
AOL Bulletin – 28th January 2015 – New Year, New Energy

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to check your yardstick.

FYI – New Reality

Changing Energies, Changing Realities

Wow!  Some of you noticed the change of energies as we were leaving 2014, others felt the difference as we entered 2015.  By now, no doubt, you will have all seen that we can no longer compare what we knew for sure with where we are now.

We’ve said this bulletin is to remind you to check your yardstick.  That may be a bit too cryptic.  What we mean is with the new energies outcomes can be different to the past so let go of the past and open up to what can be possible now.  Yes, you may find old patterns rising again and your first thought is but I have cleared that!  No doubt that was true then, however now we are on a new level we can react differently knowing that a new program of a higher consciousness can be activated for the new phase of our existance.  It’s such an exciting time.  

Leafy HeartIn this new phase Love, as always, is a key factor.  We wanted to share with you this short video (less than 7mins) that came out  a couple of years ago.  ‘What is Love‘ is from the creators of ‘The Cure Is‘ and is a good reminder that you are the one that will benefit from your Love the most.  Click here and enjoy.

Connect to Earth Chakras and Vortices

We thought with the new energies that the article on the in5d site titled ‘Earth Chakras and Vortices‘ was something worth sharing.  Most of you would have seen the image of the Earth’s chakras before (and there are more complex images on the internet available too) and many of you may know the information given in the article but we wondered how many of you would have worked with this knowledge in meditation.  We thought it would be interesting to work with it in two ways.  The first way could be to superimpose the site over the corresponding chakras and the second option could be to ‘transport’ yourself to the sites in chakra order.  Oh, and just one more, the third meditation could be to ‘go’ to a site and work with that one site for the entire meditation (noticing how it effects all of your chakras). Click here for the article.

Mt Shasta Cloud Meditation in5dThere is a sound meditation entitled ‘Mount Shasta Cloud Meditation‘ included on the page from the in5d ‘Earth Chakras and Vortices‘ page too.  Click here if you’d like to go straight to YouTube to listen.  It takes about 30 minutes.

Unlocking Our Quantum Powers

Dr Jean HoustonWe became aware of an interview with Dr Jean Houston in the OM Times Magazine recently.  Dr Houston herself has been experimenting with new energies and has just made available a new online course – The 3 Keys To Unlocking Your Quantum Powers.  Here is an excerpt:

OMTimes: Jean, can you talk a little bit about why developing our Quantum Powers is so important in today’s world?
Jean: Being human inevitably seems to mean being faced with challenging situations, especially now in this the most critical time in human history.
It seems to many that we have less power over what happens in our lives than ever, and we often lose heart over events and happenings that we wish we could have prevented or even go back and change.
And yet we have profound capacities and powers that have been in the background until very recently, and gaining access to them will not only lead to a life of what I call “conscious orchestration” but will also allow you to accomplish things that up until now have seemed quite impossible. Once you become “miracle literate,” the miraculous will arise again and again.
These latent Quantum Powers have to do with understanding the way reality works at the quantum level, and to access them and to use them responsibly will make your life more adventurous, more fascinating, and more fulfilling in every way.

 We highly recommend reading the entire interview so Click Here.

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL Welcome

We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 2nd February, 2014 at 7.30pm


“Numerology wise February is one of the most important months of 2015”


Come along and see what 2015 means for YOU! Tonight Steven will tell us how the year 2015 will unfold.

Being for-warned can help you be the best that you can be. All those who feel a lack of self-worth this is a year for you to gain all the confidence you will need.
Do bring along a pen and paper to capture the information Steven brings to us.

For those people who are born on the 8th, 17th or 26th of any month of the year, or if your birth date adds up to an 8 brought down to a single digit there is a special bonus for you.

The Academy will be inviting Steven to write a monthly article on what each month holds for you, a monthly prediction for everyone’s birthday.

Steven will also do a few personal readings on the night.

Steven is best known as “The Numbers Man”. Steven’s skill with the interpretation of the numbers coupled with clairvoyance and study of astrology for over 30 years has delighted radio, television and live audiences across Australia.

Steven recently had Sydney Radio’s No.1 rating Saturday night Psychic show that ran for a staggering 11 years and 11 months an irony in that Steve’s own birthdate is also an 11. Also, Steven was a regular on TV’s “Mornings” for 9 years.

Contacts: Manager – Margaret email:

MONDAY, 9th February, 2014 at 7.30pm

Higher Frequencies – Quantum Effects

Contemplation by Terri


Culminating in a Gong Bath from JOHN BUTTERWORTH.

You may have noticed the greater frequencies that are coming onto the planet now and their various effects on your body. Some people may have felt these frequencies amplified their personal negativity. On the other hand, you may be aware the new vibrations have further developed or deepened your psychic senses or your hearing, seeing and feeling. You may have become much more sensitive.

