
AOL Bulletin – 29th June, 2016 – Changing Directions

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to ALLOW CHANGE

 F.Y.I.  – Accepting Change

CONSCIOUSNESS  – the final frontier with Dada Gunamuktananda

Dada Gunamuktananda
The exploration of inner space, our own consciousness, is ultimately connected to our discovery of outer space. Just as the world becomes a smaller place with increase in communication and transport technology, so the universe becomes a smaller place with the increase in meditation technology!
Dada Gunamuktananda: Yogi and Meditation Teacher Bio: Dada Gunamuktananda has trained in meditation, yoga and natural health sciences in Australia, the Philippines and India. He has been a meditation teacher of Ananda Marga since 1995 and has taught and lectured on meditation in New Zealand, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East.
Click here to watch this insightful video. – 18 mins


Ellen VamanWhen the whole world is changing, it’s helpful to remember how change can become the vehicle for your “right” destination.  Everyone desires change, but it’s easy to encounter resistance during the process. Almost everyone experiences stress (resistance) when listening to the soul because it means living life in an entirely, different way.


Here are a few tips

  1.  It’s a gift to watch the entire world change. Your inner vision of life is accepted and needed. A huge dispensation of light is filling the planet. (Who would want to miss it?) It’s also a opportunity to raise your frequency.
  2. This is a rare time. When you center in the heart, there is a palpable love vibration. You can feel higher collective consciousness. When you join with the higher vibration, there is incredible support. The veil between the physical and spiritual realms is thinner. It’s easier to have the support of angels and beings of light.
  3. It’s “normal” to feel unstable when passing through the process of collecting more light in your life. It’s also wonderful to “hear’ your inner knowing answer questions, provide a calm state, and connect to the All. (It’s not always easy to know if you’re right or wrong, but you learn this over time.)
    To read more click here
    From One True Self By Ellen Vaman

10 Minute Guided Meditation Boost Energy Levels and Feel Great

Guided Meditation10 Minute Guided Meditation Boost Energy Level and Feel Great. This magical meditation is filled with good Positive Energy. This Energy Boost  is designed for you to enjoy each moment regardless if you are awake or sleep.  Enjoy the magic found in the blissful and peaceful journey.

Click here to listen to this wonderful meditation.

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite), Concession for Pensioners or Students: $10.00 Includes light refreshments. Finish time is 9.30pm


MONDAY, 4th July, 2016


Wake up world-Vibroacoustic-Therapy-

With Rebecca Brown, Julia Smith & Rosemary Butterworth

In this group energy you will get the opportunity to open up to the Light to reveal more of who you are and to go home in this ascended state that will help you in your everyday life. Bringing more clarity and connection to higher energies that can be sustained.
Rosemary announced on Monday Night that unfortunately Karen Quant had to postpone her talk on the 4th July due to ill health.  We hope to have Karen back in September.
We are all disappointed but know there are no mistakes.  That means what is taking Karen’s place is perfect for us all at this time.
Rosemary said that as she attracts to herself (and the Academy) future teachers and leaders, the Light Bringers.  Spirit told her, that it is a wonderful opportunity to work as a group on the 4th July – to understand what it is going to take for us to bring this Light into this reality and our daily lives. To look at the change that is going to, to look at our lives and feel that we have no idea of what our world will be like in the coming months or even the next day.  How to live without an agenda, that is the question.
Rebecca Brown is an incredible spiritual teacher, here on the planet at this time to help us clear blocks and show us a way to ascension.  We will discuss with her what ascension looks like on a daily basis, dealing with the traffic, work, home and family.
Julia Smith also a remarkable healer is very connected to the Land.  She has discovered her talent for connecting others to the Land/Truth at sacred places around the Earth.  In 2017 Julia is planning to take a special group to sacred sites in Isreal.  Julia is calling them ‘special’ because she feels it may take 12 months to prepare the group to receive the energy at the portals.  Rosemary has asked Julia to bring her Celenite Swords on Monday Night (which in two cases recently has instantly removed physical pain) and if anyone has physical pain she can demonstrate how they work.
Rebecca Brown website:
Julia Smith:
Rosemary Butterworth:

Eventbrite - How to Live in Changing Times: Rebecca Brown, Julia Smith & Rosemary Butterworth

