
AOL Bulletin – 4th June, 2014 – Smile, It’s Contagious!

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to be aware of the effect you have on others.

FYI – Smile the Cosmic Current

Yogananda’s Message

YoganandaYOGANANDA says: “There are many things to talk about on the subject of healing. The main idea is that we should depend more on mind power, which is illimitable. Mind power carries with it the unfailing energy of God; that is the power you want in your body. And there is a way to bring in that power. The way is communion with God by meditation.

Many persons are continually busy looking after their physical welfare but neglect the development of their minds. The key to all power lies in the mind. If one fails to cultivate that power, when serious disease comes he may die without making any resistance, regardless of his age.

Conserve the vital energy, follow a balanced diet , and always smile and be happy. He who finds joy within himself discovers that his body is charged with electric current, life energy, not from food but from God. A genuine smile distributes the cosmic current, prana, to every body cell. The happy man is less subject to disease, for happiness actually attracts into the body a greater supply of universal life energy. Those smiles come from meditation.

Note: The Academy Meditation Night is the 16th June. (See Monday Nights in Mosman below).

Joy in the simple things.

YouTube LogoThere are so many videos on the internet with babies laughing.  The one we have included the link for here shows the interaction between Father and his child.  When the baby laughs for the first time the joy in each other and simply being is the lesson we can take into our lives.  (listen out for Mum in the background laughing as well) Smiling and laughing is infectious and the chemical change that can be made in your body is not to be looked on lightly.  Some people believe that watching funny movies for instance has helped them heal from illness.  Click here to view and then go searching for more.


big-smileSomeone once said “A smile is the shortest distance between two people.”  If that is true why don’t we create a social experiement?  Let’s smile at at least 1 stranger a day and see what their reaction is.  Do they smile back?  Do they look concerned and cross the road?  Do they stop and ask if they know you?

One of the core issues in our society today is a feeling of being disconnected (yes I know this may not be you but it may be the person you smile at.).  Could we make a difference to crime, violence, depression and much more by simply reaching out and smiling at a stranger?  So many questions.  It won’t take you too long to come up with some interesting answers though if you take our challenge.  Let us know if you have any big revelations.

Thought Of The Day

“Humor was another of the soul’s weapons in the fight for self-preservation.”

…Viktor E. Frankl, ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’Viktor E. Frankl

Affirmation – breathe deeply and say daily.

“I smile radiantly like the Sun.  Warming and Lighting the way for all.”

…Terri Solar Radiance

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

Progress on the construction of the Centennial Park Labyrinth is proceeding well aided by a stretch of good weather throughout May.  Centennial Parklands approved the design, location and installation of Sydney’s first public sandstone labyrinth in Centennial Park in December 2013. The Centennial Park Labyrinth was made possible by the project’s founding benefator, Emily Simpson, who worked tirelessly and actively with the Centennial Parklands Foundation to raise over $500,000 to fund this unique structure. To support the project, Centennial Parklands has committed funding and in-kind support to the project management and delivery of the labyrinth.

MONDAY NIGHT 2nd June. Robyn’s message to us on Monday night was a response to our soul’s call – a call to the reality and truth of our being. She described to us how her grief at the loss of her new born baby daughter and the grief that ensued had sent her searching for answers. In her new book “Return to Soul’, she describes how she first found the keys to enlightenment, but then realised they were only keys and so had to take the next step of find the doors that the keys unlocked. 
Robyn also runs workshops in Bali that are transformational guides to Spiritual Freedom, True Peace and Inner Stillness.

We had the privilege of helping a little girl Chante, aged 11, cross over. We put her in the centre last Monday Night, with blessings and the wish that she go peacefully. We were notified that she passed away peacefully at 8.20am on the Tuesday. 

Health – Eat More Beans

This is an excerpt from Gino Giordano article on ‘Why You Should Not Worry About Protein, But Should Eat More Beans’.

‘Legumes are the best sources of protein for anyone on a plant-based diet. They are especially rich in the essential amino acid lysine which the Adventist Health Study researchers suggested is important for bone health.

I recommend at least three servings per day of these foods or at least four for those of us over 50. A serving is ½ cup of cooked beans, ¼ cup of peanuts, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, ½ cup of tofu, ½ cup of tempeh, ¼ cup soynuts, 1 ounce of veggie meat or 1 cup of soymilk. This group does not include other kinds of plant milks such as almond, hemp, coconut or rice milks. It’s okay to have these foods but they are very low in protein. Most vegan cheeses including those made from soy are also very low in protein.’

 One Green PlanetDon’t forget to read the whole article!  Click here.

