
AOL Bulletin – 3rd February, 2016 – Sacred Spaces

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to love where we are.

FYI – Honour Your Space

8 Year Old Creates Crystal Grid

8yr olds crystal gridThe innocence and wisdom of this 8 year old boy is astounding and yet we are sure that he is but one of many of the new children that have come in with gifts to help us raise our vibration.   He is a joy to listen to and quite illuminating in the knowledge that he shares.  See his crystal grid formation and be inspired.  Click here to read further and view the 7 minute video.

Declaring Sacred Space

Lightlovers declaring sacred spaceHere’s a great post and declaration, by the Lightlover site, about the importance of and how to declare sacred space.  It’s a handy reminder.  The declaration is a tool that removes all outside interference and can be expanded to cover large areas as needed.  Try it and see if you notice the difference.  We’d love to hear.  Click here to find out more.

Sacred Space Your Home

Denise LinnIn this 6 minute video Denise Linn takes you into a meditation to guide you into sensing and perceiving what the energy fields are within your home.  She asks you to move items around energetically.  See how it feels.  Play with the energies.  Create your space. What energy do you want to be surrounded by?  What energy will support you?  Click here.  Play.  Have fun.

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite), Concession $10.00 Finish time is 9.30pm Includes light refreshments.


MONDAY, 8th February 2016 at 7.30pm

Our Guest tonight…

Walter Mason

Walter Mason

Om Mani Padme Hum & the Dragon Kingdom of Bhutan

Walter has recently returned from the remote and mysterious Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan. In this tiny Buddhist nation almost everyone is devoted to the practise of the mantra of “Om Mani Padme Hum,” and believe it brings them good health, luck, enlightenment and peace of mind.

In this talk Walter will discuss the practise and meaning of this mantra, and how we can incorporate it into our own lives. We will also explore the crazy wisdom of their beloved sage Drukpa Kunley, devotion to the Medicine Buddha and some of the other fascinating elements of the spiritual lives of the Bhutanese.

Walter Mason is a creativity teacher, writer, blogger and tour leader.

His first book, “Destination Saigon” was named one of the ten best travel books of 2010 by the Sydney Morning Herald. Walter’s latest book, “Destination Cambodia,” was released to critical acclaim in 2013, both books published by Allen & Unwin.

Walter runs the Universal Heart Book Club with Stephanie Dowrick, a book blog that concentrates on matters of the spirit.

He also appears regularly on radio and podcasts, including ABC Radio 702, The Conversation Arena and Radio Out There. He also writes and reviews for New Dawn, Eremos and Good Reading Magazine.

Walter has studied Buddhism for the past 24 years, and has spent periods of study and retreat at monasteries in Thailand, Taiwan, Cambodia, Hong Kong and Vietnam.

Walter Mason – Writer. Scholar. Dreamer. – Author of Destination Saigon and Destination Cambodia


Eventbrite - Om Mani Padme Hum and the Dragon Kingdom of Bhutan - Walter Mason

MONDAY, 15th February 2016 at 7.30pm

Our guests tonight are

Jax & Adrian Event 2Adrian And Jax

Ancient Wisdom Of The Earth Ceremony

Longtime Friends of the Academy, Adrian & Jax come together to offer the opportunity for Ceremony & Honouring of the Ancient Wisdom of  the Earth. 

Adrian (Anteros) and Jax (Goldhawk) invite us all to join them in a Colourful Cosmic Collaboration:

  • A Summer Ceremony where We offer our Innocence in Prayer to Nature
  • Cultivating Faith in Our Selves and in Our Cells through Conscious Participation
  • Bathein Fragrant Radiance and Offer Your Perfumed Prayers
  • Experience the Fragrance & the Frequencies.

There will be ? Sacred Sound ? Flower Altar & Offering ?  PureHeart Mysts ?

Discover Your Lyrical Song in the Symphony of Nature as We honour the Greatest Ancient Library of All Time that is cradled in the Multiplicity of Plant Expression.

All are warmly invited to a Celebration of Your Connection to the Power and Beauty and Magic of Nature infused with the Wisdom of the Ancients plus Revitalising Fragrant Frequencies.

Thanks for Creator’s Gracious Gifts through our Prayers held in Soft Petals, 
through Sacred Sound and through Sharing Stories – the Joyous HeartLight received is streamed back to the Solar Elohim and to all Beings in All Realms. 

The weekend following the Celebration, Anteros & Goldhawk release the Flower Offering into the crystal cascades of a Sacred Waterfall  ~ the Heartlight of our Communal Blessing is held in the moisture of the Petals and it feeds the Earth and enlivens the Master Trees & Birds & Bush Beings and helps our Water to keep Vital ~ this is Your Gift to Nature ~ Your valued contribution to Community Earth Service. Your Participation & Your Expression makes all the Difference 

Adrian Anteros – Plant Poet, Nature Intuitive, Fellow Journeyer, Healer,  Musician, Alchemist and Perfumero ~ Creator of PureHeart Mysts 

Jax Goldhawk – Guide & Translator for Nature, Musical Mystic, Visionary Vessel, Wordsmith & LionHeart Wanderer between the Rainbow Worlds. 

