
AOL Bulletin – 28th May 2014 – Love In Action

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to be of service.

FYI – Love Is Everywhere

 Download Your FREE Gift of Sound!!!

Sound Meditation CentrepeiceEvery Sound Night is so different and Monday’s was no exception. We had a quartet of fantastic musicians. Four wonderful people interwove their loving music into a form that relaxed, soothed and cleansed us. It was a concert of magical sounds.

The four people were: (1)Joe Van der Meer who produced some of the most beautiful harmonics I have heard in a long time. (2) Michael William who has the ability to produce sounds that are below the range of the normal human voice. This form of singing comes from Tuva, south of Mongolia and is known as Kagrrya. (3) John Butterworth gonged us individually and then to end the night gave us a Gong Bath. (4) Marc cottee – Didgeridoo, Rain stick.

Marc recorded the night and has generously made it available for all to hear.

In a recent email, Marc Cottee commented on the night.  “It was great meeting Joe & Michael & co-creating a deep, powerful & loving sound-form – you guys were awesome tonight. It would have been great to have had more time to explore the space & let our sounds tune into each other & evolve a bit more – look forward to next time!
John your gong bath towards the end was amazing – it definitely put me into a pleasantly altered state!”

Service is Love in Action

A wise man said once, “Service is always a downward movement,  it is from the strong to the weak” and that is what the millions of people in voluntary service are doing.  Helping those who cannot or haven’t the circumstances to help themselves.  Those is authority or power are simply there. in truth, to serve the community. 

The dictionary defines service:
As a noun – an act of helpful activity; or a system supplying a public need such as transport. communications or utilities such as gas, electricity or water etc.  synonyms;  Favour, kindness, good turn.
as a verb – To perform routine maintenance or repair work.  synonyms;  overhaul, check and maintain.

Jacaranda Haven RoseWhen we think of it, we, the community cannot survive without service.  We cannot survive without Love in Action…..Rosemary Butterworth, Michael’s Messenger (

Open Into This Moment

Voice of Stillness - QuiettracksOne of our Academy community came across the Voice of Stillness site  – – and wanted to share it with us.  They have a facebook page too and you can download Free mp3 quiet tracks and time-wise are only  1-3 minutes each of guided meditations to your desktop, ipod, etc.  Also have some tracks for 0.99¢ EACH.
We thought the track ‘Open Into This Moment‘ was an easy effective  – less than 3 minute – way of being connected – Click Here to listen.

Thought Of The Day

 “What if, instead of asking God for someone who meets our needs and conditions, we ask for someone who will appreciate our gifts?”

………….. Anna Fisher  Sunflower by JB

Affirmation – breathe deeply and say daily.

 “I Am centred & still, emitting Love to All That Is.”

 …Terri  Divine Mothers Blessing by TJH

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

BRACO IN SYDNEY.  With the free entry ticket to the opening day of the Conscious Living Expo, obtained from our Newsletter, a number of us set off on Friday for a Gazing Session with Braco. Some of us went to 2 sessions in the morning and bathed in his gaze. Others went to more. The energies were so loving that many people cried. After one of the sessions, a lady who had come all the way from Tasmania, said she felt the release from the grief that she had carried all her life in losing her mother when she as just 2. I, personally, felt warmth flow through my body and my guides told me to allow the energy to go where it needed to. You will be able to see Braco in Perth on the 16th – 19th October and you can always Livestream him on the Internet.

Your feedback from our Newsletter is always welcome. So drop us a line anytime either about our Newsletter or what you want to share.

This Week’s Feedback. What nice co-incident about the letter M. Yesterday I saw a van with writings “Merlin, making magic”! Then I thought to myself “it’s all about Mmm”! Thank you for your insights in newsletter ! ….Wendy.

Don’t forget the 3 “M’s” . Metatron, Melchizedek, and Michael., who so wonderfully serve and look after us. We are so blessed.

Health – 10 Protein-Packed Plants

What follows is an exerpt from a very comprehensive article from Alisa Rutherford-Fortunati posted on Gentle World (  For those of us who are becoming more and more conscious of what we are consuming this information is invaluable.  It may open your eyes to a new way of eating, it may simply confirm what you already know but whatever the situation her whole article is worth reading!

‘When most people think about protein, images of cheese, eggs and a leg of lamb pop into their head. Did you know though that every – yes, every – whole food contains protein? From your morning banana to your evening salad, finding plants packed with protein is easy to do. And not only is it easy to do, it’s easy for your body to use.

Plant-based foods are practically free from cholesterol, tend to be high in fiber, and are often alkalizing to the body. All animal products, on the other hand, are devoid of fiber, and are acidifying to the body, which causes calcium to be leached from your bones, as well as decreasing oxygen levels in the blood, and negatively impacting the digestive/lymphatic system.’

Pumpkin SeedsAlisa’s 10 top protein foods are:
Pumpkin Seeds, Asparagus, Cauliflower, Peanuts, Mung Bean Sprouts, Almonds, Spinach, Broccoli, Quinoa.

Click here to read the full article.  It’s worth it Alisa gives you the qualities and health benefits of her high protein choices.  If you are not including them in your diet you will be wondering why.

