
AOL Bulletin – 4th May, 2016 – Spiritual Courage

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us how to be healthy and strong.

FYI – Does Your Life Need Reassessing?

Awakening to Your Health

Lissa RankinIn this Tedx talk entitled The Shocking Truth About Your Health Lissa Rankin, MD talks about changes that came after many personal challenges over a very short space of time and discouraged by the broken, patriarchal health care system, she left her medical practice in 2007 only to realise that you can quit your job, but you can’t quit your calling. This epiphany launched her on a journey of discovery.

Lissa  is an OB/GYN physician, author, keynote speaker, consultant to health care visionaries, professional artist, and founder of the women’s health and wellness community

View this 18 minute video by clicking here and be inspired by her courage.   Do you need to make any changes?

Note:  Many people know they have a purpose, for instance they know they are to teach, but what they need to teach and who they need to teach remain a mystery until they are able to connect to their inner self……Rosemary

Reassessing What Is Important

Jon JandaiPlease do yourself a big favour and watch this TEDx video entitled Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard? with Jon Jandai.  It was like I was hit with a bolt of lightning, the moment I realised that as a child happily playing in his village, he didn’t know he was poor! He was rich in happiness.  He had to be told by others who visited the village and those that watched television.  His realisation brought unhappiness where there had been only joy.  Listen to and absorb what he says how we have become uncivilised and that life should be simple.

Click here.  Only 15 minutes. It is pure wisdom. Although we are not suggesting that everyone should go and plant rice or build their own home, perhaps we need to reflect on what we are working so hard to achieve. It just takes courage…..Rosemary

Soul Expansion & Spiritual Courage Meditation

Soul ExpansionThis is a special meditation using platinum light.  Try it, it is only 5 minutes and feel the benefits of working with this light which Cindy Griffith-Bennett says gives you Soul Expansion and Spiritual Courage.  You are safe and strong.  Click here.

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

 Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite), Concession for Pensioners or Students: $10.00 Includes light refreshments. Finish time is 9.30pm


MONDAY, 9th MAY 2016

Enneagram System with Patrick Kayrooz

Patrick Kayrooz “WHY I DO WHAT I DO: UNDERSTANDING SELF THROUGH THE ENNEAGRAM” Join with Patrick tonight for this insightful look at the Enneagram System … Do you ever catch yourself thinking or doing the same things over and over, yet wishing you could Respond rather than React?

Our own behaviour frustrates us (and others), and we often feel that life would be easier if others just saw things more like we do. The Enneagram System suggests there are 9 points of view or personalities, called “types.” Unlike other typologies, Enneagram goes beyond behavioural descriptors to the individual’s core motivation. Once you find your “type”, through this insightful system, a huge amount of personal information becomes available to you. Once you understand all 9 points of view or “types”, the world opens up in an intelligent and empathic way.

The Enneagram helps us uncover why people get stuck in habitual patterns, and most importantly, the way out of those frustrating, self-imposed traps.

It is designed for those who want to bring more of themselves to their primary relationships, work relationships and to the ways they show up in the world generally. Enneagram – from the Greek, ennea meaning ‘nine’ and gramma meaning something “written” or drawn’, is a model of human personality which is a typology of nine interconnected personality types.

Patrick Kayrooz is a board member of the International Enneagram Association as well as an internationally certified Enneagram trainer. Patrick is a successful business entrepreneur and property development and has degrees in Education and Theology. He founded EnneagramHQ, to help people foster self-awareness and to deepen understanding of self and others in relationships and in the workplace. Patrick is also a Director of Radio Australia a multimedia company specialising in radio and TV formats, outside radio broadcasting and radio syndication. His company PaKay specialises in branding, graphic design and web development. Contacts: Tel 9713 8916, Mobile: 0418.207 132 Website:


Eventbrite - Enneagram System with Patrick Kayrooz

*Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.

MONDAY, 16th MAY 2016

How to Look Younger and be Younger

 Master Robyn RiceMaster Robyn Rice

Master Robyn will be sharing a new focus that has come from Dr. & Master Sha’s teachings.  It is one of rejuvenation and how easily it can be accomplised.

The aging process brings with it all sorts of problems.  What if it doesn’t have to be a downward journey?  What if we can renew ourselves.  It is said that the mind being constantly full of our thoughts is what ages us. Dr. Sha has shared with his Masters how to empty the mind and during this time rejuventation takes place so join us as Master Robyn will teach us how to do it, so we can practice this simple exercise daily.

