
AOL Bulletin : 7th April 2021 – Let’s Feel The Joy

Previous Event: Rising of the Divine Feminine with Nancy Valentine Smith

In spite of the heavy rains and deluge of floods in Sydney, Nancy Valentine Smith addressed a packed audience at the Academy of Light’s first public event of the year.

Shaman, shape-shifter and seer, Nancy has the extraordinary gift of being able to cross into the spiritual realm, while being in the physical. She is also a remarkable healer and a pure channel for Mary Magdalene and Jeshua.

Nancy began her talk by explaining that we are at the beginning of a major cleanse. The data in our soil is being cleansed. We are experiencing an activation and release of the feminine energy.
In the 3D reality, the hierarchy is becoming uncomfortable. As a result, there will be a rise in far right wing politics.

The equinox is also bringing up the shadow and we will experience the release of anger and rage in the pain body. Be aware that these energies need to be released – as we are going through a quickening of the ascension process.

Our consciousness in the next six months will be dismantled. We are building new neural pathways in our brains. The new information coming through has a higher light frequency, which has to battle through dense energy. “The whole wiring of the brain is being dismantled, which can lead to symptoms of forgetfulness, headaches or irrational behaviour. “

A certain demographic is being targeted by the patriarchy – young men aged between 13 and 35, who have a strong connection to the Divine Mother. As the energy rises, these men are susceptible because their hearts are opening and they are moving through the old paradigm.

From 2021 to 2022, Mother Earth will go through more cleansing and we will have mini cyclones in specific areas.

Our waterways, which carry the new codes of the feminine and masculine energy, are being cleansed by sharks. Sharks represent the warriors and protectors of the seas.

*** This article will continue after the events.***

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: 2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 7.30pm – 9.30pm

*** Please note :  This event is both at the Mosman Art Gallery and on Zoom.  Preference is to book on Eventbrite, however tickets will be available at the door.  Nancy will be on Zoom ***

Monday 12th April 2021
Sacred Sound Event with Paulien Gort  

Join us for this relaxing and rejuvenating Sacred Sound Event with Paulien Gort, live in Mosman and on Zoom.
We are very happy to offer this in person again from the Grand Hall with its beautiful acoustics!!
A beautiful soundscape will be created for you to float away into different realms and facilitating healing on every level. The cells of your body will be saturated with healing frequencies and will activate the innate healing intelligence of your body helping you into a state of peace and wellbeing.
Paulien will play Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls, Gongs, Monochord, Shaman Drum, Tibetan Singing Bowls and more. You will hear beautiful channeled toning that will bring in powerful energetic codes to transform you.
You will feel cleansed, relaxed and rejuvenated at the end of the night.

Bring a rug/blanket and pillow to lie down or sit as you allow your body to be immersed in these wonderful healing sounds.

Recommendations for best results via Zoom:
– lay down comfortabley
– have water handy
– eye bag
– cover
Paulien Gort is a Sound Healer who offers one-on-one Sound Healing sessions and regular Sound Baths Online and in North Narrabeen.
Thank you so so much Paulien – that was an amazing sound bath – such perfect timing for me to have this, during these challenging times of uncertainty and my family being in the UK – with health problems – I put all that aside and went into a divine space – I transcended and felt so at peace and in my joy – Bless you – I would recommend your blissful sound baths to anyone – who is going through some form of adversity – or just for some loving self care .
Alex Jarvis Sydney Australia

Monday 26th April 2021

There will no event tonight due to the Anzac Day public holiday.

Upcoming Events in May

10th May: Maria Gerathy – 21st Century Sacred Plant Medicine Keys to Holistic Wellbeing

Maria Gerathy is a transpersonal coach and registered First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand practitioner and tutor living and working on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. She brings her wealth of knowledge and experience along to this presentation about the creation of this range of flower essences, how plant medicine works and its value in holistic health and wellbeing for today’s challenging times.

24th May: Anya Petrovic

Anya has previously talked about Tesla Metamorphosis but will this time focus on Cosmic Consciousness and Tesla Waves, Dr. David Hawkins and the influence of emotions on consciousness.

More information on these exciting events will be in our next newsletter, and soon on facebook and the website.

Rising of the Divine Feminine with Nancy Valentine Smith (cont’d)

In Australia, we will witness a dismantling of the commonwealth and colonial consciousness.
Personally, we will experience the merging of the Divine feminine and masculine. Each of us will be initiated in our own way.
Ascending energies in the lower astral will attach to those with frequency specific energies. However, if our throat chakras are activated enough, we can change that instantly.  
We are clearing unfinished business, from present and past lives, and our genetics. As we clear ourselves, we can merge with our higher selves.
Each of us are going through our own awakening process, which can happen quickly. However, we need to remain aware, and not go into fear.
As we move towards 2030, we are going to be called to oneness, which can bring up intense energies. Be conscious of your feelings. Fear is a distraction keeping us busy to move forward.
The Divine feminine energy is activating men and women in the heart and clearing our emotional pain bodies. We are receiving a new heart frequency and clearing the data stored in the land. The heart is adjusting its new frequency to the 3D reality.
“Our purpose as light-workers is being activated. We are in the process of becoming multi-dimensional beings.”
Nancy then guided us through several heart activations. By the end of the evening, our hearts were open and we were buzzing with high frequency energy.
If you would like to work with Nancy one on one, you can contact her at

 Written by Eva Burbury

FYI – Esref Armagan, the Blind Man Who Can Paint

Meet the remarkable Esref Armagan, the man who was born blind, yet able to produce the most amazing paintings, with depth, perspective and colour.   Dr John Kennedy a Perception Psychologist at Harvard, watched in amazement when he studied Esref’s brain as areas of the brain which are associated with vision lit up when he was  drawing. He also set up an extraordinary challenge for Esref to complete.
Click here to watch and learn about this amazingly talented man,  Less than 10 mins

Dancing Nuns 

Nuns at an enclosed monastry took part in a viral dance challenge along with the Redemptorist Fathers and Brothers.  Dancing to the music ‘Jerusalema’ by two South African artists, the nuns, Fathers and  Brothers, hope to give joy to those in lockdown. 
Watch this delightful video.  Less than 4 mins

Thought of the Week

Do the best you can until you know better, Then, when you know better, do better.
– Maya Angelou

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

I forgive myself and I set myself free.

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.