
AOL Bulletin – 2nd December, 2015 – A New Reality

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to expand our consciousness.

FYI – Look again

Liquid Rainbow

Rainbow RiverA miracle in nature. It is the only Rainbow River in the world – a liquid rainbow.  The river of 5 colours is well worth a viewing!  Click here.

Nancy Valentine Smith in her talk on Monday night at the Academy asked us to imagine our crystals as liquid light.  Now imagine us as liquid  – fluid – flowing energy. See how your day changes.

The Known Universe

The Known UniverseA short video that is an excellent mind expander.  You might like to turn the sound off (or play your own), sit quietly and let the pictures take you to the other side of the universe.  It even brings you back.  Just like our Monday meditations! To view click here – 6.35mins.

Power of the Heart – Live in the Heart  – It’s Easy

Power of the Heart - Spirit ScienceThis Spirit Science video gives us easy to apply steps to change from negative to  loving warm emotions and connection.  It also tells us that the brain is duality consciousness while the heart is unity consciousness.   Since  we fell in consciousness it is said, we moved from heart consciousness to our brain, and all decisions were then made by our brains.  In doing so we became polarised and lost our consciousness of unity.  This shift in consciousness we are experiencing now is a movement from the brain and back into the heart.   To view click here – 12 mins.

Invitation : If you have a U-Tube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00 Finish time is 9.30pm


MONDAY, 7th December 2015 at 7.30pm

Labyrinth Walk

Labyrinth WalkWendy Rose-Williams

Journey With Us For An Evening of Bliss

To ‘Walk a Labyrinth’ one may experience the benefits of a moving Meditation; a journey of Self-discovery and connection to Spirit inspired by the history and traditions of Ancient/Indigenous Cultures, Sacred Geometry, Religious/Spiritual Expressions, Community, and the Natural Environment – all woven into the experience.
Lessons of the Labyrinth’ – by Lauren Artress
“Walking the labyrinth clears the mind and gives insight into the spiritual journey. It urges action. It calms people in the throes of life transitions. It helps them see their lives in the context of a path, a pilgrimage. They realise that they are not human beings on a spiritual path, but spiritual beings on a human path”
This will be a complete experience which will include mediation and a Gong Bath. Not to be missed!

Wendy Rose Williams started her comprehensive journey into natural therapies in 1983. Although traditional forms of Bodywork and Massage were the main focus of Wendy’s career in Natural Therapies, in 2010, she graduated from Nature Care College in NSW with a MeditationFacilitator’s Certificate, and through this time-honoured discipline, her long-term interests in the mind/body connection to health, vibrational energies, and sound, have lead her to further studies and a new European qualification in the modern healing art of Sound Massage (PHI) – a practice of creating Sound Resonance with therapeutic Tibetan Singing Bowls, based on ancient knowledge,wisdom, and practices from the cultures of India, Nepal and Tibet.Since then, Wendy has combined her love and interests of both Meditation and Sound Healing into her own intuitive practice of Tibetan “Sound Meditation” which continues to motivate and inspire her to new paradigms, including present studies towards Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator certification.

The essence of Wendy’s life-long learning, work and ambition has always been to honour, assist, and empower the body/mind/spirit to maintain and heal itself!

Wendy’s motto: Life is a gift, First meditate on it, then breathe!

To contact Wendy: M: E:

John Butterworth is a Master of Sound. His ability to ‘listen’ to what is needed to be played in the situation makes every event John participates in a new expereimce.

Bring a blanket and pillow if you would like to lie on the labyrinth at the end!
Book in now online!

Eventbrite - Labyrinth Walk

MONDAY, 14th December 2015 at 7.30pm


This is our last night for 2015!  COME and join us and wish all your friends in the Academy a Joyous Christmas.

It is an evening for celebrating Christmas and an end to another year of inspired  presentations that our speakers have given us.

So, with this in mind we have asked Elle and Joe Van der Meer, from our Sound Evenings, to bring their beautiful voices again and cover us with the sound of Christmas.  You might remember the previous time they came they sang an African song which was just exquisite.  So we can look forward to hearing them again to fill our hearts and souls with the message of Christmas.

