
AOL Bulletin – 6th July, 2016 – Presence of Love

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us that Love is always with us


Debra Berndt-Maldonado
You can communicate with your unconscious mind to attract your true love and great abundance by letting go of fears of new things coming in your life. This is an advanced form of visualization to open up your higher mind to oneness.
15 min meditation  Click here

Ms ThinkologyTHE BRAIN UNLOCKED –  How To Use Your Brain To Create Miracles, Magic and Amazing Opportunities
by Ms Thinkology

Youtube Talk – 8mins
How does your brain decide what’s important and relevant?  If you want to learn how you can create miracles, magic and amazing opportunities watch this video. Your brain is extremely powerful and when you learn how to control it you will be amazed at what you can achieve.  If you believe that something isn’t possible then even if the possibility does exist you will not see it. How does your brain decide what’s important and relevant? The only way that it can do this is to assess the external environment against what is contained in your long-term memory. This includes all your beliefs, experiences and conditioning. This is its default system. You do of course have the power to override this default system with the thinking part of your brain known as the frontal lobes. Basically what you focus on you find and manifest. If you want to learn how you can create miracles, magic and amazing opportunities watch this video.
Click here

by Rachel Naomi Remen

Rachel Naomi Remen“Fixing and helping create a distance between people, but we cannot serve at a distance.  We can only serve that to which we are profoundly connected.
Helping, fixing and service represent three different ways of seeing life.  When you help, you see life as weak.  When you fix, you see life as broken.  When you serve, you see life as whole.  Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, and service, the work of the soul.
Service rests on the premise that the nature of life is sacred, that life is a wholely mistery that has an unknown purpose.  When we serve, we know that, we belong to life and to that purpose.  From the prospective of service, we are all connected:  all suffering is like my suffering and all joy is like my joy.  The impulse to serve emerges naturally and inevitably from this way of seeing.
Service is different from helping.  Helping is not as relationship between equals.  A helper may see others as weaker that they are, needier than they are, when people often feel this equality.  The danger in helping is that we may inadvertently take away from people more than we could ever give them; we may diminish their self-esteem, their sense of work, integrity or even wholeness”….
To read more of this inspiring and heart warming article,  Click Here.


The Academy would like to extend its apology to Julia Griffin of One True Self.  We inadvertently put the writer’s name of the inspiring article “When the World is Changing” as Ellen Varman instead of Julia Griffin.  Ellen Varmon was the artist who created the Mandala.  Julia is a wonderful writer and we are grateful to be able use her writings from time to time. Julia Griffin’s website is – treat yourself, go have a look!

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite), Concession for Pensioners or Students: $10.00 Includes light refreshments. Finish time is 9.30pm


MONDAY, 11th July, 2016

Jason Snaddon

Jason Snaddon – Abundance Advocate
Jason will share some key philosophies and some daily practices for you to use that work. These are a sure way to create more abundance of everything in your life.
Since being aligned with his 6th Dimensional self, Jason has found his ability to help people connect to their own Abundance has grown even stronger.
Jason believes we can all be, do, and have abundance in all areas of our lives. Whether that is having more than money, more than enough health and well-being, more than enough joy, more than enough relationship, more than enough fulfilment.
On July 11th, Jason is going to share with you how he has created abundance in his life and take you through a process to tap into your own intuition/your higher self, your genius to support yourself and others to do the same and leave the evening with a strong focus on what is true for you and what is waiting for you to create.