Mosman Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics. The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman at 7.30pm Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry Fee: $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 2nd June 2014 at 7.30pm


Spirituality for 2014 with ROBYN COLLINS

The tools of integration are between humankind and the Earth, Creation, Soul and how to live in harmony and oneness with one another and our environment.
You will be empowered to know yourSELF as an awakened spirit with all the grace of conscious awareness in your very own heart and soul.

Robyn embodies the wisdom of spiritual consciousness and holds no ‘specialness’ and encourages the message of equality amongst ALL Beings.

Robyn works by merging with pure consciousness, connecting with the participant’s energy field and energetically directing all energetic and Soul imprints into the field of Eternal Love, Freedom and our True Nature of Being.

Robyn says: “In our lives every activity, event, birth, life and death that occurs in a particular place leaves behind a vibrational residue which is imprinted into the subconscious and cellular memory of every human being. This imprinted memory is responsible for everything we veil and interpret our life through the natural world. These imprints are stored in the physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies.

Return to Soul by Robyn CollinsRobyn Collins is a spiritual teacher committed to serving the awakening of humanity. Her teachings invite seekers to learn how to stop, inquire, and identify the simple & true nature that is at the core of all existence … Silent Conscious Awareness … through Meditative practices and theory, expand your practice to reach deeper levels of conscious awakening, inner peace and freedom. Author of: “The Soul Code – Book 1”, “The Soul Code – Book 2” and recent book “Return to Soul” “The Soul Code – Guidance Oracle” and “The Soul Code Meditation Cd’s”


MONDAY, 9th June 2014 at 7.30pm


MONDAY, 16th June 2014 at 7.30pm

AOL CentrepieceMeditation Evening – SPREAD THE PEACE!

The Meditations this month is our leap of Faith into the higher vibration of “PEACE”

Tonight we will be meditating on PEACE ….

Come along and relax into this peaceful space. Leave all your troubles, your stories behind and for an hour or so, be part of our community creating PEACE in your body, mind and soul. This then reverberates out into our greater community and into the world.

“Since your body was born into this world, many things have changed.  Your body has changed, your voice has changed, your abilities have changed, your thoughts have changed, your interests or opinions about certain things may have changed, your emotions have changed, your possessions have changed.

Amongst all of these things that have changed, the witness has not changed.  You are the eternal witness.

Feel your vibration being lifted in this space and take this energy with you out into your world for the week. Whenever you are feeling low through the week ahead take your mind back to this meditation space and feel your body respond to the higher vibration of the night. “Spread the PEACE”


Don’t miss – LOVE IN ACTION

         with Andrew Harvey  Andrew Harvey - Love in Action

                                                                              SATURDAY, 7th June & SUNDAY, 8th June

Andrew Harvey cracks open the power and mystery of the Christ path, the true esoteric Christian Dontmysticism as revealed to him in personal revelations, as well as through the shattering fires of his own life journey and over 25 years of study of the Gnostic Gospels and Christian Mysticism.

“Andrew knows the terrain of the birthing of Christ consciousness in a way that few others do. Because of his scholarly depth and personal experience, there is perhaps no more articulate, passionate, and perceptive teacher to lead people on this journey.” …The Shift Network

CLICK HERE to see the flyer and for more info and bookings through Transformational Tours – email: or go to   1800 886 8771800 886 877

Andrew is a genius and an inspired visionary who has the ability to interpret the meaning and significance of the chaos and patterns of change that are redirecting the compass of our contemporary culture.  Andrew is a spiritual, intellectual, and cultural mystic whose passion is to awaken people to a new and essential empowerment in this world: sacred activism. He has defined and grounded the route, the means, and the way individuals can and should respond to the chaos and rapid changes that now characterize our contemporary spiritual and cultural life. Andrew?s research reflects his superb academic background as a professor at Oxford and his passion clearly reveals that his soul is on fire with a grace that comes from the Divine.?” …-Caroline Myss,  Author of ANATOMY OF THE SPIRIT and SACRED CONTRACTS

Community Announcements

Simple & easy to read yet incredibly powerful & insightful.“…T.F.

How To Move Forward by Rosemary ButterworthHow To Move Forward – Rosemary Butterworth

Special Offer until 31st May. FREE POSTAGE

This book was written to help people through 2014 and onwards when the new Light that is coming onto the planet magnifies what is needed to be cleared. How To Move Forward is more than a book to read!

It will help you quickly notice the thoughts and what ‘radio station’ in the collective consciousness that you have tuned into. It will give you very easy and practical ways to change thoughts and clear away negative beliefs.” It will help you stay present and enjoy each day. Practice these tips and today may be the first day of your new life.

Email for a copy – $19.95RR

AlkehelaHealing with the Earth

This two hour workshop includes:  *25 mins bush walk  *Teachings from Maori Elder  *45 mins Guided journey connecting with earth and healing.  *Teas and Mayan Hot Chocolate.  * How to cleanse and energise food.

When: Sunday 8th June  11am – 1pm
Where: Wild Valley Art Park, 321 Blaxland Rd, Wentworth Falls
Bring: Warm clothing, yoga mat and a plate of food to share.
There is a hall to use if the weather is bad.
Cost: $50  ***10% of money goes to completing our hospital, school and birthing centre Guatemala***
RSVP: 3rd June (limited space available)  Contact: Christina Christou, 0412 606098

The world is what you think it is.


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425(02) 9967 4425(02) 9967 4425(02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. (02) 8005 0(02) 8005 0 The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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