
AOL Bulletin – 30th September, 2015 – Are You Shifting?

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to be prepared.

FYI – Change is all around us.

One Million Children Join Buddhist Meditation Event.

Meditating ChildrenEvery year, a project called V-Star Change the World brings schoolchildren to a Buddhist temple in Thailand for a day of meditation.
But the temple believes that when one million children meditate together it can help to change the world.
Phramaha Somchai Thanavuddho says to change the world we have to start with small things, we have to change ourselves.  So if we are going to change the world, we need to have children change themselves”.
BBC News went along to find out more.  Watch here.
Although this particular event was in 2013 it really is an eye opener as to what can be done.  It is also amazing that there has been criticism of it.  Watch it with an open mind and heart and let us know how you feel about it.

Video journalist: Aggarat Bansong

Musician Kenichi Kanazawa creating sand art via vibrations on his special table.

Sand Music

The coloured sand takes shape as the vibration frequencies fluctuate  Only just over three minutes long, this fascinating video makes you wonder what took place on Monday Night at the Academy’s Sound Evening when we were gonged.  Did we make beautiful patterns? Did our chakras blend?  It makes you wonder and appreciate the evening even more.  Watch here.

Helena Hospital Opens “Smudging” Room For Native Americans

Helena Hospital SmudgingIf smudging thins the veils to the ‘other side’, one can imagine the benefit to the hospital.  Healing energy would be more readily available, people could feel their angels and guides helping them and the native American’s gifts can be valued.  Have a look at this and you can appreciate the changing world.  To view a video of how in Native American ceremonies, certain herbs are traditionally used to purify or bless people and places click here. To read the article click here

Invitation : If you have a U-Tube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know.  Thanks to Millie, Deepti and Terri for this week’s videos.

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00 Finish time is 9.30pm


MONDAY, 5th October 2015 at 7.30pm – CLOSED – PUBLIC HOLIDAY

MONDAY, 12th October 2015 at 7.30pm


Rebecca Brown - SoulToSoulJulia Smith - Inner Tranquillity & PeaceRosemary Butterworth - Michael's MessengerWith Rebecca Brown, Julia Smith & Rosemary Butterworth.

We must pass through certain phases of consciousness growth in our human evolution and many, many questions arise. Our panel on this night are people who have gained the realisation that we as humans, are aligned with a higher consciousness that participates in the next level of action. They have been able to work with altered states of consciousness, which in some cases has allowed them to connect with people who have crossed over, higher awareness, knowings and higher vibrations of Light. They have learnt to just be the observer, stay present and to notice. They welcome the next stage on ‘Jacob’s Ladder’.
There are many levels of localized consciousness in different energy states for different tasks of life. In order to understand the stages of our evolutionary growth we must first notice what we think, believe and be present. We must begin with a consciousness leap out of our third/fourth dimensional system of things. ALL that we think we are at this time, has to go. As we move through the rites of passage, forging different planes of understanding, we realise that our soul is connected with the dynamics of other souls and higher energies and knowledge that exist on those dimensions.
How do we get into an altered state of consciousness? Can any one change their state of consciousness? How do I know if the voices I hear are from the Masters or is it just my mind? There are so many questions – bring yours along (please make it something that the majority can benefit from).

Please come ten minutes early if that is possible and let Peggy know that you have a question and what it relates to (just write it down on a piece of paper and hand it over) so we are not doubling up on the same question. Then Peggy will call you during the Q&A or read out your question for you if you prefer.

This will be such a fun night – Do come along and partake in our community of Light.

Learn more about the presenters:
Rebecca Brown, from Soul to Soul Healing and Teaching:, is a soul specialist, experienced healer and multi-dimensional teacher working directly with the realms of light. Rebecca is on the forefront of energetic shifts, channelling her healings, teachings and meditations. She is working with humanity at the level of the soul, passionate about awakening people to their soul’s truth.
Julia Smith, from Inner Tranquillity & Peace:, has had a background in music since a small child, and in the last 7 years she has been practising as a sound healer, colour therapist and conduit for her own flavour of high vibrating energy, all of which assist people to re-align their energy field to better mind, body and emotional health and soul expansion.
Rosemary Butterworth, is Michael’s Messenger:, and she is claraudient, clairvoyant and clairsentient bringing through energies from the Ascended Masters, the company of Heaven and Spiritual Hierarchy who offer you clear guidance through her.