Watch, on his youtube, Jason talk more about this here.
To read more what Jason has to say. click on his website link

Eventbrite - Jason Snaddon - Abundance Advocate


MONDAY, 18th July, 2016





Anya Petrovic is an internationaly recognised healer and the founder of Tesla Metamorphosis®.  We welcome Anya back for the third time to the Academy.
Discover and experience Tesla Metamorphosis – How to reach beyond healing to higher consciousness.  Tesla Metamorphosis, in addition to the spectrum of frequencies registered in numerous healing modalities can access Tesla Waves. According to scientists, Tesla Metamorphosis® is the only healing modality where Tesla Waves can be accessed.
Tonight Anya will give an introductory presentation with live demonstration of healing through the modality of Tesla Metamorphosis®.
Participants will learn how they also can harnesses the power of the legendary inventor Nikola Tesla, whose most important concepts have been suppressed for 100 years, for the purpose of healing.
What is new in Tesla Metamorphosis is that we can access Tesla Waves, or Tesla’s bio-field in addition to some other frequencies and densities of energy. The difference is in which frequencies and densities of energy, information and light can be accessed – the density and the frequency of these Tesla waves are inversely proportional to the square of the distance.
Clients report healings from maladies such as: lupus, cancer, AIDS, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, addiction, and even the reconstructions of birth deformities and physically damaged spines (( ).  Many of those diseases are, according to orthodox medicine, ‘incurable’.
However, apart from these healings, Tesla Waves enhance the frequency of human consciousness, and this might be even more important than the fascinating healing results. This explains how people, after attending a Tesla Metamorphosis seminar, are able to create the communication with their clients on the level of the conscious, subconscious and integrative mind, though they were not aware of these abilities before.
Link to Anya’s website: . 
E:    Mobile: 0403 060 056



In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light LogoWith Rosemary Butterworth

As Karen Quant had to postpone last Monday night due to illness, Rebecca Brown and Julia Smith and myself filled in.   We had nothing planned but let Spirit guide us as to what to present.  It was just perfect of course and a wonderful healing took place for everyone.
First of all I checked to see if everyone’s chakras where open and found a lot closed from the days’ activities.  So Archangel Michael proceeded to assist in their opening  which meant that we were all able to receive energies and connect to the Oneness and then with the opening meditation we became unified.
Rebecca just simply listened to what her guides were telling her and brought this amazing 25 minute heart opening mediation.  This was to remind us that the Presence of Love never leaves us.  It is there for all eternity.
Julia had brought her new Celetine Swords with her.  She had used them up at Jacaranda Haven on a lady who was in a lot of pain.  I watched this while the swords wound round the energy of pain which to me looked like spiders webs and removed it.  The lady was immediately relieved from pain.   So when Julia told this story Rebecca asked her to go around the circle and if appropriate to removed energies that were ready to be released from those present.
Rebecca’s heart meditation was amazing as we were told, during the meditation, to enter through a door into another room which at the end she said not only the door opened but the wall preventing us to feel the love, was removed.  I remember standing there and just being so full of love – not human love – but eternal love.  Rebecca called us Love Bearers and reminded us that if just one person was in this state it could change the rest of the people sitting at the table at home.  Julia reminded us that in each family so often, that it is just one person who carries the Light and Love. 

A Lovely Comment
“It was wonderful to hear three divine women speak tonight. (Monday) We were blessed with Rosemary’s beautiful grounding meditation to open the evening.  Rebecca Brown then guided us through a heart healing and heart opening meditation to assist us to open our heart and remember pure universal unconditional love. During the meditation Julia went around the group and worked on each of us with her amazing selenite swords. Shifting and opening us up even more. This was a truely amazing experience offered to us by both women.
It is definitely a time of sitting still and going within to open our heart, allowing and welcoming in the new earths energy. Shifting from old patterning into the new pure universal unconditional love” ... Debbie Schutz
Rebecca Brown website:
Julia Smith:
Rosemary Butterworth:

Thought Of The Week

Love HeartWithout love, human society is in a very difficult state; without love, in the future we will face tremendous problems. 
Love is the centre of human life. … Dalai Lama


Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it …
Love and Trust“I AM always in the Presence of LOVE” … Rosemary Butterworth


