
AOL Bulletin : 6th May 2020 – New Beginings

Previous event: Abundance Activation – Discover Your Life Purpose

Abundance activator, life coach and author of Abundance 101, Jason Snaddon has a wealth of experience in creating abundance. He spoke to the Academy of Light members about why this is the ideal time to learn to create abundance in every aspect of your life.
He explained that this quietened time is an opportunity to go within and reconnect with yourself. With more time on our hands, we can explore our life purpose and re-evaluate our goals. 
What is it you want to create? What is stopping you? “We created this opportunity as a collective to go within and let go of what no longer serves us. We need to ask our Higher selves what are we here to do and how can we best be of service to others.” 
Jason decided to help others create abundance after he had achieved his major goals at a relatively young age. Using the laws of attraction, Jason had manifested a successful real estate business, a portfolio of investments, a penthouse apartment, a luxury car and an ideal relationship. Yet something was missing. 
In 2014, when his mother was dying with terminal cancer, Jason started delving into spirituality.
He began to visit his spiritual mentor, Rosemary Butterworth, for energy healings, which further awakened his spiritual gifts. On one occasion, Rosemary told him that an ascended master wanted to come through with the message that if he decided to help people achieve abundance, he would be supported. 
Jason began to practice as an abundance coach – marketing his services to business networking groups and running breakfast abundance meetings. 
In the last few years, Jason began to channel Master Kuthumi, other higher beings and light language. In one healing session, he had a profound spiritual experience with Galactic Beings of Light, which opened his heart to unconditional love. He experienced how we are powerful beings and how we are all connected to sacred geometry .

** This will be continued after the Events below **

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: 2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 11th May 2020 Ocha Online : The Message of Covid-19

The Great Change that has been anticipated for decades has arrived as humanity is reeling with the impacts of unprecedented droughts, fires, floods and now the effects of the tiniest of tiny biological entities, a virus. These are all a phenomena of Nature through the elements and our microscopic world, which the Mamos of Columbia call “our Elder Brothers,” because they were here a long, long time before we arrived.
Ocha will explain how these are messages from the Earth to humanity to redirect their free will to what it has always been intended to be used for ~ to maintain the Great Balance on Earth ~ and to step into our limitless power of love, light and creation to serve all life equally. Whatever and whoever seems to be the cause of these catastrophes on the outside is really a reflection of what we as a collective are holding on the inside. And we each have a key for this.
Ocha will then lead a meditation, with the assistance of the Earth portals, to ground and illuminate our body of light to strengthen our resilience and bring peace to the mind.
Ocha assists others to connect to their true essence and find their place of belonging through her courses, Opening to Earth, the Sydney Portals Program and Self Mastery. She also offers personal healing sessions, Akashic Healing and Earth Heart Axis Restoration. She is also a Mentor of the Divine University.

This event will be on Zoom.  Details will be sent upon registration.

Monday 25th May 2020
Out of the Rabbit Hole with Charlotte Foot

Nelson Mandela once said “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again”

This is where I was back in 2008, I had all but given up hope. During my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s I suffered from severe bipolar disorder and was under the care of a GP, psychiatrist and psychologist. I was on medication and had trouble coping. As a result of my illness, I lost my career as a publicist, my son, my savings and at times my dignity, but the worst of it was at times I thought that I had lost myself. I didn’t know who I was. But after years of battling I discovered a new set of skills in life coaching and started moving into a new direction.
I have survived and triumphed through these difficult times, through studying counseling, spirituality, coaching and healing practices. I have found my calling as a healer and counselor as well as a Life Coach and have developed unique strategies to help not just my own wellbeing but also my client’s recovery.
Charlotte Foot will share her story with us about how she managed to get her life back on track and even help other people with similar issues. She will also teach us some tools to help us during these challenging times that will calm and placate our nerves and ease tension. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask your questions.
Charlotte’s website is:

Abundance Activation – Discover Your Life Purpose (cont’d)

After talking about his spiritual journey, Jason led us on a powerful healing meditation, using light language to clear each of our chakras and open our channels for abundance. During the process, Master Kuthumi came through with messages for the group. 
When we focused on the sacral chakra, Kuthumi’s message was to look at your areas of resistance – and send them love and compassion. 
Jason helped to activate our throat chakras for speaking our truth. Many of us hold onto fears of being seen and heard from past lifetimes of persecution. These fears stop us from being the fullness of who we are. It is time to step forth. We have nothing to fear. 
The third eye centre was energised to help us trust our intuition and practice discernment.
Paulien Gort said “The amount of light that came through during the Light Language was amazing. I connected to new beings who I am supposed to work with in the future and was instructed how to do so.”
After the meditation, we did automatic writing to connect with our Higher Guidance for messages about our unique purpose. Jason invited a few people to share the messages they received and commented on them. 
The main messages that came through for the group were to stop listening to the voice of doubt, trust your connection to your Higher Self and express your gifts. 
If you would like to receive coaching to activate your life purpose, Jason is starting a six month group abundance program in May, which culminates in a three day retreat. Alternatively, you can do one on one coaching with Jason. Jason’s book, Abundance 101, is also available at his website .
Jason is also offering a free online Abundance Workshop on Saturday, May 16 titled ‘What blocks your abundance and how do you step into the powerful creative being you truly are.’
Click here to book the Land of Abundance Workshop

Written by Eva Burbury

FYI – Shame and Empathy with Dr Brene Brown

In an excerpt from her new psychoeducational shame-resilience curriculum, University of Houston researcher and educator Brené Brown discusses the destructive nature of shame and the healing power of empathy.
 Click here to listen.

Gayatri Mantra with Deva Premal 


Click here to laugh.  Less than 4 mins 

Relax into this deep meditation with Deva Premal as they sing the Gayatri Mantra.  Feel your problems just melt away as you listen to this divine mantra.

Click here to listen. Just under 30 mins.  

Thought of the Week

Practise kindness to everybody and you will realise you already in heaven now.

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

I am a powerful creator

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A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
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