
AOL Bulletin – 7th June, 2017 – The Animal Kingdom

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to connect to all life.


Healing With WolvesVeterans suffering from PTSD now have options other than traditional treatment and medication. It’s called wolf therapy. At Lockwood Animal Rescue Center, these veterans are getting back their nature.
A wonderful short video of veterans  receiving comfort, love and healing from rescued wolves. Did you know that one animal picks out one veteran and never again will it pick out another person. 
Click Here
about 2 minutes.

 “Dreaming with Wolves” by Julia Griffin of One True Self. 

 Dreaming With WolvesA close friend recently discovered a 1930 National Geographic with an article about a Finnish shaman, who used the same exercise shared with me by the wolves. The synchronicity encouraged me to share my article  (2003) and dreaming exercise with you.
Eight years ago, I was chosen by the wolf, and began my Odyssey into a world so beautiful and rich that I can only attempt to share it. Somewhere in my voyage, I became a wolf myself. I know what it is to dream with a wolf, to run with a wolf, to be a wolf. I know the incredible psychic power and tremendous strength of the wolf.
Tonight and for all of this week, Sheba the White Wolf has been with me. I hurry to write while I am in her presence, so that my words will be touched by her Truth. Tonight, we will run under the full moon, and I will run easily and lightly. Her strength will carry me effortlessly, and when we are done we will dream together in the great forest where wolves dream and meet to travel into different worlds (See Dreaming Exercise below.)
Click here to read more
NOTE: We love Julia’s insights and have used them several times in our Newsletter but I hadn’t read her story of living with a wolf.  It made be feel humble, there is so much to learn and experience in this wonderful world of ours…….Rosemary


The Dreaming Exercise by Julia Griffin

  • There is a forest where all wolves dream. It is a primeval forest that we all know in a part of our mind. You have been there before. Your soul knows this place. Go to this place in your mind, and in a little while, if you let yourself really see it, the wolves will come.
  • You have known the wolves in other lives. Once, they lived with you, and you ran free and wild with them under the moon. Your body knows this. Let your body remember this.
  • Look around. We are in a vast forest. The trees are huge. They have never been touched by man. These trees are from a different time and place. They are reminiscent of cedars or hemlocks, but they are neither. They are trees that live in this special place, the Place of the Wolves. You can come here only if you are invited. The wolves are calling you because I have asked.Feel this place. Look around and see that the earth is clean and the sky is blue. The sky will darken as the wolves come. It will turn into twilight, and we will travel through the half-world. The half-world is a space in time. You will come to know it.Feel the earth beneath your feet. The earth is warm and the debris on the forest floor is cool and clean. There is moss in the damp places and around the edge of the trees. Feel its softness. There also are rocks beneath the forest floor. Feel their strength.In a little while, you will run. Let your feet and legs feel the rocks, the hard and soft places of the forest floor. Your feet will guide you through the night.
  • The sky is darkening, turning a purple blue. As the first stars are rising, you hear the first wolf howl. A waxing, crescent moon is beginning to rise in the west (the moon will change after the first time, but see it as a quarter crescent the first time).The wolves are beginning to howl. You can hear and feel your wolves. This pack of wolves is your own, unlike anyone else’s. Feel them. Feel the pull of their power. Soon they will be with you. The fine hair on your neck and body will begin to stand up.
  • The first wolf comes to you. It is an Alpha wolf. If you do not know its name, then ask — or wait until you know within. If you do not get a name this time, you will another time.Your body will change in the presence of the wolf. Remember how running and jumping felt when you were fourteen or fifteen? How it felt like flying? Remember what it is like to be incredibly strong.
  • The forest that you are in sits on a long wide ledge. Walk out to the edge with the wolves. One or two wolves may join you, or the entire pack may come. Below, you can see a valley. Above are the mountains and the moon.Hear the wolves howl. Watch as they lift their noses toward the moon. Let the vibrations of their howls travel through your body.Now it is time for you to run.
  • Run with the wolves. And as you do, you may find a space that is like a crack. If you do, travel through it. If not, just run through the forest. The forests will change as you run. The rest is up to the wolves. You will go where they take you.

One day this dream may seem as real to you as anything you have ever known. When that happens, you will know the power and strength of the wolf.
NOTE: As you run with the wolves, the living objects of your vision may appear intensely red or blue, or glowing. This is normal. Wolves see in red and blue — red to hunt, and blue as their normal vision.

   Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road.
When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite),
Concession for Pensioners or Students: $10.00 Includes light refreshments.
Finish time is 9.30pm.



QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY HOLIDAY … The Academy will be closed.
We hope you have enjoyable long weekend and look forward to seeing you next week.


The Mysterious Pyramids of Bosnia  ~ with Julia Smith.

Julia SmithIn 2005 Dr Semir “ Sam” Osmanagich made an incredible discovery while visiting a small museum in the tiny village of Visoko, just out of Sarajevo.  It was a Divine Universal unfolding of his life path.  He just happened to notice this mountain, and notice it is in the exact shape of a pyramid and “Knew” it was one.  The rest is an unfolding story, and humanity is benefiting right at this time of the Great Awakening.
Julia once again joins us in sacred circle to share fascinating information and high vibration energy from her recent Earth energy travels:  the incredible Bosnian Pyramids.  If you are drawn to these pyramids or want to know more about these pyramids which are creating a sensation worldwide, then this is a night not to miss.  Julia will share with us what is going on with the energies here, information about the pyramids, and the effects on the field of archeology.  Julia will be bringing along her crystal tubular harp with 10 transformation crystalline sound frequencies for us to receive a clearing and recalibration and also facilitate a cosmic light-filled meditation the details of what that will be will become known in the Now moment on the night!  

Eventbrite - The Mysterious Pyramids of Bosnia ~ with Julia Smith

*Please note our door ticket prices for general admission is $20.
All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include light refreshments.
**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to the event.

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy with Ari Porter

 A smaller group than usual, maybe due to the cold? But also nice to see some new faces, welcome to Rebecca, Deborah, Carla, Adam and Eva and lovely to see you again Vashi. Those that did come were blessed with another beautiful night of song and sound. I only just found out that one of our regular members, Robert, travels all the way from Penrith by public transport to be with us on Mon nite. I would like to acknowledge his dedication, and may he be blessed with an extra Tim Tam.
The event was a beautiful procession blending different instruments and cultures.
* We were greeted gently from Tibet with bells from John and bowls from Jewels.
* Then a lovely duo with bass Joe taking us through Expansion while Elle harmonised with Om Mani Padme Hum.
* Followed by a travelling resonator and chimes over our heads. Usually I associate the chimes with raindrops, but because of the temperature I think they might have been snowflakes tonight.
* Jewels treated us to the bowls again, this time accompanied with her angelic singing.
* Then we had a bit Out of Africa, with Joe and Elle delivering a soulful version of “Koth Biro” from the movie “The Constant Gardner”
* John’s Gong Bath seemed more gentle, reflecting the intimacy of the evening
* Finally holding hands in a circle and singing “Peace on Earth”
Whatever the temperature on the outside, we all left feeling warm on the inside.
A big thanks to the John, Jewels, Joe and Elle for sharing their talents and providing such a wonderful night.
If you would like to contact them for other events :

John and the Gongs:
Julie (Jewels) Wakeman:
Ellie Francis:
Joe Vandermeer :

NOTE:  The next Sound Event will be the 4th September.  It will be warmer then.

Thought Of The Week

Just BeWherever you are – be all there.

Affirmation – say daily and slowly, feel it, believe it
GratitudeI appreciate everything I have. I live in joy

-Rachel Gadiel


 Food is FreeThis film is about the Food is Free laneway started by Lou Ridsdale in Ballarat, Australia.
People leave excess food, seedlings, plants and even food scraps for composting on permanent tables set up in a laneway alongside Lou’s home. Anyone can take food for free.
The initiative was not just about promoting the idea that everyone should have access to good food, but about drawing together communities to help each other to live and eat well. Click Here. 
 NOTE:  What a wonderful initiative this is.  Perhaps we can start this at Jacarana Haven with all the potatoes we have been planting.  18 kilos of seed potatoes should produce a goodly number of spuds and we still have a number of pumpkins to find homes for.,,,,,Rosemary



Mosman Community Art Centre
Myahgah Road Mosman
Wednesday 5TH JULY 2017 at 7pm
Hosted by Rev. Ann Joel and friends

This is a once off event: Rev. Ann returns to Sydney on her way home to Perth from her tour to John of God’s Casa, in Brazil.
Join Rev. Ann Joel and friends, as we connect here in Australia to the beautiful Spirit Guides of Casa de Dom Inacio in Brazil. This evening event gives a special opportunity to catch-up with like-minded souls, to open up to love, to reflect and grow; as we connect with each other and ‘all there is’.
Each one of us having a sacred intent for peace, love, forgiveness and understanding.
“I am sending this out to all my past and present clients in Sydney, and my long time dear friends who are making this event possible, as I arrive back from Brazil the night before the event.” Rev. Ann
DRESS: in white or cream attire



