
AOL Bulletin – 3rd June 2015 – Pure Love in Action

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to emit love to all.

FYI – Love Is In The Air

Nature. Beauty. Gratitude

Beauty nature gratitudeTake a pause in your day.  Be kind to yourself.  In less than 6 minutes Louie Schwartzberg takes you into the present moment with his soft voice and enlightening words to look at this day as the one day that is given to you.  A gift to be appreciated in this moment.  The only appropriate response on understanding this is gratitude.  So open your eyes and see what is being offered.  Look as if it is the first time.  THIS time is unique.  Open your heart and drink in all the gifts available to you.  When you do this inevitably the gratefulness overflows and like a ripple in water it will flow out to everyone and everything.  Click here to view.

Secret Life of Plants and Telepathy

Hydrangeas at Jacaranda HavenRosemary got a very clear message yesterday – “Be kind to your plants.“.  She was reminded that she had one plant in particular that was very limp and poorly in her home at the farm.  She began to send Love to it whenever she was absent and when she arrived home, after days away she found that it was revived and had grown.  So tell your plants out loud “I LOVE YOU”.  This youtube proves the effect scientifically.  Click here to view.

Pure Love for the Essence of You

dog at hospitalNow this is a commercial but as it had us in tears (in a good way) we thought we would share it with you.  A loyal dog follows his owner to hospital.  Follow it to the end and you will understand the reason why we chose our title.  Click here to see the story and video.

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL Welcome

We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00

MONDAY, 8th June 2015 at 7.30pm

CrownQueens Birthday Holiday

We’ll see you next week! Have a great long weekend everyone.

MONDAY, 15th June 2015 at 7.30pm

SOUL RETRIEVAL CEREMONY – Assisting Souls to cross to the Light.


IT’S TIME AGAIN to come along to participate in this Ceremony, this circle of loving service to enable any lost Souls to ‘cross over’ into the Light with ease and grace.

Please bring along a crystal or flower to place in the centre of the circle.

This service is to help Souls from all around the world who have passed away and do not realize they have died. There are various reasons for a soul to become lost, it could be due to a sudden passing from an accident, in wars or lost at sea, also if they are very attached to their life circumstances. Souls are lost between the worlds if they don’t realise they are dead and have not gone to the Light.
To help these souls ‘cross over’ the Academy holds a special Soul Retrieval Ceremony where we call on the company of Heaven to ask for any lost souls to come into our circle of love and be taken into the Light.

This is a beautiful loving experience for all those involved and great service to the Light.

So if your heart feels called, please come along and join our circle in ceremony to help these men, women and children who have passed away to be re-united with their loved ones in Spirit.

This is indeed “Love in Action” and great service to humanity.

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

The Masters gave me the topic for last Monday Night – Building the Bridge to the 5th Dimension but nothing more.   I waited and waited and finally on Saturday evening I dreamt the whole programme.  The entire evening! In a dream!  I was given a picture of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the south pylon was marked as the 3rd dimension and the north pylon was marked as the 5th dimension and it was obvious that the need was to cross the bridge.  But then the Masters said that the power to cross was the Mind.

We were told that the 3rd dimension is ME BASED.  95 % of the population’s thoughts are all about ME.  It is controlled by the EGO. The thoughts are about my health, my job, my relationships, what I have to do, my family, my holidays, my money.  ME is the centre of the individuals Universe.  How everything affects ME.  The traffic, even how the weather affects ME.  Thinking about ourselves is a habit.  How do we break the habit?

Buddha says:  :What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow’.

I was told to speak for half an hour which I did, and by then everyone was in their heads thinking – the energy was low in the room and I could feel everyone’s restlessness.

The next part of the programme was Terri Hills and Julia Smith.   Terri began to produce clear, beautiful notes, the sound was like a continuous wave that cleared a space for people to rise and rest while Julia went around with the Green Soul Colour spray and one by one used her hands to clear people’s energy.  (I watched as she drew from people, old, stale energy and then with a circular movement of her hand, dissolved it.)