PurëHeärt Mysts available through the Academy and online at

PureHeart Mysts Logo

Eventbrite - Ancient Wisdom Of The Earth Ceremony - Adrian & Jax

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

It was a wonderful beginning for the year.  We began 2016 with a record number of people attending our first Academy Meeting.  Thank you so much Nancy Valentine Smith for hosting it.  We were so blessed to have the Great Hall as there were at least 65 of us and we were fitted in with ease and grace.  It is indeed a beautiful setting for our meetings.  The Great Hall was designed by Walter Burley Griffin and based on sacred geometry.  He was an American architect and a landscape architect and was perhaps best know for designing Canberra, Australia’s capital city.

Nancy Valentine Smith is a wonder.  I have never met anyone before with such amazing connections to so many dimensional realities and the abilities to utilise them with you for the highest good.

At one point she explained that we are all holograms in such an easy to understand way that I was able to follow her when she said that we should emerge ourselves into the hologram that had already completed and obtained what we were asking for at that time.  In other words if we felt a lack and were looking for more abundance we should ask to merge with the hologram of ourselves that had that already had that abundance rather than struggle trying to bring it into our present body.  It made such sense. Mother Mary had sometime ago shared with me that there is always a part of us that has completed that task whatever it may be.   Simply be that.  But we forget and need to be reminded.  Thank you so much Nancy.

Nancy lives in Northern NSW and is very busy but we will let you know when she is running workshops in Sydney and if she can be our Presenter again and available for private sessions.

NOTE:  I will be back on Angel Heart Radio with Annette McCoy next Wednesday (10th) at 11.30am or you can listen later by going to archives – I always do a meditation which you might enjoy .  Here is the link

Yahoo!  We have just joined the Instagram Community.  Check up out, follow us and join in the fun!

Thought Of The Week

Serendipity is the higher aspect of Synchronicity.

Nancy - offering Nancy Valentine Smith

Serendipity – a situation is considered serendipitous when something unexpected and beneficial is found when seeking something else.

Synchronicity  – a series of events which seem related but have no visible connection.

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

“I Am Love, I Am Everywhere.”

Nancy Valentine SmithNancy Valentine Smith

HEALTH TIP – Your Home = A Sacred Space.

Resting SpaceIt is very important that we have a place ‘to come home to’ to rest.  What I call a ‘sacred space’.  Where not only the body can be restored but also the soul.  The emphasis this week is on removing clutter, unwanted objects and old clothes.  Everything we have or ‘own’ draws on our energy for maintenance – so why hang onto clothes that are 2 sizes too small hoping that one day they will fit.

So the suggestion today is to take a pad and pen into the room you want to begin in, and make a list of all the objects that you feel could, or should be disposed of.  Also write another column on the page of what needs to be attended to.  At this stage you are only listing, do not move anything out of the room.

Having completed your lists, leave the room, make a cuppa, and sit down and write next to each object that needs to be disposed of where that object could be sent.  Could it be given away to a friend or family member or should it go to charity or put out for the next roadside clean-up which in that case perhaps it could be stored in a pile in the garage?  Next, look at what needs to be attended to and write down, say if it is painting the walls, when the paint could be bought and done.

With everything you dispose of you will notice your energy rise.  When the room is finished, notice how much you enjoy going into that room.

It becomes your sacred space.

Old ‘stuff’ is like hanging onto old thoughts – they don’t serve us anymore.

Lighten the load and move forward!  by Rosemary Butterworth


Want To Change Your Future – It starts tomorrow!

Park BenchMindfulness course in St Ives.

A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course, based on the 8 week program of Jon Kabat-Zinn, will be run in St Ives from the beginning of February.
The course commences on Thursday, 4th February from 7.30-9.30.
For those who find week nights difficult, an alternative course commences on Saturday, 6 th February from 2.00-4.00pm. Both courses have a retreat day on Sunday, 13th March from 10.00am-3.30pm.
The courses will be run by Anne Peckham, a psychotherapist and social worker with over 18 years experience.

For further information please contact Anne at – you can also find out further information on her website – .

Community Announcement

mindThe ‘Ascension Wave’
During the energy activations for the now imminent Pole Reversal, the two axis lines within this planet both become ‘energy activated’.  One of these pathways is the ‘Ascension Wave’ – the specific energy pathway which ‘ascends’ and returns to ‘True Source’.
All you have to do for the soul to Ascend, is ‘ride that wave’.
Academie Therapeutae has several web pages of a FREE detailed tutorial to present this final knowledge on the Ascension Wave, the planet’s two axis alignments (pathways) and the existence of the Reflection – the ‘Reflected Reality’ – which has not yet been presented covered as general spiritual knowledge.  *This work came from the lineage of Teachers known to Rumi, which came from the Aegean and Black Sea regions, and passed to the Persian  Mystics.  The teachings went eastwards from Turkey to Persia and onwards to the Himalaya.
Please begin at then continue with ‘Atlantis’. 


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


Friend the Academy of Light on Facebook!

Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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