In November 2014 Rosemary went to John of God whilst he was in Australia.  She subsequently discovered that the Spiritual Intervention she experienced significantly increased her ability to communicate with angels and other worlds of intelligence.

Rosemary will introduce you to the new vibrations of the Quantum Self energies that facilitate rapid “God realization”.

Rosemary & Kerry will be facilitating meditations whilst Terri will be bringing through Keys and Codes through her voice and together they will connect you with your Quantum Self so you too can experience these higher frequencies and be open to new possibilities permanently.  Rosemary says they are the strongest energies she has ever encountered.

Archangel Jophiel, the Orphanim and the Elohim have given Rosemary specific messages to share with you to help you be happy and joyous as you stay on track in 2015.

After the meditation the generous and talented John Butterworth ( will be enveloping you with a Sound Bath using Gongs and much more to increase and enhance your energy experience.  If you choose please bring something to lie on, a light rug to cover you and a cushion.

Rosemary is Michael’s Messenger and author of How To Move Forward, Leave Your Thoughts Behind.  To contact her email or find out more go to:

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

Welcome to a new year.  We lead off with Numerologist Steven Murphy whose knowledge and insight with anything to do with nmbers will astound you.  So let us look at what the numbers of 2015 can tell us about this year.   Steven said to bring a notebook and pen so you can take notes because there will be a lot of information that you won’t want to forget.

This year the Academy is taking a quantum leap, a conscious leap to a Quantum reality.  So we are puting a call out to all Star Seeds who have grown and know it is their time to become the Starlight that you are.

There are some areas where you are learning to know yourselves as you exist in higher dimensions for as the Light of the Spiritual Sun flows into you, you have grown.

Nothing is constant, the only thing that is constant is change. So when we grow in the Light of the Spiritual Sun we change our perspective of the world.  Inevitably, with the changing perspective comes a change in our actions.

With this in mind, the Academy has changed its presentations.  Each speaker will be thoughtfully chosen to help us take this quantum leap.  Many have been asked to do a series of nights so we may benefit from their knowledge and wisdom. 

It is an exciting year – filled with love and support.  We look forward to sharing this leap of consciousness with you.

Thought Of The Week

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” 

                     ..Marcel Proust…Marcel Proust

Affirmation –

Breathe deeply and say daily:-

“I am walking the path of my Soul’s desire.  My thoughts, feelings and actions allow for a JOYfull journey.”

                        …Teresa Hills…Yellow Flower by Terri

Health – Cleanse Your Energy Field

We are constantly reminded of the importance of cleansing our energy field .  The reason – we often forget to do it!  We have noticed over the last few weeks more than once someone say “It’s so unlike me.”  Well maybe the energy effecting you is not all yours!  So what to do?

We thought we would share with you two great pieces of information we have come across.  The first is a Robbie Holz article on her HolzWellness site titled ‘Cleanse Your Energy Field — It’s Essential!‘ which includes a wonderful bath treatment that she suggests we enjoy at least once a month.  Click here to read the article and get the relaxing, renewing bath recipe.

Intro to Pranic HealingThe second is an introduction to Pranic Healing video.  The graphics are wonderful and it is a good reminder of how to cleanse your field and someone elses.  With an added bonus if you are not visual to see how the energy is working.  Click here to view.


St Valentine’s Day – A Day to Celebrate Love

– with The Circle of Light

CofL Heart Wings Valentine EventFriday, 13 February, 2015

Valentine’s Day is a time that makes us aware of the quality of love in our lives. Whether you are wishing to attract a Soul Mate into your life or to experience a deeper experience of love with yourSelf this Sacred Ceremony is for you. We offer you this opportunity to come together and celebrate the magic of love.

Circle of Light

Circle of Light – Sacred Ceremonies

Mosman Art and Community Centre – Great Hall
7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
This Circle of Light Event is $30

Join The Circle of Light – Narelle Green, Julia Smith, Diana Del Principio and Teresa Hills – for a night of transformation through Love.

Expanding Consciousness
using Sacred Wheels workshop

McKenzie Coaching logoIrin Zschokke is visiting from Switzerland to present this mind-blowing workshop. Irin works with restoring a sacred grid of consciousness on the planet. Her 3-day workshop will enable participants to connect with this sacred grid, learn how to access the Akashic records, use family constellations to interact in a shamanic way with our totem animals of power, connect with our soul groups and explore medicine plants in an etherical way.

When: February 27 – March 1, 2015, 9am – 5pm
Where: The Tramshed Arts & Community Centre, 1395A Pittwater Rd, Narabeen
Workshop contribution – $695

Click here to view flyer for full course details.

For bookings and information contact Steve McKenzie on 0406286727


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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