
AOL Bulletin – 2nd November, 2016 – Back YourSelf, Love YourSelf

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to be ready.


11:11 Gateway

openingThis Gateway is a Master Activation Portal and is extremely powerful giving us an opportunity to complete the year with a high frequency.  

Julia Smith says…We’re in a heady wrap-up phase for 2016!
Wow it’s been a huge year this year in terms of big energies continually flooding in and many celestial alignments magnifying these energy portals; beautiful but stirring!  
As we know 2016 is numerologically a 9 year, so a year of Completion – and teamed with these big energies many of us have found it very challenging as our deep core stuff rises to be transmuted.
The rest of the year is looking to intensify, relentlessly taking us on that journey to Complete, and be as ready as possible for 2017, expanding into our unique Gifts and Skills.
Sunday 30 October was a Black New Moon in Scorpio giving us the opportunity to tap into the mysterious black energy of the void of creation and birthing the new, and then on Monday 31 October it was Samhain (Halloween) being a time when the veil was thin, what a combination!.  A was a perfect time for meditation to receive guidance and information.
We are at a time now where we are being forced to deal with our deep Truth surfacing; and the Truth can be confronting.  Being open and honest with oneself will ease the transmuting process, as you can then open into embodying more light and expansion as inner reconciliation occurs.  
We will move into November and pass through the Gateways of 11:11 and then December 12:12 followed by the solstice on 21:12 taking us to the Closure of the year.  From now until year end we will continue dealing with our inner loose ends; we are being asked to be strong spiritual warriors and tackle our inner stuff.  
It is an important time to back yourself- and to back yourself is to love your self.  You have the tools, products and network around you to tap into assisting your unique process. 
It is highly recommended to regularly sit in meditation and be open to clarity of what to resolve and the easiest way for transmutation to occur, receiving new ways / projects / messages and embody the high frequency Light coming in.
As always Nature is the optimal place to Just Be, connect to the 5D crystalline grid and receive support from the planet, and gift Her love.
Don’t miss Julia next Monday 7th November at the Academy (see below) leading us perfectly into the next portal.
If you would like to read even more about this Gateway click here to read Celia Finn’s post – Dancing With The Diamond Fire.

The Key To Self Love

golden-keyLove this YouTube by Karen Wade.  The energy carried in the short video really connects you to your heart.  The sound of her voice carries the frequency of Light and Love.  The image that Karen shows in the video is very powerful too.  We suggest you pause and connect with it for a few minutes.  We did and found it enabled us to reach a higher vibration.  Click Here to view.

Self Love Healing Meditation

self-love-healingTake 15 minutes our of your day to embrace your heart centre.  That is loving yourself in action.  Enjoy. Click Here.

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite), Concession for Pensioners or Students: $10.00 Includes light refreshments. Finish time is 9.30pm.


MONDAY, 7th November 2016

Julia Smith

“The Powerhub of Earth’s Energies in Scotland”

with Julia Smith

Come along tonight for a fun relaxed time with Julia who has just returned from the wilds of Scotland, including Albion and Caledonia. She is very excited to share this journey and the energies with us and tell us about the work she was called to do on the Earth’s grids. Be immersed in the varied and ancient energies and also receive the ancient keys and codes Julia embodied as she speaks to us.

She will share with us the different energies that are there in the mountains, in the Standing Stones, in the Islands, in the Leylines and in the people. As well as some of the revolutionary information coming to Light about past events.

Julia will lead us in a meditation of high frequency energy to the grid and your presence will add to the magnification of this group energy. This is a Divine Service with Mother Gaia and the Higher Heavenly Realms.

Questions will be welcomed!

Julia is a powerful energy Alchemist & Healer, plus an Earth Multi-dimensional Lightworker and connector with Multi-dimensional Beings. Julia brings through high frequency heavenly energy and works with the amazing Selenite Swords of Light assisting people to clear and re-align their energy field/chakras/filaments of light to better mind, body and emotional health and accelerate your soul expansion. Julia also answers the call to move around the Earth and work with the Earth’s energy and Beings within it.

Julia’s contacts: Website: Mobile: 0404 619 148 for bookings Julia has written up some of her previous journeys on her blog Email:

Eventbrite - The Powerhub of Earth’s Energies in Scotland - With Julia Smith

*Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.

