
AOL Bulletin – 3rd December 2014 – Food For The Soul

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to feed yourSelf.

FYI –  The Big Picture

A Christmas Forecast

Grail-Haven-Flower-Essences.jpgThe planets dance in mystical, magical performance this Christmas. Swirling Dervishes come to mind.  Four planets collide in Capricorn on Christmas day, making for interesting cosmic energy. Always the Sun is in Capricorn on Christmas day, but this year he has gathered about him an interesting team. Mercury and Pluto are nearby and are colluding together to bring power and passion to the day.

A traditional time for family gatherings, this year could have deep and dark secrets from the past arising. With Pluto, god of birth, death and new beginnings highlight. A transformative day as Pluto will only hold with Universal Truth, and so be honest with those you hold dear.

Venus is close to hand bringing her sense of poise, beauty and balance to the scenario.

Aquarius holds the key this Christmas. The Moon and Mars are both in Aquarius on Christmas day. Those who spend the day with friends, groups or in some sort of compassionate service to those less fortunate, will win the day.

To those people who bring a sense of the true spirit of Christ-Mass to this high and holy day, spending it in loving prayer and devoted meditation, you will find the journey into spiritual realms brings miraculous visions and insights and is of great reward.

Peace Be With You.  Love Gerry Taylor Wood

Flower Essence for Christmas Day: Grail Haven – Chalice Cup Vine: Made on Christmas Day seven years ago, the large Magnolia cup is the golden yellow of the Christ with five stripes in deep magenta – the Magdalene and Christ in Blessed Union. See: Oracle Cards.

The Universe Explained

The Universe Explained In Under 3 MinutesThis video covers scientific facts along with mindfulness theories.  ‘The Universe Explained in Under 3 Minutes‘ says we are all one Universe so treat others the way you wish to be treated.  A really wonderful reminder at this time of the year.  The narrator does speak quickly but there is so much here to take in (a whole Universe in fact!) it is worth playing three times.  Click here.

Supreme Soul Meditation

Supreme Soul MeditationFor those who enjoyed the meditation the 19th November Bulletin here is another one from the Brahma Kumaris to feed your Soul.  In this case you will find that 10 minutes can change your energy and the energy around you.  This is another wonderful tool to rid your mind of those negative thoughts and to totally renew and recharge.  Enjoy – click here.

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL Welcome

We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 8th December, 2014 at 7.30pm

SPECIAL EVENT – Sacred Ceremony – $30


Circle of LightThe Academy of Light is presenting this week – The Circle of Light

This year the Sacred Ceremony meditation and ritual evenings with the Circle of Light have been a great success and are getting more popular due to the beautiful healing energy that is invoked by them leaving you empowered.

See EVENTS below for more information and we will be back to our regular program next Monday night which will be our last for 2014.

Don’t forget to bring a crystal to the Sacred Ceremony and have it charged with the higher energies, to be used over the holiday period to support and empower you. The colours for the evening will be Blue – pure Spiritual Power. Pink – Divine love in action. Gold – manifestation with ease and grace.

Please note the venue change – Mosman Square Seniors Centre – in council building.  Entry off Mosman Square.


 MONDAY, 15th December, 2014 at 7.30pm

Christmas Celebrations – Our last gathering for 2014

Flame Tree by TerriAs this is the last gathering for 2014, we thought it should be a celebration.  So tonight bring your voice, or a musical instrument, something you can bang as we rejoice.  Our first year at Mosman Art Gallery has been one of joy, enlightenment and growing.  What will 2015 bring?   We feel that we are forever expanding and gaining new perspectives of what our Community of Light needs.  But first let’s send 2014 out in style. 
We will have a mass of Christ energies as we meet together for the final time.  All good things to share, (eat) or purchase.  We invite you to bring a small plate of something to nibble on while we all have fun.  Anyone for Sufi dancing?  Just joking. 
We look forward to seeing you and giving you a Christmas hug.

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

We stepped into a magical space when we arrived at the Academy on Monday Night. The room was filled with angelic energy.  We felt that the angels were very pleased with our ceremony for them for there was so much excitement in the air.

Angel Wings by Tracie Allan photo by iReceiveTracie had a beautiful pink cloth on which she had cut and drawn a pair of angel wings in honour of our Blessing of Gratitude to all the Angels that help us everyday. She invited us to put our crystals into the centre which were then charged with the energy of the evening so we could take that vibration home with us.  (Thanks Cibeli (iReceive Community)for the photo!

The wonderful. unexpected surprise of the night, (unexpected because even Russell didn’t know he was going to channel) was the delightful ‘appearance’ of Archangel Metratron who shared wisdoms with us.  If Russell is going to continue to bring through such wisdoms we are going to need to look at recording them and with Russell’s permission put them on our website as a podcast for all. 

It seems that we may have to get a bigger room as our community is growing so fast.  We laugh a lot, have fun and really appreciate the high energy that is created by our community coming together.  It is indeed food for our soul. 

As the Circle of Light say, the next Full Moon is bringing in Change, Change and more Change so we are looking and expanding our perspective of what is going to be needed in the Academy.  So apart from a bigger space we are organising a longer time to be made available to if we need to have a cuppa or talk to each other or the presenter we can do so at leisure without being rushed to leave.

It was great to see Karen from Margaret River come and visit us too on Monday night.  10 days in Sydney and we were one of her ‘high vibe’ places to visit.

