
AOL Bulletin – 7th September 2016 – Deep Listening

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to listen and be whole.

F.Y.I. – Inner Work

Deep Listening for Healing – an Aboriginal Spiritual Practice.

Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-BaumanThere are two great short videos on this page. Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Bauman talks about Dadirri and its healing powers.  One video is three minutes and the other one 6 minutes.  Both really worth watching.   It reminded me so much of mindfulness, yet practised for hundreds of years by our Aboriginal brothers and sisters.  Click Here

 New ZealandWe Are All One

Can a piece of land have the same rights as a person? Well New Zealand says Yes!  A national park in New Zealand has been given the rights to personhood, it has the same rights and powers as a citizen.  This will affect land rights and conservation around the world. “We believe we come from the land, and the land has its own personality, its own heartbeat, its own health and its own soul.”… Jacinta Ruru University of Otago.

Watch this one minute video heralding a new era in EARTH Rights. Click Here.

Angel Awareness - HeartAngel Awareness in September

 01.09 – 10.09
The month begins with a cheerful period. Your family life brings comfort, peace, safety and happiness. Enjoy this quality time with your loved ones as much as possible. Angels say you are financial supported now and things look good from the abundance perspective. Success and material satisfaction are available. To read more of September’s messages Click Here.

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite), Concession for Pensioners or Students: $10.00 Includes light refreshments. Finish time is 9.30pm


MONDAY, 12th September, 2016

Jude Tasker with JUDE TASKER

Plus a Gong Bath with John Butterworth

Jude Tasker established Breaking the Iceberg after qualifying as a PSYCH-K facilitator so she could provide PSYCH-K services to individuals and to workplaces. She uses the process to help people change negative limiting beliefs into positive empowering ones.

PSYCH-K® is a straight-forward process that helps change limiting beliefs at the subconscious level allowing you to create and live the life you want. PSYCH-K® also:

  • reduces stress and releases trauma
  • helps discover the messages and beliefs behind disease, illness, allergies and phobias (for example, fear of flying or speaking in front of groups)
  • helps deal with grief and loss, and
  • helps change any of the negative childhood baggage we may be carrying around that affects our self-esteem, confidence, self-love, acceptance and worthiness – that is often at the very core of issues.

Jude will choose people from the audience to demonstrate how it works.

Following this John Butterworth will sooth our souls with a Gong Bath.

Bring a rug and pillow if you would like to lie down. We will be upstairs in the gallery.

Connect with John further on

Eventbrite - BREAKING THE ICEBERG - With Jude Tasker

*Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.

**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to event.

MONDAY, 19th September, 2016

“Align with the Rhythms of Nature and Soul”

Boori Boori LabyrinthKaren Quant

Tonight Karen will play her crystal singing bowls and/or Shaman drum as she takes us on a Synchro Alignment™ journey finding the Dynamic and Heart Centre of your Home so that you can implement the knowledge of grounding in your own home as well as through microcosmic pilgrimage with the metaphor of the labyrinth in this busy life.. 

You will be Aligned through the Synchro Alignment™, a meditational alignment process (a unique method that helps synchronize and align a person’s energy and intention with THEIR OWN HOMES).  This can help discover your true desires, etc. which may be different from what you consciously want.

Each person present will be GIFTED a Boori Boori STONE which will be used in this Alignment process. Each stone has the strong magnetic and ancient wisdom of the Worremi and Birripi peoples held within so you can then use it at home to GROUND AND ALIGN you with your deepest intuition regarding your own home, a centreing stone (which is an outer manifestation of their inner self!).

Karen will talk about ‘Boori Boori’ (170 acres near Gloucester), and her large outdoor stone labyrinth containing highly concentrated magnetic energy sitting on the cosmic axis of her land, where there is a gathering place of power, a Divine space. She found that the Land has a direct channel to Truth that leads to Source and it cuts through mental confusion and is also aligned with ancient wisdom of the Worremi and Birripi peoples and the natural rhythm of the land.
Karen invites you all to come to experience the labyrinth on her land.

Karen QuantKaren has been given the name, ‘Crowmother’ (protector/carer of the law and lawkeepers, written laws, petroglyphs, medicine wheels and megaglyphs on all continents) by ‘Walks the Wind’ a Lacota Elder. She ‘sees’ into both the physical and spiritual worlds at the same time. She has been guided by Spirit to travel to various sacred sites and labyrinths around the world to ground, anchor energy and illuminate the Earth Grids and connect them back to Boori Boori – the new Avalon.

Karen was initiated to heal ‘The Land and Mother Earth’ by an Aboriginal Elder in Spirit through ceremony over 12 years ago and since was featured in Warwick Thorntons’ documentary “The Darkside, The Otherside” where her Aboriginal Dreaming story was portrayed by Claudia Karvan and featured on ABC TV last year and made into a feature film.  Click Here to read more….

She has spoken internationally on stage in front of a worldwide audience at the Interior Alignment Conference in Colorado USA last year with Denise Linn from Hay House and 6 other international speakers. Written for Wellbeing and Holistic Living Magazines and had guest spots on Blog talk international radio numerous times.

