
AOL Bulletin – 27th May 2015 – Your Divine Blueprint

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to walk the talk

FYI – Clearing is the Way

Clear Crystals

PearlsCrystals are electromagnetic oscillators, they regularly vibrate or pulse with energy they receive from an external source.  That source is most frequently the Earth.  We are taught that crystals are like sponges – absorbing energy until they are filled, then releasing energy until they run out; hence, the concept of needing to ‘charge’ them.  But, crystals are not sponges.  Sponges are not oscillators.  Crystals have a continuous, uninterrupted flow of energy to draw upon, as long as they are vibrating at their natural frequency.

Crystals can however be shifted from their natural frequency through exposure to client’s emotional release during a healing session or to the EMF of a computer or other electronic devices.  Crystals need to be cleared not charged.  Clearing is not a process of removing negativity from a crystal but is a process of returning the crystal to its natural base resonant frequency.

Sound is the most effective tool to use in clearing crystals and stones.  (A very intersting article by Naisha Absian entitled Stop charging your crystals. Clear them instead on the Crystals F.A.Q.’s site goes into this in more detail to read more click here)

NOTE:  Remember we are changing our human body from a carbon base to a crystaline base and so our body can be cleared in the same manner taking us back to the Divine Blueprint.

Activating your Divine Blueprint

Activating Your Divine Blueprint Of AwakeningLisa Young in her article – Activating Your Divine Blueprint Of Awakening – on Wake Up World asks:

Do you ever feel that your Spiritual Awakening has been “paused”, or that you have reached a plateau that has continued for months or even years? If so, the energies and information in this article and audio meditation may assist and support you in organically activating the next layer of expansion in your Awakening journey.

She shares two great videos on this page to help with the activation.  Well worth a read and then get down to experiencing what Lisa is making available to you. Why not get some like minded friends together and see what happens.  Click here to view.

A Healing Gift for Humanity

Rapture-A Healing Gift to HumanityCelestial Music from Joao Cota-Robles through Frederic Delarue has been made available for FREE. We are connecting you with a link to a 10 minute version however there is a 62 minute version available.  Details are on the YouTube link provided – click here.  Here is some of what Joao has to say about the music:

The frequency of this Celestial Music communicates with the Divine Intelligence of the body at a cellular level raising the consciousness of each cell. As the music soothes and comforts the cells, the body’s natural ability to heal itself is enhanced.

This sacred music is compatible and works in harmony with every healing modality or medical treatment a person may choose to experience. The music resonates with an additional blessing for everyone who is dealing with any form of cancer.

This music is a gift from On High and it is never to be bought or sold. Please share this information with everyone you feel would benefit from this sacred gift of Celestial Music.” Joao Cota-Robles

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL Welcome

We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00

 MONDAY, 1st June 2015 at 7.30pm

– with Teresa Hills, Julia Smith and a GONG BATH by John Butterworth


Building the Bridge to the 5th Dimension

This is a night to EXPERIENCE…

Before we can be with the Masters and Angelics in the 5th Dimension we need to notice what keeps us in anxiety, fear, and general feelings that are negative. In other words, when we feel ‘down’. If we feel ‘down’ then it means that our energy is low and stuck in the 3rd dimension. We want to move forward but how do we get out of our old programs that keep us repeating more of the same.
Our Intention is to separate you from those feelings and thoughts, and help you to dive deep in the meditation to experience an expansion you may not have experienced for a long time. If enough clearing is done tonight, Rosemary will take you to the ‘rim’ of the 5th dimension.
WHAT do you choose this moment? For example: to feel down or to realise you have a choice, to choose a higher vibration and gain new perspectives. Rosemary will show you how to recognise what you have picked up and how to quickly clear these lower energies and move forward. Then with Terri’s and Julia’s energetic help you will feel like ‘flying’.
Bring a rug and pillow, lie down and bliss out with a Gong Bath. What an ending!
Rosemary, author of How to Move Forward: Leave Your Thoughts Behind, is psychic (and has been from an early age) and is clairaudient, clairvoyant and clairsentient and brings through energies from the Ascended Masters, the Company of Heaven and the Spiritual Hierarchy. Also Rosemary has studied and practiced for many years in the fields of Philosophy, Alternative Therapies, Spiritual Healing, Counselling and Life Coaching and was the Founder of The Southern Cross Academy of Light. Rosemary works with the highest integrity for all.

