
AOL Bulletin – 4th March 2015 – Rising Above It All

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to grateful.

FYI – Heart Expansion

The Next Phase

Judith KuselHere is a small excerpt from Judith Kusel from her post titled The Next Phase for Planet Earth and Star Seeds.  There is some very important information here however it is too long to include in this newsletter so we implore you to click here and read the entire article.

Although the experiment of the volunteer star workers who had incarnated since 1950, did work in immense and wonderful ways, the majority of star children were lost within the educational and social settings.  This was always the risk which would be taken, as no one knew how these volunteer souls would react to such a dense and dark 3D consciousness. Most of these star seeds come from the 5th and higher dimensions and evolutionary states.

With the star gates then opening up it was found that there were lots of star workers who did wake up and who were holding the light steady. 

In the lieu of all of this, it was decided to bring new activations of the star seeds in a different form.  It would work with those souls who had the innate ability to reawaken to their own higher soul selves, and then, with the assistance of the cosmic hierarchy, be able to transmit the higher keys and codes, uncontaminated by anything or anyone on earth, back to the mankind.

Are You ‘Spiritual’ or Just Kookie?

Quirky Spiritual WaysWe became aware of this fun article by Amateo Ra on the Spirit Science and Metaphysics site and we had to share!  Did you know there are 11 sure fire ways of assessing whether you are ‘spiritual’ or not?  Click here and see how many of the quirky ways apply to you.

 Giving and Receiving

crows and giftsThis article is a good lesson in the unconditional love and caring of a child for her neighbourhood crows.  After years of feeding the crows the acknowledgment of her loving kindness was reciprocated.    Click here and see what the crows left her and see the obvious gratitude the child felt.

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL Welcome

We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 9th March 2015 at 7.30pm



Juliet Martinewith Juliet Martine

Join us once again as Manifestation expert, Juliet Martine continues to teach us how to love yourself unconditionally without condition so you can strengthen your ability to manifest your heart’s desires.

Juilet says: “One thing’s for sure if you’re not yet loving yourself fully, deeply, unconditionally, then you won’t be utilising your full power and potential to manifest the things you want in life with success.”

Learn how to truly love yourself unconditionally and you’ll fire up your manifesting power and potential BIG TIME! Guaranteed!!

At the February gathering Juliet absolutely blew us away with her presentation on how to move beyond the habit of self-judgement.

Tonight Juliet is taking us even further in our manifesting mastery to explore the role of unconditional self love in determining our manifesting success.

Find out:

  • What limits your manifesting and why?
  • Is your love conditional or unconditional and how this affects you.
  • What do you believe is and isn’t possible for you to successfully manifest in your life?
  • Learn how to develop and strengthen your unconditional love of self.

Juliet Martine is a Healer, Manifestation Expert and Spiritual Teacher.
For the past 14 years she’s been helping clients throughout Australia and across the globe to clear their blockages and manifest their heart’s desires.
Her latest book ‘MANIFESTATION INTELLIGENCE – Your Ultimate Power For Creating Greater Health, Wealth, Happiness and Success’ has been referred to as the best and most comprehensive book ever written on how to manifest what you want.

Contacts: Mobile: 0413.199 649, email:

Note from the Academy. Because it is so important to be totally clear to be able to connect to your Quantum Self, we have asked Juliet to do a series of presentations. Juliet is a great teacher and you will find the night a great help as she explains deeply and simply how you can power up your manifestation. You will experience the way to do it on the night. Everytime Juliet presents we are clearing and building on our Manifesting Skills. Alchemy here we come!

MONDAY, 16th March 2015 at 7.30pm

Universal Subconscious –FINDING YOUR WAY

Jumping for JOYVicki O’Leary

Vicki says: “My understanding of the events this year is that Universal Subconscious will be bringing energies and knowledge into the Academy of Light from exceptionally high frequency’.
Universal Subconscious will be updating us with the latest information regarding our transition and our realisation of our eternal status in the future of our lives this year.
We will be discovering and communing with more beings of high vibration consciousness as we explore in detail the abilities we have to communicate and hold conversation (albeit telepathic in some cases) with these frequencies.

This is one of 3 evening sessions (over the next 3 months) that Vicki will be channelling where the energies are collected and materialise as great consciousness and the information channelled by Vicki comes as a high vibration download and updates the energy field and the knowledge centres of all who are present.