Monday Nights in Mosman


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics. The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman at 7.30pm Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry Fee: $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 9th June 2014 at 7.30pm


MONDAY, 16th June 2014 at 7.30pm

Meditation Evening – Oneness Consciousness

Oneness ConsciousnessThe experience of anchoring Oneness consciousness deep into the heart of the Mother via Mt. Agung in Bali was profoundly lifechanging not only for those who went but for all life and the Mother! The recent eruption in Indonesia was the manifestation of further releasing and healing of the Mother in response to the anchoring that occured in Bali.
We now hold this Oneness consciousness and know that we share it with everyone we meet, speak to or think of by our intent to do so and through harmonic resonance.
Our hearts have called us to share this Oneness consciousness with all of at the Academy through the direct experience of our presence, sharing and meditation with a heart crystal bowl that has been attuned to the Oneness consciousness. Every cell of your being and field of consciousness will be permanently attuned to the higher vibrational Oneness consciousness allowing deep transformation to occur.
The five of us who facillitated the Bali experience look forward to sharing Heartspace with all those whose hearts are called to join us for this potentially lifechanging experience.
Karen, Mandy, Pauline, Kristi and Renee.
Some of you may have seen the Events Ad in the Academy newletter for this Bali trip.  Karen and Mandy came to our Mosman meeting to talk about it too.  We are looking forward to hearing how some of events unfolded.  Through the meditations and sharing we will connect with the Oneness Consciousness energy of the trip.  Can’t wait!

MONDAY, 23rd June 2014 at 7.30pm

Monthly Sound Night…


We will be taken on a Winter Solstice healing journey with “Suntara” – Daniel Coates and Luke Brooks through Voice, Didgeridoo, Gasong drums, Crystal bowls, Andean flutes and other instruments that are integral to the journey.  Suntara will create a space where you can relax and let go completely, letting the soothing sounds wash over you and carry you on a journey to stillness and bliss.

Suntara’s “Dreamsounding” Sound Healing journey is a unique experience of the power of sound vibration. Suntara create powerful soundscapes to unblock energy and vibrate your body into a state of well-being and harmony.

People report various effects from these sessions including:  Complete relaxation; feeling clear; reduced pain and stress; subsequent restful sleep for many nights afterwards; altered states of consciousness; balancing of Chakras, Energy, Clarity and resolution of difficult situations.

Daniel Coates uses his powerful voice to deliver chants from a variety of ancient traditions such as Australian Aboriginal, American Indian, Celtic and various styles of Harmonic singing. 
Luke Brooks will support Daniel with his inspired percussion and didgeridoo playing.
Daniel and Luke have a psychic musical connection and become one in their delivery of the Sound Healing Journey.

Contacts:  Visit:



Don’t miss THIS WEEKEND!!!


with Andrew Harvey Andrew Harvey - Love in Action

SATURDAY, 7th June & SUNDAY, 8th June

Andrew Harvey cracks open the power and mystery of the Christ path, the true esoteric Christian Dontmysticism as revealed to him in personal revelations, as well as through the shattering fires of his own life journey and over 25 years of study of the Gnostic Gospels and Christian Mysticism.

“Andrew knows the terrain of the birthing of Christ consciousness in a way that few others do. Because of his scholarly depth and personal experience, there is perhaps no more articulate, passionate, and perceptive teacher to lead people on this journey.” …The Shift Network

CLICK HERE to see the flyer and for more info and bookings through Transformational Tours – email: or go to 1800 886 8771800 886 877

Andrew is a genius and an inspired visionary who has the ability to interpret the meaning and significance of the chaos and patterns of change that are redirecting the compass of our contemporary culture. Andrew is a spiritual, intellectual, and cultural mystic whose passion is to awaken people to a new and essential empowerment in this world: sacred activism. He has defined and grounded the route, the means, and the way individuals can and should respond to the chaos and rapid changes that now characterize our contemporary spiritual and cultural life. Andrew?s research reflects his superb academic background as a professor at Oxford and his passion clearly reveals that his soul is on fire with a grace that comes from the Divine.?” …-Caroline Myss, Author of ANATOMY OF THE SPIRIT and SACRED CONTRACTS

Community Announcements


AlkehelaHealing with the Earth

This two hour workshop includes: *25 mins bush walk *Teachings from Maori Elder *45 mins Guided journey connecting with earth and healing. *Teas and Mayan Hot Chocolate. * How to cleanse and energise food.

When: Sunday 8th June 11am – 1pm
Where: Wild Valley Art Park, 321 Blaxland Rd, Wentworth Falls
Bring: Warm clothing, yoga mat and a plate of food to share.
There is a hall to use if the weather is bad.
Cost: $50 ***10% of money goes to completing our hospital, school and birthing centre Guatemala***
RSVP: 3rd June (limited space available) Contact: Christina Christou, 0412 606098

The world is what you think it is.


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425(02) 9967 4425(02) 9967 4425(02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. (02) 8005 0(02) 8005 0 The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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