“Take 1 teaspoon of cod liver oil every day.” – Dr Sara Gottfried

3 Simple Rules to Living a Long Healthy Life
I’ve been a fan of omega-3s for many decades, starting back at the breakfast table as a child. My grandmother explained that cod liver oil was brain fuel, and she was right!
In particular, I like cod liver oil because it’s a great source of long-chain omega-3s like EPA and DHA, plus it offers vitamins D, A, E, and K (“DEKA” for short!). Omega-3s help lower cortisol, raise lean body mass, reduce inflammation, and may slow down aging.
I recommend 1 teaspoon per day of extra-virgin cod liver oil (EVCLO). It’s important information for your DNA.
To read more of this article, click here


Akashic Records



Akashic Record Practitioner Certification Workshops Level 1 & 2

Where: SoultoSoul Healing & Teaching – Suite 4, 6-7 Gurrigal St Mosman
When: Level 1: July 23 – 24, 2016 9:30 am – 5 pm
Level 2: July 30 – 31, 2016 9:30 am – 5 pm
Energy Exchange: Special Early Bird price $444 for each level, $111 deposit required to secure your place
To read more and enrol:
We are honoured to bring this amazing teacher, Bhavya Guar, and workshop to you all the way from Canada! We had such a wonderful experience last year, we are hosting her again and this time she is also doing Level 2.
These workshops attune you to the sublime energy of Akasha. It helps you embark on a safe, loving, non-judgemental and healing experiential journey giving insights into who you are and why things are the way they are. This certification workshop enables you to do Akashic record reading for yourself and others.
Akashic records is a healing empowerment tool, your most accurate oracle, assisting and supporting you as you move forward on your life path, past the obstacles, co-creating a loving nurturing relationship in your inner and outer Universe. It brings a shift in awareness bringing the causes into light and simultaneously healing the effects that may be manifesting on many levels.
This workshop provides you with a new empowerment tool for not only your own accelerated spiritual growth but also to graduate as an Akashic Record Practitioner so you can shine bright and also help others shine their light.
The Akashic Record Practitioner Certification Workshop is a 2 day experiential event with Level 2 as another 2 days the following weekend. There are lots of insightful meditative journeys, group work and time to answer personal questions. Students learn to get guidance from Akashic Records, clear karmic debts, unhealthy patterns, restrictive issues so they can align with their true essence and add a new level of wisdom, insight and meaning to life.
Level 2 Recalibrate Your Life – Level 2 Akashic Record Intermediate Certification
Having already experienced the compassionate, non-judgemental energy of Akasha, Level 2 takes you deeper. Here you will learn to connect with your ancestors across all times and dimensions. This level attunes you to higher vibrational levels of Akasha. It helps you access the wisdom reservoir for your ancestral lineage with regards to your relationship, responsibility and accountability to the DNA you chose to inherit for this earthly lifetime. Its not about only you anymore. You go deeper to heal ancestral patterns beyond your control and create a wholesome extraordinary life you want and deserve.
This workshop has been taught in Canada, the UK, India and is now offered for the second time in Australia. Click here to watch a recent testimonial video.



Labyrinth Facilitator Training in Sydney in Jan 2017 with Lauren Artress

Lauren is the visionary who began the global labyrinth movement 20 years ago. Learn how to introduce your community to the labyrinth in this unique program which addresses both meditative walking and ceremonial use. Veriditas has trained more than 3000 facilitators around the world – therapists, doctors, clergy, artists and labyrinth enthusiasts who simply want to deepen their understanding of the labyrinth. To register: For more information go to Sydney Labyrinth Summer School or contact Emily Simpson at

Theta Healing

If you have been thinking of taking our Intuitive Anatomy class then now is the time to register and take advantage of our EARLY BIRD Price that ends Friday the 8th July.
Intuitive Anatomy class begins 15th August to the 2nd September – this is an amazing life changing three-week course of self-discovery and transformation. If it is the last class you ever take then this is the one – the ultimate gift you could give to yourself! We offer very Generous and flexible payment plans – call our office on 9613 0712 or 0414 968 216 to discuss a payment plan that is tailored to meet your needs or register now by clicking here.
For more information regarding our upcoming classes visit us at


A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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