Thought Of The Week

 Wave by TerriWith the ebbs and flows in life we constantly need to review our tools.  The question needs to be asked “What tools support me in this situation.”

…  Rosemary & Terri

Affirmation –

Breathe deeply and say daily:-

“I AM stable as I make my way through lifes changes.”

 … Ambika Wauters  Ambika Wauters

Health -NutriKane


NutriKaneWe have the most important information to pass onto you that we have ever had.  It is a totally new product that is just being released.   It has been trialed for over a year in the Royal Melbourne Hospital and the results are remarkable.   Malbolm Ball and the team originally invented it to help people with Diabetes because it helps intestinal health.  The satelite effects are very exciting as well, and are now waiting to be officially trialled.  I have had the privilege of taking part in a 2 months trial so far to see the effects on arthritis and inflammation.  I not only found it is helping my osteoarthritis but it really gives me a feeling of good health and more vitality.  Before NutriKane came into my life I hadn’t realised that our gut controlled so many parts of our body – even our brain. (A real help for those suffering with constipation).   Prior to taking Nutrikane I had been using a walking stick because my knee wouldn’t take my weight and my work load was getting difficult to maintain.  The walking stick is now safely back in the cupboard!

We have listed the details for a webinar that is good viewing, tomorrow night and an article that Malbolm wrote for the Academy.  DO READ IT and show it to your friends. 

Anyone can attend the seminar – here is the link:

Article by Malcolm Ball – click here.


MediKane is so confident that NutriKane can help, we are providing Academy of Light members an offer to obtain a FREE sample box (1 weeks supply).

To claim your free sample box, please send your name, contact details and address in an email to with AOL Free Sample in the subject line. If you have any queries call 1300 889 962. This offer closes 31/12/2014.

In your sample box will be a special Academy of Light discount card for future purchases of NutriKane D™

For further information on NutriKane, please visit


MONDAY, 8th December, 2014 at 7.30pm


Circle of LightThe Circle of Light

This year the Sacred Ceremony meditation and ritual evenings presented by Circle of Light have been a great success and are getting more popular due to the beautiful healing energy that is invited into the meditation space as you simply relax, unwind and get in touch with your inner guidance.

During the full moon, we celebrate and give thanks, as we are empowered by higher spiritual energy to take control and make the changes we need for a more fulfilling life. It is the perfect time to release and breakthrough any limitations and fears that hold you back, creating the space and freedom to step into your power and purpose.

We also take this time to send healing light and gratitude to Mother Earth and all beings in the universe.

People have been most grateful for these evenings and report that they feel the powerful healing energies and it leaves them feeling more balanced, peaceful, uplifted, energized and extra clarity. Some people have also reported that they have felt their lives shift very quickly and noticed positive transformations manifesting even after just one evening.

This December Full Moon brings with it the opportunity to Change, Change, Change and as Albert Einstein once said, ‘the solution to a problem cannot be solved at the level of the problem’ we invite you to come and participate in higher energy and pure light that allows all of us to evolve in new and enlightening ways. We have found that higher energies assists with stress, depression, anxiety, fatigue, worry, confusion, relationship issues and so much more.

Together we can make a difference – when we come together in Sacred Ceremony the energy created carries everyone to greater heights than can be achieved alone.

You are welcome to bring a crystal on the night and have it charged with the higher energies, to be used over the holiday period to support and empower you. The colours for the evening will be Blue – pure Spiritual Power. Pink – Divine love in action. Gold – manifestation with ease and grace.



See you at Mosman Square Seniors Centre, Mosman Square – Spit Junction (In the Mosman Council Building, entry off Mosman Square) for a 7.30 start. $30


Master Robyn Healing HandsUpcoming Events with Master Robyn Rice

FREE Soul Healing Miracles Evening 
Friday 5th December, 7-9pm.   Venue: 1/59 Hume St. Crows Nest 
Soul Light Meditation: Bring Good Health, Happiness and Success
Sat/Sun 6th & 7th December, 10am.  Honour fee: 1-day $75 or 2-days $150  Venue: 1/59 Hume St. Crows Nest 
Inner Peace and Inner Joy in daily Life
Wednesdays 3rd, 10th & 17th December, 6.45-8.15 pm   Honour fee: $25 per session $80 for full series  Venue: 1/59 Hume St. Crows Nest 
 Animal Soul Healing Intensive
Sunday 14th December, 10-11.30am  Honour fee: $20, In person or via Livestream  Venue: 1/457 Miller St. Cammeray
Open Your Heart To The Greatest Love
Sunday 14th December, 2-6pm  Honour fee: $40, In person or via teleconference  Venue: 1/457 Miller St. Cammeray
Follow the Tao to Flourish
Sunday 21st December, 2-6pm  Honour fee: $40, In person or via teleconference  Venue: 1/457 Miller St. Cammeray
FREE Soul Mind Body Science System Study Sessions – Master Sha’s latest book
Every Tuesday 7-8pm  Via Livestream
FREE Passing Spiritual Testing Sessions
Every Tuesday 8-9pm  Via Livestream
Love Peace Harmony World Family 
Every Thursday 8-9.30pm  Honor fee: Love Offering, In person or via teleconference  Venue: 1/457 Miller St. Cammeray
Ling Guang Calligraphy Mediation Sessions
Every Saturday 4-4.30pm  Honour fee: $50 for 2 sessions, In person  Venue: 1/457 Miller St. Cammeray
To Register: Call Deb  or email on


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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