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

What a magnificent night the Sound Evening was. What a wonderful way to clear and lift your energy.  It is so easy, nothing to do but listen, choose to either lie down or stay seated, and let the sound do its work.
The Trio have become a Quartet with the addition of Danielle (Ellie for short) Frances, who sang an African song with Joe Van de Meer which enthralled us all.  Marc Cottee, on Didj and John Butterworth on Gongs excelled themselves.  As people lay on the floor, the musicians, moved amongst them whilst they played their divine instruments letting people synchronise with the vibrations.
With Christmas hard on our heels, Peggy has managed to fit one last sound evening in before Christmas.  The date:  23rd November.  Put it into your calendar now so you don’t miss it.  It is a pre-Christmas blessing for you.
Following last Academy meeting’s suggestion from Julia Smith, I practised meditating for 10 minutes with crystals, with amazing results.
First, I used a large Selenite Crystal and had similar experiences to Julia as I felt the energy run back up the arm that was holding it.  The energy flowed into my body and it felt recharged.  But the most incredible experience I had was with a large piece of Rose Quartz.
I settled myself in the chair, holding the Rose Quartz in my left hand and closed my eyes.  All was still and at first I couldn’t notice very much happening. Then I felt something strange was going on.  My right hand had begun to stoke it gently.  My hand moved as if it were stoking a beloved pet and with each stoke, the crystal seemed to come alive.  I knew there was a Being within the crystal that loved me, in fact it was sending me unconditional love.  As this love flowed into me it awakened the love that I am.   I knew in that moment I was love, just love.  It was a magic moment and I felt gratitude to Julia for sharing her experience which had prompted me to meditating with a crystal.
I heartily recommend that everyone try meditating with crystals and if you have a need to increase your self worth (and who doesn’t) I would suggest Rose Quartz!

Thought Of The Week

HappinessWe create our own happiness from the inside out.  It is never the other way around.

…Michele Harvey

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

Love and Trust“I share my gifts with the world with both ease and grace.
I AM a force for positive change!

from Love & Light School of Energy Healing:

HEALTH TIP: NutriKane D.

NutrikaneDThe world is definitely changing.  I was thrilled to see that Channel 7 News had a short segment on NutriKane D on Monday Night.  NutriKane D was produced for people with Diabetes and has been trialed for 2 years in a Melbourne Hospital.    Watch the segment that they had on Channel 7 and you decide.
We, at the Academy have been taking it for over 12 months to trial the satellite effects.  Because it gives you good bacteria it seems to benefit many things.  I,(Rosemary Butterworth) have been taking it for Osteoarthritis for after MRIs, I was told I needed a knee replacement and now I have been able to throw away my walking stick and no operation.  (It is also wonderful natural remedy for constipation – the fibre does it all).
Great news!  This morning the Academy became a distributor for NutriKane D and you will be able to purchase it online or come along to the Academy meetings on Mondays at Mosman, get your energy expanded and save on shipping costs.  We’ll have it in the Academy online shop by next week.  Read this article we posted last year: The News & Science Behind NutriKane D

Community Announcements:

Tonight and more!

Julian Silburn – Sound Alchemy …. a Profound & Sacred Sound Healing Experience

Sound AcademyJulian has travelled from WA to bring us the Ancient Healing Sounds of the traditional Didjeridu ( Yidaki ) & Crystal Didjeridu, Crystal Bowls and other Indigenous Instruments from all over the world such as Sitar & Native America Flute.Julian has over 20yrs experience with the Yidaki and it’s healing capacities. He has been taught directly by the Aboriginal People and
Elders of Arnhem Land and has been given their permission & Blessings to perform this most Ancient & Sacred form of Healing.Based on His Knowledge, he has designed a Crystal Instrument to bring in & facilitate Healing with the much needed Frequencies of Now. Allow yourself to be guided into a deep state of Relaxation leaving you feeling Rejuvenated & Refreshed.
Benefits of a Sound Alchemy immersion are Profound Transformation of the Body, Mind & Spirit
Sound Alchemy – Sydney Group Event – Ceremony & Prayer with Carmen Morales – Wed 30th Sept
Collaroy Surf Lifesaving Club 1056 Pittwater Road
– $40 from 7.30pm tp 9.30 pm – bookings
Email Carmen For more info
Sound Alchemy – Sydney Group Sessions – Thurs 1st Oct & Mon 5th Oct
Thurs 1st Oct @ Kundalini Collective – 1 / 199 – 201 King St Newtown
– $ 35 from 7pm to 8.30 pm – bookings
Mon 5th Oct @ Yogatopia 9/50 Victoria Road Drummoyne
– $35 from 5.30pm – 7pm – bookings
Personal Sessions for Individuals or Couples
Fri 2nd Oct @ Kundalini Collective – 1 / 199 – 201 King St Newtown
– $ 100 per hour personal / couple – limited timeslots – bookings on request
Email For more Info:

30th October – 1st November. Deposit $130

This course has been created by Mark Anthony to help Theta Healers adopt a ‘wealth consciousness’ mindset. A person minds set either draws or repels wealth towards them. For many, wealth seems to be outside of us, but in actual fact, wealth is a state of mind that you can consciously adopt whenever you want.
The purpose of this course is to raise our consciousness by using the Thetahealing tool so we can naturally align our vibration(sum of all our thoughts beliefs, attitude and feelings) with the universal laws that will create and sustain wealth in ways that will benefit all.

Course Name: Wealth Consciousness
Date: 30th October to 1st November 2015
Venue: Co-Creation Level 2, 83-85 Chandos St, St Leonards
Investment: $530 AUD Repeat: $260 AUD
Prerequisite: Basic ThetaHealing & Advanced ThetaHealing Practitioners

To find out more click here

Insight   Action   Healing

Warren Mitchell is offering free discovery sessions for anyone that would like assistance with

Contact 0412 264 594


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


Friend the Academy of Light on Facebook!

Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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