There is always an opportunity to ask questions of the Channel. Questions are welcome on the night

Vicki OLeary-Channelling Universal SubconsciousVicki and Universal Subconscious are sincerely grateful to the Academy of Light to offer this as a regular event this year and love seeing you all there. with eternal grace joy and love.

Contacts:  M: 0410.297 627   email:

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

I would personally like to thank the people that turned up to do service on Monday Night.  Without them the lost Soul’s would not have been able to cross over.  Russell Byron channelled Archangel Michael who said “Thank You” because 1028 soul’s were able to cross over.  I loved the way Archangel Michael explained in the channelling that we were able to create a time warp in the fabric of the Universe and lift the veil for these soul’s who had missed their opportunity to go to the light when they died.   Tracie Allan, who led a wonderful meditation was also guided to allow plants, sheep and horses to cross.  This was an exciting new experience, because I had never included them before in an act of Soul Retrieval.

Soul Retrieval is a Service Night.  Take this service into your heart and see if you are supposed to be there next time.  It will possibly be in August – we will have to ask Tracie and Russel first.

Please take a few minutes out of your day to read the Newsletter.  The energy of it will feed your soul, lighten up your day and support you throughout the week, particularly if you weren’t able to attend on Monday Night.  Remember our Soul, Heart and Mind need feeding as well as our body.

You may like to send the Newsletter to someone you think needs supporting and uplifting.

You will notice that we have Juliet Martine back.  It is SO important that we clear and clear and clear all the things we think we are and let go of judgement and accept our life as it is.  Just because we have done workshop after workshop on clearing, manifesting, forgiveness and letting go doesn’t mean that we have finished.  In some cases we have only just began.  To go the Quantum Reality take every opportunity that comes you way.

For instance, there is a another great opportunity on Thursday night for releasing as it is the Ceremony of the Full Moon where the Lunar Energy will assist you in letting go and accepting the energies of your Divine Nature as it will align you with the Divine Plan.

N.B. I would like to apologise to Dr & Master Sha, Master Robyn Rice, Carol and everyone who read In and Around the Academy last week.  I inadvertantly put the wrong words to the equation S+E+M=1.  The correct words are S – Soul, Heart & Mind, E – Energy & M – Matter.

Thought Of The Week

ProteaRise by Lifting Others…..Annon.


Breathe deeply and say daily:-

“Today a new sun rises for me: everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it. ”

 … Anne De Lenclos   Dahlias

Health – Reverse Aging, Stress and Ill Health

Hibiscus by TerriIn an article on the Wake Up World site titled: Research Says Gratitude Can Reverse Aging, Stress and Ill Health it has been proved that Gratitude can go along way to reducing the impact of modern environment.

Forty-five healthy participants were involved in the study. Salivary DHEA/DHEAS and cortisol levels were measured and the autonomic nervous system was assessed using a heart rate variability evaluation. A psychological questionnaire was also given. Individuals were evaluated before and four weeks after being trained in the emotional self-management program, which included practices that encourage appreciation and gratitude.

In the study abstract:

“The experimental group experienced significant increases in the positive affect scales of Caring and Vigor and significant decreases in the negative affect scales of Guilt, Hostility, Burnout, Anxiety and Stress Effects, while no significant changes were seen in the comparison group. There was a mean 23 percent reduction in cortisol and a 100 percent increase in DHEA/DHEAS in the experimental group.”

 Read whole article click here.


Tomorrow Night in the Grand Hall!

Full Moon Sacred Ceremony

CofL Full Moonwith the Circle of Light

Thursday, 5 March, 2015
7:30 pm – 10:00 pm

March is a month for Big Energies, peaking at the Equinox on March 21. This Sacred Ceremony will be harnessing the power of the full moon helping us to more easily integrate these Energies and assisting us to upgrade and empower ourselves in our journey to living in our true Divine Nature. The Circle of Light will create a portal so the Angelic Realm and Celestial Beings of Light can bring in a high frequency environment for you to receive the energetic attunements you need to align more to your Divine Plan, raise your Lightbody’s vibration, be showered in healing and empowering Light, and rebuild your Antakharana Rainbow Bridge to your Soul – an essential part of expanding your Lightbody.

Come along for a incredibly uplifting Ceremony, and add the magic of your Soul to the group energy – magnifying the power of the group which assists our beautiful Mother Earth in her evolutionary journey!