Rosemary’s Contacts:
T: 9967.4425, Email: Website:

MONDAY, 8th June 2015 at 7.30pm

CrownQueens Birthday Holiday

We’ll see you next week!  Have a great long weekend everyone.

MONDAY, 15th June 2015 at 7.30pm

SOUL RETRIEVAL CEREMONY – Assisting Souls to cross to the Light.


IT’S TIME AGAIN to come along to participate in this Ceremony, this circle of loving service to enable any lost Souls to ‘cross over’ into the Light with ease and grace.

Please bring along a crystal or flower to place in the centre of the circle.

This service is to help Souls from all around the world who have passed away and do not realize they have died.  There are various reasons for a soul to become lost, it could be due to a sudden passing from an accident, in wars or lost at sea, also if they are very attached to their life circumstances.  Souls are lost between the worlds if they don’t realise they are dead and have not gone to the Light. 
To help these souls ‘cross over’ the Academy holds a special Soul Retrieval Ceremony where we call on the company of Heaven to ask for any lost souls to come into our circle of love and be taken into the Light.  

This is a beautiful loving experience for all those involved and great service to the Light.

So if your heart feels called, please come along and join our circle in ceremony to help these men, women and children who have passed away to be re-united with their loved ones in Spirit.  

This is indeed “Love in Action” and great service to humanity.

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

There was an excitement and an air of expectancy when we arrived on Monday Night ready to work as a group to manifest a new beginning for the Academy of Light; to take it to a new level, to create a bridge to the 5th dimension.  Juliet Martine had offered to come and facilitate this manifestation and at the end of the night I realised how fortunate the Academy was to have her facilitation as no one could have done it better.  It was amazing to watch her ‘work’ the group.

At the beginning of the night, I once again cleared and opened everyone’s chakras and for interest measured the energy in the room which was already well over 350 (Harmony and Acceptance) on David Hawkins scale of consciousness and at the end of the night, after working with all the guides (Juliet told us to call in the 50 guides that each of us had with us) the energy in the room measured over 1,000 which is the energy of Enlightenment.

AOL Manifestation MapWe listed from our hearts, all the things that the new Academy would be and from that we came the wonderful words listed below that we have promised to say 3 times a day.  Please join us.

We are now operating the Academy of Light from a beautiful Headquarters space for the wellbeing of humanity on all levels, raising consciousness beyond borders, as a source of healing, connection and Light for all who are ready to receive.

Most of you will know by now that I channel a Master – Master Korton – and in his latest message he has asked us all to help the Light ripple out like a stone thrown into a pond, the wave begins small and ever increases as it goes out. We are all light beings, remembering is the key. Feel the sun rise in your heart spreading Joy and Love to yourself first and then out to all there is.

Our community is growing so much that we have started a community blog.  Its not just that, people are sharing how by using the tools they have gathered over a period of time their lives are changing.  The goal is to inspire all to walk the talk, live the ‘life’ of a 5d being.  Send us a couple of lines in an email and we will add your story to the blog to inspire others.

Thought Of The Week

Create from the heart and birth a new reality of love. 

 Harold W BeckerHarold W. Becker 


“I embody my Divine Blueprint.”

Beauty  Teresa Hills

Health – THE ‘FLU

Water SplashCoughs, colds, flus – this is the season so it would appear.  There have been a number of people coming into our awareness with these symptoms that cannot be shifted.  A great article on True Medicine shares some insights and tips on the matter.  To read in full click here.

Two key recommendations are to drink plenty of water and to avoid sugar.  Now you may well say “of course” however how many of us just want comfort food at that time and comletely ignore what we know our bodies truly need.  Be kind to your body, mind and soul and help it to cleanse effortlessly.