**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to event.

MONDAY, 14th November, 2016


the-golden-card-wendy-athornWendy Athorn

The Gold Card: Eternal Peace, Prosperity, Abundance and the God Supply of All Good Things.

Wendy will share with us her journey of Mother Mary’s Gift and to bring to us Mother Mary’s Role in our evolution.

Mother Mary’s story is of utmost beauty and love and I am privileged to be Her voice of the moment…Wendy


The Gift – it seems such a small title for showing the great love of Mother Mary for Her Children of God but that is Her way – simple, loving and unconditional.  As I read an email from Patricia Cota-Robels sharing this information with the world I began to see many levels within the gifts that were promised.  I saw a great beauty, a great opportunity that allows us to see and follow not only the pathway to the Fifth Dimension but how it would be when we reach this wonderful realm.  I saw also an enormous compassion and love for us in our troubled world.  The beautiful artwork by Peter Harvoe is a response to Mary’s request to accompany Her Precious Gift.

The Gifts essential for our New Home are explained and displayed in the associated artwork in the form of cards together with a CD to guide a meditation during which our sincere request to take our rightful place in the Universe will be responded to as of NOW and PERMANENTLY.

Mary’s Gift of the Twelve Solar Rays through our life-giving sun match with our new Twelve Chakras and is designed to give us NOW and PERMANENTLY the essential attributes which will lift us up from our Third dimension into the consciousness of the Fifth Dimension.  This most beautiful Gift is overseen by Father/Mother God through a dispensation to Mother Mary who then, aided by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth, channelled the necessary prayers through Patrica Cota-Robels to share with Her Children of God.  I have put these prayers into card form to denote this gift and in Peter’s words –

These paintings are the physical representation of the energetic human structure.  Each colour is specific to the human form and contains specific energy language encoded into the surrounding pyramids.

These Divine Colours of Light are coming from and through the very Heart of God.

Wendy’s Journey: About 15 years ago I was asked by Mother Mary to attend a seminar in Queensland with Patricia Cota-Robels, the result being that I wrote a book with information from the Being of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth regarding our beginning and telling of the movement of our Planet to the Higher Realms.  It was within this information that it was Mother Mary who was going to lead us into this great evolutionary event. I found the proof of these words as I researched Mother’s Apparitions and Prophecies as She has appeared in many many countries with words of wisdom and love.
Mother has expressed (through the channel of Soltec, Newcastle) that it is time to prepare for this great movement and has asked me to be the mechanism to give Her Gifts to the world.  You can imagine what a privilege this is to a aged lady who has herself no special gifts but has always promoted others who are dedicated to help Mother attain Peace and Love for Her Children of God.
I have much to express regarding the events in my life that always brought me back to Mother Mary’s belief in myself and have skirted around the physics of the Universe through the wisdom of the Arcturians, going over to Mount Shasta in California to be at the scene where the codes from our Father/Mother God are brought into our Planet.
Mother has stressed the beauty of our souls is so appreciated by the Divine and it is for us to understand this and live to our highest dreams.
Being a very inquisitive person I was instrumental in starting an Arcturian Group of Forty in Australia, meeting monthly and connecting by phone with other groups around the world.
Curiosity again, I went to see Sai Baba in India and was given the Grace to do what I came to this earth to do which of course at that stage I had no idea how I was to be involved in such a huge movement for humanity.

Connect with Wendy by email:

Eventbrite - “MOTHER MARY’S GIFT TO HUMANITY” - with Wendy Athorn

Note:  As I read Wendy’s blurb, I couldn’t believe my eyes.  It was as if she was speaking about myself.  In recent times I am constantly overlighted by Mother Mary, and I have for many years promoted others who are dedicated to help Mother attain Peace in the world and raise the consciousness.  So it was no surprise that when I gazed upon the picture of the ‘OPAL’ Gift I felt an Opalescent Light flow through my whole body and saw an immense light issue forth from my heart and arms and hands.

Now I know that these cards are ‘the real thing’ as they carry the power and love of Mother Mary.  I would like to share with you what Mother Mary told me this week.

“In 2017 the Light must outweigh the dark.” ……Rosemary

*Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.

**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to event.

In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light LogoWith Rosemary Butterworth


In listening to Judith talk, I wished that we had hundreds of parents there because what she talked about could change the life of so many people, particularly children.

