
AOL Bulletin – 2nd July 2014 – Happiness Always

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to connect with your happy place.

FYI – Connect & Spread Happiness

What is Happiness? Learn How to Be Happy In Life

Spread happiness This 3.5 minute video is exactly what we need to be aware of.  Hardwork and success do not lead to happiness, happiness leads to success.  We are hard wired to perform at our best when we are happy.  The video focuses on American data but it is relevant for people everywhere.  Be the ripple of happiness and change the world.  View the YouTube here.

Pull down your fences and connect

Gardening Australia-Growing a village  We wanted to share a 5 minute video from Gardening Australia about a Melbourne womens group called RAW (Resilient Aspiring Women).  They have created a community garden which has become a hub/haven.  A point of connection and upliftment.  They set intentions for everything even when planting an individual tree.  One was for abundance and 5 months later (even when it wasn’t supposed to) it bore fruit!

We would like to say to you by pulling down your fences, physically or energetically, and letting others in it will change your life and the life of all those around you.  It is so much harder when we are separated why not make life easier and more joyful.  Identify the fence you have up today and start to break it down.

View the clip and read the transcript here.


Human Body Clip art by Phillip MartinTrain Your Mind Meditation … Be Happy
Here is a wonderful test for all those people that regularly repeat “I have to……(do this or that).  The ‘doers’  of this world.  This is wonderful short mindfulness meditation that will help you train your unruly mind. It will teach you to just ‘be’ and enjoy each day as it comes.  It should be said that we did not find this easy!  Click here to listen.

Thought Of The Day

Be Happy

big-smileBecause we couldn’t decide which quote to choose we decided we would share the video listing a number of them in under two minutes.  A good quick reminder of some of the ways you can view the world and be happy so CLICK HERE.

Affirmation – breathe deeply and say daily.

 “I let my light shine.  I Am joy, joy, joy.”   Sunflower by JB

 …Ambrika Wauters

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Terri Hills

“Now I Understand!”  That is one of the comments that has come back to me since KAren Swain ( joined us at the Academy on Monday night.  KAren guided us through an amazing meditation to find our joyful and or loving memory.  Some had an occasion, others a loved one and still others a feeling.  Whatever it was she asked us to be in that space as much as possible.  To know that that energy would naturally draw good things to us.  It’s not about when this happens you’ll be happy it’s about being happy and everything else falls into place.

Next week is a full mediation evening so don’t miss it!

We are noticing that more and more groups are starting up.  (I go to about three or four including the Academy Community gathering on Monday nights!) Working together to increase support systems and raise the individual and group energy.  We encourage you to start a group of like minded friends if you are not already in one because the growth the individiuals are experiencing out of these groups is worth the effort of coming together.  Groups can be for meditation, ceremony or healing.  It doesn’t matter.  Whatever fills the need.  Attend regularly.  The energy will increase.  Just do it and see what difference it makes.

Health -Nutritional Cleansing

Help your body and do a cellular cleanse.  The image below says it all.  It makes so much sense.  How can our bodies be healthy when we don’t clean out the toxins?!  We thank Sandra Venables (Nutritional Cleansing Coach, Classical Homœopath & Clinical Aromatherapist) for the image and for more about this go to:


Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL WelcomeREMEMBER WE HAVE MOVED: We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry Fee: $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 7th July 2014 at 7.30pm

OPENING OUR HEART through Meditation

“Since your body was born into this world, many things have changed. Your body has changed, your voice has changed, your abilities have changed, your thoughts have changed, your interests or opinions about certain things may have changed, your emotions have changed, your possessions have changed.

Amongst all of these things that have changed, the witness has not changed. You are the eternal witness.

Divine Mothers Blessing by TJHLove is in the air…….. Love is the answer to your questions. Feeling loved is everyone’s true desire. Everything begins and ends with the heart. We will build a Web of Light together knowing that each matters. We will send Love to Mother Earth and the whole world, surrounding our current situation and relationships. When we pray for love to heal our situation, God sends angels to our side.

Feel your vibration being lifted in this space and take this energy with you out into your daily life for the week. Whenever you are feeling low through the week ahead take your mind back to this meditation space and feel your body respond to the higher vibration of the night.

Meditation by: Terri Hills & friends

MONDAY, 14th July 2014 at 7.30pm

Valerie BarrowValerie Barrow

“REINCARNATION”  Walking Through Time and History …

“Two Soulmates” is a chronicle of the spiritual and physical events and experiences of Valerie and John Barrow, and their many lifetimes together.

Come along to hear about Val and John as they share and uplift us with some of their unusual experiences over lifetimes.

Find out how …
Past lives still influence us in this lifetime – not always in a negative way.
How regression and past-life therapy can heal your soul and body.

Over the last thirty or more years, this journey has bonded their minds, bodies and souls to an astonishingly profound degree. Valerie, as an experienced medium and an advanced meditation teacher, has developed an understanding of how regression and past-life therapy can heal our soul and body.
Valerie shares her guidance by her Mentor, their travels to sacred places around the world and the unearthing of the hidden aspects of the story of Magdalene and Jesus, the ghost of Jehanne d’Arc, the ghost of Charles Dickens, Dr. Annie Besant and Rev. Charles Leadbeater, the Pyramids, Uluru, the Sacred Alcheringa Stone and its role in the story of the first humans, with the aid of the star people.

 “Two Soulmates”
“Loved this book, couldn’t stop reading it! Val Barrow is so gentle in expressing the way her journey has unfolded. From the beginning of life on earth, to the present, Val’s mediumship, and her mentors and guides offer wisdom, insight and historical information that gave me a new vision of our existence on this wonderful planet Earth”
   By Gerda Foster on November 25, 2013
The book will be on sale on the night for $20 as a special offer.

Tel: (02) 4868.1045, M: 0409.399 372



by Liz Hamilton

Liz Hamilton Zodiac Workshop

Spiritual understanding of the sacred sounds and etheric movements of each zodiac star constellation as it holds space circling our sun.

Meaning of 12, higher spiritual meaning of each star, learn etheric movement and receive a meditation with unique sound instruments such as crystal singing harp, crystal singing bowls, gongs and Tibetan water drum.

Sunday 20th July 12:30 – 5 pm $100 ($80 Early Bird before 11th July)
Alasenmat Healing Centre
1 Willoughby Road, Leura, NSW Blue Mountains

Community Announcements


Shine Big Hearts Event


A day of connection, inspiration, talk, story and song.

Saturday 5th July 10.00am ~ 4.30pm

Price: $75 To book visit:

Venue: Actor’s Centre Australia, Piazza Level G The Italian Forum, 23 Norton Street, Leichhardt (Underground parking close by)

Our events provide a platform for changemakers, people making a
difference in the world. We focus on ordinary people doing extraordinary
things, our next event features some really inspiring individuals

It is an all day event, Saturday July 5th. 10 a.m. til 4.30 p.m..

Our website:(websitehere:

Come on Monday night to the Academy sound event for a chance to win a double pass to this Shine Event!


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light.
The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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