Honouring The Voice Within

Energetic Healing AssociationThe Energetic Healing Association (EHA) Board cordially invites you to a special EHA event! May 30th at the Gardener’s Lodge Cafe
A night of connection, re-connection and yummy food! Come connect with like-minded Souls and be part of the EHA’s new Vision.
Time : 6 – 10 pm
Bookings essential search EHA Dinner “Honouring the Voice Within” See you there!
Click here to see invitation.

Bridge of Rainbow LightBridge of Rainbow Light

Uluru Sacred Connection Journey
with the Star Ancestors
6-11 September 2015

Guided by Belinda Pate-Macdonald

This magical journey takes you right into the heart of creation, to travel your soul lines, open your truth maps and connect with sacred wisdom. Uluru and Kata Tjuta are powerful sacred sites honoured by the keepers of the dreamtime stories of creation for thousands of years.
This is your opportunity to be 1 of only 6 special souls to experience life-changing transformation, in this place where multi-dimensional truth merges with ancient wisdom.
There are only 3 places remaining for this journey, so click through to my website and view the details here: If this is calling you, connect with me soon to secure your place:


Streetwise Spiritual Healing: Beyond the Love and Light
with Brendan D. Murphy, Alistair Larmour and Russell Byron

GFM streetwise spiritual small poster 4 promoJune 27th 5pm – 10.30pm

The key to it all is self-empowerment.
What our souls thirst for is not “Ascension,” but “IN-scension”: accessing of our core self within!
What we need is a true spiritual remedy for what ails us.
GFM presents three leading-edge speakers with the tools and experience for us to take things to the next level.

Find out more about the event and profiles on Brendon, Alistair and Russell at Global Freedom Movement:
Venue: Ambush Gallery Sydney
Cost: $47
View Flyer Here

Community Announcements


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup
so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.

Special Event: Movie PreView Fundraising Wed. 3rd June

AlohaBe the first to see ALOHA
Bring your friends Have a Drink Have FUN
Support your Community

Join us at Circles of Learning charity fabulous Movie fundraising Preview of the Movie Aloha Great Stars; Bradley Cooper, Emma Stone & Rachel McAdams. Have a drink in the bar afterwards and special balloon prizes to be won.

Proceeds go to purchase much needed resources for young children to participate in programs as childhood depression, learning disorders and behavioural problems are escalating. Circles of Learning delivers survival skills and healthy habits to cope in today’s crazy world.

Circles of Learning Join us at 6pm, Randwick Ritz, 45 St. Pauls Street, Randwick, 3rd June.

Ticket price $26 includes ticket, a drink & nibbles & prizes to win

Bookings through or 1300 GET TIX (438 849) on your mobile & all moshtix outlets.


Pink Flower by TerriWe have begun a new section of our Newsletter.   We get so many wonderful phone calls and emails telling us of the experiences that people have had during the week that we feel they need to be shared.  By sharing we grow together.

Caitlin Magic
Pam (Sydney). rang in to share with us her amazing session with Caitlin in England.  She had booked a time (10.00pm) some weeks before. During the session, she said she felt an energy like a continual cold wind blowing across her face and she could feel the part of her body that was poorly being worked on.  Her diet was changed and she feels so much better after the session.  When Caitlin was ready to hang up she asked Pam. to lie still for another hour and five minutes as she needed to do some more work.  Caitlin was so generous – the whole session including the phone call only cost around $AUD110.

The Magic is happening.

In order to create magic you must first realise that you are the magic.  I wanted to go to the states to attend the Sun Dance ceremony with the Lakota people. I asked for it to happen under grace in the perfect way and surrendered it to creator. Didn’t know how but I believed I would be there. Guess what? Flights are booked and money is coming in. Happy days. Christina Christou

Got together with a Friend and Practised Manifesting
I got together with a friend recently and listed the things in my life that weren’t in alignment with me being able to maintain a higher frequency.  I focussed using the Intention on what my life would look like if these things changed.  Within 24 hours, more money flowed in, within a few weeks my personal trainer left and I was able to change to the trainer I knew was better suited to me.  This was an exciting beginning. T.H.


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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Academy of Light.facebook


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