**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to event.

MONDAY, 11th July, 2016

Jason Snaddon

Jason Snaddon – Abundance Advocate
Jason will share some key philosophies and some daily practices for you to use that work. These are a sure way to create more abundance of everything in your life.
Since being aligned with his 6th Dimensional self, Jason has found his ability to help people connect to their own Abundance has grown even stronger.
Jason believes we can all be, do, and have abundance in all areas of our lives. Whether that is having more than money, more than enough health and well-being, more than enough joy, more than enough relationship, more than enough fulfilment.
On July 11th, Jason is going to share with you how he has created abundance in his life and take you through a process to tap into your own intuition/your higher self, your genius to support yourself and others to do the same and leave the evening with a strong focus on what is true for you and what is waiting for you to create.
Watch Jason talk more about this here.
To read more what Jason has to say. click on his website link

Eventbrite - Jason Snaddon - Abundance Advocate

In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light LogoWith Rosemary Butterworth and Peggy Stevens

It was a very different night last Monday night.  It was the first time that Fiona Reynolds and Mark Greathead had spoken publically about their beliefs and adventures.  And what incredible adventures!
In 2002 Fiona was a Sydney housewife, living a normal lifewith her husband and children but the knowing inside her was growing, the knowing that she had ‘special’ work to do.  This special work began as simply following what she was told to do on a daily basis.  To begin, she had no idea of what the future held.  One of the first bizarre things that was so hard to explain to her husband and children was to take s special ‘stone’ 1700 kilometres to Flinders Ranges in South Australia to the Adnyamathanha, which means People of the Stones.  She hadn’t even found the stone yet (the stone turned out to be a rock about 25kgs in weight). But with Minmia’s help she found it at Strickland House women’s birthing place. Minmia, Keeper of the Lineage of the Stones, for the Winradjuri people who was fortunately editing her book nearby at Vaucluse. She said when she saw it….”Oh, it takes away heart pain.”
Fiona met a German girl who came back to Sydney. She told me I had sat up in the middle of the night and said that the rock was a computer coded 101 – which is 5D (I checked with a physicist) this will change the nature of water to sustain the beings of the 5th dimension.  She thought this was the end of her mission. But No, this was only the beginning.
On her return to Sydney she found that Granmother Drum, which was set up by the Athabascan Indians of Alaska, travelling the world to wake people up and it was going to  Copley at Gird Point 44, Wilpena Pound. So it was back in the car and once again driving 1700 kms to South Australia for the start of mind blowing adventures. (For the full account of these adventures email Fiona at <>)  Fiona finished her night with:
It seems Australia has a special role to play.  (Steven and Evan Strong have identified that the Original People of Australia are The Root Race).
From Annanara….(a wonderful psychic friend)
“Australia within itself will now be the main guiding light.  The Oversoul for a period of time and this is now beginning. This is why there is an attraction that has been set in place for many to come, for many to see it as a Shangri La, as a place that feels so nurturing.  It is because Mother is calling them into the heart, the heart centre, that is now becoming and within this the Indigenous are being called to bring the sacred dance, the harmony and balance, through Lineages, through all Soul family, so there is a melting pot, an alchemy, a blending of many tribes. This will be connected again to Uluru and the healing also the Olgas, which is Kata Juta.  All is now homeward bound facing.  So everything within Russia, within Lithuania, everything within Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England, everything within all countries everywhere have strings and strands that are in new communiou with Australia.  As you in this embodiment have chosen to be the connection from this place, many grandmothers, many grandfathers come to annoint the Holy Grail within.  So the Christ Light, Magdalene, Buddha, Kuan Yin, Tara, Mohammed, etc., this vibration is all meeting again in a council within Australia, so when the coming of Christ is spoken about, the meeting place and the Galatic Federation and the new planetary system, it is the vortex of Australia they are talking about.  When all are coming to Higher Ground, it is Australia they are talking about.”
Mark spent the remainder of the time explaining to us the need to connect to our Higher Self or Higher Cosciousness before we can connect to our space friends.  It is a wonderful opportunity he said, to finally utilise their knowledge and enlightenment.
Email from Jax who attended on the night.
“I received so much Magic and tantalizing clues into my own Walk – but I think for the wider audience it may have been a bit bewildering – so much in such a short time.  Fiona is a natural story teller and her talk was enchanting – I could have listened for hours with more Show and Tell of her encounters with High Strangeness – which is becoming our ” Norm ” in this Time.  I relished every morsel but would have loved to hear more on the Andromedians.
Simulacrum* references of Images in the Landscape were fascinating – I shall explore More – I have seen many Beings – did not know there was an actual name for such a thing.”
(*A simulacrum (plural: simulacra from Latin: simulacrum, which means “likeness, similarity”) is a representation or imitation of a person or thing.

simulacrum rock image  Simulacrum rock

Thought Of The Week

Overflow waterfallYou cannot learn anything new if you are OVERFLOWING with old ideasEmpty out first!
..  Rosemary Butterworth

