
AOL Bulletin : 4th December 2019 – A Merry Christmas to All

Uluru and Mount Kilimanjaro – Potent Centre For Activation in 2020

Spiritual tour guides Ocha Sheehan and Cate Butcher teamed together to talk to the Academy about connecting to the Earth’s portals during these pivotal times of transformation. 
Ocha is a divine channel and healer with a deep understanding of the Earth’s energy system. She guides sacred journeys to powerful energy centres like Uluru and Mount Kilimanjaro, helping people to connect to the Earth portals.  
Cate is a spiritual adventurer and the founder of Wanderlust Women’s Adventures. She has been running expeditions to Mount Kilimanjaro twice a year for the past six years. 
Ocha explained that Earth portals are potent centres for activation and healing, having the ability to weave magic on those who connect deeply to them.
‘Portals have crystalline centres which open a gateway for personal healing and connection to your Higher Self. 
Uluru is the planetary solar plexus portal as well as a world portal for universal love. It will gift you with greater clarity of purpose and activate your ability to manifest. Mount Kilimanjaro is about freedom, openness and spontaneity. It can facilitate your alignment to the heart of Mother Earth.”

Cate has an intimate connection to Mount Kilimanjaro and its local people. She shared her personal experiences with the people and how her first visit to Mount Kilimanjaro in 2013 transformed her life. “In a land with many challenges and much poverty, they live only in the present moment, one breath at a time, appreciating each day as a new possibility.”
Ocha and Cate will be guiding a tour together to Mount Kilimanjaro in September 2020. Cate’s close connection to the local village people and three remote hill tribes – the Chagga, Hadzabe and Masai bush people – will provide a unique insight into the cultural heartbeat of indigenous Africa. Ocha’s unique ability to connect to the Earth and animal spirits, will bring their wisdom, guidance and healing to the journey.
As the Earth’s frequencies continue rising, more spiritual seekers are being guided to visit sacred sites and powerful energy centres.
“With the rare Pluto-Saturn conjunction in January 2020 and the special Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in December 2020, next year is an ideal opportunity to harness the powerful energies of Uluru and Kilimanjaro, which are the world centres for these conjunctions ”. 
Ocha ended the evening with a powerful meditation to receive love infusions and an energy boost for our heart from the temples of light of Uluru and Kilimanjaro.  She also did light language singing, which helped to connect us on a deeper level.
Cate also shared how her heart-felt connection to the people in Mount Kilimanjaro led to the creation of the Uhuru Freedom Project – a local community project to help single disadvantaged women become financially independent. 

$100 will pay for 2 breeding pigs with grains, while $25 supplies five chickens with grains. A life-changing gift to give at Christmas, donations can be made via bank transfer.
BSB : 082-574 
ACC : 70 – 586-5936
For more information about traveling to Mount Kilimanjaro, you can contact:  Ocha at Cate at

Uluru is also hosting the Cosmic Consciousness Conference on January 11-13 to celebrate the Pluto Saturn conjunction, which occurs once every 500 years. For more information, you can visit

Written by Eva Burbury

All welcome at the Academy AGM

Everybody is welcome to join us for the Annual General Meeting on Monday night 2nd December 7.30 – 8.30pm. We will have a short meeting followed by a cuppa.  This is the time when the sitting Committee is dismissed and the new one is being chosen. The president’s report and the financial report will be presented as well.  If you have any ideas or other input for the Academy please come along and let us know. In order to have any voting rights, you need to register as a Member which can be done on the night itself. It is free. If you are enjoying our Monday nights and would like to contribute in some way please let us know. The AOL community will be grateful for your participation. 

