
AOL Bulletin – 29th October 2014 – It’s Up To You.

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to STOP, REVIVE AND LIVE PEACEFULLY.

FYI – Changing the Game

 STOP – Be Aware

Candle by TerriStruan Robertson says Awareness precedes Action and in his under 2 minute video (click here to view) he gives us a couple of everyday examples of that.  Do you occasionally still find yourself mindlessly going through your life being unaware of what you are thinking and sometimes even doing and saying?  To actively exercise your awareness Rosemary Butterworth has a very simple three minute a day exercise (although you can of course do it more often) that she says for a small investment in time makes a big difference.  Click here to get the process Rosemary recommends.

 REVIVE – Change Your Thinking

Dr. Alia CrumIn our Bulletin of 15th October we included a TEDx talk by Lissa Rankin, MD where she presented her findings on the Placebo effect and as well as the benefits of a health practioners presence and much more.   Following on from that we would like to recommend another TEDx talk, this time by Dr. Alia Crum entitled Change Your Mindset, Change The Game.   She looks at how you can give people different ways of perceiving stress, exercise etc and what the effects are.  She also touches on the benefits of a health practitioners presence.  Let’s face it, if this reality is all an illusion then why can’t we change the game?   Click here to view (talk is just over 18 minutes).

Survive – Live and See Your Ideas Blossom

On Monday night in the Great Hall at the Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre we had the New Moon Sacred Ceremony with the Circle of Light and Molly Talbot gave us the Astrological version of where we are at and what to look forward to.  We thought you would enjoy reading an excerpt of that.  So here you go:

Molly TalbotNew Moon Solar Eclipse Oct 23rd/24th
The New Moon in Scorpio signals the start of a major new cycle of transformation, self-empowerment and relating to others in a deeper way. Since Venus is also in Scorpio, expect a significant shift in your relationships which could end old and limiting situations and bring more supportive and empowering ones.

This New Moon is a solar eclipse which intensifies the feelings of new beginnings and is more potent and long lasting than a regular New Moon.

If your birthday is close to these dates (23-25 Oct, 20-22 Jan, 20-22 Apr, 23-25 July) this marks the beginning of a very significant new cycle which can shape your identity and sense of purpose in life.  

Eclipses have a 19 year cycle so go back to October 1995 and see what happened! What was important in your life then is being revisited. Now you are being called to the next level.

‘Messenger Mercury’ turned direct on October 25 so we can start moving with the ideas and plans we’ve been working on in the past weeks, and by late month & early Nov he’s full speed for PR & marketing and important conversations to grow plans for 2015. Then action planet Mars enters Capricorn on the 26th for all of November, igniting fresh energy toward our goals & ambitions.

Contact Molly for Astrology and Tarot readings and workshops
Molly Talbot 0432 619249

Thought Of The Week

Enlightenment is not an end, but a beginning.  Infuse it into every nook and cranny in your life.

…Words of Wisdom by Lama Surya Das Lama-Surya-Das-150x99.png

Affirmation –

Breathe deeply and say daily:-

“I allow and accept the divine union of Earth and Spirit.  I embrace change gracefully.  I easily and harmoniously assimilate change.”


“I REST MY ENERGY IN THE LOVE OF THE DIVINE ONE.” …Rose of Raphael   Kalina Raphael Rose

(These words will raise your energy.  Take the Affirmations with you whereever you go and say it when you do your Stop-Revive-Survive process.)

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

Rosemary Butterworth

As you may remember the Academy gave its Monday night over to the Circle of Light.  They held a Sacred Ceremony for the New Moon.
It was visually beautiful and the energy created was very high.   A lot of attention had gone into the detail of the ceremony as we were sprayed with many colours, our soul sung to, brushed with an equisite fan, bathed with a gong bath, and taken through powerful meditations.  One highlight was Mollie reading the astrological signs affecting the moon right now.  (For an excerpt see FYI).   The Circle of Light are connecting us to wonderful Lunar energies that we can now use in our own lives.  The next Sacred Ceremony is the Full Moon and is going to be held on the 8th December.  Mark it on your calendar.


This small sign by the roadside has saved many lives
.  People have stopped, rested and survived.  This has worked on our roads.  Why not take this sign into our daily lives?

I watched a YouTube yesterday that someone sent us for our Newsletter.  It was a wonderful channeling of the Hathors – the words were beautiful, they were reminding us that we are Divine. we are Love and that we deserve Abundance and to live in Peace.  However, although I believe everyword that was channeled was the Truth, it was the same (because Truth doesn’t change) that I had heard 20 years before.  As it was the same, I asked myself have these words changed anything in us.

If not, what is needed to keep us present and our energy high?  What would make us check our energy every couple of hours, just as the road sign says, STOP EVERY 2 HOURS, REVIVE, AND SURVIVE, we could say, Stop Every 2 hours, Rest your mind for a couple of minutes,  check your energy, and do then what it takes to raise it to a higher frequency.  It might be as simple as ‘pulling the plug’ out of the ‘power point’ as Caroline Myss used to teach us many years ago and stop giving energy to  things we don’t like.  How much better the day would flow if we looked after all our ‘bodies’.  This is just the beginning, it has the potential to lead you to a state of constant Peace, Love and Joy.


We all appreciate that Sound and Colour are two of the most important healing, restoring and balancing tools that we can use at this time.  They work virtually instantly.  If, when you stop and check your energy and you find it is low due to stress, two things you can do.  Silently sing a mantra such as Om Mani Padme Hum for a minute or two or reach into your handbag and take out your Soul Colour Spray – particularly the Blue if you need some peace in your mind.  So below we have suggested some times when Blue can really help you.

