
AOL Bulletin – 4th February 2015 – BEing HUman

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to Allow.

FYI – Enlighten Your Life

How to Harness the Incredible Healing Power of Acceptance

This week we have been reminded that any of the physical, mental and emotional issues that we are having are predominantly caused by our resistance to ‘what is’.  ‘What is’ refers to whatever is happening to us or around us.  Is an illness for instance stopping you from doing what you want to do or what you think you should be doing?  Here’s an excerpt from Robbie Holz, author of Secrets of Aboriginal Healing:
‘An illness can help us become more compassionate, or show us what is really important in our life, or once we heal, inspire others to heal by our example. There are as many purposes to an illness as there are people. But the Aborigines will tell you that no experience is ever wasted. It is there to be experienced fully and then released with gratitude.
I find that people naturally try to ‘fix’ the problem.  They try to make their current lives better.  They resist what is.  We are finding that a lot of illnesses are simply transformations, taking or preparing the body to accept higher frequencies.

Secrets of Aboriginal HealingTo read Robbies article in full go to Holz Wellness – click here.

 Create Your Life!

The 12 LawsBy now most of you reading this would be pretty aware of how the Universe works.  By that we mean the principles/laws.  When we came across this video from ‘YouAreCreators’ it was a great reminder.  Simple, effective and definitely worth reminding ourselves of.  If we create our Universe, our reality, then what would happen if we worked with these The 12 Universal Laws That Governs Our Lives!more consciously.  By working with the Laws instead of resisting them could we make a better reality for ourselves and more importantly all Beings?  Click here to see the simple but concise list of Laws.


HU PrayerThe sound HU (Hue) is used as a name of God.  Can’t find time to meditate?  No need to stop, chant or say HU as you go.  Whether it be out loud or to yourself, for a few minutes, for a few hours…it will connect and centre you.  To be a HuMan is to be one with God so put this beautiful sound into your cells, your home your environment.  When sitting quietly you can feel the sound vibrate through your whole body.  This 3.34minute video is very peaceful to watch and lists the many benefits of toning the sound.  We know you will enjoy it. Click here.

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL Welcome

We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 9th February, 2014 at 7.30pm

Higher Frequencies – Quantum Effects

Contemplation by Terri


Culminating in a Gong Bath from JOHN BUTTERWORTH.

You may have noticed the greater frequencies that are coming onto the planet now and their various effects on your body. Some people may have felt these frequencies amplified their personal negativity. On the other hand, you may be aware the new vibrations have further developed or deepened your psychic senses or your hearing, seeing and feeling. You may have become much more sensitive.

In November 2014 Rosemary went to John of God whilst he was in Australia. She subsequently discovered that the Spiritual Intervention she experienced significantly increased her ability to communicate with angels and other worlds of intelligence.

Rosemary will introduce you to the new vibrations of the Quantum Self energies that facilitate rapid “God realization”.

Rosemary & Kerry will be facilitating meditations whilst Terri will be bringing through Keys and Codes through her voice and together they will connect you with your Quantum Self so you too can experience these higher frequencies and be open to new possibilities permanently. Rosemary says they are the strongest energies she has ever encountered.

Archangel Jophiel, the Orphanim and the Elohim have given Rosemary specific messages to share with you to help you be happy and joyous as you stay on track in 2015.

After the meditation the generous and talented John Butterworth ( will be enveloping you with a Sound Bath using Gongs and much more to increase and enhance your energy experience. If you choose please bring something to lie on, a light rug to cover you and a cushion.

Rosemary is Michael’s Messenger and author of How To Move Forward, Leave Your Thoughts Behind. To contact her email or find out more go to:

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

It was wonderful to be back – to meet, share hugs – and greetings. To see familiar faces –  it is becoming such a family affair.  Like-minded people coming together in joy, love and friendship.   To settle, go to the stillness within and once our individual thoughts had subsided, to become One.  That is when the energy is so fine, so high you feel ‘I Am Home”.  Without each other, it is harder to do this, so thank goodness we do have The Academy, a place where we can ‘go home’.

Our grateful thanks to Stephen Murphy for a delightful beginning, sharing with us what we can look forward to in 2015 and what care needs to be taken.  One of the things he said is to watch our investments because just as a lot of people will become millionaires this year, being an 8 year, so a lot will loose their money.  After hearing all the positive things about the number 8, Terri counted how many people were there and would you believe it, probably yes you would, there were 44.  Steven is kindly going to send us a monthly forecast to keep us updated.  (For anyone wanting to spend more time with Steven there’s a perfect opportunity coming up with a P&O Cruise.  Steven is running worshops during the cruise.  So have a holiday with a difference.  Click here to see the flyer.)

