been married for many a year and in recent times the husband had been needing to be reminded of their life together but on the day before Mothers Day something magical happened to make them all aware that the Heart Knows. Click here to view the YouTube (under 3mins).

Two Eclipses in October

Red MoonDon’t forget there is a full lunar eclipse tonight (best viewing after sunset) and partial solar eclipse 23rd October. Aluna Joy Yaxkin says that these October eclipses will catapult our intentions that we had put into place with roller coaster break neck speed. We have come from nearly 2 years of deep inertia. This new flow will take some time to get used to. Pace yourself. Affirmations/mantras for during this time are “I Am patience”, I Am unconditional love”, “I Am forgiveness”, “I Am allowing space for personal FREEDOM”. To read Aluna’s full article click here.

It can be simple

Flower - Pink AzaleaNeed to get out of your head?  Need to be more expanded and come from a heart space?  This Youtube is just over 3 minutes and is an audio recording of Howard Martin guiding us on how to use HeartMath’s Quick Coherence Technique and it will help you do just that.  Deceptively simple, drop your focus into the heart, imagine your breathe is going in and out of the heart and then focus on a positive emotion or something you are grateful for.  If you are having a hard time finding that emotion try opening your eyes and look at a flower or something else that makes you traditionally grateful.  Click here to listen.

Thought Of The Week

flowers26animatedyellowroseLoyalty to the Divine is also loyalty to one’s own soul. 

….William Gladstone

Affirmation – breathe deeply and say daily.

“My intuition is balanced and clear.  I breathe in harmony with the source of all life.”

….Rose of Raphael  Kalina Raphael Rose

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

We hope you all had an enjoyable long weekend.  I know I did, as it was extra long.  John and I went up to the farm (Jacaranda Haven) on Friday and only returned Tuesday Night.  Narelle Green came with us and the time was spent between harvesting the vegetables, weeding, watering,  meditation, energy healings, toning, ceremony and lots of cups of teas with visitors.  It was a wonderful balance and we came back rested and restored.  If ever you are up our way (near Nabiac) please call 6550 2169 and pop in.  The kettle is always on and you are welcome to walk the Labyrinth – it is in full bloom – only make friends with the bees first.

I am reallly looking forward to next Monday Night with Master Robyn who is a disciple of Master Sha.  Master Sha’s latest book has blown me away and it is exciting to have 40 of his books to give away to each person that comes.  To have Master Robyn come and teach us to say the mantras correctly is such a bonus.

Looking forward to catching up with you on Monday Night.

Health – Apples:  sweet, crunchy & juicy

Grandma was right…..An apple a day keeps the Doctor Away!

  • Filled with nutrition, antioxidents, fibre and loads of goodness in one apple…An apple is one of nature’s everyday superfoods.
  • They help ward off many illnesses and restore your energy and aid in alkalising your body.
  • When you feel a little low on energy, crunching on a sweet apple restores  your energy.
  • Apples keep you regular (great for bowel movements…lots of fibre).
  • Apples are great for your teeth, cleansing them as you chew.
  • Apples strengthen your immune system
  • Praised as a ‘miracle food’, apples are great for school  lunchboxes or any snack.

…Circles of Learning ( Circles of Learning

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.


We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 13th October 2014 at 7.30pm

The Teaching of Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha

Master Robynwith Master Robyn

Master Robyn is a disciple and worldwide representative of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, Divine Channel, Divine Master Soul Healer, Direct Soul Communicator, Animal Healer & Whisperer, and healthcare professional.

Master Robyn will present to us the work of Dr & Master Zhi Gang Sha’s – Soul Healing Miracles.

On the night :

  • All present will receive a free copy of the “Soul Healing Miracles” Book to take home Soul Healing Miracles
  • Be given the understanding of the power the ‘Sacred Source Mantra – Tao Guang Zha Shan’ which means ‘The Source light explodes and vibrates’
  • Practice the powerful Sacred Source Mantra

The physical body includes every system, every organ, every cell, four extremities and more.
Sickness in the physical body include pain, inflammation, infection, cysts, stones, tumours, cancer and much more.
The cause of all sicknesses is soul mind body blockages.

Soul blockages are negative karma.
Mind blockages include negative mind-sets, negative attitudes, negative beliefs, ego, attachments and more.
Body blockages are energy and matter blockages.
You could create soul healing miracles just by chanting this one mantra.

Contact: Carol Liu – Email:

Website: Facebook:

MONDAY, 20th October 2014 at 7.30pm

vortex - oil by TerriSOUL RETRIEVAL CEREMONY – Assisting Souls to cross to the Light.