Rosemary Butterworth was once called the Angel Lady in Sydney because her work with angels included bringing through messages for people from their Angelic Guides.   So Rosemary thought it appropriate to ask the Angels if she could bring through messages on the 14th and they have agreed.  So be ready to receive your Christmas Message.

As a finale to the year, John Butterworth will sound the Academy year out with a fabulous Gong Bath.  So you might like to bring a rug to lie down (or you can sit in a chair, your choice) and be blissed out.

It would be wonderful to see you all there and to give each other a hug for Christmas.

It’s been such a great year.  One to celebrate and honour.

Please join us to make it an evening to be grateful for ‘what was’ and open to ‘what will come’.
We’ll be back in 2016 on Monday Evening, the 1st February.

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

What an amazing woman Nancy Valentine Smith is and so generous too.  When Terri asked her if she could extend her workshop stay in Sydney to include Monday the 30th so she could be our Presenter she agreed.  And we are so glad and grateful.

During her talk, it was the first time I really understood what it meant to be a multidimensional being.   Most of our understanding of new age terms such as multidimensional, all is one, all is perfect are only appreciated at an intellectual level but as she explained that we have different aspects of ourselves within us such as our Inner Child, Past Lives etc, (time is not linear) there are also many aspects of ourself that we haven’t considered.  There is an aspect that has accomplished healing ourself, moving ahead – she said what if the Angel who appeared in your dream was simply another aspect of yourself.  It reminded me of going through school, every grade there is another aspect of you but at last I knew that all we had to do was to connect to them – by setting the intention and asking.  All the work had been done.  Simple isn’t it.

I awoke this morning really knowing and feeling in my body that I didn’t have to do anything.  On some plane of reality it was all done.  I only had to be.  All the overwhelm was gone.  Thank you Nancy!

There was so much more she shared with us – beings from Higher Realms kept coming in, (Mary Magdalene, St, Germaine.) and talking with her and she told us what they were saying.  One was that we had to expand our consciousness which includes expanding the cells of our body.  Master Korton (the Master I channel) has been telling us for years to expand our mind. Obviously, because of the understanding that arose, we thought our mind was just in our head.

Nancy with RosesThank you to the Academy of Light Rosemary and John, Teresa, Peggy and Julia, it was wonderful to share with you all, beautiful people, beautiful Space X thank you for the flowers x” Nancy

We hope Nancy will be returning early next year. In the mean time connect with Nancy at and find out more on

NutriKane D
Don’t forget to order your NutriKane D as we will be closed down over Christmas.  You can purchase at a meeting or email us and have it shipped to you.  It is always important to have good gut health but perhaps even more important at Christmas time.

Christmas Gifts
You will be able to purchase gifts for Christmas at the following two weekly meetings.   Gifts like John Levine’s Silence of Peace, in fact all of his CD’s help take the mind to Alpha and reduce stress and anxiety but most importantly and lovely to listen to. For the users of Soul Colour, an extra bottle would be very welcome.  Then there are many books.

Thought Of The Week

All is well.  Everything I need comes to me at the perfect moment.

Rose by Terri from JHLouise Hay & Akberta Hutchineson

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

“I AM part of We Are”

Nancy Valentine Smith 2 Nancy Valentine Smith

HEALTH TIP – Why Sound Heals

Singing BowlWhat Produces the Healing Power of Sound?
There is no doubt that sound has subtle, but profound effects on our body, minds and spirits. How exactly does sound work, though, to heal us?

Just Like an Orchestra, You Can Tune Your Body
As sound therapist, Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD explains:

The fundamental principle of Energy Medicine is that an underlying energy field generates physical, emotional, and mental behaviors or symptoms. If we change the energy field, the physical, emotional, and mental behaviors will also change.

Click here to read the article on Uplift.

(P.S. Don’t forget John Butterworth will give you a Gong Bath on Monday Night while you lie down in the Labyrinth after you finish walking it).