Judith first created Circles of Learning which is a registered charity some 18 years ago when she found that there was a huge need in the schoolroom for a curriculum that could help and teach all children how to live a healthy, happy life.  She now has a wonderful group of teachers and parents that work with her and have got the programme into the curriculum of many schools.    But what was so good was that the programme is for the whole class, not only those with ADHD, it has a very wholistic approach to life because it covers nutrition, exercise, creativity, self esteem and courage and so much more.  Every child in the classroom benefits.  Actually what Judith is now hoping for is to have a retreat centre where the whole family can come and live it and incorporate the benefits into their daily lives.

As Judith finished talking, we all looked at the needs of Circles of Learning which is funding, more volunteers and help to spread the word as the ‘new children’ are here and their needs are, in a lot of cases not being met.  So many families need to put their children from a very young age into a child minding facilities or day care centres, so it is up to everyone now to help these children as some suffer abandonment apart from other physical things such as catching colds etc.  We workshopped in our Monday Group how we could help, and any ideas they could suggest.  One of the ideas which excited me, was the idea of making a documentary.

So many people have had different experiences in their lives and have different knowledge.  I think it would be so useful to have an Open Floor at least once a month so knowledge can be shared so we can grow the Light. A huge ‘Think Tank’ on different issues.

Thought Of The Week

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you have imagined.
live-your-dreamHenry David Thoreau

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it …

“I allow the GodSelf Within to be Fully Activated”

yellow-rose-by-terriRosemary Butterworth,  Michael’s Messenger

HEALTH TIP – 5 Ways to Instantly Love Yourself More

1.  Clear your mind of negativity and judgement

2.  Slow down and breathe and notice just how beautiful the day is

3.  Be grateful

4.  Exercise

5.  Eat nutritious food

Rosemary ButterworthAwakening through the heart



Your Wellbeing: Live the life you want


Saturday, 26 November 2016, 9:30am to 5:30pm, Balmain

Facilitated by Jude Tasker and Andrew O’Keeffe

Many people have things that hold them back from living the life they want.

In this wellbeing workshop, Jude and Andrew will guide you to:

  1. Identify the thoughts, beliefs and actions that hold you back from the wellbeing you desire.
  1. Understand human nature and how we can use this knowledge to maintain personal power and build effective relationships.
  1. Identify your goals and create an action plan to realise your aspirations.

This workshop is limited to 8 participants.
To find out more click to view workshop flyer.

Contact: Jude 0437303446,
or Andrew 0412616047,

Channelled Healing Workshops


CHANNELLED WRITING – November 6th & 20th 2016 – $60

Double Bay – Bookings Essential

For details click here to view flyer.


Delphine is an Intuitive, Energetic Healer and Clairvoyant channelling Higher Guidance in private healing sessions. She also offers workshops and various groups for the purpose of opening others to their own intuitive and healing abilities. She shares information and demonstrates ways you can receive higher guidance intuitively and work with healing energy.

Delphine teaches, facilitates and guides in a calm and purposeful manner which allows you to open to information comfortably and confidently in a relaxed, safe and energetic space.

She enjoys connecting people who want to practise healing and/or share questions and answers, particularly other healers who want to continually open to more.

Private Healing Sessions by appointment Double Bay and Balmain – 0409 998 561


Exciting 6 Week Course…
Mediumship & Psychic Development

meditation-gmarksStarting November 10th in Crows Nest.

If you’re interested in developing your Mediumship and Psychic skills then this highly experiential 6 week course is for you.

You will get plenty of opportunities to practice exercises and activities to grow and expand your sixth sense in a safe and comfortable environment with lovely like-minded people.

Time and dates: 7.15pm-9pm, each Thursday for 6 weeks starting November 10th.

No experience required. This course is open to everyone. It doesn’t matter whether you are a newbie, or more, you’re welcome.

Earlybird investment is $135 for the full 6 week course if paid before October 31st.
Bookings from November 1st are $150 for the full 6 week course.

GabrielMarksTo reserve your spot please contact Gabriel via:
Email: or phone: 0411 459 126 or visit Gabriel’s site


A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words – for $100 you will get this plus the event on our Community Events on the Website and we will share your FB Event with AOL followers. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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