
AOL Bulletin : 30th November 2017 – Spreading Joy

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to do things that bring joy

FYI – We Dine Together

Denis EstimonWhen the lunch bell rings at Boca Raton High School in Florida, 3,400 kids spill into the courtyard and split into their social groups. But at this school and at schools across the country, someone always sits alone. That’s why Denis Estimon, a Haitian immigrant and student at Boca High, started a club called “We Dine Together.”

Click here to watch this inspiring story of how one person can make a difference. Less than 4 mins,

Mesmerising Flying Geese

10000 GeeseHave you ever seen birds of a feather actually flock together? Because it is quite a sight to see.

In a video published by YouTube user LazyriverGolden, 10,000 snow geese can be seen taking flight from the surface of Lake Massawippi in Ayer’s Cliff, Quebec.
“This was actually a small group compared to what has been on the lake at other times,” says the YouTuber.

If the footage isn’t breathtaking enough as it is, then the sound makes it even better.
Click here to watch.

The Academy is seeking Expressions of Interest from individuals who can assist with Events Coordination & Media Management in 2018.
Please contact Deborah for further details. 

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road.
When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm



Upcoming Events

We have some exciting and informative speakers coming up over the next few weeks. Be sure to put these in your diaries as they will certainly will be amazing events. More information below.

Mon 4 – Earth Treasure Vase Meditation – Jax – Goldhawk & ETV Friends – Full Moon Global Peace Practice for restoring Light to the Earth & Her People
Mon 11 – Academy 2017 Gratitude Celebration & Rosemary’s Spiritual Insights for 2018 – Rosemary & John & AOL Committee
Mon 21 Dec – Mon 30 Jan = Summer Break
Mon 5 – Vision for 2018 – To be announced

MONDAY 4th December 2017

Earth Treasure Vase Meditation – with Jax Goldhawk & ETV friends

Cynthia JursJoin us for a special night with one of the Next Generation Australian ” Baby ” Earth Treasure Vases that has been gifted as part of the Global Practice creating a Golden Mandala of Light for the healing of Earth & Humanity.

Click here to read more about Earth Treasure Vases and a first hand account from Cynthia Jurs when the last Earth Treasure Vase was buried in Australia.
Click here to read about the beginning of the ” baby” Earth Treasure Vases in 2014

In case you didn’t watch the video in the FYI, here is a short video by Anthony Carslon decribes how Earth Treasure Vases came about and the magic that was experienced in June 2013, when the last Earth Treasure Vase was buried in Australia. Click here to watch.

*** You are invited to bring a small shell, stone, seeds, crystal, feather or prayer scroll ( thumb size organic sacred objects )  to add to the mandala that will accompany this Next Generation  Earth Treasure Vase to its resting place on South Coast Yuin Country ***

Special Earth Treasure Vase Event this weekend

December 2, 2017 Full Moon
Earth Treasure Vase Global Meditation:
Bearing Witness to Our Mother, Earth
Our global Full Moon Earth Treasure Vase Meditation
 on Saturday December 2nd 2017
 will take place at a new time
7am US Pacific / 10am US Eastern / 3pm London as the opening meditation for the 24-hour global healing vigil One World Bearing Witness 
 Click here for more details.

Buy Tickets on Eventbrite


*Please note our door ticket prices for general admission is $20.
All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include light refreshments.
**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to the event.

Monday 11th November 2017
Academy 2017 Gratitude Celebration & Rosemary’s Spiritual Insights for 2018 – Rosemary & John & AOL Committee

Rosemary, John Butterworth and the AOL Committee will be at the Academy providing spiritual insights for 2018.
Please come and join us to welcome Rosemary and John as our special guests.
More information next week.


Buy tickets on Eventbrite

*Please note our door ticket prices for general admission is $20.
All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include light refreshments.
**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to the event.

In and Around the Academy with Deborah Fairfull

Dearest AOL members,

Monday evening we were very blessed to learn more about the divine mysteries of Mary Magdalene and the beautiful Grail Haven in France, presented by Gerry Taylor-wood. We were transported and inspired as Gerry shared her wisdom and healing messages. I left the event feeling open-hearted and truly blissful. Thank you Gerry for sharing your light with the Academy.

This coming Monday we will be having another wonderful event: Earth Treasure Vase Ceremony by Jax Goldhawk and ETV friends. I am looking forward to meeting the “Baby” Earth Treasure Vase and know it will be another AOL event of meaning, expansion, love and laughter.

Don’t forget our Christmas Sale where you will find a Treasure Trove of assorted items including books, CD’s and crystals. You can find something to add to your collection or these items make great Christmas.

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible this coming Monday.



Thought Of The Week


Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

– Theodore Roosevelt

Affirmation – say daily and slowly, feel it, believe it


Joy is in my heart and in my life.


Grailhaven Retreat 2018GRAIL HAVEN RETREATS – SOUTH OF FRANCE 2018 with Gerry Taylor-Wood and Richard de Welles – three 10 day retreats in May, June & July 2018.

* * * EARLY BIRD SPECIAL – $4,400 reduced to $3,900 until 21st December – see / Events page for details. * * *
The mysteries and ancient wisdom’s encoded in the Languedoc, South of France is our focus for next year’s retreats. Staying in the Grail Haven en France retreat centre with its ancient Labyrinth, sunken gardens, stone walls, flowers and well, we have built an inspiring programme for you. Here within Gerry-Taylor-Woodspectacular scenery is held a deep history of spiritual enlightenment sanctified by its French Mystery Schools. Join us as we hold workshops and share teachings and knowledge and then journey out to the many sacred sites. They include: Mary Magdalenes’ relics, Provence – Black Madonnas – Gypsy Festival – Lourdes – ancient Druid and Celtic sites – Goddess shrines – Rennes le Chateau – Cathar Castles and so much more.
Phone: 0755450414
Please see details in the link below

Community Events


Grail Have SymbolGrail Haven bottled water has changed. It is no longer available in its present form. Should you want this unique and precious water there are two ways to obtain it. One is to make a pilgrimage to Mt Tamborine and collect the water. The other is to courier or post bottles to us to fill and we send them back to you. For instance, Ian White of the Australian Bush Flower Essences couriers amber glass bottles, we hand fill them and they are couriered back to him. This way you have the water straight from the springs as ‘raw’. For this we ask for a donation to the Grail Haven Not for Profit Fellowship. This money assists in maintaining Grail Haven as a place of beauty, peace, retreat and healing. Please contact us to order the water, the website no longer takes orders.

Phone : 07 55450414

Email :


Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words – for $100 you will get this plus the event on our Community Events on the Website and we will share your FB Event with AOL followers. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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Academy of Light.facebook
