
AOL Bulletin : 5th February 2020 – Energetic Healings

The Gift of Intuition with Nila Chambers

Author Nila Chambers is on a mission to help others awaken their intuition. She delivered an inspirational talk to the Academy about how to cultivate our intuition so that we can more easily navigate through life’s challenges. 
In 2018, Nila’s life took a dramatic turning point when she heard an internal voice urging her to get a mammogram. She could not ignore the warning when she heard the voice again a day later, so she booked her appointment promptly. 
Mammogram tests confirmed that she had an aggressive form of breast cancer and required surgery. After the procedure, she learned that the cancer had been stopped in its early stages. The ‘voice’ had literally saved her life.
Throughout her healing journey, Nila allowed her intuition to guide her each step of the way. The experience transformed her life.
 After surviving her ordeal, Nila realised that she needed to help others awaken their intuition. She wrote her first book “The Gift of Intuition” and now gives talks, runs workshops, and guides fortnightly circles in the Avalon community.
Nila explained that we have five physical senses and five spiritual senses, which have not been fully developed. “Intuition is one of the spiritual senses that we have ignored, largely because of our over-reliance on the intellect. “|Everyone is born with intuitive abilities, which they experience without realising it. Intuition can come in the form of feeling the urge to eat a healthy food that has nutrients your body needs. It also may come as a sense of direction when driving, or thinking about someone just before they call you. 
Intuition helps to guide you on your life path and acts for your highest good. It can help you confirm a decision you want to make, access information you need, or protect you in dangerous situations. 
Like any skill, the more you use your sense of intuition, the stronger it becomes. 
We can get messages from our Higher Guidance in many ways. It can appear through the people you talk to, a picture or book that catches your attention, or in nature through animals. We need to learn to listen with our hearts. 
“The ancients used to look for signs in nature or messages from the animals. We can also learn to develop those skills.” 
When you act on your intuition, your life turns out better than you could have planned. It also helps you to build confidence and trust in the Universe.
 If you learn to use intuition to solve problems, the results can surprise you in unexpected ways. “Although we use the rational mind to manage systems and procedures, the mind doesn’t understand the big picture or deeper purpose -like intuition does.” 
One way to develop your intuition is by cultivating spiritual practices – like chanting, meditation and prayer. Mindfulness or living in the moment can sharpen your intuition. 
“Too many of us are easily distracted by our devices or addictions that we don’t pay attention to the world around us. “ 
You can cultivate a stronger connection to your intuitive guidance by becoming aware of your energy and frequency levels. The higher your energy and frequency levels, the easier it is to receive intuitive guidance. 
You can clear out negative energies by decluttering your mind, body and environment .
Positive thoughts help to raise your frequency levels. Self limiting thoughts and behaviours lower your energy. Surround yourself with supportive people at home and in your work environment. Keep your body healthy with high vibrational food and exercise. Maintain a home that is clean and clear of clutter. Get rid of the old so that the new can come in. 
At the end of the evening, Nila guided us to practice intuitive development exercises in pair-work. Participants were surprised at how well they went with their partners. 
Nila’s book “The Gift of Intuition” provides more exercises to develop your intuition. 
Nila runs a fortnightly circle at Avalon to help you develop your intuition. You can also subscribe to her newsletter.

For more information, visit Nila’s website at

Written by Eva Burbury

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

Written by Eva Burbury

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: 2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 10th February 2020
Energy Update and Activation with Nancy Valentine-Smith

Nancy Valentine Smith is a Medicine Woman, a Shaman, an Alchemist, a Healer and Sacred Technician. She comes from a lineage of Medicine men and women who were also Seers.
She has been working intensively in Australia and Internationally – in particular, the UK and France. Nancy is now sharing and facilitating the Ancient Teachings that have been handed down to her from her Indigenous lineage and Spiritual Clan.  
Some of these Ancient secret teachings have never been shared in these modern times.  
As a child Nancy was taught to go into the Ancient Records to read the books of knowledge of the Stars and of the Earth until she was ready to access the memory within her.  One of her purposes is to assist others to access their own knowledge and wisdom. Your life without a doubt will change as you open to the Great Work. 

On February 10th, Nancy will be talking to us about the energies that occuring now.  She will be sharing tips on how to cope and work with the incoming waves of light, and the outgoing energies of astral projuections.  She will also be explaining the current earth shifts and its impact on us.- energetically, physically, emotionally etc.  Nancy will speak also about the power of grounding.  In addition to this, we weill be priviledged to be recipients of Nancy’s powerful activations. 

A night not to be missed. 

*Tickets at the door: $20, Concession:$10
Tickets via Eventbrite:$17.50 plus booking fees, Concession $10 (includes light refresments)

Monday 24th February 2020
Divine Feminine – as Sacred Prostitute, Black, Magenta and White Madonnas With Gerry Taylor-Wood

Gerry takes an indepth look at the mythology, psychology and astrology surrounding the aspect of our psyche, for both male and females, that represents the divine feminine.  In Alchemy the metal is Silver, in Astrology the planet is the moon, in physiology she reigns supreme as Queen of the right brain.  
Gerry will endeavour to show how we receive her intuitive  message and  honour her in todays world.
Gerry Taylor-Wood has been travelling and living in France for many years where sacred sites to the Divine Feminine are countless.  Through the aspect  of the placement  of the Moon on the day you were born Gerry will illustrate how the Divine Feminine whispers to you through  your Mother,  your Sisters, female friends and most profoundly  through  the moon,  the stars and Nature.

*Tickets at the door: $20, Concession:$10
Tickets via Eventbrite:$17.50 plus booking fees, Concession $10 (includes light refresments)

FYI – Inspiring People

Watch this inspiring video highlighting the values of some of the most celebrated people in our history.  Less than 3 minutes.

Click here to watch

Dance of Nature

We all know how amazing and beautiful nature can be.  Watch this time lapse video which beautifully shows just how magnificent nature can be.  Less than 6 mins.

Click here to watch

Thought of the Week

Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

I am surrounded by love

Community Announcements

Animal Communication Trainings with Jacqueline Buckingham

Animal communication is a skill that we are all born with.  Many of us already know when our animals are asking to be fed or walked or ridden, but sometimes their behaviour is a mystery. Why do they bark at everything, start chewing things they shouldn’t or stop jumping? Using animal communication we can ask and work with them to find a solution. 
Now you can learn the basic skills, practice communicating with animals remotely and be gently guided to rediscover this natural ability. 
International animal communication trainer Jacqueline Buckingham is leading weekend trainings across NSW in 2020.
For more information visit
Click here for locations and dates .

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.