We were then in a state of being to be led into a very deep meditation which I initiated with the Masters assistance.  John (Butterworth) followed with a soft, supportive sound bath with his gongs.  An amazing way to finish!

I was told this is the first of 6 sessions.  Everyone is welcome to attend the next session – date to be fixed.

This morning I was given an analogy.  When people go to spiritual groups such as the Academy, meditate and get ‘fed’ well, it is like going out to a fabulous restruant, dining well  and rest of the week heating up something from the freezer.  We all need to learn to ‘cook’ and ‘feed’ ourselves well every day.  The ‘food’ being meditation, mindfulness, a walk in the park noticing the trees and clouds, and most importantly clearing our energy and replacing our thinking with either good thoughts such as gratitude or conscious breathing that will keep us present.  I am aware that the lower mind will tell you that this is boring as it is used to all the dramas but it is your decision. Do you want to live in the 3rd dimension, with its pain and suffering and survival or go home to a place where there is only Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony and Light.

The Masters said ITS TIME TO GO HOME and we can only walk across the bridge in the PRESENT.

Are you still helping us manifest?  Please put your focus on this intention.

We are now operating the Academy of Light from a beautiful Headquarters space for the wellbeing of humanity on all levels, raising consciousness beyond borders, as a source of healing, connection and Light for all who are ready to receive.

Thought Of The Week

heart messagesShowing yourself compassion is the highest form of self-love.

From Sarah Rajkotwala & Love In Action

Affirmation – say this daily

“I AM Pure Love in Action.”

Flower - Rose Bud by Terri  Teresa Hills

Health – 5 Walnuts a Day Can Make a Difference

walnutA new study from Penn State University in Pennsylvania has found that eating just 5 Walnuts (or consuming only three tablespoons (51 g) of walnut oil) a day only can improve your heart & blood vessel health.  In only four hours you will see the improvement.  Read more – click here and go to Healthy Remedies story.


Bridge of Rainbow LightBridge of Rainbow Light

Uluru Sacred Connection Journey
with the Star Ancestors
6-11 September 2015

Guided by Belinda Pate-Macdonald

This magical journey takes you right into the heart of creation, to travel your soul lines, open your truth maps and connect with sacred wisdom. Uluru and Kata Tjuta are powerful sacred sites honoured by the keepers of the dreamtime stories of creation for thousands of years.
This is your opportunity to be 1 of only 6 special souls to experience life-changing transformation, in this place where multi-dimensional truth merges with ancient wisdom.
There are only 3 places remaining for this journey, so click through to my website and view the details here: If this is calling you, connect with me soon to secure your place:


Streetwise Spiritual Healing: Beyond the Love and Light
with Brendan D. Murphy, Alistair Larmour and Russell Byron

GFM streetwise spiritual small poster 4 promoJune 27th 5pm – 10.30pm

The key to it all is self-empowerment.
What our souls thirst for is not “Ascension,” but “IN-scension”: accessing of our core self within!
What we need is a true spiritual remedy for what ails us.
GFM presents three leading-edge speakers with the tools and experience for us to take things to the next level.

Find out more about the event and profiles on Brendon, Alistair and Russell at Global Freedom Movement:
Venue: Ambush Gallery Sydney
Cost: $47
View Flyer Here

Master Sha in Sydney

Master & Dr Sha Sydney tour

Join Master Sha, one of the most powerful healers of our time, for very rare Tao Healing Miracles Evenings. They are FREE!

During this powerful Tao Miracle Healing evening Master Sha and his Worldwide Representatives, Master Cynthia, Master Trevor and Master Robyn will create a Tao Field for profound healing and rejuvenation.

You will receive many sacred Tao healing blessings as well as learn how to heal and transform your

  • Spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies,
  • Relationships
  • Finances & business
  • Any other aspect of your life

Tao is the Source. In Master Sha’s teachings Tao teaching, everyone and everything is made of jing qi shen. Jing means matter. Qi means energy. Shen includes soul, heart, and mind. Modern medicine focuses on matter.

Traditional Chinese medicine and many other healing modalities focus on energy. Tao healing focuses on shen, including the soul, heart, and mind. To heal shen is to remove soul, heart, and mind blockages.