Those who came along to our August ceremony were so captured by the energies of this service and felt a need for this to be repeated.
So we need YOU to come along to create this circle of service to the Light to enable these Souls to ‘cross over’ with ease and grace.
Please bring a crystal or flower to place in the centre.

This service is to help Souls who have died suddenly and do not realise that they are dead and therefore are lost and have not gone to the Light. To help those souls ‘cross over’ the Academy holds a special Soul Retrieval Ceremony where it calls in the Masters and forms a circle of Light and asks those that are lost to come into our circle and be taken to the Light.

This is a beautiful loving experience for all those involved.

So if your heart feels called, please come along and join our circle in Ceremony to help these men, women and children who have died through wars or disease to go to the Light.

This is indeed “Love in Action”.


Awakening Through The Heart

Awakening Through The Heart

with Nancy Valentine Smith

Sydney Workshop – Crows Nest Community Centre

Quieten the Ego & allow the voice within, your true self to manifest a new way of being. I will guide you with assistance from a higher realm, bringing through messages, light codes and transformative energies from the Spiritual Realms, the Angelic realms, Magdalene & the Rose Line & many other light beings.

Guidance, facilitated through me, will assist you in bringing alignment & balance with your Divine Self that will specifically assist you with these current times.

I invite you to come along on Sunday 26th October 2014 9.30am – 5pm & begin your journey

Nancy has always seen Spirit.  Living in the northern rivers of NSW I help people co-create the changes needed in their life. As a Sacred Technician, some of the tools I use to assist you are as an Energetic Facilitator, a Channeller, an Oracle, an Alchemist & Shaman.  I can communicate, see and have a tangible connection with the Spiritual Realms that are here to help and guide.  Akashic Records:  This is a “Place” I am able to enter in the Spiritual domain, where I access data, information, Books, Documents, Relics etc that cover many consciousness, subjects.

More information click here & to book

Sacred Ceremony – New Moon with the Circle of Light

New Beginnings – Bring Greater Balance To The World

Circle of LightCircle of Light is facilitated by Narelle Green, Julia Smith & Diana del Principio 

Sacred Ceremony takes all of us to greater heights than we can achieve alone. When we come together in Sacred Ceremony we invoke pure healing Light into the darkness, assists to raise mans consciousness and bring harmony and peace into the world for all.

Sacred Ceremony helps focus your entire being on the quest at hand. In our chaotic and temporal world looking to something greater, and also part of yourself, can fill you with awe and make you feel connected and empowered.

This October New Moon is a portal for new beginnings; a moment in time when the old passes away and the new is not yet formed, an opportunity for us to focus the Light and bring greater balance to the world. A powerful time for seeding your wishes, dreams and desires, and sending out your prayers to the Greater Powers that Be. This October New Moon will prompt you to re-evaluate, renovate, re-form, and re-invent.

October New Moon is a great time to set intentions for things you’d like to create, develop, cultivate and make manifest in your life and for the world.

Please come and join us, your light can make a difference in the world quest for peace and stability.

Sacred Ceremony with the Circle of Light – The New Moon Ceremony will:

  • Offer globally and individually the opportunity to bring more harmony to the creative forces of masculine and feminine.
  • Assist in seeding your wishes dreams and desires, magnifying your inspiration and co-creation energy.
  • At the time of the New Moon, the Sophia energy is high and carries the Soul Essence of Love, Wisdom, Empowerment and the Divine Plan for humanity.
  • Build on reconnecting your personal Antahkarana, your rainbow bridge to the Soul.
  • Be of service to the Light and magnify the group energy building on reconnecting the Antahkarana of the Earth.

Your Light Can Make a Difference

Cost:  $30
Starts at 7.30pm sharp



ELLL Freshwater Oct 14Embrace Life, Live Life Expo is back on the Northern Beaches!

Sunday, October 19th at Harbord Diggers Club, Freshwater.

We have a full program, with loads of workshops, exhibitors, music and stage performers, access to treatments and readers,

And as part of our Embrace Life, Live Life community, we like to extend to you, half-priced tickets to this upcoming festival.

Pop over to purchase your tickets, and input the code: BEACHES14 to get your reduced tickets.

Highly recommend you pre-book your treatments and readings for the day, and check the wonderful workshops that are included in your general admission – that is 6 workshops for $7.50, amazing value!

We are set for a wonderful day and look forward to seeing you there!


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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