I shared a little about the experience that followed my remarkable Spiritual Intervention by John of God. Terri, Kerry and  I will enjoy taking people into this new energy next week and showing how to keep it.

Thought Of The Week

Allow don’t Resist!  Allow and Accept ‘what is’ so you can act appropriately.  … Master Korton

…Channelled by Rosemary Butterworth   Azalea by JB at JH

Affirmation –

Breathe deeply and say daily:-

“I allow and accept ‘what is’.  I move forward acting with wisdom.”

Health – Papaver Essence

Papaver - Flowers for HealingWe wanted to find a health tip this week that supported you to further your clarity helping you to allow and accept ‘what is’ so we thought the Papaver Essence from Flowers For Healing might do the trick.

Here’s an excerpt from Solara “Thoughts, words and actions are a combination that forms the human experience. All of these impact on the physical biology, the reactions of which are recorded within the whole Being, including the etheric bodies.

The Papaver Essence has the ability to shift influences of past thoughts, words and actions recorded within our cellular structure.

This essence has a strong influence on the pituitary gland, and in so doing it allows you to be more open to the higher aspects of yourself. Guidance can become clearer and more direct, allowing choices to be made with more clarity and ease.

On taking this essence you may be able to see with your inner eye, an alignment of the central energy system of your physical biology taking place. This may be seen as a shaft of light from at the Earth Star chakra below the feet, up through the main central chakra system, and further up through the five upper chakras above the body.”

AffirmationI re-align my central energy system to connect with the Source of all creation

This essence was prepared with a Red-Brown Carnelian Crystal who’s message is that since one IS love, there is nothing to do but to offer love – each offering of love being returned exponentially increased.

To find out more go to Flowers for Healing – Papaver.


St Valentine’s Day – A Day to Celebrate Love

– with The Circle of Light

CofL Heart Wings Valentine EventFriday, 13 February, 2015

Valentine’s Day is a time that makes us aware of the quality of love in our lives. Whether you are wishing to attract a Soul Mate into your life or to experience a deeper experience of love with yourSelf this Sacred Ceremony is for you. We offer you this opportunity to come together and celebrate the magic of love.

Circle of Light

Circle of Light – Sacred Ceremonies

Mosman Art and Community Centre – Great Hall
7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
This Circle of Light Event is $30

Join The Circle of Light – Narelle Green, Julia Smith, Diana Del Principio and Teresa Hills – for a night of transformation through Love.

Expanding Consciousness
using Sacred Wheels workshop

McKenzie Coaching logoIrin Zschokke is visiting from Switzerland to present this mind-blowing workshop. Irin works with restoring a sacred grid of consciousness on the planet. Her 3-day workshop will enable participants to connect with this sacred grid, learn how to access the Akashic records, use family constellations to interact in a shamanic way with our totem animals of power, connect with our soul groups and explore medicine plants in an etherical way.

When: February 27 – March 1, 2015, 9am – 5pm
Where: The Tramshed Arts & Community Centre, 1395A Pittwater Rd, Narabeen
Workshop contribution – $695

Click here to view flyer for full course details.

For bookings and information contact Steve McKenzie on 0406286727

 Community Announcements

Angel Heart Radio

Angel Heart RadioListen to Rosemary Butterworth and Annette McCoy on Angel Heart Radio next Wednesday.  The Topic: Moving Forward in 2015. You can link in to ask questions and listen to the meditation.  Click here.

School of Hard Knocks: Street Requiem

Street Requiem8:00pm Saturday 21 February 2015

Verbrugghen Hall, Level 3, Sydney Conservatorium of Music

School of Hard Knocks presents the Sydney premiere of this new requiem for those who have died innocent on the street, written by Kathleen McGuire, Andy Payne and Jonathon Welch.

To find out how you can be part of the fun and book go to the  Sydney University site – click here.

Proceeds benefit the School of Hard Knocks.

Meditating with Nature  

AlkehelaDiscover how to re-connect with nature, release your fears and heal your wounds as you are taken on a journey of self discovery. 

When: Sunday 1st March   
Where: Wild Valley Art Park, 321 Blaxland Rd, Wentworth Falls                  
Cost: $50 (10% of all proceeds go to the Guatemalan Project.)

Includes: Drumming with Tarek during guided meditation. A Maori Elder Ehetere will be sharing her wisdom. Tools on how to heal your wounds and create your vision, connecting with nature, bush walk, teas and hot chocolate. 

What to bring: Warm clothing,yoga mat, a plate of food to share and an open heart, knowing that you are Creator.  R.S.V.P by 26th Feb 0412606098 or


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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