Exciting 6 Week Mediumship & Psychic Development Course

Starting June 8th in Crows Nest, Sydney

If you’re interested in developing your Mediumship and Psychic skills then this highly experiential 6 week course is for you.
You will get plenty of opportunities to practice exercises and activities to grow and expand your sixth sense in a safe and comfortable environment with lovely like-minded people.
Imagine how great it will be to learn all about your sixth sense while practicing fun exercises with a supportive group at your side.
Time and dates: 7pm-8.45pm, each Thursday for 6 weeks starting June 8th.
No experience required. This course is open to everyone, at all experience levels.
Investment: $200 for the full 6 week course.

Limited spots available. Contact Gabriel via:

  • Email
  • Phone 0411 459 126
  • Visit


Soul Space Circle – Tonight !

Soul Space CircleLocation : Leela Centre.
Level 2, 113-115 Oxford st Darlinghurst
Time : 7-9pm
Cost : $10.00

A space to connect and share from an open heart with like minded souls. Soul Space Circle has been created by Maria Lambi & Roxy Jeffery (inspired by Nicolas Perrin) as a safe place to allow those who choose to show up the freedom to let go of any masks they may have worn during the day and to feel free to be themselves in the truest sense, delving deep within their heart and soul.
Through sharing with each other, everyone gains from each other’s insights and wisdom and that’s what this group is all about.
There will be a mix of guided meditations and sharing based on theme topics and where everyone is at in the space.
In this first session we will be exploring living in the now and spirituality based on your soul journey – what it means to you.
Encouraging community spirit, which is in sync with what the Leela community is all about, feel free to pop by early or hang around afterwards for a tea in Leela’s kitchen or simply just to chill out.
We’re looking to hold this space once a month and maybe more regularly, depending on interest. Souls at all stages of the journey welcome.
Cost: $10 per person (to cover room hire charge)
RSVP: No need to pre-book (cash at door), however please RSVP your attendance on this Event page so that we know numbers.
Feel free to share this invite with any like minded souls you feel it might resonate with.
Come join us with an open mind, heart and soul.
Love Maria & Roxy xx

Dr. Jean Houston’s free “The 3 Keys To Discovering & Living Your Life’s Purpose”

It’s essentially the first step in what might well be the most important and pivotal 7-weeks of your life.
Jean’s Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose 7-Week Online Course has transformed the lives of many thousands of people throughout the world since she first began offering it six years ago…
And your chance to join them will be starting soon, on Thursday, June 15th.
In the course, Jean will show you how to fully discover and embrace your true reason for being in the world at this time in history…
And once you do, you’ll begin experiencing a deeper sense of clarity and purpose in everything you do, each and every day.
Activate Your Unique Destiny Code and Live Your Highest Calling – Find Out All About Jean Houston’s 7-Week Program
And if you missed Jean’s recent online event, or want to listen again, you can still access the recording at no charge here.
During the 7 weeks you’ll spend with Jean, you’ll not only discover how to pursue your life’s purpose with a newly inspired sense of focus…
You’ll also find yourself overflowing with confidence and charisma from all Jean will be guiding you to do, making you more magnetic to others in every situation.
I can imagine you might right now be thinking, “Really? How can it possibly do that?”
But it’s true!
And not only have thousands told us so—I’ve seen it happen myself many times when I’ve looked in on the course, and often to those who thought it was too late for them to change in any significant way.
That’s the enduring power of Jean’s teachings.
Click here to read more


Womens Dream QuestJudith Tripp is bringing her superb ‘Women’s Dream Quest’ to Australia this September. Join us for a weekend of labyrinth walking, meditation, song and gentle healing process. We’ll create a sacred women’s circle, connecting to all the sacred circles formed over the last thirty years of Women’s Dream Quests around the world, listening deeply for our role at this pivotal time in the life of our planet. Judith is a psychotherapist who leads pilgrimages and Dream Quests in the US and Europe.

For more information and to register go to
15th-17th September at Amberley, Lower Plenty, VIC
22nd-24th September at St Josephs, Kincumber, NSW

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words – for $100 you will get this plus the event on our Community Events on the Website and we will share your FB Event with AOL followers. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.




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Academy of Light.facebook




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