
AOL Bulletin : 7th October 2020 – Catching Our Breath

All Welcome to the Academy AGM
Everybody is welcome to join us for the Annual General Meeting on Monday night 30rd November 7.30 – 8.30pm. This meeting will be via Zoom. This is the time when the sitting Committee is dismissed and the new one is being chosen. The president’s report and the financial report will be presented as well. If you have any ideas or other input for the Academy please come along and let us know. If you are enjoying our Monday nights and would like to contribute in some way please let us know. The AOL community will be grateful for your participation.

Previous Event : Michelle Lewis – Birthing a New 5D Reality

Spiritual teacher and community leader, Michelle Lewis spoke with raw honesty to the Academy of Light about the importance of learning to connect within, as we birth into a new 5D reality.
Michelle is currently managing a global conscious community, Numagic, in Quorrobolong in the Hunter Valley. Numagic is a residential retreat set on 200 acres of sacred indigenous land. Its aim is to provide ‘a living experience of being in harmony within self, with each other and all living things….. a new way of being with Earth.’ 
In her previous 3D life, Michelle was a policewoman working with Aboriginal communities . She is now bringing her management skills into her role as a community leader, creating a bridge between Aboriginal and western cultures.
Initiated as Aunty Babingini in her Aboriginal community, Michelle has a calming gentle presence.
Her strong spiritual connection reverberated throughout her being as she ‘walked’ us through the land on a journey within.
Quorrobolong, which means “ a low line of hills”, is the original country of the Wonnarua people.
She acknowledged the custodians of this land – past, present and emerging – and felt honoured to step into her new role of custodianship. 
Michelle sees herself as a pathfinder, moving through new ways of being and doing. She is helping to birth a new 5D reality, as we step away from the old 3D matrix expression. 

** This will be continued after the Events below **

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: 2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 12th October 2020
Our hidden Ancestry with Stephen and Evan Strong

Stephen and Evan Strong are Authors, Researchers, Progressive Archaeo-Historians & Speakers.
After consultation with Elders around Australia they have rediscovered a hidden history: The Out of Australia Theory.
By drawing disciplines together they have assembled facts about archaeological finds, early contact accounts, genetics, Serpent myths, Dreaming stories, Amerindian myths, parallels in religious texts, etc. into one coherent theory: The Original Aborignial people sailed from Australia to other parts of the world. 
Stephen and Evan Strong will be talking about the real history of the past about how humanity has evolved. They will talk about our origins, genetics, the flat headed skull and also about recent science that proves the existence of Atlantis and Lemuria.
There is an Original prophecy/ceremony coming out of Uluru on December 21st at 9:02pm. It is there and then that the Elders will open what they call a “magic box” that could ignite a switch that would see the Schumann resonance continually ascend. But not all will join in this ascension, many will fall short. It is against this background that Stephen and Evan will talk about the past, present and future as one continuous circle.
On 27th September Stephen and Evan will be part of an online conference: Our alien ancestry: Kariong calling. You can find tickets at their website:

Monday 26th October 2020
Ascension, the Galactic Cycle and Connecting to the New Earth With Julia Smith

The Academy is delighted to have Julia return to be with us; sharing her insights into our journey of ascension. She will talk us through a macro picture of where we are in the Galactic Cycle, Mother Earth’s ascension and humanity’s ascension. She will also cover some important points to be mindful of that will ease our own personal journey, provide techniques on helping to raise and hold our vibration – questions are welcomed. Julia will then will channel a powerful guided meditation for clearing and healing our energy field of old emotional debris, karma, DNA clearing, dissolving old cords and timelines (and more) and then recode us with beautiful Divine crystalline energies aligning us to our highest timeline and the New Earth’s energy.
Julia works with multi-dimensional teams primarily a collective from the 13 crystal skulls from the higher dimensions, the angelic realm, whale and dolphin energies, Ascended Masters and Star Beings from the higher frequency dimensions. All her work is aligned to working with pure Light.
Light Beings from these realms will join us to send through the highest energy’s for the group on the night.
Julia works in North Sydney as transformational energetic healer, sound and colour therapist. Her sessions are a unique combination of sound frequencies, colour ray energies, crystalline light and working with the soul’s of people’s family unit to resolve conflict and complete soul contracts. She also works as a planetary Grid LightWorker acting as a conduit to bring new light frequencies into Mother Earth’s body. Julia also does Soul Life Purpose Coaching, Aura Photography with aura readings, Aura Photography events, and Land/Property/House clearings and upgrades. You can take a look at Julia’s work at: and contact her at
The evening will be completely organic! We will be in the flow of what unfolds as guided by our celestial friends!

Birthing a New 5D Reality cont’d

“We need to connect within and allow pure conscious creative energy to flow freely through us. Allow your knowing to speak through you. It will bring you into an experience of no time and space. ”
“Although adapting to these new 5D realities and navigating through change can be challenging, it can open you up to new gifts or ways of being. “  
“Consider the reasons why you are living through these times of change. You may be opening up your clairvoyance gifts, developing your healing abilities or birthing a new expression of yourself – whatever it may be.” 
Michelle cautioned that as we move through energetic shifts and changes, we may experience physical symptoms and our attention could be distracted. “We are taking steps from one world to another, and we need to learn how to be. “
“Take a very small gentle step each day as you transition into a life that is filled with ease and grace.” 
“You know when you are living in 5D because drama occurs, but its way out there. You become a witness to the world and you are no longer impacted by events that occur out there.”
“If your emotions are triggered at some level, harness and take this gift. Turn that emotion –or energy in motion – into another level of transformation. Every time we transform, we open up and receive new gifts – just like dead branches fall so that we can bring in new growth.”  
“Simplify your life as much as you can. Watch less TV, watch less news, do less study and seek less activity. Bring stillness and peace into your busyness.“ 
Michelle led us through a meditative journey through the land of spirit to help us connect to our wholeness.. Our intention was to receive spiritual guidance for our new reality – so that we are living the true abundance that we are.
After the meditation, we shared our personal experiences with the group and Michelle acknowledged the messages of the spirit animals. The snake energy means you are fully supported, while spiders represent creative energy. The kangaroo is a symbol of fertility and moving forward. One participant who connected with the spider energy received the message ‘ to create your web of success and not to worry about the big picture.’ 

If you would like to connect with Michelle, you can contact her at or join the Numagi Facebook group on

If you missed this event and would be interested to view the recorded event, click here,

FYI – 5 Minute Breath Exercise That Can Change Your Life – The Science of Grounding

Stacey Schuerman leads us through an exercise designed to reset, renew, and rejuvenate our energy. Join her as she teaches us about breathing and calming the mind.
Click here to watch and practice.  Just over 5 mins

Super Brain Yoga Exercises

In this video, Jack Canefield shows us a very simple technique called Super Brain Yoga which releases energy from the lower part of the body, through the central channel, heart, the throat and the brain. Amazingly simple technique but has been proven to be extremely effective.
Click here to watch. Just over 5 mins

Thought of the Week

My religion is very simple.  My religion is kindness.
– Dalai Lama

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

I find opportunities to be kind and caring everywhere I look.

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.