Karen is an empath, psychic medium, sound therapist, labyrinth facilitator and multi-dimensional shamanic practitioner.  As well as being a visionary artist, designer, mindful stillness based meditation teacher and Master Teacher of Interior Alignment™.  In the past 3 years Karen has been given by Spirit, special projects in Iona, Scotland; Grace Cathedral, and has just returned from Chartres Cathedral in France.

“It is my belief that we need to UNPLUG from technology. We need to retreat to nature and reconnect back to the natural rhythms and cycles to really illuminate who we really are, who we have always been.
To bring the soul home”.

Karen will also have Boori Boori Finger Labyrinths for sale on the night at a special price for AOL participants.

Karen’s Contacts-  M: 0414.376 047  E:  Website:

Eventbrite - “Align with the Rhythms of Nature and Soul” - with Karen Quant

*Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.

**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to event.

In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light LogoWith Rosemary Butterworth

I enjoy bringing you a brief outline of the Monday Night Meeting for our regular attendees who could not make it and also for our country and overseas readers.  We are so fortunate to attract such brilliant speakers such as Godwin Vaz who spoke on Spiritual Leadership last Monday, the 5th September, and who are so willing to pass on their experiences and wisdom which can enrich us all and help us to shift and move forward in our own journey.

As  our level of consciousness expands and our awareness is increased we notice that our leaders whether in politics, schools or organisations may be stuck in old beliefs and ways that are outdated and sometimes we feel powerless to do or say anything about it.  But are we?  Are we the future leaders?  And how can that be?

On Monday Night, we broke up into small groups and when, in the group I was in, one lovely mother said, I just want to be a ‘leader’ to my children, that is all.  Being psychic I looked into her future and saw her speaking to teachers at school, talking at assemblies and meetings, not telling them what they are doing wrong, but gently guiding them from experience and her wisdom.   I shared this with her and she blossomed with the understanding.

A mother once shared with me that her son was acting as a relief teacher at a child minding centre.  He found that at one centre there was a rule that it was forbidden to shout across the room to get a child’s attention. Educators had to walk up to the child and speak quietly to him/her.  They had found that shouting can frighten the children whilst at another centre the teachers shouted, or spoke loudly to be heard above the noise.  He wanted to share his new knowledge with them for he felt it really helped the children.  By doing so he then would be acting as a Spiritual Leader.

Godwin who has been working with overseas governments and large corporations for many years, bringing new understandings to their leadership, spoke in simple, easy-to-understand language.  He spoke for the 4 stages on consciousness to Spiritual Leadership.

Stage 1 Hierarchy.  This is the stage where there is a figure head who is all powerful.  They are powerful and you feel powerless.  They know and you don’t which can leave you feeling valueless.

Stage 2. Entrepreneurial – This is a very fast, boom and crash stage.  Let’s do it now!  Without fully understanding what the consequences are.

Stage 3.  Consensus and Relationship – Peace has been created and the leader wants everyone to be happy and wants harmony and above all wants to be liked by everyone and approved of.  The Leader does not want to create conflict and this creates a stagnation as he/she has no voice to change the status quo.

Then, Godwin said, in Stage 4, there is a void that you will need to leap into, where the Leader has the opportunity to work on himself, admit the blocks, and find a way to clear the obstacles.  Having let go their fear around people not liking them, or their need for approval, they can make the changes necessary and the company/organisation can grow in the Light of the new knowledge and understanding.  There can be a dropping away of those who do not resonate with the ‘new’ changes but that is ok.  It usually means that it opens the way for others to come in who resonate with the new higher frequency.

What Godwin spoke about can be applied at all levels in the community – from family to government.

Thank you Godwin!

Godwin Vaz-Ripple EffectIf you want to learn more about how to take the leap and upgrade to an inspirational and high impact leadership style Godwin has a program starting on 23 September details CLICK HERE (earlybird offer ends September 15th).

Thought Of The Week

Make the shift, from heeding what your mind has to say – to opening up your heart and listening to the guidance of that still small voice within your soul.  That’s what ‘awakening’ is all about. 

Awakening through the heart…Daniel Nielsen

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it …

I create total peace in my mind, and my body reflects this through perfect health.
I love my body and my body loves me in return.

Peace-Mind-MeditationBy Simona Silvestru

HEALTH TIP –  Great Advice for Inner Health

fruit and vegetablesWhilst on holidays last week I purchased a wonderful magazine called Australian Healthy Food Guide.  I read it from cover to cover and will keep it always as a reminder of how easy it is to be healthy and feel good. 

This magazine has great health tips.  One article, What to Eat To Slow Ageing begins-

….Instead of combating aging from the outside with expensive cosmetics and anti-wrinkle creams, its actually cheaper and more effective to fight it from the inside out.

Afterall what you eat is one of the best predictions of how well you age.  One recent study showed that by eating five portions of fruit and vegetables every day can add three years to your life.  Now research also shows that what we eat in our 20’s can impact our physical age in our 40’s and 50’s.  And at each age in turn, the food choices we make have a long term consequence on how we’re going to feel today, tomorrow and in 10 years’ time.