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

 HappinessI AM a creative, joyful being.  I dance my life with grace … Kalina Raphael Rose, “Rose of Raphael”


By April McCarthy
We have all heard and read about foods that cause ill health, obesity and discomfort but there are also many foods which promote health and happiness and give you energy.  We have listed some here
They’re a great alternative to standard spuds as they are rich in folate, plus they are better than white potatoes at keeping blood sugar levels steady. And since folate contributes to the production of serotonin, it may help ward off depression and improve mood. In addition, vitamin B6 helps create dopamine, a mood neurotransmitter that may help combat PMS.
Even if you’re not a guacamole fan, this green fruit can bring you happiness. Avocados contain serotonin, a type of feel-good neurotransmitter in the brain. They’re bursting with depression-fighting folate, mood-lifting tryptophan and stress relieving vitamin B6.
Walnuts are one of the richest dietary sources of serotonin. Providing new evidence that serotonin may be directly absorbed from food into the body, a recent Spanish study found that those who ate a daily 1-ounce combo of walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds had more of this feel-good substance than a nut-free group.

Read the whole interesting article by clicking here  


Akashic Records



Akashic Record Practitioner Certification Workshops Level 1 & 2

Where: SoultoSoul Healing & Teaching – Suite 4, 6-7 Gurrigal St Mosman
When: Level 1: July 23 – 24, 2016 9:30 am – 5 pm
              Level 2: July 30 – 31, 2016 9:30 am – 5 pm
Energy Exchange: Special Early Bird price $444 for each level, $111 deposit required to secure your place
To read more and enrol:
We are honoured to bring this amazing teacher, Bhavya Guar, and workshop to you all the way from Canada! We had such a wonderful experience last year, we are hosting her again and this time she is also doing Level 2.
These workshops attune you to the sublime energy of Akasha. It helps you embark on a safe, loving, non-judgemental and healing experiential journey giving insights into who you are and why things are the way they are. This certification workshop enables you to do Akashic record reading for yourself and others.
Akashic records is a healing empowerment tool, your most accurate oracle, assisting and supporting you as you move forward on your life path, past the obstacles, co-creating a loving nurturing relationship in your inner and outer Universe. It brings a shift in awareness bringing the causes into light and simultaneously healing the effects that may be manifesting on many levels.
This workshop provides you with a new empowerment tool for not only your own accelerated spiritual growth but also to graduate as an Akashic Record Practitioner so you can shine bright and also help others shine their light.
The Akashic Record Practitioner Certification Workshop is a 2 day experiential event with Level 2 as another 2 days the following weekend. There are lots of insightful meditative journeys, group work and time to answer personal questions. Students learn to get guidance from Akashic Records, clear karmic debts, unhealthy patterns, restrictive issues so they can align with their true essence and add a new level of wisdom, insight and meaning to life.
Level 2 Recalibrate Your Life – Level 2 Akashic Record Intermediate Certification
Having already experienced the compassionate, non-judgemental energy of Akasha, Level 2 takes you deeper. Here you will learn to connect with your ancestors across all times and dimensions. This level attunes you to higher vibrational levels of Akasha. It helps you access the wisdom reservoir for your ancestral lineage with regards to your relationship, responsibility and accountability to the DNA you chose to inherit for this earthly lifetime. Its not about only you anymore. You go deeper to heal ancestral patterns beyond your control and create a wholesome extraordinary life you want and deserve.
This workshop has been taught in Canada, the UK, India and is now offered for the second time in Australia. Click here to watch a recent testimonial video.



Labyrinth Facilitator Training in Sydney in Jan 2017 with Lauren Artress

Lauren is the visionary who began the global labyrinth movement 20 years ago. Learn how to introduce your community to the labyrinth in this unique program which addresses both meditative walking and ceremonial use. Veriditas has trained more than 3000 facilitators around the world – therapists, doctors, clergy, artists and labyrinth enthusiasts who simply want to deepen their understanding of the labyrinth. To register: For more information go to Sydney Labyrinth Summer School or contact Emily Simpson at

Theta Healing

If you have been thinking of taking our Intuitive Anatomy class then now is the time to register and take advantage of our EARLY BIRD Price that ends Friday the 8th July.
Intuitive Anatomy class begins 15th August to the 2nd September – this is an amazing life changing three-week course of self-discovery and transformation.  If it is the last class you ever take then this is the one –  the ultimate gift you could give to  yourself!  We offer very Generous and flexible payment plans – call our office  on 9613 0712 or 0414 968 216 to discuss a payment plan that is tailored to meet your needs or register now by clicking here.
For more information regarding our upcoming classes visit us at


A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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