All welcome at the Academy AGM

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

Written by Eva Burbury

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: 2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 25th November
How Uluru and Mount Kilamanjaro Guides You Through 2020

How do the Earth portals and guardians of Uluru/Kata Tjuta, Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa and the Great Pyramid, Egypt help to guide an exciting era of cultural redesignand innovation birthing in 2020? How can you personally engage with these new currents of love, light and creation pulsing through you with each beat of the Earth Mother’s heart? 
Come join us on the 25th November to find out through a presentation and meditation from Ocha and Kate.  
The historic closure of Uluru to climbing its summit last month is in perfect divine timing for the preparation of the very significant Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricornon 12 January 2020. Robert Coon states that as the world’s solar plexus chakra, Uluru is the ritual centre of the world for this event which hales an unprecedented connection of all life to its Source and to our immortal nature. 
In the same year, Mount Kilimanjaro, the portal of Joy and Freedom, is the world focal point for the Great Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn which also heralds great change.The name of the highest summit peak is Uhuru! 
Both Uluru and Kilimanjaro support us to be in the joy of creation, to follow our heart and be fully present in our physical body.
In anticipation of these events Ocha, with Kate Butcher of Wanderlust Women’s Adventures, is offering sacred journeys to both Mount Kilimanjaro and Uluru/Kata Tjutain 2020. Thanks to Kate’s extraordinary connection to the Chagga and Masai tribes and the Hadzabe bushmen, they will take their group into their communities and share their way of life with them, and Ocha, who has a deep connection to the Earth Mother andher portal guardians, will lead meditations and ceremonies all through the 11 days in Africa.

We would love to share this with you.

*Tickets at the door: $20, Concession:$10
Tickets via Eventbrite:$17.50 plus booking fees, Concession $10 (includes light refresments)

Monday 9th December
The Healing Power of the Intuitive Self with Nila Chambers

Nila Chambers knows how powerful our inner spiritual guidance system can be because recently it saved her life. Nila discovered she had breast cancer, not from a doctor but through a spiritual message. This was the beginning of a healing journey that combined traditional medicine with spiritual guidance that came through messages, signs, symbols, synchronicities, dreams, visions and visitations etc. Now Nila is healed and she is passionate to help others unfold the guiding power within. She is the author of ‘The Gift of Intuition: guidance on a healing journey’ and is a facilitator, intuitive and teacher. She co-facilitates Sydney IANDS (International Association of Near Death Studies), the Sydney Meditation and Spiritual Movies Night group and facilitates White Eagle Intuition Development Circle, and the Northern Beaches Theosophical Society group.

Nila will tell us about her journey and will learn us some tools how to be more in touch with our own intuition.

*Tickets at the door: $20, Concession:$10
Tickets via Eventbrite:$17.50 plus booking fees, Concession $10 (includes light refresments)

FYI – World Contact Day – December 1st

Let’s all join together on this day to move into a gentle peaceful state of mind, and then ask our brothers and sisters of Andromeda to reveal themselves to us. If you seek healing, with love in your heart, it can happen. Ask and you will receive. If you seek guidance for your new spiritual path, the inspiration will come to you. Always begin contact by immersing yourself in Love and Gratitude first.
Click here to read more

How 2 Teenage Girls Changed the Lives of Refugees

Listen and be inspired how two teenage girls describe their experience helping refugees in refugee camps, and how it transformed their own lives in a profound and magical way. Video is 41 mins but you can watch the first 20 mins to hear their story. Very inspiring and eye opening.
Click here to watch

Thought of the Week

Be led by your dreams, not pushed by your problems

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

The tools I need to succeed are in my possession.

Community Announcements

Opening Doors to “The Real You”-  To Complete Your Spiritual Puzzle

TNT Spiritworks

What pieces are missing in the Spiritual puzzle of your life? Join TNT Spiritworks in Australia to help YOU find the pieces to help complete YOUR puzzle.

· Unfold the bigger picture of what their heart desires’ 
· Learn how to work with their energy more effectively to be free to do what they came to do
· Ignite their inner passions to step into their own direction
· Feel more love, joy and happiness in their daily lives
Through presentations and programs, they pass along truths, tools, and techniques for practical psychic awareness and tuning into personal spiritual guides for positive living. They can help you be your own best psychic, healer, and guru for solutions and self-awareness.  

Teresa and Tom are international Spiritual Educators and Consultants trained and certified by the Wayshowers College.  They have a combined experience of over 60 years of searching and work in spirituality. 

They will be touring through Australia in Sydney, Gold Coast and Melbourne in November.  Check out their website for all the dates and details of upcoming events.

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.