This Sacred Ceremony will be conducted by The Circle of LightNarelle Green, Julia Smith, Diana Del Principio and Teresa Hills.

Location: Mosman Art Gallery & Community Centre-Great Hall

Circle of Light

Circle of Light – Sacred Ceremonies

This Circle of Light Event is $30


SoultoSoul Healing & Teaching, set in stunning Headland Park in Mosman, is expanding it’s services with more teachers and events coming in 2015. We are a centre for the Heart & Soul, where you can be your true self, join with like minded people and experience high vibrational teachings. Here are some upcoming events. We look forward to welcoming you! For the full calendar, click here.
Meditations with Suzanne – Starts Tuesday 3rd March 10.30am – 12.30pm $20 or all 5 weeks for $85

Come and explore the 5 agreements, Ancient Toltec wisdom, brought forward by Don Miguel Riez. In the best selling book The 4 Agreements (with the 5th one added later) Don Miguel Ruiz gives 4 principles to practice in order to create love and happiness in your life. Adopting and committing to these agreements is simple…Each week you will explore one agreement, with discussion, contemplation and meditation.  Each agreement stands alone as an ancient wisdom teaching, however as a collective you will be part of the journey of the Ancient Toltec Wisdom to self mastery. You can come to any or all weeks.

Awakening to Crystals –  Saturday 7th March 3pm – 5.30pm $44 

Come along to this fun & interactive workshop that will awaken you to the wonderful world of crystals and how they can enhance your life. This will deeply satisfy your crystal curiosity! Receive your own personalised and programmed crystal, aligned to your greatest intention and dream for 2015, along with detailed handouts with everything you need to support your crystal healing journey at home.

Essence of AngelsEssence of Angels  – Weekend 14/15 March $444 Early bird (EB ends this weekend, $495 thereafter.)

The Essence of Angels® course creates a sacred space for you to experientially embrace the 13 Archangels of Creation through your 13 Chakras, your 13 Levels of DNA Consciousness and through the 13 Spheres of Metatron’s Cube.

This divine and most sacred Archangel awakening opens up a profoundly enlightening conscious connection with your higher self and assists in the healing past/current life traumas, transmuting limiting beliefs and connecting with / co-creating future potentials.  Above all, Essence of Angels® inspires you to fearlessly move beyond your comfort zone and be courageous enough to walk your truth, own your power and transform your life from the inside-out.

Community Announcements

 Angelic Reiki Level 1 and 2 Attunements

Angelic ReikiMaster Teacher: Katie Kempster

The Gateway Centre, Mona Vale
March 21/22nd, 2015
10-5pm daily
Energy exchange: $444
Contact Katie: 0424095461
Email to:

Master Francisco Quintero

Master Francisco QuinteroExciting News! Master Francisco Quintero is coming to Sydney
Master Francisco is a Divine Channel, Divine Soul Communicator, and Reader of the Akashic Records. He empowers people to remove their suffering and overcome their life challenges through the teachings and soul mind body healing system of Master Zhi Gang Sha. Master Francisco travels worldwide offering divine and Tao secrets, wisdom, knowledge, practices, and blessings.
Master Francisco is one of the top teachers in the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment™ and Soul Power Institute™. He is the leader of Soul Power Institute helping to manage and develop training programs worldwide on the teachings of Master Zhi Gang Sha. His expertise, wisdom, and knowledge have assisted in training over one thousand Divine Healing Hands™ Practitioners, Soul Teachers and Healers and Soul Communicators around the world. Master Francisco is the author of Divine Joy: How to Experience Joy in Daily Life.
TONIGHT!  Introduction to the Tao: The Way of All Life with Master Francisco
Wednesday • 4 March • 7 – 9.30pm • $20
In Person
1/59 Hume St Crows Nest NSW 2065
FREE Tao Healing Miracles with Master Francisco
Thursday • 5 March • 7 – 9pm • Complimentary
1/59 Hume St Crows Nest NSW 2065
Tao Retreat for Healing and Rejuvenation with Master Francisco
Friday – Sunday • 6 – 8 March • 10am – 10pm (Ends Sun 5pm) • $210
Early registration by 27 Feb for $150
1/59 Hume St Crows Nest NSW 2065
Private Consultations with Master Francisco
Wednesday & Thursday • 4 & 5 March  • Booking required
Register now!


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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