
AOL Bulletin – 3rd September 2014 – Take A Break & Feel

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to focus.

FYI – Expand Your Horizon

Vulnerability is the birthplace of JOY

Brene Brown TED So much wisdom in this short TED talk.  Brene Brown calls herself laughingly a ‘story-telling researcher’.  Her journey unfolds as she moves from the concept of ‘if you can’t measure it – it doesn’t exist’ to understanding how we numb our vulnerability – how important it is to expand your perception, to believe you are worthy to understand that shame and fear disconnect you.  Click here to view the talk.  Set aside 20 minutes it’s worth it!


Caroline MyssCaroline Myss says “Reflection is to take a beautiful teaching and dwell in that teaching.”  What motivates you?  Take a break and look at it because this day will never come again.  Identify what does motivate you, exaggerate that experience and see how much JOY  it brings you.  Click here to see 8minutes wisdom from Caroline.  Part of a series called Medical Renaissance between Caroline Myss and Dr Norm Shealy – Father of Holistic Medicine.

Thought Of The Day

What makes you vulnerable, makes you beautiful.

 … Brene BrownBrene Brown – Taken from the TED talk in FYI

Affirmation – breathe deeply and say daily.

“I AM focused and in the flow.

…  Rosemary Butterworth, Michael’s Messenger Rosemary-Lets-Have-Fun

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

I hear it was a great night on Monday night! Tracie & Russell worked so well together. There was interaction from everyone and two people were given messages from the group. There was a wonderful buzz in the room afterwards with all those present enjoying each others company with a hot cuppa

The Academy has been moved to put on Sacred Ceremonies so we can assist the whole world at this time in creation.  The next one is for the Dark Moon and will be held on Wednesday, 24th September at Mosman Art Gallery at 7.30pm in the Great Hall.   The September Dark Moon Ceremony is about creating greater balance in the forces influencing the world today.  Because of its importance, it has been decided to have a preparation night so you are invited to come and prepare for the Dark Moon Ceremony on next Monday Night, 8th Sept.  (See below) 

Mike Williamson, who has performed in the Peace Choir with Bathed in Sound and on our Sound Nights with John and Joe Van der Meer, has been operated on for a brain tumor.  Please send him Light and Love.

Health –  Seven Keys to Healing

We thought that Julie Jara’s insight into her 7 Keys to Healing was well worth sharing. We hope you think so too.

1. I see myself as already healed
I focus on health, on my healthy body, mind, emotion and spirit. There is no room in my vision for anything other than 100% perfect health and happiness in my life. I allow myself to heal.
2. Symptoms are a blessing
Symptoms show up to bring something to my attention, something I need to be aware of, something in my life I need to change, something that needs to heal. Symptoms are not the cause, they are the effect.  
“You never change things by fighting the original problem. Create a vision that makes the original problem obsolete” – Buckminster Fuller  
3. I am a soul with my own unique vibrational frequency
When not in tune, stress, depression and dis-ease may show up. When connected to my true self I am in harmony with my own unique life path and life purpose and I resonate with what is perfect for me.
4. Darkness is simply absence of light
When I focus on light all is revealed and the darkness can no longer exist. Darkness does not go anywhere; it just cannot not exist any longer.
5. My body heals itself – all healing is self healing
I hold my perfect blueprint within my DNA and when brought into balance, the intelligence of the universe comes into play and my body, mind and soul will heal. No matter what opens the door to my healing, it is me who has to walk through the door.
6. The other person is me
Everyone is a reflection of me. What I observe in others I have in myself, to some degree. I learn from everyone around me and am grateful they are showing me life lessons about myself.
7. I have all I need
I am exactly where I need to be. My life is unfolding perfectly. I came to planet earth to learn and grow as a soul and everything I encounter is to help me to have self-understanding. There are no mistakes.
Julie JaraJulie will be available for appointments around Australia, in New Zealand and in Bali in the 2014-2015.  To find out more about Julie go to and to contact her email

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL WelcomeREMEMBER WE HAVE MOVED: We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry Fee: $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 8th September 2014 at 7.30pm


Narelle Green, Julia Smith and Diana del Principio



Higher frequencies of healing Light are continuing to flow onto Earth intensifying its magnetic field. This involves us getting a new language, a language of Light.

Whenever your mind does not know the meaning of a word(s) it does not allow it in! This block keeps you small.

However, once the meaning of words are known and they have a heart connection, they are allowed to enter into your body’s cells. The person can experience an expansion in their energy field and enjoy the new knowledge and understanding.