Master Robyn says: I am very grateful to Master Sha for his wisdom, teachings and practical techniques to boost our energy, stamina, vitality and immunity and for us to build a strong foundation. These teachings have transformed my life in many ways.

Let us join our hearts and souls together to create Love Peace and Harmony on Mother Earth and for all souls.

Email:  Phone: 0455.377 455
Direct Email:

Eventbrite - How to Look Younger and be Younger with Master Robyn Rice

*Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.

In and Around the Academy

 Academy of Light LogoWith Rosemary Butterworth

What a delightful meeting we had on Monday Night as John Butterworth shared with us his journey through life and which has led him to living a sacred life.  How he has learnt to acknowledge the Aboriginal ancestors of the land and he made us laugh as he told us of the lessons he had to go through along the way. 

He used to go to the Wayside Chapel and watch short videos on Krishnamutri lapped up his teachings and how he met him in person when Krishnamurti was in Sydney. He recommended so many spiritual books that helped him in his journey. 

One was by Sogyal Rinpoche who wrote The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.  It was from this book that he learnt he learnt how to practice Tonglen.  It is a practice that John has used often, occasionally on someone at work when he/she has been very distressed and frequently on his wife (me), who absolutely loves the freedom from anxiety and worry,  it gives her.

We all loved the part about his experiences with E.T.’s and wanted more – perhaps another time.

What I feel was so useful, was John’s description of his daily life.  How he prayed in the morning when he awoke for 20 minutes,  how he stood outside the shower before he got in and thanked and asked it to wash away any energy that wasn’t for his highest good,  how he blessed every mouthful of food he ate and acknowledged his gratitude for it, exercised and walked every day and prayed at night.  His practices keep him present and in the moment and they inspired us to do the same.

To conclude the night John read a saying of Sai Baba’s:
If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in character.
When there is  beauty in character,  there will be harmony in the home,
When there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation,
When there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.

 Thought Of The Week

 Pink Dahlias - Flower“When one teaches, two learn.”  …Richard Heinlein

 Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

“I AM filled with faith & courage, allowing myself to create positive change.”

Yellow Rose by TerriTeresa Hills


Doctors embrace traditional Maori medicine

Rongoa Maori, a traditional healing system that’s embedded in Maori cultural traditions and beliefs, is becoming increasingly popular and some doctors are urging their peers to embrace it.

A recent study found Maori wanted doctors and traditional healers to work more closely, but doctors’ lack of cultural knowledge and acceptance was a barrier.

Jordon Wansbrough has cerebral palsy, cellulitis, has had blackouts since a teen and a heart valve inserted.

After ending up in ICU in a coma four weeks ago, Mr Wansbrough decided to try rongo medicines and ditched the mainstream drugs he had been taking for years.

The leaves of the kawakawa plant have a long history of medicinal use.

The leaves of the kawakawa plant have a long history of medicinal use. Photo: RNZ/ Laura Bootham

The 26-year-old now mixes up a daily dose of kawakawa leaves, blended with honey and lemon.

To read more Click here


Stepping Stones to Self Mastery Workshop

Be empowered with this positive guidance to implement a powerful change in your life.

With Sally Gibb-Cumming. Sally Gibb-Cumming

How Far Will the Stepping Stones Take you?

This workshop will cover important elements in creating your persoal stepping stone pathways to the answers you seek. You will explore the steps you take to reveal where you are now, where you have come from and where you are going. It is all within you as you access the inner intuitive voice. You will see before you tangible and visual evidence of how powerful and insightful you are.

This process is uniquely brilliant as you become the oracle of your inner wisdom.

For more information Click Here.

Venue: SoultoSoul Healing & Teaching Suite 4, 6-7 Garrigal Street, Mosman.
Date: Saturday 14th May
Time: 10am to 4 pm
Cost: $144
Limited space available. Book Now through Eventbrite.

Eventbrite - Stepping Stones to Self Mastery - Sally Gibb-Cumming

Sally presented at the Academy on Monday, 7 March an introduction for this workshop. The results on the night were amazing, it blew us all away as all found there were so many insights in the space of just an hour. We all wished for a whole day!


Alkehela Need An Energetic Makeover?

Alkehela offers a unique 90 mins treatment that incorporates Reiki, Shamanism, Crystal & Sound thearpy as well as holistic councelling. 
Ideal for : Releasing old programs that block you from moving forward.
                Heal pain and fear
                Release stress and depression
                Cutting energetic ties to past relationships
                Empowering and much more.
Also available for Reiki workshops and Guided Meditation
for more information: Christina ChristouChristina Christou 0412 606098


A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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