When to use Blue (Soul Colour)
*  Energy follows thought.  To elevate your thoughts and emotions to a higher positive perspective, making bettter use of your precious life force.
*  To “let go” and connect with inner stilness, silence, patience, listening, solitude and inner composure.

*  To generate some peace in your life.  The vibration of ‘peace’ exists in us right now when the mind accepts, knows and lives this Truth.  ‘Peace’ will harmonise the whole structure of  our body, mind soul and life.  ‘If a man does not find peace within himself, it is useless to seek it elsewhere’.  A French proverb.
*  To see your life from a higher perspective and for the good of all
*  To trust in Supreme Love.  An all-loving, all-powerful presence greater then yourself.
*  To inspire faith.  Not blind faith but a strong sense of knowing and understanding in the Divine Order of Life.  Faith that   overrides worry, anxiety doubts and makes the impossible possible.
*  Blue helps you tune in, turn on and connect to the genius of your soul.  Communication with your soul will open a channel of pure love, higher knowledge, truth, wisdom and impartial guidance.
*  It opens channels of communication and restores balance and harmony in releationships that are challenging.  Blue helps you express your love and asks, are you expressing your ‘love’ or your ‘fear’ when you communicate.
Soul Colour is available on the Academy’s Shopping Page…….
To learn more on colour buy Narelle Green’s new book – Connect with Colour.

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.


We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 3rd November, 2014 at 7.30pm

Your Ultimate Power for Greater Health, Wealth, Happiness and Success

Juliet MartineWith Juliet Martine

Have you said to yourself … “I know about The Secret and the Law of Attraction, but it’s just not happening!” Then come along tonight when Juliet will give us some real life success stories and how they were achieved.

Juliet will be presenting her work and book “Manifestion Intelligence”.
This is the best book you’ll find on the subject of manifestation and how to manifest what you want.

Manifestation Intelligence explains the exact ways in which we unknowingly trip ourselves up. Do you know the Five Steps of Manifestation and most importantly how to stop blocking, sabotaging and interfering with your manifesting, so you can tap into your full power to manifest with greater ease and success?

Juliet Martine is a Healer, Manifestation Coach, Spiritual Teacher, and Author.

She has worked in the corporate sector with large FMCG companies for over 10 years, had a complete career change and trained as an Energy Healer. She has helped thousands of people heal, find their purpose, and fulfil their greater potential in all areas of their lives. She consults with clients in Sydney and via phone/skype throughout the world in spiritual mentoring, manifestation coaching, and running workshops and retreats.

People have described Juliet’s sessions as ‘incredible,’ ‘amazing,’ and ‘powerful,’ and her seminars, workshops and retreats as ‘transformational and truly life-changing.’

Juliet is an engaging, informative and inspirational speaker who creates light-bulb moments for all those who hear her. Others comment on her extreme authenticity. Juliet walks her talk, lives her truth and gives from her heart, providing a sense of understanding, insight and upliftment to all those around her.

Juilet’s Contacts: Mob: 0413199649 (+61413199649 outside Australia) Email: Website:

 MONDAY, 10th November, 2014 at 7.30pm


Master RobynMaster Robyn Returns To The Academy By Popular Demand!

The Teaching of Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha with Master Robyn Rice.
Master Robyn will present the work of Dr & Master Zhi Gang Sha’s – Soul Healing Miracles.

On the night:

Once again we will be given the understanding of the power of the Sacred Source Mantras…

Practice the powerful Sacred Source Mantras to help you prosper, flourish, succeed, bring love peace and harmony in every aspect of your life

“Da Ai” (Greatest Love) that can melt all blockages and transforms all life

“Da Kuan Shu” (Greatest Forgiveness) that can bring inner joy and inner peace to all life

The physical body includes every system, every organ, every cell, four extremities and more.
Sickness in the physical body include: pain, inflammation, infection, cysts, stones, tumours, cancer and much more. The cause of all sicknesses is soul mind body blockages.

Other recommendations include:
Receive Powerful Divine Healing Hands Blessing For All Aspects Of Life
Weekdays • Free • 9.00 to 9:15 pm  Dial 001117124325432 • Passcode: 28686#Soul Healing Miracles Chanting Channel 24/7
Master Robyn’s Live Chanting for Pets, Animals & Nature – Weekdays • 10.00 to 11 pm

Soul blockages are negative karma.
Mind blockages include negative mind-sets, negative attitudes, negative beliefs, ego, attachments and more.
Body blockages are energy and matter blockages.
You could create soul healing miracles just by chanting these mantras.

Master Robyn is a disciple and worldwide representative of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, Divine Channel, Divine Master Soul Healer, Direct Soul Communicator, Animal Healer & Whisperer, and healthcare professional.

All present will receive a free copy of the “Soul Healing Miracles” Book to take home

For additional information or to receive a complimentary healing blessing

Contact: Carol Liu,  E:     P: 0455 377 455


Peace Pole Day – 11 November at Grail Haven, QLD

We are basking in the joyful warmth of a very successful Open Garden Day in which over 150 people came to the garden.  There were picnics under the trees, a talk on Healing with Plants, pizza and cupcakes, and a good time was had by all.
Grail Haven-White AgapanthusPEACE POLE DAY is now an annual event on the 11th November, and we shall begin at 11 a.m. So please remember 11.11. at 11.  Bring lunch to share and we will begin at the Peace Pole with a meditation.  If anyone has a gift for music, either your voice or an instrument, please let us know.
On Sunday 21st December we shall hold a Christmas afternoon with ‘high tea’ and a CHRIST-MASS MEDITATION.
All are welcome to these events and they are free.
Blessings from All at Grail
Mt Tambourine, Queensland


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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