This little booklet reminds you what to eat that would help if you are in pain. What to eat to help you reduce the inflammation caused by arthritis and to remember that food high in vitamin C keeps your skin healthy.  Also green tea is high in antioxidants that help prevent cancer and heart disease.  It gives you simple recipes that make your mouth water just looking at the pictures.

Enjoy being healthy!  I know I am. Love Rosemary


Abundance - Jason Snaddon


With Jason Snaddon

Are you clear on what you want out of your magnificent life?

What does your life of abundance look like? Do you know what this is? What this could be?

Where is your focus? You see shifting your focus is the starting point. Until you get clear and create a focus nothing will happen.

During this three hour workshop you will become clear on your life of abundance. You will also become aware on what might be currently holding you back from creating this.

I will teach you some tools that work to help you to get clarity on your Abundant life and to get your action plan in place to start creating your Abundant reality. If you are ready to start your Abundant reality come join me for this life changing workshop.

When: Saturday 24th Sept 10am to 1pm

Where: Suite 207, 50 Great Buckingham Street, Redfern NSW 2016

Cost: $149

Click here and Book via Evenbrite.

Jason SnaddonAny questions call me on 0425 332600.


FofD 2016 Banner

Join us for three days of inspiration, entertainment and magic at the Festival of Dreams 7-9 October 2016 at the Hordern Pavilion, Sydney. The Festival brings together leading members of the wellbeing, spiritual, and health fields to share the tools and stories that can empower you to better self-awareness and appreciation.

There’s something for everyone!


FofD 2016 Book Now
Enjoy over 80 free seminars, workshops & events and meet over 100 selected exhibitors who are experts in the health, wellness, spiritual fields who showcase their products and services all to help you LIVE YOUR DREAM LIFE. SHOP PRAY LOVE at the Festival of Dreams and have a psychic reading with gifted psychics, intuitives and mediums; get your hair braided, have a henna tattoo; sing & dance to live music; have a yoga class or meditation session; learn how to open up to your 6th sense; get your aura photographed; buy exquisite crystals; learn how to save for a rainy day; get your nutrition in order and your fitness regime sorted out once and for all. This plus much more as you enter the gates of what will be a truly life changing and transforming experience!


FofD 2016 Main Event
Lisa Messenger – entrepreneur, author, CEO and start-up visionary
Melli O’Brien – internationally accredited yoga and meditation teacher, Creator of the Mindfulness Summit aka Mrs Mindfulness
Therese Kerr – health and wellness ambassador
Harry T Medium – Award winning Celebrity Psychic Medium. Regular guest on TV.
Ben Starr – Radio Man and Film Producer of Documentary Elettra.

Christina Stevens – award-winning filmmaker, author, love activist and global environamental strategist 
Alana Fairchild – soul whisperer, professional spiritual channel, guide and energy healer 
Nikki Vincent – Women’s Transformologist and TV presenter
+tickets to Main Event includes a General Admission Entry Pass to the Festival of Dreams for the day.
For more info –


Labyrinth Summer School

Labyrinth-Cover-ImageVeriditas is coming to Sydney for a Labyrinth Summer School at Peter Canisius House in Pymble (16th-21st Jan 2017). Submerge yourself in the world of labyrinths with Lauren Artress and Lars Howlett and learn everything you ever wanted to know about walking and building labyrinths – all in one inspiring week!

You can sign up for the whole week discount: or a one day workshop with Lauren, the woman who kickstarted the global labyrinth movement 20 years ago.

For more information go to: W- or visit the Sydney Labyrinth Community on Facebook- Sydney Labyrinth


“The Black Glass Mirror & Stories of the Spiritual Mystics”

‘Workshops’ in Indochina, Asia

The Ascension comes round every 25,000 years. The Ascension Phase of the cycle is actually not such a big deal. Like everything else seen in the ‘mirror’, the interpretation of what it is, is also back to front.  You are not waiting for it to lift you.  It is the deadline left to turn round from the Reflection.
Academie Therapeutae



Are you experiencing issues with a family member, friend or an intimate relationship? Is life purpose, work or finances leaving you feeling frustrated?

Often, ‘talk therapy’ alone doesn’t seem to help. Art Therapy may be the solution you’re seeking. Our brain views the world as pictures, not words. Therefore, if you speak the same language as your brain, you are likely to move forward faster.

Art Therapy uses symbol, metaphor and image to give you a platform to receive messages directly from your unconscious mind to help you resolve what’s bothering you.

In my sessions I integrate creativity, counselling, spirituality, meditation and intuition to ensure that you experience a holistic approach to healing what’s bothering you.

If being more happy, confident and loving, & living a life full of purpose is what you’re seeking, contact Gabriel Marks on 0411 459 126, or today.


A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words – for $100 you will get this plus the event on our Community Events on the Website and we will share your FB Event with AOL followers. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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