WHERE ON 7TH JULY –   SMC Conference and Function Centre
66 Goulburn St,Sydney ,NSW 2000 Australia

WHERE ON 16TH JULY – Rydges North Sydney
54 Mc McLaren Street, Sydney

To Register
Or Call 0414522419

I consider Dr. Sha’s healing path to be a universal spiritual practice; a journey into genuine transformation.  His professional integrity and compassionate heart are at the root of his being a servant of humankind and my heartfelt prayer for his readers is that they accept his invitation to awaken the power within their souls and realize the natural beauty of their existence. 
Michael Bernard Beckwith.. Author of Life Visioning and Spiritual Liberation.

Community Announcements

Gratitude on Line

Gratitude online

Have a Gratitude experience NOW!

Last month we launch a new website called Gratitude Online, which is filled with wonderful articles, blogs, podcasts and videos from the Embrace Life community.
Yesterday, we launched a 7 day Gratitude experience to take a few moments each day to enjoy the amazing effects in our lives when seen through the eyes of gratitude.  We had some wonderful feedback already from people that are participating, so thought we would extend the invite to you, and see if you would like to join us and participate.

Angel Heart Radio


Rosemary Butterworth and Annette McCoy are back on AngelHeartRadio next Wednesday – 10th June at 11.30am.  The topic – Pure Love In Action – What, How, Why?.  Join them – click here to join in.  There’s always a wonderful meditation from Rosemary included!

Mosman Share Accommodation Wanted

houseI am a 60 year old fun loving Yoga Teacher, who is easy going and very tidy, I am looking to share with  a like minded person or people in the Mosman area or surrounding suburbs. I am happy to share a glass of wine or a coffee. I go out on the weekends do a few yoga classes during the week, and run yoga workshop once a month. I am happy go lucky, very loyal and honest. Please ring  Victoria 0405505182


Pink Flower by TerriWe have begun a new section of our Newsletter. We get so many wonderful phone calls and emails telling us of the experiences that people have had during the week that we feel they need to be shared. By sharing we grow together.

Rosemary observed on Monday night how much we can lift our energy when we come together as a group. But when we come back the following week, it has dropped again. Why? I feel it is because we become distracted by our worldly activities and do not practice what we have been shown. I am guilty!  There have been nights when I felt tired  and not motivated, but I made a commitment to attend regularly. Sure, some speakers may be more interesting to me, depending on where I am at, but I can honestly say that there has never been a night when I have come with an open heart that I have not been blessed. By coming we strengthen the energy of the group and have the opportunity to give as well as receive. I encourage you to make your mantra on Monday nights “I will attend” just like I have and feel the difference.   ..Warren Mitchell

I meditated on AOL moving forward and I feel there is a need for a sitting circle on another night and feel that it should be: One week beginners, One week intermediate and advanced.
I know that I have many spiritual gifts and I want to grow within AOL. I have found AOL to be a safe environment and have enjoyed the various mediums taking the Monday nights. For me to grow I feel that a sitting circle in an environment where mediums can help those who are learning and enable them to grow is beneficial. My aim is to eventually work as a medium helping the community.

I also forgot to mention that healing workshops within our group would be great, where a person like myself knows that I can heal but haven’t worked with many people. It would be great if one night we all choose who wants to heal and who wants to be healed and it goes around like that. People like myself can practice and the person being healed can give feedback. More like a practice night to help us get stronger and feel more confident.

I also want to thank AOL and Rosemary for her book How to Move Forward – both saved me, so thanks……PKF

Reply to PKFThe Academy has been looking for another space to hold smaller groups on another night for healing and an introduction to spirituality.  We are excited as we have found one in Mosman not far from the Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre that would accommodate small groups. It is a wonderful space, newly carpeted and painted – full of light and energy.  Now what we want from you is what night of the week you think would be best.  Also we are now looking for meditation teachers and healers who would like to volunteer teaching an occasional night.  The Academy of Light is expanding, the Light is rippling out!. Thank you everyone.


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


Friend the Academy of Light on Facebook!

Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup
so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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