THIS WEEKEND!!!  A special opportunity!


Teachings of Universal Balance
with Miliwanga Wurrben

Aunty Mili Ngalandakku

A special opportunity to attend a workshop on aboriginal culture and spirituality, with Aunty Mili a respected elder visiting from Katherine Northern Territory, originally from Central Arnhem Land.  The workshop will be held this Saturday 5 December from 10am – 5pm at Redfern Community Centre. Come along and have some fun and learn about aboriginal culture too.

The topic is NGALANDAKKU ~ teachings of Universal Balance Sacred aboriginal teachings and meditations from Arnhem Land with Miliwanga Wurrben

Miliwanga shares the Ngalandakku teachings of the Universal Balance, the spiritual system from Central Arnhem Land. The teachings focus on the foundation of Connection, Belongingship, Oneness and Identity, the core values of spiritual living and the Indigenous traditional way of living. We learn about the Indigenous perspective of the Great Wangarr (God) and Aunty Miliwanga uses one of her own paintings to support our understanding of this ancient and profound spiritual system. Miliwanga Wurrben is a traditional law women and she carries the ancient teachings of Ngalandakku passed down from the grandmothers for countless generations. Ngalandakku literally translates as Mother-Child and these wisest of teachings tell the complete story of how the whole universe, and humanity within it, can live in complete harmony and balance. These teachings don’t come from a book or rediscovered scroll but are lived teachings passed down through community ingrained in the very blood and DNA of Miliwanga and her family.

We will also experience cultural teachings, meditation and dances, come along and have some fun with us.

Redfern Community Centre – this Saturday, December 5th – 10am-5pm – $80

Contact Clare Kirkpatrick at if you have any questions
click to read flyer here or
you can book at:

Aunty Mili picAunty Miliwanga, is a community leader, elder and healer, born from a long line of traditional healers in Central Arnhem Land. She is a traditional artist, weaver and Cultural Advisor and is a traditional Rembarrgna woman. Miliwanga speaks over 8 languages and is a gifted speaker facilitating workshops on cultural awareness, traditional bush medicine and healing therapies. She is regularly asked to speak at Conferences and forums and has facilitated workshops with Amnesty International and Oxfam relating to the UN Declarations for Indigenous Peoples of the world. Miliwanga is an interpreter under the Aboriginal Interpreting Service, a qualified teacher and has a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and Linguistics. She was one of the translators who helped translate the Bible from Creole into English and worked on the Book of Psalms. A women’s leader in the community, Miliwanga advocates and mediates for stolen generation, local women and is the chairwoman of an Indigenous Women’s Council, and the Banatjal Strongbala Wumins Group Council.

A recent article:

Community Announcement

Can You Help?

Grail Haven France Crowd Funding

Grail Haven en France future meditation towerPlease would you take a look at our Crowd Funding Appeal asking for funds for a new roof to one of the buildings at our retreat in France.
We have put heart and soul and many years and much money into France as well as the other two centres.  Our feeling now is that it will continue into the future and be for the many, and so the ethos of Crowd Funding would be in line with that group and community spirit.  The young volunteers who came to help this year had a wonderful experience as you will see from their testimonials on the Crowd Funding site.

Angel Heart Radio

Angel Heart RadioRosemary Butterworth & Annette McCoy are on again next Wednesday-9th December at 11am!

Focusing on Reconnecting and all that it encompasses.  Login to listen, ask questions and of course experience one of Rosemary’s wonderful meditations.

Holiday Option!

Buderim FallsHello to Everyone,
I have a 2 bedroom apartment in Buderim to lease from Dec 15- Jan 18.
It is fully furnished,
Close to all local amenities,
10 minutes from the ocean,
and very quiet for a central location.
It is for 5 weeks over the holiday season.
If you know of any one who would like this experience please contact
Marita on 0410 555 198
Details will be discussed when you call,
thanks and warm regards,
Marita Schlink


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


Friend the Academy of Light on Facebook!

Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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