As the coming ceremonies are very important for all of us, the Academy feels that we should take an evening to explain fully how, at this time in creation, ceremonies can help the world. What the ‘Dark Moon’ is; what are Higher Energies; what is preventing our bodies from receiving and working with Higher Frequencies of Light; why do we need to do ceremonies before we can do our purpose?

And the team will go through the meanings of such words as …

Antahkarana, Rainbow Bridge, Pranic cord, Metatronic Energy, Ascension, Light Codes, Vortexes, etc.

Narelle Green (, Julia Smith ( and Diana del Principio have all been initiated by Ekaterina into the Sophia and Metatronic Energy which will help clear our minds and prepare our bodies to receive the ‘Ceremony of the Dark Moon’ on 24th September. This ceremony is to follow on from the Sophia Ceremony which is NOT a prerequisite for the Dark Moon ceremony.

The Dark Moon on the 24th September coincides with the Equinox – a double whammy of incoming energies. Different phases of the Moon, each empowering and recharging us in different ways effect our magnetic field, our Aura or Light Body charging us with higher vibrations and assisting us to evolve faster in new and enlightening ways and move with ease and grace through these intense and challenging times.

MONDAY, 15th September 2014 at 7.30pm

“Get out of Your Own Way – Allowing the Good Life”


Andrew is an International Speaker and Inspirational Mindset Coach.

Andrew says:   You are the creator of life!
The question is: “Are you happy with what you are creating”?

  • Discover what emotions and experiences you are designed to thrive in and what is holding you back from living in that space.
  • You are the barrier to your fulfilment.
  • Understand the role of emotion in your creative journey and how to use it and your heart to free yourself from the past. 

Andrew sets a compelling platform for you to appreciate, articulate and allow your creative potential. It’s a journey less about doing and more about getting out of the way of who you are.

In 2007, Andrew left a successful and high powered legal career as a senior executive to transform his life, becoming a prolific reader and devoted student of life’s great mysteries. Now, Andrew combines personal experience, ancient wisdom and cutting-edge research to lead seekers to transform their mindset and live their divine nature.

Andrew’s Contacts:   Email:    Website:

Testimonial from Rosemary Butterworth: “Andrew is a dynamic speaker.  When I first saw him I immediately thought of Anthony Robbins.  There is something for everyone here – both corporate and spiritual.



Wednesday, September 24th

Circle of LightCircle of Light with Narelle Green, Julia Smith & Diana de Principio

The September Dark Moon is about greater BALANCE in the forces influencing the world today.

When we come together in Sacred Ceremony we invoke pure healing Light into the darkness, assists to raise man’s consciousness and bring harmony and peace to all.

The Dark Moon Ceremony will:

  • Offer globally and individually the opportunity to bring more harmony to the creative forces of masculine and feminine.
  • Assist in purifying and clearing past situations regarding role models and relationships
  • At the time of the Dark Moon, the Sophia energy is high and carries the Soul Essence of Love, Wisdom, Empowerment and the Divine Plan for humanity.

TIME:     7.30-9.30PM
COST:     $30
BOOK: or 99674425

To see flyer for more detail click here.  AND don’t forget next Monday night is a great introductory night.


Practical Ufology Course

UFO Research NSW is offering  a Practical Ufology Course on 20th and 21st September, at Club Burwood, 97 Burwood Road, Burwood, from 9.15 am to 5 pm each day. Cost is $178 which includes all food and beverages, plus all notes. This is a very special event and will offer you valuable information on what to look for when sky watching, how to analyse footage, how to do field work, how to identify  UFOs, orbs and other light phenomena, how to interview contactees and to write reports and much more. There will be information about types of ETs and craft.  BRYAN DICKESON has developed the Manual for the course and it is designed for both hobby sky watchers as well as those who want to become serious investigators. It is very comprehensive. BARRY TAYLOR will also offer important information for those of you filming the skies and wanting to analyse your footage and a sky watch is planned for Saturday night, so Barry can offer advice on site. You will receive a separate set of notes from Barry. On the Sunday, Dom McNamara from UFOPRSA will introduce you to some of the equipment he and his committee use on their UFO field  trips.

Bryan, Barry and Dom have been involved with UFO research for decades. If you wish to sign up for the course, let me know and I will send you our bank details for your payment.

For further details contact Mariana on   or

 What does peace mean to you?

This year on Embrace Life, Live Life is joining the Sydney Peace Day Festival at Bondi Pavilion. 

When we come together with a common focus we transform our own lives…we change the world.

Sunday 21st September,  10am-8pm

Watch this video to find out more.


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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